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What are your thoughts on McDonald's?


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What do you think about McDonald's? I would say there are more McDonald's places then there needs to be. Also their food is some of the most mediocre I've ever tasted because they don't have a very good taste compared to other fast food places. The pictures of their food look way better then how they actually appear which is very dissapointing. Their meals are too small and all feel like kids meals. Also I feel like places like In N Out have better quality burgers. I feel like the best food there are the fries but I think In N Out and Burger King fries are better. I'd say it's one of the worst places to eat.

maxresdefault.jpgSo what are your personal thoughts on McDonald's?

  • Brohoof 8
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i personally love mcdonalds, i love their fries and burgers, yeah, some places have better burgers like Five Guys, but for a quick tasty meal, Mcdonalds does it, i usually order the 10 piece mcnugget, or a double quarter pounder, but some times just a large fri will do, speaking of which, their fires taste great with their sweet & sour sauce, also mcdonalds sweet & sour sauce is the best in the buisness

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It's good. But it's kinda filled with lies. I remember ordering a McTasty with bacon once. The "bacon" was one measly one inch long strip of it. But I guess that if you look at the price-amount ratio they're decent. But if you want a really good burger I'd say head over to Burger King. Their burgers blow the ones McDonald has out of the water by far.

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I like McDonald's in the sense that if I decide to eat there it is not because I want high quality food, I just want something I can eat quickly. I don't really expect high quality food from any fast food place because that is not the role it's meant to serve.

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Personally, I think McDonalds isn't very appetizing, but I've eaten it when its the most convenient option. I want to avoid eating it as much as possible as I get older, since my metabolism now has no issue with it, but when I'm older I know it wouldn't be able to handle that kind of nasty food. 

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- There are way too many McDonalds restaraunts. It seems like just about everywhere you turn, one is there.

(You never see one under construction, either. They just show up  :blink: ).


- I find all fast food to be absolutley vile. (Including McDonalds).

I don't eat it and I avoid it at all costs. It's bad for your health with all of the grease, salt, sugar, etc.

And, it honestly doesn't even taste that good.


- McDonald's food is re-heated and served to you.

The food is not "freshly made". The food sits out until someone orders it.


- There is no such thing as "fresh grown meat" to fast food restaraunts.

The chickens, cows, and pigs are given growth hormones and other things just to make them more fat. They are not fed an appropriate diet and they are treated terribly.


Fun Fact:

The popular chicken nuggets aren't made from fresh white meat chicken. In fact, they're made from "mechanically-separated meat"

(A mixture created when the bones and carcass of a leftover chicken are mixed together in a food processor).



This is what chicken nuggets look like before you eat them:


Edited by Royal Blue Jay
  • Brohoof 8
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I like mcdonalds. I don't eat it too often though, cause fast food destroys my stomach. I'll get the spicy mcchicken, no mayo. It's the only thing I like there.


In terms of other fast food places...no. Just ew. I can stand Jack in the Box's spicy chicken. I can stand the curly fries. But other than that I cannot eat any other thing from a fast food place from the 3 things I've listed.


I'd rather eat home cooked meals though anyways. So eh.

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- There are way too many McDonalds restaraunts. It seems like just about everywhere you turn, one is there.

(You never see one under construction, either. They just show up  :blink: ).


- I find all fast food to be absolutley vile. (Including McDonalds).

I don't eat it and I avoid it at all costs. It's bad for your health with all of the grease, salt, sugar, etc.

And, it honestly doesn't even taste that good.


- McDonald's food is re-heated and served to you.

The food is not "freshly made". The food sits out until someone orders it.


- There is no such thing as "fresh grown meat" to fast food restaraunts.

The chickens, cows, and pigs are given growth hormones and other things just to make them more fat. They are not fed an appropriate diet and they are treated terribly.


Fun Fact:

The popular chicken nuggets aren't made from fresh white meat chicken. In fact, they're made from "mechanically-separated meat"

(A mixture created when the bones and carcass of a leftover chicken are mixed together in a food processor).



