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Am I the only brony on here who thinks Chrysalis should not be redeemed?


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That's my point, axe off Chrysalis, have the Changelings become integrated into Equestrian society. Chrysalis needs to die, no doubt, but the Changelings can maybe be reformed since if they're like an insect hive, they had no free will. 


Step 1: Kill or imprison Chrysalis

Step 2: Reform Changelings

Step 3: ???

Step 4: Happy everyone

I would like to think that Twilight would only offer mercy when it was safe for her to do so. She's a very smart little princess, and I don't think she'd be easy to trick ;)


Perhaps that could make for an interesting moral though. Be careful around people who've shown themselves to be untrustworthy and all that.

Good point. Twilight is very clever considering that when Discord tried to play games with, she ignored him


Good moral

  • Brohoof 1

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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I never thought I'd be driven to this, but today, it finally happened. There seems to be a recurring opinion among the fandom that Queen Chrysalis, a villain who nearly laid waste to Canterlot, not to mention attacked Princess Celestia, captured Cadance and locked her away in the caves where nopony would find her, turned the Mane 5, Shining Armor, and Celestia against Twilight, locked Shining under mind control while sucking his love, set her army loose upon Canterlot and its inhabitants, and did it all with intent to harm and conquer, should be redeemed. 


Why the hell does the fandom want to see Chrysalis redeemed?! She can't be redeemed! She doesn't need love to provide sustenance for her Changelings, she wants love to grant herself and her army extra power! Extra power with which they would take over Equestria! Why would anypony want her redeemed?!


Long story short, this should be one villain who is left as she is. Besides, it would make for a great friendship lesson: there are some people you just can't help. 


Who here agrees with me that Chrysalis would be better off destroyed? (Or at least as a recurring villain?)


I would agree with you even though my views on Chrysalis were mixed and not one-sided (mostly with her being a recurring villnainess but destroyed later on upon her greatest sin).


While I do want to see Chrysalis redeemed, there are usually some points where I wouldn't see her gaining some sort of redemption due to the sins she committed being undeniably heavy ones. There are always some points where you cross the line and just stick to doing that for one's own wants and desires and in the case of Chrysalis, there's just a point when she's not one who's on the list for redemption and forgiveness.

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As one user said on this thread, with the amount of crimes Chrysalis committed, by now she'd be on death row.
You're applying human customs into a pony world. 


*growls* Another brony who thinks Chrysalis can be turned into the Queen of Gumdrops and Lollipops.
No... but i believe she could be made an attempt to do so. Do you belive imprisonement was fine for Discord? What would they do if he escaped again? Eventually there would be a time where Discord would win... and the whole world would be plunged in chaos.

That is the problem with supervillains. Antman had the same trouble in Earth's mightiest heroes. He wanted to imprison the villains in order to reform and rehabilitate them. He didn't want to become the superhero that killed supervillains to protect earth because he didn't believe in killing. Although his concept partially failed he was proven right as to the fact that there was no point in imprisoning the villains or killing them if more of them were going to come, and the others escape. 

Let's try another villain from another show. Recently at the anime "Cardfight!! Vanguard" the last season ended. The evil power got it's hands on one of the protagonists and used it's lust for power to bring him to the dark side. No they didn't control him... they played on his desire to grow stronger and eventually this desire of his overcame his desire to be friends with the rest. He mentions in the end that he was planning on going after the evil that gave him the chance to grow stronger, that he never allowed that influence in his heart. So... a villain that essentialy helped destroy the world for the most miniscule of reasons... was given the chance to atone by fighting for that said attonement. Of course this isn't going to happen in 2 episodes and that's the sin of MLP i am going to mention soon. My point is that if someone who helped destroy the world was granted the chance for attonement then why shouldn't Chrysalis under certain circumstances?

The sin of MLP is that they tried to reform Discord in one episode... it felt rushed and very much so. Nightmare Moon was redeemed but... why... if she was controlled then shouldn't the elements rid her of her evil the first time? She kept a tantrum over jealousy for a thousand years... my god that is a pretty small excuse to remain evil for a thousand years. She also abandoned the ponies on the Canterlot wedding which to me amounts to the level of betrayal...

It would take more than just one episode to redeem Chrysalis but what they could do is this. A two-parter about how the ponies co-operated with changelings to defeat a common threat and long later another for Chrysalis starting to change herself. In absolutely no circumstances should they create one episode where a villain gets redeemed and that was a mistake done with Discord. As i said... it doesn't have to be in one go...


