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Anyone else dislike dogs?

Le Kvlt Dawn

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I had a dog once, well my brother did. She was a small puppy, and she died of parvo. She was 4 months old, I think. So before you go all "well you just don't have any experiance with dogs" on me, I just wanted to let you know.


So anyways, ever since I was small I've hated dogs. I thought they were loud and annoying, and I still do, because they are. I remember I used to be scared of dogs a lot when I was little. I mean FFS they're not even that cute. I'm walking home from school, a dog sees me and it starts barking at me really loud and it's annoying. I mean don't these things have an off switch or something? Shit... But whenever a cat sees me it runs away, and that makes me sad sad.png I'm obviously more of a cat person. Too bad my parents won't let me have one -.- I like how cats are quiet, and they're cute. 



If there's one breed of dog I truly hate, it's pitbulls. They're ugly, they have the most horrid sounding bark and everyone in my flipping neighborhood has one. 


So does anyone else not like dogs?

Edited by AtDawnTheySquee
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I like dogs and cats. Okay, there are many dog breeds I dislike (Chihuahuas, those oversized rats!). I had some positive experiences with both. A well trained Bernese cattle dog of my uncle's or my aunt's cat, for example. With dogs it also depends a lot on their 'education'. Cats are more alike, but of course not totally, than dogs. they are often some kind of "screw-you" animals. Very... independend. Whereas a dog needs a whole bunch more of attention to develop properly in character, if it shall live among humans.


Stupid question stuck in head... Dammit... Okay, I have to ask: Did you bring up this topic, maybe subconsciously, because of Spike the dog, too?

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I hate a love hate relationship with my families 3 dogs. 2 are at my moms and 1 at my dads just for background info.

The 2 at my moms are both on my bad side. Both are smaller dogs, one is a Jack Russel and the other is a Shitpoo, Shitzoo Poodle mix. The Jack Russel is probably the meanest dog I've ever met. Bit my face once, was not fun. Always has a habit of biting your feet if he is sleeping on your bed as well, he is no longer welcome in my room. Hell any sudden movements send him into growl/attack mode. Very territorial 12 year old little bastard. The Shitpoo is the most fucking retarded little dog I've ever met. All he ever does is yap and yap and yap, until I have to yell at him to shut up. It works. He also has like no self esteem. Any time I pick him up and try to pet him, all he does is flop and his eyes say "don't hurt me, I'm powerless". He basically gives up without a fight. He is also the mean ones Bitch. Always steals his food as well.

The one at my dads house is a Yellow Lab. He is on my good side. Nice dog for the most part, doesn't bite, likes attention, but can be god damn annoying at times. Bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark, shut the hell up Dane! He freaken barks at nothing and his barks are really loud and annoying. He also wants to play 24 7 which is annoying, and it of course breaks his heart when I say no. Also like to be a little shit when I try to get him inside from our back yard sometimes. Usually just stares at me and is expecting me to play, especially when I need to be somewhere. Have to trick him with his favorite treat usually, which is bread, but he has begun to wise up and get really cautious about being lured in. Also is a bed hog and sheds like crazy, he is also banned from my room as well.


Anyways, my one cat, Echo, is so nice. Such an independent little creature and acts like I'm his best friend. Always gets in the way of what I'm doing, looking to be petted. Kind of annoying sometimes when he continually tries to force his way into my room after I kick him out. Like most cats, though, he has the habit of knocking thinks over just because he can. Also likes to get on top of my bed posts that are near the ceiling and then whines until I get him down, not without scratching me in the process. 

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Yeah, what you're saying is definitely true. I have a toy poodle, and Celestiadamnit, he never shuts up! But, I love him anyway, because he's pretty affectionate, not to mention, friggin CUTE. :P

I'd say I'm a bit leaning on more of the dog person side. I absolutely adore cats, and as an aspiring photographer, I just see them as such mysterious and beautiful creatures. (Who am I, Fluttershy?)

But, dogs are just more loving. Sure, they may bark a lot, but they're all cuddles and love, (well, small dogs are), whereas cats just seem to stay out of your way most the time, and claw you. Not to mention, sleep on your friggin face while you sleep. God, is that annoying!

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I hate dogs, they require to much attention.


Want to relax and listen to some music? NO YOU HAVE TO TAKE OUT YOUR STUPID DOG FOR A WALK.


Want to sleep late on a weekend? HAHA, NO, YOUR DOG IS HUNGRY


So annoying, it really limits the amount of free time I have, so I like cats a lot more

Edited by Chiaki Minami
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I like other peoples dogs when they're trained and docile.

I'd hate to have my own dog, especially if it was untrained.

Basically, I like dogs when I don't have to take care of them and they act like cats.


Cats are much better. Low maintenance (well, they can be), almost always cuter (some puppies are pretty damn cute), smaller (so when they jump on you it's less annoying), and the don't hump your leg or shit all over the yard.


We used to have the best cat ever. We'd just leave the cat flap to the garage open. He'd sleep in the garage, go to the bathroom outside, and if somebody forgot to fill his food dish or we were on vacation or something, he'd go kill a bird or rodent and eat that. Same with water; he'd just go down to the stream we have on our property. All we had to do is feed him occasionally (we didn't want him to always have to hunt for food) and let him in when he wanted to sleep in doors.

He died of a spinal aneurysm A few years ago, though. He was only 6. We all took it really hard :(

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I don't like dogs, there too big, they need to much attention, then smell, they take up too much room, they bark, you got to walk them and take along a bag to pick up there business which is really gross and I've always felt a bit uncomfortable around them.


I'm much more of a cat person myself and have two burmese cats. They need less attention, they can go out without a lead by them selves, they are toilet trained, then don't bark and I can play with them games such as fetch and there great companions too.

