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Everything posted by Toastie

  1. I tried Skyrim and really wanted to like it, but it really felt like a lonely world of warcraft to me. I also tried to get into LoL but the community spoiled it too much for me despite the game being not bad. Also felt Halo wasn't that good after playing the campaigns on call of duty despite wanting to get into it.
  2. I like all games, not a huge 8 bit fan, to be honest when I see 8 bit now I think off hipster instead of retro games. I like 16 bit games like ff6 and zelda. But then we get to 3d games and im sold on any of them, my personal fav 3d game is Majoras Mask and the one after that is skyward sword.... I like zelda games! Don't think games should be judged on their age though so I like games of all ages!
  3. Most legit bedroom in the whole world. I'm judging from all the stuff in your room your a pretty hardcore Harry Potter fan? But seriously those paintings are legit, keep it up ^^
  4. I'm surprised how many people bite their nails and pick their nose. Don't think it is really classed as strange if everyone is doing it Anyhow in my free time I bite my nails and also pick my nose. Go figure. I also talk to myself and pretend to be the person I never will be... I also do humming with music really loud!
  5. I would like to hope that it is just darkness and the mind stops. If there is life after death it must be painful mentally to know that you'll be like that forever.
  6. I love touhou. My fav characters are Cirno because she thinks she's a hardass and Nazrin because well...she's a mouse . I would say my favorite game would be Perfect Cherry Blossom because Sakuya is OP. My favorite boss is probably Utsuho. As for my fav themes it's probably Alice's theme for PCB,Wriggles theme from IN and Nazrin's theme from UFO. As for the fighting games...let's just leave it at that .
  7. At the moment I play on Eonar eu. But will soon be moving over to join my raiding guild again on Silvermoon. One problem with wow is how many mains I go through in the expansion. In MoP so far it starting with a Resto Druid, the a DK, then a Warlock, then a hunter, then back to my warlock and now im on an elemental shaman If you want to add me on Real ID then it is Toastie#2469
  8. I don't want to say his full name because it isn't really relevant. But his last name is Bates. So when post is sent to him it comes under "Master Bates"
  9. Im starting collage on the 4th September shortly after BUCK comes and goes which is really convenient I think the best part about starting at a new place is that your more exited than miserable about the prospect of going back
  10. Mine is the route 10 theme from black/white. It just feels something pretty unique in comparison to other tracks in pokemon. In not to sure how to actually make the video visible on the post so ill just shove a link on for the moment
  11. Surprisingly I never got called for liking ponies. A few years back though I used to get made fun of by a few people for being pretty fat. Luckily I managed to get all that fat off now so I don't really get called that anymore. Some people call me for my passion with computer games, for example one time I got pretty pissed at someone because they decided to ignore Bayonetta for £4.00 to buy Fifa 08 instead; I need to go outside more
  12. Major Spoilers here! But in all seriousness I am pretty happy with him being it, will be a nice change to have an older doctor. Moreover he has already been in doctor who and has played the prime minister in children of earth so I am pretty happy with their choice
  13. So if you've not saw already 5 minutes of season 4 animatics was released. Here is the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnlquKcFM58 Personally this has removed all my fears for season 4. And the fact Princess Luna will be the antagonist is really nice as well. The DC one stood out as well Season 4 is coming out November the 23rd and I can confidently say that I cannot wait for it! So what are your opinions about it?
  14. Hi all, recently I've been playing quite a few video games and noticed pretty quickly how great some of the music in them is. So I want to know what your favorites are as well! If you could only link around 2-3 just to reduce the amount of times people will repeat the same tracks. Also you can feel free to say why then go ahead. It can be from any game you like, if it's one nobody has heard about still don't hesitate to post it, it might even make people curious about the game So I suppose to start off one of my favorites is from a game called Touhou: Unidentified Fantastic Object and the track is called "Interdimensional Voyage of a Ghostly Passenger Ship". I like this one because it starts of very simplistic but when it progresses the music gets a lot more lively and because of that the theme has been stuck in my head for nearly a year . <iframe width="480" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/ofuPQIPotn0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  15. Well wouldn't get the pocket one. I would say pc or 360 depending on if your other friends play and on what system that is. If they don't however I would get pc all the way. I say friends because it is more fun playing with them, and if you don't have any goal on minecraft it really is a boring game so friends would be the only reason to keep you playing. However if you do it is a blast to play with or without friends .
  16. I think it could be changed a bit yeah, they did that a bit skyward sword but personally I didn't like that game too much. As long as I can button spam my sword attacks I will not complain
  17. Will Smith Tell me something that creeps you out!
  18. This page brought me more laugh than hate for them. Some of the pictures were pretty funny as well The page also looks like he's as normal as us if he's made a dedicated hate page xD
  19. Ultimately it depends on the models of the genders. For example on WoW I can't stand any of the male models on the Alliance side, on the other hand I hate most of the female models on the horde side. I'll just go with whatever looks cooler, 20% to be exact.
  20. Just play Majora's Mask for the awkward boss names. Odolwa Goht and Gyorg. In Pokemon I always found N the strangest name. And GoGo from Final Fantasy.
  21. I bought a 3DS at launch however I sold it a few months later due to the extremely poor launch lineup. When I did have it though I couldn't stand the 3D but I really liked the graphics when it wasn't on 3D. But now more and more games are coming to it I really want to buy another, sadly though I recently had to sink £90 into a new graphics card so that's not possible atm
  22. Playstation 1 Game Boy Advance SP Nintendo DS Nintendo DS Lite Nintendo Wii Nintendo DSi XL Nintendo 3DS Xbox 360 PC If you've not noticed I HATE Nintendo
  23. I'm surprised how many people found the walking dead sad from reading this, I never found the ending to that game that sad, but the could just be because I didn't care that much for Clementine as a character. Also awesome to see that this post is still going, brohoofs to all!
  24. I think Valve's games are really overrated. Twilight Princess was my favorite Zelda game, and I thought Phantom Hourglass had the best story in Zelda. I hated Resident Evil before Resident Evil 4. Minecraft is overrated. Skyrim was one of my least favorite games in 2011. 8 Bit games bore the hell out of me.
  25. It sucks that the sale started the same day I had to sink £90 into a new graphics card , luckily nothing yet has caught my eye at the moment. The only one I really want to pick up at a later date is "Dust: An Elysian Tail". But we'll see in 8 mins when the next round of games comes in. :3
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