Well, here's the thing sonny Jim, every villain in the show thus far has been converted, with the exception of Sombra, who was killed.
The thing is we don't learn what led Sombra to being so evil. You are NOT born evil. What influence did he have to make him so? I mean the only reason for him being evil just for being evil would either be insanity, demonic influence, or him being evil itself(meaning an incarnation of it) but since they said he is a unicorn he most likely had a father, a mother, someone who raised him and made him this way.

And what's the problem with villains being reformed in general? I mean that's what ticks me off with MLP. There is no prison... but now i am doing what i told you earlier... applying human customs in a universe that's not human. There should be one form of reform institute that equates to prison. Equestria actually with it's attitude and existence doesn't support death penalty as whatever user told you. 


i don't care what you say or what the implications or circumstances are, Chrysalis should remain pure evil.
Says who? Just because you like villains they should remain villains? Do you think that just because someone is a jerk they should remain a jerk? Grow up... we should seek the betterment of everyone... even those who are villains.

Oh and something more. By that logic Queen Chrysalis should also have won over Canterlot. Because of plot-convinience she lost. What do you have to say about THAT huh? I mean in reality would any super-villain that minds his/her own good just happen to look away at the most crucial point and leave the protagonists conveniently unguarded? CHEESY VICTORY OR WHAT? Cheesy victory... lol...


No backstory about parents, corruption, bullies, miserable childhood or anything!
For once there should be a villain that doesn't get redeemed about any of these things. That's what it should be...


For once, there should be a villain who wants to be evil for the sake of it!
So for once there should be a villain who is evil for no reason at all? I am sorry but if you look around you everything happens for a reason. As science suggests the "Cause and Effect" exists and can be applied everywhere. EVERYWHERE. None decides for a whim they want to destroy the world... they all have a reason. 

And for once i would like to point out what happens when you have everything. Look at what Megamind did... the Supervillain finally "defeats" the Superhero because he is evil just for the sake of being evil and fighting good. And guess what happens later? He realises that isn't what he wanted... i mean sure that is a comedy but it makes you wonder... when someone evil gains all that there is... what does he do? When he has everything what's there left? Another way Chrysalis could have gone in the Canterlot wedding instead of the overly cheesy victory.


Case in point, you cannot reform parasites. You can only destroy them.
Everything must be in balance. Even parasites are needed sometimes to balance out society. If there is no conflict you cannot move forward but that doesn't mean you should seek conflict. And it's a very extreme thing to call a living sentient being a parasite... parasite doesn't mean someone is evil. It just means that their life is dependent on someone else. Changelings need love to feed upon as i think we have seen. If they actually kill those they feed upon they die themselves. So they are most likely a form of symbiotic parasites rather than parasites like the tape-worm that harm the one bearing it.

And by that thought all microbes living in our system and co-operating with it are parasites. Those are potentially harmful but not harmful in their entirety. I think that's kinda the same with the changelings... they can hurt others... but that doesn't mean they must.

As J.R.R. Tolkien said even the Orcs if placed under better influence could be better than they are right now. Serves to show none is born evil. 


Good idea, again, but Chrysalis is not the kind of villain anypony can negotiate with.


You don't know that. None has ever tried to be honest. With ANY villain.


As I have stated before, she's sadistic, merciless, and downright evil. I don't think she'd settle for just a trade-off. First, she wants her steroids. Next, she wants Equestria. Remember this little ditty she sang during the attack?


This day has been just perfect

The kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small

Everypony I'll soon control

Every stallion, mare and foal

Who says a girl can't really have it all?


(Important bits I have highlighted in bold)


She doesn't want just love, she wants Equestria, and no right-minded villain would not want to settle for just their little something. They want it all, and they would do anything to get it.

The song can also have parts to be interpreted differently. Like for example

"No i do not love the groom...
...In my heart there is no room."

This could be something good. I mean sure Shining Armor appears like a means to an end but that isn't evil. The thing is that you people confuse the comics for being canon. As far as i go the comics aren't canon. I seriously question how Twilight wasn't powerful enough to defeat Chrysalis at first but then suddenly when faced with the prospect of draining her friends suddenly mustered the power. Chrysalis was obviously stronger than her... and her friends were captured... yet another cheesy victory.

So ignoring for a moment how the comics went, because as mentioned somewhere "The comics are only canon if you want them to be." , this could amount to the fact that she has another purpose, another cause for working like this, a sense of duty towards the changelings she's got to take care of perhaps? Who knows really...

