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Have you ever met anyone famous?


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Well, I've met many famous figure skaters.  See, I was a figure skater for awhile....well, I guess I still am, but....well...it's complicated.  But during my heyday as a skater, I met pair team Pang & Tong, who just happened to be practicing at my dumpy neighborhood rink.  I actually skated at the same time as them.  Like, right there on the same ice.  That was a little nerve-wracking.  I was just completely concentrated on staying out of their way and not doing anything stupid.  I also met pair legend Lloyd Eisler my rink, as well as a friend of Brian Boitano, though the friend wasn't anyone famous.  I got to attend and film a charity event in LA with Evan Lysacek, Tanith Belbin, Ben Agosto, and one of my greatest idols, Sasha Cohen.  She signed my copy of her autobiography.  It was really by a lot of luck and happenstance that I was involved in that event, and it was one of the highlights of my life.  It's been all downhill since then.  Anyway, those names probably aren't recognizable to anyone outside of skating.


I also attended a public appearance by Jeopardy legend Ken Jennings, where he also signed my copy of his autobiography.  I've seen a few other big celebrities, but didn't actually "meet" them, because they were minding their own business in public, and I didn't want to bother them.  Let's see, I waited on the guy that played Captain Stottlemeyer in Monk during my time working at a small town market, as well as Linda Hamilton.  Um...I've also seen Ellen Degeneres at a health food store, and I waited in line behind Scott Bakula at a hole in the wall video rental store, back when those places still existed.




It just occurred to me, since you posted this in Sugarcube, that you might have been referring specifically to MLP related celebrities?  Like...MLP VAs outside of MLP related fuctions....idk...oh well, whatever.

Edited by Justin_Case001
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Since your topic's context strays from anything pony related, I've gone ahead and taken the liberty into moving to our 'General Discussion' subforum in BE. Here's where we have non-pony casual talk. (life events, hobbies, etc.)

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I was a bodyguard at a Remedy Drive concert. Really, they only needed someone big to stand off to the side of the stage and glare at anyone who came too close. But yeah... that was cool. I got free autographs before the performance, too.


Also, while I didn't technically meet him, my mom took me to a Metallica concert when I was 8. I was in the very front, and I happened to yawn (it was after midnight). James Hetfield saw me doing that, and laughed a little bit.

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I got John DeLancie's autograph at a convention once!


(Before anyone says he's from MLP, the picture he autographed for me shows him wearing a Starfleet uniform.)

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I know the blind kid from Dumb and Dumber and one time the dude from Pimp My Ride was at the Juice It Up next to my work.


I also got to meet and talk to Willie Watson (from Old Crow Medicine Show), Willie Tea Taylor, and Andrew Combs. Those are all bluegrass/country musicians. I wouldn't call them famous, but it was a pretty big deal for me. It was funny because Andrew Combs was stoned out of his mind. I asked him to sign something, and he stood there for a minute staring at it because he couldn't think of anything "cool" to write.

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A handful of NASCAR guys, two of the original Tuskegee Airmen, and some film director named Steven Spielberg.


I also happened across the NBA's Malik Rose once.

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It wasn't in real life, but I did see CaptainSparklez on a Minecraft server. I was the kind of guy on his MCSG videos who spam "I LOVE YOU JARDON", but as of now I would've said "Sparklez is on? That's awesome!" and stayed quiet, but still happy about it inside.

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I met Silvester McCoy, Al Gore, and James Karen (The guy who moved the cemetery but not the bodies in the original Poltergeist). Listed in order of importance.



My dad always tells the story of how he once used the urinal next to the one Alan Alda was using.

Yup, my dad went wee next to Hawkeye!


My brother met his hero B.B. King, and still has the guitar pick Mr. King gave him.


Back on an edit. I also met Lisa Ortiz, the English voice actress for the great Lina Inverse.


Back on yet another edit. I also met Rob Paulsen, Yakko himself!

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Met Pink and Taylor. In a restaurant, turned around and there was Pink siting behind us. It was a miracle of miracles.

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  • 4 years later...

I work as an aircraft refueler at an airport . I meet celebrities on the occasion when they fly in their private jets. 

Magic Johnson.  He was a class act, very talkative, friendly, and let me get pics with him and I didn’t even have to ask. 

Donald Trump came to my airport for a rally.  I got within ten feet of him.  I waved as he walked toward Air Force One and he waved back, but that was about it. 

Bill Cosby two months before all the allegations came out.   He talked a little but not much. 


Cindy Crawford. I just helped her with bags and stuff, nothing memorable.  Didn’t know it was her till my manager told me after she left. 

Rodney Carrington.  He chatted with us for a bit, then thought I was his driver till I corrected him. 

And those are the only ones I actually had any sort of interaction with at work. 

I also went to school with Swae Lee. (Though weird calling him that.  I’ll always know him as Khalif, lol). That was before he was known though, does that count?  



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Living in a small country I've met you know people you might know a director Baltasar and an actor too Ólafur Darri, though the thing is I was simply operating a so called boom lift and you know they are very large machineries typically taking a road and the least couple of parking spots. So while operating that I'd get an actor asking if it was okay to park where I was and I simply said no due to needing it then a little later the director was there. I'm sure they were training together as it was close to a mixed martial arts type of gym. Those boom lifts get pretty high up and I would sometimes do pushups way up in the air just to show off haha. I've also met actors just walking in a store.

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I spoke to Scarlett Johansson on the phone once as a kid - I didn't know who she was at the time, and I didn't actually know it was her until afterwards. There was some charity event on TV, and you could call in to donate money in the name of someone (or something like that). Some of the people who answered the phone calls were celebrities, while others were just employees of different companies.

My parents, my brothers, and I had been calling in for a while and not getting through to anyone (since all the lines were busy), but eventually someone answered one of the times I called. I was mainly excited that we finally got through, and didn't pay much attention to the name of the person. My parents could hear the voice and said it sounded familiar, and (after the call) asked what she said her name was and what company she was from. I said that her name was "Charlotte Johnson or something" and that she didn't say any company she worked for, and since my parents had seen on TV that she was one of the celebrities working at that event and that the voice sounded like her, they realized that I had just been talking with Scarlett Johansson.

Also, she's not really famous, but Katie Stevens, who was on American Idol in 2010 (she made it into the top 9 - would've been the top 8 if the judges hadn't saved the contestant who lost the week before), went to the same high school as me. I was a freshman when she was a senior and on American Idol, and I saw her in person twice. The first time was when she was still on American Idol (before the live performances and audience voting started) - she came to visit my Spanish teacher while I was taking my midterm for that class. One of the other students shouted, "It's Katie Stevens!" when she came in, and she said hi to everyone and then talked with the teacher briefly.

The second time was after she had been voted off American Idol. She came to visit my physical science teacher during one of the classes. Pretty much the same as the first time - she said hi to the class and talked with the teacher briefly.

That's pretty much it, unless I'm forgetting something.

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I shook hands with Jeff Vandermeer at a book signing in Downtown Austin a few years ago, and in the same place was within 30 feet of Bernie Sanders at a rally back in March. I had also walked past Alex Jones while attending said rally. Didn't know it was him until two minutes later. The dude really was as belligerent as they all said; plus, he had his camera crew with him, so I didn't dare make eye contact.

I also got to meet Vincent Tong on his YouTube page. He doesn't post as often as he'd like to, him being a voice actor.

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