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What rustles your jimmies?

Boxxi The Brony

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King George, on 09 Oct 2013 - 4:30 PM, said:

America doesn't have an official language. you can't force those certain immigrants(Chinese and Mexicans) to speak English because america has no official language, btw they wouldn't even function without knowing English so don't worry. They're nothing but a bunch of behind the counter workers and laborers to serve us.


95% of americans know english

I already know that it has no official language derpy_emoticon1.png

I never said we should force them to learn English. They're nothing but a bunch of laborers to serve us...something about that sentence seems a little degrading.  Also yes they can function somewhat without knowing English. My mom works at a hotel that hires illegal Mexican immigrants. There's a good 5 or so of them that know NO English whatsoever, and they seem to be doing just fine. Then again, they stick with other illegal Mexicans for the most part so they have no real need for English.



What else makes me mad...hmmm

  • When my cat explodes and I don't have any bacon to rub on it
  • When I find a shiny Pokémon, and I have zero Pokeballs.


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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Let see here 

  • Bullies
  • Public School System
  • Microsoft 
  • COD elitists
  • Pokemon elitists and conversations about Pokemon 
  • Nintendo elitists
  • The console war
  • 2 phone calls happening in the same room/house 
  • Loud phone talkers
  • Smoking in the car w/ a little kid(s) inside and smoking in general
  • Football and Football fans 
  • Racism
  • People with tatoos allround their body
  • People who make fun of Bronies 
  • Media telling people what they think Bronies are
  • Fox
  • TV news 
  • Ads
  • Vampire shows 
  • Wal-Mart 
Edited by COBLoneWolf
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Saddle up everyone because I have quite a few things that piss me off so I have a feeling I might be visiting this thread quite a bit. For starters


Liars: I absolutely detest liars and lying, I get especially pissed off when people take lying to the next level with bullshit which shows a complete and total contempt for the truth. Someone who uses bullshit not only lies but they even spin and cherry pick the truth to mislead and deceive people and politicians are really one the worst offenders of this and speaking of which.


Politicians: Whoever says prostitution is illegal has no idea just how many of these "people" we "elect" have completely and utterly sold us and our own future out for a few pieces of silver. Democraps Republicants (yes I spelled them correctly) it really dosen't even matter because they are bought and paid for by the same lying backstabbing criminal bankers who would slit their own Mothers throats for a penny.


Hypocrites: Again this goes back to BS, I know that living up to certain standards can be tough sometimes and none of us are perfect but do some people really need to be so judgmental especially when they are sometimes guilty of the same thing they are speaking against? I made a youtube video once criticizing Californias prop 8 which banned gay marriage in that state and this guy who I swear to you I am not making this up named "Hotdick" keep spewing these highly NSFW homophobic rants about what gays like to "do" if you know what I mean.


The mainstream media: Again BS, these guys have fed us a steady diet of that for far too long and have also debased the culture by bringing it down to the lowest common denominator with celebrity infotainment that distracts people from the real issues as well as of course sensationalist yellow journalism style fear mongering and misdirection. Fox News, CBS, NBC, the station dosen't matter as the same criminal corporations that have plunged America down the crapper run these same outlets. The good news of course is that an alternative media is propping up on the internet which while some of it is BS as well is bringing out alot of the truth that the big boys are trying to suppress or distort.

  • Brohoof 4
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The only thing that is guaranteed to enrage me is talking down to me without reason (AKA being talked down to by people who do not actually have authority over me).


It's irritating and incredibly disrespectful. Some people make it a habit of talking down to others and let's just say I don't really spend time with those people. I believe that everybody's opinions matter equally, and when you dismiss mine (Or somebody else's) because you believe you are better than the person you're talking down to, that is the only thing that truly angers me.

Edited by Harmonic Revelations
  • Brohoof 1


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For me, it's recently been those people that never get out of the passing lane even if their lives depended on it.  The people that do this often drive the same speed as the cars that aren't in the passing lane, making it impossible for people to pass.  Recently, I was behind someone that was going under the speed limit, and there was someone in a minivan in the passing lane going the exact same speed as that car.  When I looked in my rear view mirror, traffic was backed up for about 200-300 yards because nobody could get passed.  Eventually, there was enough space for me to get passed, so I zipped between the cars in both lanes, which is really hard to pull off in a 145 hp Ford Ranger, and I enjoyed a cruise at the average speed on that section of the highway, which is around 65 mph.