Yes she's a control freak, someone who enjoys being cunning and proving herself superior to others. She enjoys the futile struggle of her foes and doesn't bother a bit about them. But how does that make her evil? What is evil anyways you might ask yourself.

Well i am glad this came to play... Evil is someone who disrespects life. As far as i can see the ponies went in coocoons and they didn't die. Well it just might be as bad as dying but just because someone laughs evily doesn't mean he/she is evil. I fail to understand how making war to another nation can be equated with being evil. In that case every conqueror in the history of Earth is plain evil. Whatever... it might just be as bad as being evil but... 


The show may teach forgiveness, but for once there should be a villain that will not, repeat not, accept reformation or purification!
Discord was not entirely... purified. Discord still remains a mischievous, arrogant, and cunning sob but he has good intentions for being that way right now. Discord may not have felt right at the beggining of his reformation but he can be considered a bit better right now. 

And anyways some call her tyrannical... why? A tyrant is someone who opresses their people... i haven't gotten any proof that she has behaved badly against her subjects. Even in the comics she might have thrown a bit of angry comments at them but that hardly amounts to something as heavy as being called "a tyrant".




That's my point, axe off Chrysalis, have the Changelings become integrated into Equestrian society. Chrysalis needs to die, no doubt, but the Changelings can maybe be reformed since if they're like an insect hive, they had no free will. 


Step 1: Kill or imprison Chrysalis

Step 2: Reform Changelings

Step 3: ???

Step 4: Happy everyone

False... not all insects are subsequent to hive mentality. And i am having much trouble comparing changelings with actual insects. In bee-hives for example insects are being born all from the Queen, and so do ants, and Termites. If they were like that and had hive mentality most likely they would defend the Queen with all their lives and this would result in them dying. So no point in that. 

Also... you are comparing living sentient beings with creatures that barely have an animalistic instinct to do something else than what their genetic code commands. 

Lastly... Chrysalis by the premise of the show can't be killed... well Sombra has been "killed" of sorts but that's another case. They can't straight up execute her or anything. Also... if imprisoned can't reformation come through imprisonment? I mean there are many criminals in Earthly prisons that have changed their minds... and i suppose if the prisons really worked as "reform institutes as they were meant to be more would but that's not the case right now.

Though i do have to agree with everyone that the changelings don't have to be nessecarily evil. Only demons are evil for that matter. The rest is entirely subjective to our opinion. Though i do think that Evil is as i said above... the opposite of promoting life.

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Chrysalis redeemed?  are you mad.   Villains sometimes stay that, villains, Gilda maybe but Chrysalis was an invader a Queen not some bully.  It be like redeeming dare i say it Hitler it doesn't work

Tell that to the guy who just picked apart my last comment. But seriously, that's exactly the point. Redeeming Chrysalis would be like trying to redeem Hitler. She had committed way too many sins to be redeemed. Let the haters say what they will, Chrysalis does not deserve redemption. Besides, what backstory could she possibly have? From the looks of it, she set out to do this from when she was young. In fact she actually said it herself:


"The day of which I dreamed since I was small"


She was born evil. From the time she could talk, think and walk, Chrysalis was planning this. There's no excuse for that. Premeditated assault, battery and harvest, so it was.


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

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Rape, attempted murder, sexual assault, treason, property damage, etc. 

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Tell that to the guy who just picked apart my last comment. But seriously, that's exactly the point. Redeeming Chrysalis would be like trying to redeem Hitler. She had committed way too many sins to be redeemed. Let the haters say what they will, Chrysalis does not deserve redemption. Besides, what backstory could she possibly have? From the looks of it, she set out to do this from when she was young. In fact she actually said it herself:


"The day of which I dreamed since I was small"


She was born evil. From the time she could talk, think and walk, Chrysalis was planning this. There's no excuse for that. Premeditated assault, battery and harvest, so it was.


Chrysalis redeemed?  are you mad.   Villains sometimes stay that, villains, Gilda maybe but Chrysalis was an invader a Queen not some bully.  It be like redeeming dare i say it Hitler it doesn't work

Did you seriously compare a genocidal monster than spread the idea of racism towards a whole world and it's effects ripple even now... to a flipping fictional character like Chrysalis? How does she even COMPARE to Hitler? That comparison is beyond logic.


