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general How do you feel about romantic relationships?


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Are you in one?

-I'm...working on something...but no, not at the moment.


Do you want one?

-Not an actual physical one. I'm weary of the dating scene. I attract trouble.


How do you feel around other couples?

-Puppylove makes me uncomfortable.


How many have you had?

3 "serious" ones and a chunk of smaller flings and "talking about it" situations.


^Click for my Deviant Art^

You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is.

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Are you in one? 

Yesss! with Chevette. :) and I live with him. (thank you MLPforums, because he's the only good thing you've offered me here)


Do you want one?

I did before it happened.


How do you feel around other couples?

Depends. Happy couples are fun. Jealous couples who get mad if you talk to certain people are NOT great.


How many have you had?

Like 4 or 5 "serious" ones.


Overall, it's pretty much the best thing ever if it's the right person. Falling asleep on his chest, going to Taco Bell, showering together in the mornings, making eachother breakfast. I live and am dating my very best friend. We never get lonely. :)

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Are you in one? No


Do you want one? umm..maybe? 



How do you feel around other couples? I don't hang out with them or many people often but I think its lovely.



How many have you had? Umm..2?


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Are you in one? 

Do you want one?

How do you feel around other couples?

How many have you had?

1) Nope.


2 ) Yep.


3) It depends on how they interact with me, with each other, and with other people who may be present. If they ignore everyone else and are obsessed with each other, then I am quickly annoyed being around them. One of my friends is ALWAYS texting his international girlfriend (she's from Brazil) and he has her name in his phone with his surname, even though they're not even engaged. He invites me and other guys over to hang out and catch up, and then he disappears for 2 hours to skype with her instead. We just leave because it drives us insane.


If they're more like my best friend and his wife, I'm not bothered. His wife shares a lot of interests with us and they are married, but still independent. They enjoy doing things together and being with each other, but they are perfectly capable of having independent conversations, or sharing conversations. His wife became a friend so we don't need the bridge of my best friend to be able to talk comfortably. If more people had those kinds of friendships and bf/gf relationships, it wouldn't be so awkward for those who are still single!


4) Two. I had two different girlfriends while I was 16 (at different times!! Neither lasted longer than a couple months). I've gone on dates since then of course, but I've never gotten back into dating. It got kind of hard since the girl I really liked got married while I was out of country, and I felt like I took a number of steps backwards. That was even 3 years ago and I think that I've continued to struggle getting back into the dating scene because it's now been so long since I've been in a real relationship. Most of the times that I find a girl I can feel comfortable starting a conversation with and think I could date her, I look at her hand and find an engagement or wedding ring, or they say they're 17 or just turned 18. Too young for me!

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Are you in one? Nope.


Do you want one? It would be nice, yes.


How do you feel around other couples? I'd be lying if I said I felt comfortable, it sometimes makes me feel lonely.


How many have you had? 1 serious and several flings.


The worst part about being strong is that no one ever asks if you're ok...

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Not in one, still don't care to be in one, am overly cynical about relationships who's participants think they want to be together forever prior to say, sixteen.


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Am I in a relationship?  I assume you mean an inarguably real romantic relationship with, like, a person lol (as opposed to one with a fictional ponylady).  Not currently in one of those real ones.


Do I want a relationship?  It's a hard question for me to answer.  My situation is such that I both do and don't want one (and can't be in one), and it's highly unlikely that I'll ever be in a relationship, marry, or have children.


How do I feel around couples?  Idunno lol; I don't do much couple stalking.  I don't look for couples and then mumble bitterly under my breath, "Love is a lie!  A lie, I say!!1!"  I don't see many, and I'd probably feel apathethic towards them.


Blah.  I guess I've *technically* been in one.  But it was exclusively over-the-internet and doomed to failure from the very start.  I have an aversion to human contact, SHE had an aversion to human contact lol...  We never even met in person.  Which was probably for the best, because she still managed to break my heart even from a significant distance.  Then she stomped on all of the little heart fragments by vilifying me and, subsequently, cutting all ties.  Even though she was the one that hurt ME.  I recall she said something like, "I don't need [you] anymore; I can cut and run.  I've done it before."  But that's well in the past, now.  I'm currently "seeing" a fictional pegasus pony; though she probably doesn't know it...