This is what chicken nuggets look like before you eat them:




I only eat McD's on occasion, and I personally enjoy it.

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I wanna know why everyone loves their fries so much... I mean they're small, soggy, and they taste like cardboard with salt. It's clown food I guess.  :lol: Not all on the McMenu is really bad but if I eat one of their burgers for example, I genuinely want to puke - I'm serious, not even joking. So normally I'll just get a soda, maybe chicken sometimes if I'm desperate. 

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Not a big fan of McDonald's, it's quick, nasty ass food for cheap price. I'll eat it sometimes though if I'm stoned


Oh man, I wish we had In-And-Out Burger here on the East Coast. So good!  :wub:  Californians don't know how lucky they are.

  • Brohoof 6
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I used to like it, but now I find it gross. There are far better options in my area than McDonalds such as In N Out Burger and others. It's unbelievable how much McDonalds locations there are and I don't buy what they say in their ads.

Oh man, I wish we had In-And-Out Burger here on the East Coast. So good!  :wub:  Californians don't know how lucky they are.

Yep, and because of that, there are lines that are time-consuming no matter if you're ordering inside or at the drive-thru.

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I rarely ate there years ago, never was impressed by anything on their menu. But then I started working at one, and worked there for a year and a half. They give you one free meal per shift, and sooner or later you're bound to try just about everything they have even if only just to get a little variety. I got sick of them during that time, but since I stopped working there, I've noticed there's a few things I got used to and still really enjoy, like the Hot N' Spicy chicken sandwich, the Big Mac and the McRib when it shows up. Everything else they have is actually not too bad, but a lot of it is more "meh" then actually good.


Fast food isn't supposed to be healthy or necessarily "mouth-watering good", and Mickey D's actually does better than some. (Looking at you, Sonic.)

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I used to work there.... hey you should never order coffee after they close the lobby (They wont make you a fresh pot even if you request it unless they have run out), They clean the soda fountain about once a month, They never clean the ice machine or the ice hopper for the drink machine. The "fresh" side salads could be sitting in the cooler for up to 4 days before they throw them out to make new ones. Ordering chicken can be dangerous during the night shift, since they will not make fresh until the old stuff is finished you make special orders in the drive through, they will get it wrong, and will refuse to refund you. The rule about cooks wearing gloves is hardly ever enforced. One time, our manager discovered a case of McRibs in the freezer after they were discontinued... They were out of date, and he sold them anyways.


Its a terrible place were happiness dies.

  • Brohoof 4
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- There are way too many McDonalds restaraunts. It seems like just about everywhere you turn, one is there.

(You never see one under construction, either. They just show up  :blink: ).


- I find all fast food to be absolutley vile. (Including McDonalds).

I don't eat it and I avoid it at all costs. It's bad for your health with all of the grease, salt, sugar, etc.

And, it honestly doesn't even taste that good.


- McDonald's food is re-heated and served to you.

The food is not "freshly made". The food sits out until someone orders it.


- There is no such thing as "fresh grown meat" to fast food restaraunts.

The chickens, cows, and pigs are given growth hormones and other things just to make them more fat. They are not fed an appropriate diet and they are treated terribly.


Fun Fact:

The popular chicken nuggets aren't made from fresh white meat chicken. In fact, they're made from "mechanically-separated meat"

(A mixture created when the bones and carcass of a leftover chicken are mixed together in a food processor).



This is what chicken nuggets look like before you eat them:


I didn't see one being constructed, but there was a McDonalds RIGHT by the High School I went to, and one of the classes I went to had a PERFECT view of the McDonalds from the window, so I ended up seeing it being deconstructed day by day. (They said it was going to replaced with Apartment buildings, and it eventually was.)

Edited by Shadowking58
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Meh. they're alright. I still enjoy a Big Mac every now and then.


However, In-N-Out and Carl's Jr are my go-to places for any time I feel like eating fast food

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