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How do you make decisions?



47 users have voted

  1. 1. Which do you use?

    • Head
    • Heart
    • Gut (Instincts)

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When making any sort of decision, which do you follow: your brain, your heart, or your instincts?


There are pros and cons to each. Choices made with your brain are the most well thought out and logical but can leave you unsatisfied. With your heart you will likely feel good about what you're doing, but it won't always work out. And with your instincts you can sometimes feel extremely confident in what you're doing, but your instincts aren't always right.


Personally I almost always use my head, but I trust my instincts above all else. If they give me a strong feeling about something, I never ignore it.

  • Brohoof 1

Signature by Lacerna | You should fill out my Johari Window. All the cool kids are doing it.

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I would say my heart and my brain at the same time. I know it's wierd but that's me :)

  • Brohoof 1


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I don't





Well, guess I do. I mostly just depend on my gut, or instincts, if the situation is 'Search and find' or other related matters. If the situations is more complicated, say the world currently rests on my hands making a deal with aliens or something, I push all my instincts away and let Heart and Brain have a long, smooth(not really) discussion on what to do next in their quarters.


But, if it's day to day small choices, Then 'Head' is in charge.

Edited by The Snowy Mystery

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Any of the three, depending on the situation.


Deciding on the process to solve a math problem: head.


Deciding what I want to do with my life in ten years from now: heart.


Deciding what to eat: gut... or stomach, more precisely.


For most day-to-day decisions, I'm gonna say my gut is in charge. I do so many things without consciously thinking, like taking the shortest path to the kitchen, deciding whether or not to stop for a yellow light while driving, or simply swallowing, sneezing, or scratching an itch. For most things, I don't think. I just do.

Edited by Regulus




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The problem is that-your feelings only know and react to what you think. So you may as well look at all your options and choose the one that is most likely to give you the outcome you want.


If only life were as simple as just choosing-the fact remains however that we almost never have all the information-so a part of the decision making process is always going to be the gut and the feelings as well as the head.


The only constant I've found is-when you've made a decision-stick to it.

  • Brohoof 1


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I trust all three instincts within me, it's when they aren't being to their fullest where it seems I need some guide from someone to help me make my final decision


I hope that by being 20 I can fully learn to make my most important decisions without much help

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Really depending on the situation. Buying something and wanting to get the best deal? My head.

Sometimes you can get a gut feeling when something is off, I experienced this with my dad's ex-girlfriend years ago who happened to be a sociopath and drug addict.

Heart and Head are kind of the same for me, because I want to help people but at the same time I have to think it out, a simple example being whether or not to give money to a homeless person, some genuinely seek help and others waste it on booze and drugs.

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I have to go with heart. When it comes to something analytical, I use my brain. When it comes to personal decisions which deal with things of sentimental value or which could affect others, my heart prevails.

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I would say that I make decisions using my brain primarily, not only because that's the sole organ responsible for decision-making, but because I tend to think things over before I decide on them.

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I personally lean toward the head, but with a little bit of the heart thrown in. Most of that can be due to the fact that I tend to overanalyze decisions, so even when my heart says that what I'm doing or about to do is right or is acceptable, I still tend to take into account all of the possibilities and consequences of taking said action.

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As others have said, all three are inescapably intertwined.


My little breakdown: hahaha, that's hilarious out of context


(1) Our perception of events determine emotions.


(2) Emotions determine logic as "logic" depends on what you want. And vice-versa, I suppose. Just depends on how you see it. They're one and the same for me.


(3) Instinct is where emotion and logic are speed-dialed. The underlying associations we've made about something stir certain feelings, and we often act on them under pressure.



To answer this in the terms of the question though: Feelings. I've had phases where I relied exclusively on each of those, and even none of them xD


All coming full circle though. I feel whatever emotion I currently have to the fullest. Whatever feels natural, I do.

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As is the case with most people, all of them come into play at some point or another. Most of the time though, it's instinct. Whether or not I project this very often, I'm actually a very empathetic person and typically know people's motivations and can predict what they're going to do. I've also been through a lot throughout my life so far and most situations I face are old news or similar enough to something from the past that making a decision (typically the right one) is rather natural and easy, things just come to me. When confronting something new, it begins with the heart for moral direction and an determination to see something accomplished, then filtered through the head for a practical approach and so my altruistic nature doesn't cause cause me to get myself in over my head, which has happened before.



An oversimplification of how I operate, obviously, as compressing the underpinnings of nearly anyone's conscience or consciousness to a single, short paragraph is only going to be accurate in a very broad sense. But there you have a general idea of how things work.

  • Brohoof 1


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Mainly a mix of Head and Heart.


I mainly use my head to analyse the situation and make the choice that has the least cons.


However if a decision is going to affect me or anyone close to me emotionally I choose with my heart and what feels right.

Number 1 proprietor of Fishy Sticks since February 17th 2014

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I always go with my brain, it's extremely rare for me to ever follow my heart as it just blinds me from all available options. Following my heart has always led to heartbreak, so I'm just sticking with brains from now on. As for instincts, no to that too and while I do get gut feelings I tend to ignore them.


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Generally, I use my brain. Only downside to this is that I tend to think too much and do something when it's too late.


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Well if I'm at work and I need to make a decision, I think about it thoroughly.


If it's just a general decision I follow my heart.


That sounds just like if it were out of a Disney movie  :o 


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