As for "born" evil. I fail to understand how "i dream this since i was small" amounts to being born evil. I hardly believe you read anything i had to say before... She had dreams about greatness, conquest even yes but... the great Alexander had dreams of conquest too... but i fail to see how he is glorified. The only reason he is not considered an invader was mainly because those he conquered were former enemies. That wasn't the case with the Indians but i am right now derailing. 


The point is that dreams, delusion, and aspirations are just that...  they don't have to define you completely. 


So... the first things she did when she was born was learn how to dominate nearby species? And she did that all by herself? No parents to influence her no environment no anything? I hardly believe she just was born and said "I want to conquer the world when i grow up!" that's just plain old ridiculous.


Rape, attempted murder, sexual assault, treason, property damage, etc. 

No... she didn't really have to rape him, No she needs them alive, No that's just in your head, Treason to someone she isn't even loyal? Property damage can be paid for.


Let's analyse the "e.t.c." replacing a foreign leader, kidnapping, and... i can't think of right now but just know that most of what you said if false and you know it. It is something you implied.


Also... if you seek to judge her guess what? She is the sovereign ruler of another nation and the problem is that she can't be judged by another nation's justice because it simply can't apply to her. The only way she can be judged is by conquering the changeling nation and applying justice. Then again it'd have to be using the customs of changeling justice becuase otherwise Equestrian justice wouldn't count for nothing against them.

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Rape doesn't mean she was going to kill him. Whatever the case, she was going to take advantage of him while he was unable to consent.


The Changelings don't have a nation from what we've seen. They're basically a roving band of hungry parasites. Celestia could have very easily declared war on them for the crap they did


Chrysalis has attempted murder, assault, battery, kidnapping, and many other charges under her belt 

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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I would be okay with Chrysalis returning.


I mean, I don't have a problem with her returning or anything.


I just don't know how they would use her again.


But hey, that's where the writers' magic comes in, right?


Especially if it was like that cool comic arc. ^^


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Chrysalis has attempted murder, assault, battery, kidnapping, and many other charges under her belt 
All of these except murder i say yes.


The Changelings don't have a nation from what we've seen. They're basically a roving band of hungry parasites. Celestia could have very easily declared war on them for the crap they did
Just because they don't have a flag or something doesn't mean they aren't a nation of sorts. Maybe you could call them a tribe or clan but then again those are just smaller forms of a nation.


Rape doesn't mean she was going to kill him.
Rape is simply put sex without consent. There was no sex. Also neither did anyone say or imply she was going to kill him. Afterall killing your power source? That's stupid.


Whatever the case, she was going to take advantage of him while he was unable to consent.
That is coercion. Coercion through magic. And yes... she did just that. I hardly believe that is evil but is is truly bad. Look above for the definition to "evil" i have given. 
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She tore the head off a kitten and intended to have Twilight murder her own friends in the comics 

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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@,That actually happened off-screen. She killed it that's for sure. But as i said above the comic creators have said that "The Comics are only canon if you want them to be." Besides if i do them same thing will i be considered evil? Cruel perhaps but evil for killing an animal? Also she killed it before the CMC not Twilight as i recall. Besides i find the existence of those cats in the comics and the "Cutsie-muchie-something land" to be solely an excuse for Chrysalis to be... mean. Besides only 1 kill is confirmed.

By the same logic Twilight and her friends should have looked everywhere to discover other changelings and free those who fell victims to them. But whatever as i said... i question the comic's canon-ity. I also question the way Chrysalis and her changelings are defeated both in the comics and in the show. In both they should have lost. But noo... nobody is bored of the good prevailing over evil and it simply must be done this way! I don't see anyone bored with THAT! 

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I think she should not be redeemed. Here's a couple comparisons with different villains.


Queen Marjoly from Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure kidnapped a prince with the intent on making him her husband. She also sang about how great she is and how she was gonna marry the prince. Sounds familiar, right? But unlike Chrysalis, she actually loved him, and would do anything for him. After she undoes the stone spell she accidentally cast on him that is. In the end, she felt so bad for what she did that she repaired the part of the castle she damaged when she broke in early game. Chrysalis had no remorse for what she did. She's unrepentantly evil.


Another example is Queen Nehilenia. She seems extremely evil, because she kidnapped Mamoru and filled his heart with darkness, even turning him against Sailor Moon, his future wife. It turns out that all the evil things she did were because she ended up kinda like Luna. She used to be a young queen, and she felt that nobody appreciated her for what she was, even though she was beautiful, and felt that people only cared about her status as queen. She found a magic mirror, which cursed her and made her evil through her feelings of loneliness and resentment. Sailor Moon healed her and sent her back in time so she could start all over again, which I thought was beautiful.