Edited by PegaMister

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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Not currently in one. Not particularly looking, if anything happens then it happens, I'm not upset I'm not in one. In fact at the moment I'm quite happy. I don't mind other couples so long as they're not.. y'know.. gross about it. If you're having full on tonsil tennis around me I'm going to be grossed out and uncomfortable. And I've had just one 'proper' relationship. I've dated other people in highschool n' stuff but it wasn't really. .a relationship? Hand holding and hugs.. 'bout it xD


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Are you in one? 

No. =(


Do you want one?

I think the "=(" makes it pretty clear, right? lol. I can't lie... I'm desperate. However, that stems from the fact that I'm in love with somebody.


How do you feel around other couples?

It doesn't typically bother me. If it does, it's only in making me feel like I'm worthless, and getting old However, as I said, normally I'm not bothered. I have everything else in life reminding me of that.


How many have you had?

A couple.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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Nope! Not in a relationship.


I sort of want one, but I'm not desperate. I'm not going to leap onto the first guy who wants to go out with me.


Couples never bother me. If my friend is making out with their boy/girlfriend I like doing a childish: "Ewwww!" But it's never serious.


None, but that's okay. ♥


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Are you in one?



Do you want one?

Not really.


How do you feel around other couples?

Good for them, I guess. As long as their relationship isn't detrimental like most of the ones I've seen throughout my life, then more power to them.


How many have you had?

A few, but they were all online and most of the time, it was horrible. Never bothered dating in real life since most people around my area aren't my type or don't bother with people like me. I don't really care though.


Relationships aren't for everyone and I think people should stop placing so much priority and desperation into finding one. Especially when you're still young and have your whole life ahead of you to find opportunity. You're only single for a certain amount of time; Enjoy it while it lasts. Personally, I don't mind if I don't find that "special someone" anytime soon, since I've got enough on my plate to deal with right now.

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Suppose I will update given my original post was rather vague. 


Are you in one?

Do you want one?
It would be nice to have a casual one.


How do you feel around other couples?

Depends of who it is, some I find nice, some I find obnoxious 

How many have you had?


Like I said, I think a casual one would be nice.






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I am in a relationship.


If I tell you my honest feelings, I typically think that many other couples aren't as serious as we are and feel that they are more trivial and less stable. Mostly, I find them annoying due to this and if I get to know them and delve deeper into the reasons for their relationships, I often find them to be shallow and based on physical attraction. But as long as they don't shove their coupleness in my face and actually act like normal people together, I don't feel this way. It actually feels sincere when they just act like they're two friends who happen to be together.


Yeah, I sound a bit arrogant. My apologies for that. It's just the feelings within my mind. 


I've been in a few shallow relationships like that (three) though and disdain any I see due to those reasons. But hey, different interactions and types of relationships work for different people.


Right now, I don't particularly want any more than I already have. In this relationship, I am satisfied. Sometimes I am confused, and sometimes I am doubtful, and many times, I don't even truly understand the extent of my feelings. But my therapist told me this is natural. When you get into your soul mate relationship, which I believe I have found based on incredible evidence, it isn't all perfect and you're suddenly happy for the rest of your life. Because neither of us is perfect.


There's still going to be doubts, sadness, and loads of confusion. (Especially when you're me) I still even have my doubts that this might not be my soul mate, even though I am mostly convinced that it is. Many people seek relationships because of this image they build up of romances in their heads. Everything will be fine and we'll all live happily ever after. It's not quite that way. Even with how happy I am with the relationship and how good I feel about us, I still feel lonely. I still need more friends. And there's still problems.


Being patient truly is the best virtue, lest you run into years of misery as I have. They will come, as long as you put yourself out there and try to be friendly to all you meet. One of those friends you have might eventually turn into a relationship. Just try not to be jealous, because you might find that things aren't as green on the other side as you think. I know this because it happens all the time. @_@


To me, there's nothing mystical behind a relationship since I've been in this one. We are great friends who share many interests, are vaguely attracted to each other (or as much as we can be to human bodies. I must admit that we're not too fond of them), and wish to be together for the rest of our lives. (Can't picture myself with anyone else and I am honestly completely disinterested) If I think any harder than that, I start to get confused and make myself upset. Somehow, I connected with a person on a very deep level and we decided to make it real. It started from a spark on the internet (actually, here on MLP Forums) and grew into what it is today. Living together. It's just a super awesome friendship to me, one who I can be totally honest with and divulge every secret to.


