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What Are Your Thoughts On Snow?


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I love snow.. with a decent amount. I'd consider snowy day as a perfect weather condition. 

  • Brohoof 3
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I think snow is beautiful to look at and fun to play in, but I hate driving in it or having to shovel out driveways and sidewalks. Happily I no longer have to do that since I live in California, but I've seem more than my fair share of extreme winters in the Northeast and Midwest.

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Snow is really pretty and sparkly to look when light is shining on it. It's also really fun to play with. Not too keen about the cold aspect and slipping and sliding when walking in it. I think I would enjoy snow more if I ever had winter gear. 

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It's something I hope to see one day because the Country of Upside-downness never snows. I have heard plenty of horror stories from my friends about snow though

  • Brohoof 1
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It snow big deal, overall it's nice;
Unless you must go, then you pay a price.

As OP so adroitly expresses;
Snow is fun but ice sure ain',
Nor are frostbite or sickness;
Though it can be worth the pain.

(I just realized that "ain't" and "pain" partly rhymed, so I decided halfway through the post to do something with it-)

Also sometimes, salt makes it worse - it melts the snow, but then the water re-freezes into ice.

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 Tell me aaaall your thoughts on snow~ Because I'd really like to hear them!~

 Oooh! I adore snow & winter in all it's capacity & forms! Be it the spitty dusting of sleet that I used to see in California or the car-depth in Idaho! Snow & the cold are just the most beautiful things in the world to me! It blankets everything in a white powder coat of clean white, yet usually keeps to the forms underneath! The chill numbness of the wintry air makes breathing so much more invigorating & delicious! While it may be the dormancy of nature, everything feels so much more alive! It's a time to be glad about staying alive, taking the proper precautions, but being well aware of how nature can be so very beautiful even while asleep! I am of the standpoint that there is nary a fault to a good, snowy winter!

 ...Well, one. Do dread it when a busy country subdivision is too far out to get snowplowed... yet people still need to go out... so the road snow gets pulverized into slush, then sleet, to hardpacked ice, to an impenetrable crust of slipperiness. I've never broken anything in a fall, but it's incredibly scary when the world practically loses all stability & you can only walk outside with inch-thick cleats on your shoes.

 Yeh, I walk out in the snow. I've purposefully walked through three-foot snowbanks in three-inch sandals. I love ice!

 Iced Ice, baby!

  • Brohoof 1
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As a child I loved it, but now as a grumpy adult, all it means is shit internet and frostbite.

I still think it looks beautiful, though. If only it wasn't so cold.

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