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The scariest thing ever?


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The idea that we might be alone in the universe terrifies me. However, I think there is another planet with life out there somewhere, but that terrifies me as well.


I mean did you see Alien that movie was scary stuff man

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Oooooh... probably a Wendigo.  I don't believe in supernatural stuff, but something about this always gets me shivering in my jimmies!  I think the scariest thing about it for me is it's relation to mental health in which someone suffering from extreme cabin fever can lapse into a state where they believe they need to resort to extreme canibalism to survive. Threatening monster, starvation, demon posession, being lost and hunted in the frozen woods and the eating of human flesh all rolled into one! YIKES!!!

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 2 weeks later...

The Unknown. There is nothing scarier than what is unknown to us, specially because we are curious, and we will be tempted to check on the unknown, and it will mostly be dangerous, for sure.

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this is scary foxy runing down the hall and going to kill you 



XD......I just cry laughing, b/c as i see that fox running, I find it hilarious and stupid.


In terms of reality, the thing that scares me the most is the idea of the people I love dying or being injured.


In terms of fiction, a certain movie I saw once was one of the most frightening and disturbing things I've ever seen. It messed with my mind on some level for at least a year if not longer.


I've seen real-life things that I'd classify as far more disturbing than that movie, but I wouldn't consider them scary due to variations in context.


I concur.  Death is indeed our greatest fear.  In addition, losing someone we truly care about is not only scary, yet heartbreaking.


As for the fiction side, I'm guessing that was Paranormal Activity.  (I watched the whole thing, yet I had a different view..............for i was the only one laughing in the theater b/c of how poor the movie was with its effects.  So fake).

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This. I've referenced it several times in the forum. I might put it on my page because why not?


Oh god, I feel very very sick now.


I... remember that myself. No joke. I remember when I was 7, there was some kind of red-eyed being staring at me from outside of my hotel window (I was on the third floor. It was floating.) And it began repeating mantras.


This can't be a coincidence. Could it?

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  • 4 months later...

Fictional? Probably The Exorcist. I've lost count of how much fucked up shit I've seen in the media, but that's one of the most deeply disturbing and haunting movies I've ever seen. I don't recommend watching it or looking it up if you're under 18 or if you're particularly sensitive about disturbing content.


IRL? Can't talk about that here.

  • Brohoof 3
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I'd like to say the scariest thing I've ever seen, but it's just too saddening and depressing for this type of site. It's something that I'm never going to be able to forget no matter what. It doesn't matter if I hired the best therapist there is, it's stuck in my head like a splinter you can't remove no matter how much you try, even with tweezers. 


It also happened at a fairly young age of mine, but not too young that I'd forget it over time.

Edited by Flitter
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Holy God, This topic is fairy old.


I was learning English back then. v.v


My shameful grammar error scares me .....

Edited by Monsieur Noel
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Human Centipede was...odd.


Ive been beaten, watched friends die, and spent my teenage years actively trying to kill myself with every drug around. I'm pretty unflappable at this point.


The only legitimate fear Ive felt in the last decade, was my best friend taking a chainsaw to the face. Less than an inch in any direction and it would've been a wrap.


Other than that, allowing myself to really connect with anyone. Host of abandonment issues, see above.

Edited by TSD
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Panic attacks. Having an anxiety disorder, panic attacks that arise from nothing are the scariest thing. It's pure fear without a reason and because there is no reason, there is no way to battle it in media res (it's a literary term, I know). It's like trying to figure out where a voice came from if you trapped yourself in a soundproof room alone.

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Human Centipede was...odd.


Ive been beaten, watched friends die, and spent my teenage years actively trying to kill myself with every drug around. I'm pretty unflappable at this point.


The only legitimate fear Ive felt in the last decade, was my best friend taking a chainsaw to the face. Less than an inch in any direction and it would've been a wrap.


Other than that, allowing myself to really connect with anyone. Host of abandonment issues, see above.

That really puts things into perspective. You have my sympathy, if it means anything to you. I have lived through some bad shit myself, but that is brutal.

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Ah...no sympathy in order.


Without getting into all the sordid details, I was a pretty terrible person myself. Its not exactly black and white, but I hurt a lot of people. Could blame it on the fights at home, drugs, whatever. That's kind of a cop out though.


The saving grace is that all of that eventually led me to ayahuasca, which has been quite transformative.


And I totally feel like I'm hijacking the thread. Sorry ya'll. I feel compelled to try to explain or clarify at times. Usually just end up rambling.

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Well when I was young about 5ish I played the first Resident Evil 1 on my ps1 I was like oh this is cool then this...



did absolutely nothing to scare me I mean I was a bit like oh wow so I scampered along but then they came...



and were a bit jump scary but beyond that not too bad so I finished the game.


A few years later though I picked up this little game on the Gamecube called "Resident Evil Remake", I thought oh cool it's like the old one so I played it and thought oh they changed a few things to keep it fresh but it's still relatively similar. So I got through the Mansion at the start without being too afraid so I then went to the Guardhouse...


"OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL IS THAT, THAT WASN'T IN THE ORIGINAL. WHY DO MY BULLETS NOT WORK? DIE YOU CRAZY ZOMBIE B@!#% DIE..." I never reached the Guardhouse. She haunted my nightmares for quite some time after that


So then a few days ago I bought the new Resident Evil Remastered edition on PS3... she's still scary but I beat her by running away and never touching her... ever... not even if you paid me.


Lisa Trevor is still out there.

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One of the scariest things I've ever read was probably the story of the Smiling Man on Reddit. IRL...dogs used to scare me but since we have one now I'm fine with them. I hate needles but I'm no longer going to try to break if I ever need a shot.


I think doctors and dentists scare me most, since I usually only visit the doctor if I feel something really bad may be happening.

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Some people mention death/dying.  I'm not afraid of death, as in being dead, because I believe it will be painless.  I will simply not exist.  But dying does worry me.  I am hypersensitive to pain so anything short of dying while unconscious worries me.


My biggest fear is being attacked by another person.

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Dying. Seriously, think about it. What happens when you die? What happens next? Do you move on to the afterlife? Do you get reborn without memory of your past life? It's really scary to think about. :(


Yes, the death is really a scary thing for us humans, i don't have an religion, so i believe when you die, it's just a ethernal sleep without dreams

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These motherfuckers right here.


Sharks are the only thing I actively fear. And experts say the best way to get rid off that fear is to swim with them?! NOPE, NOPE, NOPE, NOPE, SO MUCH NOPE!

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