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Thanks to interrupted sleep last night I now feel significantly tired and drained. Part of me wants to go outside and snooze under the sun... but I know I'll just get sunburned. >_>

  • Brohoof 3
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I stayed up until 4 in the morning playing Dark Souls 3 and J-Stars Victory Vs+, so I'm extremely tired. Though my friend and I found out we could wreck all on the Victory Road if we played as Raoh and Kenshiro.

  • Brohoof 3
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A mix of bummed out and optimistic.


I am bummed because my boyfriend's brother is here and because I am too frightened to go back on my tumblr...But because of that it makes me feel a 12-8 hour day it work won't be so bad...I just wish I could spend some time with my boyfriend.


But, pay day is this week and the game I bought for my love will show up on Friday...Possibly earlier...I hope he likes it.

  • Brohoof 4
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Pretty exhausted. I took my cat to the vet and had to hold her really hard so she wouldn't kill everything and everyone in sight. ^^"

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Well since I have been offline for 2 days I'll tell y'all how I have been on those days first ... On the first day I was upset that I ran out of data, I mean, I did have phone data, but I used it on the first day ... Meaning I had no internet that night, the morning of the second day .... Or rather afternoon .... I was in a lot of pain, but that would be what I get for sleeping on my arm ... :/ ... Ok now last night (which was day 2 of no internet) was another horrible night sleep, only because the mix I was listening to had to many wubs to put me to sleep ...


That brings me to today, I actually feel alittle sick in stomach, maybe I need to eat, idk, I feel really tired but I feel that I can go back on MC .... Wooooo ... I'll be in touch, laters

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Really sad.. :(  While I did have a good birthday.. I was hoping to see one of my best friends, and his fiance.. But they didn't show up, and I hardly talked to them today... I think they forgot about me... :( :(

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EqD once again reminded me of the upcoming new IDW MLP story arc,  which gives me the feelings that can pretty much summarized by this song.(has nothing to do with the thing the music comes from. Only mood the music gives. Fits very well)

Edited by Light Blade
  • Brohoof 3
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I'm actually not sure how I'm feeling. It's the first day of my summer break but I still feel almost blank, but on the other hand I'm laughing ironically at my own unfunny antics.

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