As much as I'm a sucker for redemption stories, I don't think there's any redeeming qualities in Chrysalis. If they did do a redemption story, I suppose they could come up with something like maybe she and her changelings were normal ponies once, but they were cursed and changed into changelings, forever dependent on love. That is the only way I can see them plausibly redeeming her. Otherwise, it wouldn't be realistic at all. Someone so evil suddenly decides to be good? Sounds like total bunk to me.

  • Brohoof 1

“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” — Mark Twain

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It depends. Chrysalis is a villain that will do anything with no remorse and there isn't really anything about her personality that shows that she can be redeemed, the writers would have to find a way to redeem her if they can. Sadly, I don't see any redeeming qualities in her.

  • Brohoof 1
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It depends. Chrysalis is a villain that will do anything with no remorse and there isn't really anything about her personality that shows that she can be redeemed, the writers would have to find a way to redeem her if they can. Sadly, I don't see any redeeming qualities in her.


And what happened the last time they still went ahead and tried to redeem somepony like that?






Edited by Anti-Villain
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I never knew she was even being considered. Fear not, for there is one thing Meghan McCarthy has been quoted to say in the Elements of Harmony Guidebook:



I don't think I'd want to reform all of our villains. I don't think that would be realistic. No matter how hard you try, some people (or evil alicorns) just aren't going to change their ways.

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Sunset Shimmer actually had redeeming qualities. She didn't hurt Spike, she had a sense of honor, etc. When she went demon mode...yeah, that shit got tossed out the window 

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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I never thought I'd be driven to this, but today, it finally happened. There seems to be a recurring opinion among the fandom that Queen Chrysalis, a villain who nearly laid waste to Canterlot, not to mention attacked Princess Celestia, captured Cadance and locked her away in the caves where nopony would find her, turned the Mane 5, Shining Armor, and Celestia against Twilight, locked Shining under mind control while sucking his love, set her army loose upon Canterlot and its inhabitants, and did it all with intent to harm and conquer, should be redeemed. 


Why the hell does the fandom want to see Chrysalis redeemed?! She can't be redeemed! She doesn't need love to provide sustenance for her Changelings, she wants love to grant herself and her army extra power! Extra power with which they would take over Equestria! Why would anypony want her redeemed?!


Long story short, this should be one villain who is left as she is. Besides, it would make for a great friendship lesson: there are some people you just can't help. 


Who here agrees with me that Chrysalis would be better off destroyed? (Or at least as a recurring villain?)


She's already being "redeemed"! By fluffle puff! :D


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Will fine just redeem every villain cause friendship bs . She doesn't need to be nor deserves it. That and show wise there's no point.

Unless you provide logical arguements to support your point i will attribute your opinion subjective and invalid. That and the fact that you previously compared her with her with Hitler makes me question your sanity.


It's not that she isn't evil... or some sort of it... but the fact that you compare her with a genocidal mass-murderer makes me want to just take a shotgun and shoot your stupid face. You don't make comparisons like that dude. So... don't...



Chrysalis had no remorse for what she did.

You are confusing remorse with being sorry about what she did. I don't believe she needs to show regret about what she did to be sorry. Example... she could be like Soryu Leon from "Cardfight!! Vanguard" who accepted an evil power to bring back the Aqua Force into dominion. He believed he had to do anything to achieve his cause and believed the imprisoning of the other clans to be simply a means to an end. It could be likewise with Chrysalis... she could be angry from a small age that the changelings were sidelined and hidden by their love-eating habbits seeking to rise up again and dominate.


She could for one be a figure that appears strong but in truth is weak. Like a shapeshifter she is, she could be the "fake it till you make it."... I won't get more into that... but she doesn't need a tragic backstory to be redeemed. What i believe would make her redemption possible is mostly her swallowing her own pride. If she could do that well... this could be something good.


She could be stripped of her Queen status by changelings... then as a simple changeling she could see the world in a different view... who knows? Again it is possible...

Sunset Shimmer actually had redeeming qualities. She didn't hurt Spike, she had a sense of honor, etc. When she went demon mode...yeah, that shit got tossed out the window 

Sunset had a sense of honor? Don't make me laugh... if she did... she would never try to smear the name of Twilight Sparkle in order to win the crown. And though she was redeemable she should at least have been angry about her defeat. But no... she was sad straight away...