But we still have much to learn about this, because for both of us, this is our first time in a completely committed relationship. As time goes on, I know we'll both strive to be better and things will improve. It's never easy when you're starting out.

Edited by Arylett Dawnsborough

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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Are you in one? No, I wish. But sadly, even if I try, I can't be in one, lol.

Do you want one? Yes. But girls don't seem to be attracted to me, and the ones that are, don't last in a relationship with me for very long, before either breaking up with me, abandoning me, or downright ignoring my existence.

How do you feel around other couples? I feel that whoever IS in a relationship should feel lucky, and cherish it.

How many have you had? Three. Almost four. My first GF moved away, my second GF said she didn't love me, and my third GF broke up with me, AND abandoned me (not by her own choice) and is now MIA.

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  • 1 year later...

Are you in one? No. I wish I was, really.


Do you want one? Yes, but as far as I have seen, I'm invisible to a lot of people, and end up watching from a distance while the pain continues to beat in my chest.


How do you feel around other couples? I can't be around couples very much without crying.


How many have you had? None.


Explanation for the above: I'm a broken person, and have been most of my life. I cry when around couples, especially when they're talking about lovey-duvey stuff, because the one thought in my head is "Why am I alone? Why does life do this to me?"


I've never been in a relationship. I've tried, and every time, I've had a nose turned up at me, and "Not even if you were the last man on earth" has been said to me, every time.


By the way, "Broken person?" I did that to myself. Not on purpose, but I broke myself because I never could fully see the difference between reality and fantasy. I forced myself to see reality after my grandfather died, and I nearly lost my mind.


Now, excuse me while I silently let tears fall while trying to understand.


signature by John Washington

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I am not in a relationship and I have never been in one. And I plan to keep it that way. I have always been a loner and see no reason to change that. I simply don't like being held down by something or someone. As for how I feel about other couples... I really have no opinion as long as it has nothing to do with me.


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Are you in one? 



Do you want one?



How many have you had?



How do you feel around other couples?

It depends on who it is, and how I'm feeling. If it's friends, I'm very happy to spend time with them as a couple. If it's coworkers or acquaintances, I feel kind of uncomfortable with PDAs, but otherwise I'm ok. If it's strangers, I don't mind seeing them and knowing that they're a couple, but PDAs make me extremely uncomfortable.


I don't begrudge anyone their relationships, but I don't want to see them on my bad days.

I've gotta keep on moving.
I got troubles on my mind.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Are you in one? No...broke up with my ex a month ago



Do you want one? Yes. I can't stand being alone...



How do you feel around other couples? Not too differently, I'm happy that they have found somebody and I don't get uncomfortable around them at all



How many have you had? Just one...

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I am in one. And I thoroughly enjoy it. Though like any relationship, there is hard times. 


It depends on what the other couple is doing. If they're constantly kissing eachother, i'll tell em 'You're going to have to open your mouths much, much wider if you plan on eating eachother!"



I have had 2. But only the current one counts.


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Are you in one? 

Not presently.

Do you want one?

You have no idea...

How do you feel around other couples?

A little bit of envious, I suppose? 

How many have you had?

Only one serious relationship.


I recently broke up with my fiancee of four years. I've only been able to rebound a little with some flirting with a new cutie that I adore. Only issue being she's on a whole 'nother continent >.>

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Are you in one? Nope


Do you want one? Heck yeah


How many have you had? One, only lasted a short while until i found out she still hadn't dumped her old boyfriend. Fantastic right? As far as i feel about it i could really use a girl by my side, i really haven't though about very much for the longest time until just now. 

"There is no innocence on the internet, only varying degrees of guilt."

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Taken? No

Seeking? not until I get my life straight

Around other couples? Sometimes jealous, sometimes depressed, depends on the situation

Number of? Two or three but I won't count them since I was not a participating member, ignoring the gf, no dates, no dances, evasive, pretty much every check on the list of "the clam shell boyfriend.

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