Signature credit to Gone Airbourne
Xbox Live - Sir Trollestia

Steam - Sir_Trollestia

Wii U - SirTrollestia

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People who hate cloppers and think they are disgusting or its wrong

Racists(well im half white)

Sky broadband...My internet service provider



Edited by King George
  • Brohoof 2
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   Ever since I came back from the navy, I found myself more aggressive and short tempered along with mood swings, but My Little Pony, the bronies and military bronies restored my harmony, but there are just many things that get me angry: first, reality TV there is too much of it, you could make trading cards for each category, such as rednecks, New Jersey people, semi celebrities or law enforcement, the history channel has almost wall to wall reality shows, so much so I no longer watch it. Second, is Kid shows, whether it's on PBS, Nickelodeon, Disney, or Cartoon Network, most kid shows are so condescending, patronizing, and pandering with poor animation or bad acting and lazy stereotypical writing and characters. Third, the government, when I was in the navy, I saw first hand how corrupt it was, many politicians republican and democrat would visit us and take photos, and would give us a speech about patriotism and peace, after the politician left we would get so angry, than these well dressed, elder elites had the balls to tell us what those things meant to their party, and they never even served in so much as JROTC. Finally, elitist society, I have seen more of my citizens become more stoic and more wicked than ever, mixed with egotism plus ignorance, and what's worse is their stubbornness as they foolishly stay in the boundaries of their subculture thinking it is so superior, and should have government backing to force their will against the wishes of many people of various backgrounds, they saw they want equality but these elitist cultures, that range from feminists, racists, religious zealots, political radicals or superfans of many movement or cause, as they make our lives hard, with so much noise and the party until the booze runs out, that's why I moved out of the city, so few human beings are alive, mostly vegetables that have to be watered by the government, and sustained by the injustices, unfair and divided convoluted culture we have created, yet the moderate and creative fans of MLP-FiM, do not make me angry, this community has given me hope for humanity, and in time I will be there with my fair bronies, and so I end by saying thank you bronies for you patience and perseverance.           

Edited by King Edward
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There are only two things that make me mad.


Discrimination, and Germans.



Alright, being serious now. It's arrogance and idiocy that seems to bring out the worst of me. I can deal with stuff like terrible music and all that crap, but if someone's being an asshole then I get really pissed.


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I just lost my wallet, and then AFTER I called the bank so that they turned the cards off... I found it on the floor. I can't believe this. I'm so pissed, I'm not going to the next class today, I'm so pissed.

I was planning to buy a Applejack plushie today, and then this happens. I might not even be able to have any of that money with me when I go to the capital on Thursday next week, and if I got the card with me then, I could go and buy some pony merch in a store there... It's a sci-fi store, but they have some pony merch, for a reasonable price. AAAAARGH.... Well, atleast I found it.

This might be off topic, but I just, I'm so pissed, I felt like sharing my day with everypony... On a OnTopic matter, I get mad because of racism, torture, A PONY SHOULD LOVE EVERYPONY, NOT JUST ONE KIND OF PONY! :(

Edited by Flottershy
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Hi there, @@Virulence. As it turns out, there is a thread for discussing those little things in life that upset our apple cart, so to speak. Your thread has been merged with it. Just an FYI, I hope this doesn't qualify as a jimmie rustler for you. ;)

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


Signature by Midnightive

Check out my blog! https://mlpforums.com/blog/1083-sunny-side-den/

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My jimmies get rustled when people constantly ask me for help and then refuse to help me when I need it. I also get my jimmies rustled when people ask me the same question multiple times just rephrased each time. The answer is more than likely going to be the same.

  • Brohoof 1

In space, no one can hear you squee!

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Here's more things that rustle my jimmies


People that assume you have a cellphone.Well, sorry...I don't. Then they say"Well you should get one" Well sure! Are you going to pay for it? NO? Then shut the buck up."


Oh,and Elitists....any kind of them. Like I was trying to join a MLP clan on BlackOps....and after sending a request to join, it got ignored, I tried playing with the other clan members, but they ignored that too...even after multiple attempts....it was stupid. So I removed all the clan members from my friends list and never bothered with them again. They were Elitists, because they had the highest level MLP clan in CoD....and wer'e only taking invites and people with a certain K/D ratio...they were running it like a "professional" clan....MLP is supposed ot be about friendship and fun...not being the best at something.


I've also ran in to elitism in the mountain biking world, people think they're better because they've got a $10,000 full carbon fiber bike with the best of the best parts on it...


I also really don't like braggers...like people that brag about how their computer can power the world and stuff...NO ONE CARES! 

  • Brohoof 2

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page


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Young Earth Creationists


Ken Ham and his insult to intelligence known as The Creationist Museum 


The Bible-thumpers that make up the majority of dA and MOCpages


The entire online Lego community




Algebra and Geometry


Recolorings and tracings

Edited by Chaotic Chickenism
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  • When people add "phobia" after something and call it a form of hatred. Also, this pretty much sums up what I think: "I hate the word homophobia. It's not a phobia. You are not scared; you are an asshole."
  • When kids get a hold on a mic and start talking on online games.
  • A lot of the teenagers and kids these days
  • Narrow-minded people
  • When I have to do group work at school
  • Students at my school
  • "Swag" and "Yolo". It spreads like a damn virus.
  • USA's two-party system

More coming soon.

