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What Are Everyponies hobbies?

Mud Puddle

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My hobbies are drawing, composing,  playing games (mostly BF4 recently), less often (though I should do so more often) reading on historical or political topics.

Edited by 115Predator

Pony Art Thread

Brony since ~25 July of 2011.

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Does gaming count? 500+ PC games alone :) then a back log all the way down to the Atari 2600 (Yep, I still have the console and the games :)  )



Model kits, except cars, I SUCK at cars... Love warplanes and Startrek ships mostly (ST IMO kinda was/is a so-so show, but them ships.. revolutionary for the time, and still very unique!. Most are/were just basic shapes (starwars for example) or just some rocket ship or saucer thing... But startrek.. they looked like ships rather than just hacked together randomness. And the designs made sense when combined with the reasoning. (Engines over head to project warp field around ship, saucer separate from secondary and housing the impulse drives in case the core went critical, it could eject and save most of the crew. etc....)

and the kit bashes.. ST kit bashes are the best :)

Hell half the ships in the show/movies were kit bashes!



Costume armor building, I suck at it still tbh, but I love building this stuff!


Computer building.


Do raising my chickens/ducks count?


Tinkering with new technologies when I can. 


MLPony collecting.. yeah.. I'm a little obsessed atm.. depression sucks and this is my coping method :P

no job, little cash, and no friends... Ponies = cheap compared to the other stuff :P So its my best bet. Especially when compared to building Macross model kits... Startrek and Macross kits can be up to $200+.... yikes!

Edited by GrimCW
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I like to play Yu-gi-oh. I've got a small but decent collection of cards that I hope keeps growing. It's an on and off hobby, just like most, but it's a good time waster. Some of my other friends are into it so sometimes I'll invite them over and we'll duel! I used to go to a place called "Mayhem Comics" where a "Yu-gi-oh" night would be hosted. You go there, meet new people, duel, trade. It was all sorts of fun, but I've kind of drifted from it. Maybe some day I'll go back there and see who's still around.

I go to the last page of this thread and this is the first thing I see.


There's a site for all your playing needs... in a way. Well. A couple. You can get better at the game without coughing up cash. Although, you may end up dealing with a lot of people that are terrible in behavior. :/


Anyway... on topic...


I have a number of hobbies.


But they all fall under video games and card games. (Gee, I bet no one could've guessed that.)

You can't beat me! I AM DABESTGAMER!!!



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I have a few hobbies here they are in order of importance to me


1. building massive lego clone and droid armys


2. playing video games


3. playing games on facebook, going to this site, watching videos on youtube


4. watching TV when I'm not doing something else


5. drawing

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  • 4 months later...

Photoshopping. Lots of it. Otherwise I read bad fanfiction and absurd message boards on the internet (recs go in the PM box, folks!) Read nonfiction history, research whatever interests me at the moment, and I used to do target shooting but haven't been able to find a new gun range I can afford and make time for.


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I play a lot of games (right now its League of Legends, World of Warcraft, Pokemon Y and Etrian Odyssey Untold).


I also love to read (half way through the last book of the Legacy of the Force series. Going to jump into some Discworld after that).


I like coding, although lately I've been more into modding than actual coding. Been working on some Morrowind mods.


I play a shitload of Magic: the Gathering. I mostly play Modern and EDH (I have 1 serious Modern deck, 1 fun Modern deck, and 9 EDH decks with 3 more on the way). I also have a standard deck, but current standard is lame, so I rarely play it.


I'm a member of a few forums other than this one, but the only one I use regularly is GameFAQs. I'm a regular on the Pokemon X, LoL, and Magic boards.

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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Video games (Final Fantasy, WoW, Diablo 3. Pokemon X and more)

Role playing (I am one who likes the long 200-1000 word posts... XD)

Reading (currently on the Black Prism by Brent Weeks, going onto rereading Divergence trilogy next. But my fave author is Tad Williams)

Writing (Working on an epic series about anthro type felines... it's rough and challenging!!)

Crochet (just learned this one!P)

TV... CSI Bones MLP Futurama... and tons more that are on netflix lol

Edited by Shawchert

I am the Candy Cane Fairy, hear me roar "Rawr!" ~Me!

Avatar Artwork done by Sfyr

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I write, develop tabletop games (none commercially released, as none have passed Alpha), I also watch a LOT of TV, and occasionally play video games (mostly TF2 and Super Mario Bros. 2, but I occasionally get my bit of Pokemon in). I do countdowns occasionally, (I'm trying to figure out where I should do it, because I can't do video real well if you have seen my YouTube countdown.)

Edited by Twilly F. Sniper


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Well, everything tha has anything to do with music. Listening, playing, composing, everything...! I have a band who I rehearse with once a week, and I am starting to prepare for a music study.


I do play more than I compose. I'm not very good yet :c


Piano is my main instrument, but I play drums, I sing and I dabble with the bass a little. I am going to build a marimba this summer as well.


Another hobby of mine is LARP; roleplaying, but in real life with costumes and acting and fake weaponry and all that stuff. I just went to a half-year event called expiatio, which continues where it left off every time, letting you build a character throughout the events! Pics:



(I am the guy with the big fake beard)


And lastly I play a lot of video games... No wait, I play one video game, A LOT. TF2... About 2300 hours and still counting. I am slowly rising in competitive rank!

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Drawing and Horse riding. God, my life is boring.

                                   Aim high kid, but don't aim for the impossible - Rainbow Dash




                                                   ^Amazing Signature by the great and powerful Lunia!^                                                         

>My Request Shop<         MLP Forum's self-proclaimed evil enchantress.    > My Deviantart<

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I have too many i dont know how though but here it is:


I build cars and engines, I mostly favor chevy blocks, im working on a 1972 Nova SS

I do Krav Maga and Muay Thai

I love guns, mostly use revolvers

I gamble mostly at texas holdem or blackjack

And I love smoking hookahs, cigars, and marijuana

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