I never knew she was even being considered. Fear not, for there is one thing Meghan McCarthy has been quoted to say in the Elements of Harmony Guidebook:

The what now? Anyways... maybe Meghan is right but the point is... that it IS possible, and it CAN be done right. There is that other phrase we humans use "Everyone deserves a second chance".


Chrysalis is a villain that will do anything with no remorse and there isn't really anything about her personality that shows that she can be redeemed, the writers would have to find a way to redeem her if they can.

Well of course when someone gives you one episode only to asses the true character of Chrysalis and not even that... how can you view her? As i said above she doesn't need to feel remorseful to be sorry.


The problem is that we actually haven't seen much of her "personality" to begin with. That's the sin of having villains be defeated by the heroes in only two episodes. You don't get to learn much about them. Besides i could attribute the evil laughter, the intimidation to them being simple... "scare tactics". I think for the most part this and her appearance as a black beast with fangs did the trick just right... they made her look evil. She also did a good job at appearing to be as a Queen simply by her standing there in a commanding presence with only the crown being proof of her being the Queen. But i digress... this isn't a Chrysalis praise anyways.


She's already being "redeemed"! By fluffle puff! :D

attachicon.gifimages (10).jpg

Fluffle Puff did it right... though cheesy and crazy and perhaps a bit stupid that blog managed a redemption of Chrysalis that seemed logical and hearthwarming... props to that. 


Again... my point is it CAN be done and there should be no question about her being unable to be.

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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Well of course when someone gives you one episode only to asses the true character of Chrysalis and not even that... how can you view her? As i said above she doesn't need to feel remorseful to be sorry.


The problem is that we actually haven't seen much of her "personality" to begin with. That's the sin of having villains be defeated by the heroes in only two episodes. You don't get to learn much about them. Besides i could attribute the evil laughter, the intimidation to them being simple... "scare tactics". I think for the most part this and her appearance as a black beast with fangs did the trick just right... they made her look evil. She also did a good job at appearing to be as a Queen simply by her standing there in a commanding presence with only the crown being proof of her being the Queen. But i digress... this isn't a Chrysalis praise anyways.




I wish we could learn more about her personality, the comics can do that for me. Maybe she will be redeemed or maybe she won't, I could be unsure of what happens now.

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As much as I'm a sucker for redemption stories, I don't think there's any redeeming qualities in Chrysalis. If they did do a redemption story, I suppose they could come up with something like maybe she and her changelings were normal ponies once, but they were cursed and changed into changelings, forever dependent on love. That is the only way I can see them plausibly redeeming her. Otherwise, it wouldn't be realistic at all. Someone so evil suddenly decides to be good? Sounds like total bunk to me.

I would be tottaly in for that... somewhere out there i think there is a saying from the show's creators that their holes are sings of them being "Incomplete". Notice how the name Chrysalis is the second stage of a transformation to a butterfly? What if that, like the songs she sung using the musical term "deceptive cadence", had also a secret meaning? What if she could "evolve" and surpass this? It would be an interesting inded and i have thought of that and am trying to apply it on my fic. In my fic they're actually supposed to be guardians of the world together with the ponies... makes for an interesting plot to see how the mightiest and noblest can fall and become so evil... like Darth Vader did.


I wish we could learn more about her personality, the comics can do that for me. Maybe she will be redeemed or maybe she won't, I could be unsure of what happens now.

Yea me too... i simply wish there was more depth into her character. Deeper characters that have reasons for being evil other than the fact that they enjoy it makes you like them more. Not sympathize... like them. A character with reasons for being evil makes a far more interesting character than someone who is evil because he/she wants to be evil. That's really shallow... and if an interesting evil character is redeemable because of the reasons that character is evil for then... i don't care. Oh and btw i don't count the comics.

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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Yea me too... i simply wish there was more depth into her character. Deeper characters that have reasons for being evil other than the fact that they enjoy it makes you like them more. Not sympathize... like them. A character with reasons for being evil makes a far more interesting character than someone who is evil because he/she wants to be evil. That's really shallow... and if an interesting evil character is redeemable because of the reasons that character is evil for then... i don't care.


Exactly. I've seen a lot of villains who be evil because they enjoy it, and it's time for a change at least. Anyway, I think Chrysalis will be given more depth in the future at least.

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