  • Brohoof 2
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My jimmies now rustle constantly thanks to:


- The Brony fandom. I'm deeply disturbed, but at the same time, drawn in by it.


-Fucking iPhones. I can't understand the logic behind paying $300 for a mediocre smartphone that does the exact same crap as a $100 Android.


-Christmas sales that start 2 months before Halloween. (Seriously, retailers, give Halloween a chance!)


- Algebra. Sense. It makes none.


- People who shout "hump day!" on Wednesday. It was funny at first, but now it's starting to piss me off.


- Mall ninjas.


- The elitists in the airsoft community who look down upon those who use spring guns and have backyard wars (that are actually fun), while they only use $300 M4 clones, dress up in army attire, only play in designated fields, and treat airsoft like it's serious fucking business.


- People who wear meme shirts in real life. Memes should stay on the internet, where they belong


- fake nerds/gamer gurls


- Fedora wearers.


Edited by Derpius
  • Brohoof 2

*Insert edgy signature phrase here*


I'm back...

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My jimmies are rustled when I'm the only person on earth who wards.


also when teachers say they didn't have time to grade something and don't care about deadlines when they're always flaming at us about it. I mean, they have more work, but that's like a fat man who doesn't go to the gym very often yelling at muscular people for not exercising.

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Stepping on a lego really gets me good. Dealing with ignorant or stupid people is 10 times worse but i find myself dealing with it allot. Small things really don't bother me that bad.

  • Brohoof 1


"You WILL be heavily judged on how you treat others."

"Opinion is about perspective, peoples who opinions matter to me the most are those who have the ability to understand different perspectives while maintaining their own opinion."

"Projecting your insecurities on other people doesn't solve them, so don't."

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People who judge what they don't understand: we all guilty of this to some extent but some people are just so damned judgmental and have this holier than thou attitude that makes me want to punch them. A good example of this is brony haters, yeah I was confused as hell when I first found out about bronies but since I spent much of my life being judged by assholes simply because they didn't understand me I did feel some sympathy for bronies even if it greatly confused me why so many teenagers and adults especially men were into a show about cartoon ponies. 

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From least rustled to most rustled:


When someone pronounces a word wrong.


When someone is really stubborn even though they know they are wrong.


When someone is narrow minded.


Hate crimes (and everything that has to do with it)(in some sense also bullying)

  • Brohoof 1
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There are many things that may rustle my jimmies.

I think the two biggest are"


1.) no respect for the things that are different from modern society. By this I mean, there are so many people who forget about the things of the past. Most things that are really good. If the movie's in black an white, it must suck; you read a book?!; that song is older than I am. It's like, come on people! Just cuz you're in a newer world, doesn't mean the older things are no longer good.


2.) Hating based off of stereotypes. I'm sure everyone reading understands what I mean. Like mlp for example. So many people think it's so wrong that so many adults love it, but they have no idea why we do. But they don't want to take the time to find out, they just have to be annoying about it. And it's true in so many other cases. Not just mlp.


But yeah, those are my biggest jiminy rustlers I think.

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People who brag about their ancestry particularly those who proclaim their proud German heritage. Also old "traditional" drinking songs.

Original Fiction: http://mlpforums.com/topic/69008-hawkmoths-fiction/


לְעֵת תָּכִין מַטְבֵּחַ מִצָּר הַמְנַבֵּחַ.
אָז אֶגְמוֹר בְּשִׁיר מִזְמוֹר חֲנֻכַּת הַמִּזְבֵּחַ.

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~little kids in online gaming

~Greifers in online gaming

~toilet humor,it's just old, imature and unfunny.

~Brand whores

~PC elitists


~Popufurs, furries that are considered"popular" in the furry fandom jsut because of their fursuit or art,  Fursuits turn some/most people into righteous douchebags.and some artists are like that to, they just turn into snobs once popular.

  • Brohoof 1

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page


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The Young Turks YouTube channel and their three ring liberal circus' ringleader Czenk or whatever the hell his name is. Not only is he a John Stewart wannabe, but he lies about his left wing bias, saying that he's fair and balanced (Fox gets shit for saying that, yet no one seems to complain about TYT. Hmm I wonder why...), and he has the audacity to name his little propaganda show after a group that committed genocide. It's no different than a right wing YouTube news show calling itself The Stormtroopers.

Original Fiction: http://mlpforums.com/topic/69008-hawkmoths-fiction/


לְעֵת תָּכִין מַטְבֵּחַ מִצָּר הַמְנַבֵּחַ.
אָז אֶגְמוֹר בְּשִׁיר מִזְמוֹר חֲנֻכַּת הַמִּזְבֵּחַ.

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