Edited by Asherdangerdash
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Okay, the thing is, dogs actually do things. Cats just slink around and sleep in weird places. Maybe if you're lucky they catch mice for you. Dogs can actually be trained be helpful, or at least to perform. In fact, it's been statistically proven that just having a dog in your house makes it less likely for people to try to rob you, as even a small, pathetic dog is a psychological barrier. Granted, I like cats too.


Although... If your neighborhood is full of pit bulls, I can understand how you would grow to hate dogs in general. Pit bulls represent all the least likable traits of dogs. Although, I should note that pit bulls actually suffer greatly from the reputation their breed has because people tend to discriminate against them. Or so I've been told. I still don't like them.

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No, I love dogs, I've had one and she was great. Most dogs are good dogs after all I think, the ones I've met anyway. I did know someone who was afraid of dogs though, not sure what her deal was about that.

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I can understand your mistrust of pits, having that my service dog and I got mauled by 2 in march. However, speaking as a dog n cat lover I can say yes some dogs can and are "stressfull" but keep in mind a lot of that comes from bad owners that do not train and exercise them properly. Yes a broken clock is always right twice a day, and there are always acceptions to the rule, just keep an open mind and see if it helps ease the memories? If not, respectfully I understand dogs aren't for everyone but at least know you've one over here that would treat you mannerly and kind. :)

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I like dogs, but I hate the ones that bark at you and try to attack you. I had a bad experience with a dog when I was a kid where it ran after me and tried to bite me. However, I love dogs that are friendly and nice and don't attack people or bark a lot.

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I used to have a phobia of dogs, which often came off as me just plain hating them. I grew out of it. 


I hate bad dog owners who don't train them sufficiently. I just try to ignore dogs.



But dogs that bite people and their owner feeling indifference about that is the worst, especially if it's in a public place so that they kind of forced the situation on the person who gets bitten.


My general thought process is "If your dog can't walk by someone without biting them then don't walk them on the goddamn sidewalk".


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I like both Cats and dogs. Both are really good companions just with different lifestyles and behavior. I'm more prone to liking dogsbecause they're more playful. Also it depends on bebreed and personality or the owner.

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Oh god, yes!
They smell, they're loud, obnoxious, overly energetic, and too willing to please... Oh, and they drool, too. Oh, lord, the drooling...
Not only that, but I'm also allergic to dogs, and cats.

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I don't really mind dogs, it's their owners that irk me the most.  While some people are pretty responsible with their dogs, some other people let their dogs run free around the neighbourhood/ never picking up after their dog and treat people like monsters if you dare impose on the freedom that their precious dog is entitled to(I live in an apartment complex).  My cat can be as loud and annoying as any dog.  I was actually considering getting a second cat for her to play/ hang out with since she seems really lonely.  sad.png   I love my cat though, she's chased two squirrels out of the apartment and has caught around 2 dozen spiders/ insects so far.  She's an indoor cat for most of the time, I do let her run around in the grass sometimes.  If your parents give the Okay on you getting a cat, support your local animal shelter. laugh.png

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My dad had allergies, so I never could have a dog or nearly any pet growing up, so I never had exposure to dogs, except at friends houses and such. I don't know how to act around dogs honestly.

My boyfriend's dog always jumps on me and won't stop licking me whenever I come over to his house, and I absolutely can't stand it. I hate having to listen to constant barking; it's so obnoxious. I'm okay with well trained dogs that will leave me alone, those are usually the dogs I end up liking or at least not being irked by. It's just when I have to deal with them jumping on me or licking me or constantly barking that I get annoyed.


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Okay, the thing is, dogs actually do things. Cats just slink around and sleep in weird places.

Nonsense.  Cats can be trained to perform tricks extremely similarly to dogs; people just generally don't train cats to do so because...because.  It only took me about a week or so to train my last cat to shake.


I've lived with 3 cats and 1 dog.  I never want to live with a dog again.  Barking has got to be the most obnoxious sound imaginable.

That said, I understand people liking them, but dogs are definitely not for me.

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Nonsense.  Cats can be trained to perform tricks extremely similarly to dogs; people just generally don't train cats to do so because...because.  It only took me about a week or so to train my last cat to shake.


I've lived with 3 cats and 1 dog.  I never want to live with a dog again.  Barking has got to be the most obnoxious sound imaginable.

That said, I understand people liking them, but dogs are definitely not for me.


There's a difference between training a cat to shake hands, and a dog that can herd or hunt on instinct. Dogs are actually capable of practical uses, even in the modern world. 

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I definitely don't like them. I make an exception for Huskies but that's it. I'm a cat person, obviously. Hell, my neighbor's dogs do nothing but bark loudly at midnight and later, it's annoying as hell. Dogs are loud, obnoxious and are not that great to be around, for me personally. 

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I don't exactly hate dogs, but kind of fearful. For some reason, I am a bit fearful of domesticated dogs and I just leave them alone as I think they might bite me if I try to look at them or something. It might be a few bad experiences with dogs, I guess.


I kind of dislike them too because them barking is annoying too, for one example. And also when they sniff all sides of my legs.

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I like dogs owned by other people, but I don't really like owning a dog myself. They are very high-maintenance and really annoying when all they do is beg and bark. Not really worth the cute and lovableness of them. So yeah, I like dogs, but only when they are well-behaved.


As for cats, I like them much more. They don't require too much maintenance; all you need to do is pet them, feed them, and clean the litter box and that's about it. They are very affectionate creatures and will actually sleep in your bed without growling when you move your legs, unlike dogs. They are cuter, in my opinion, than dogs and they don't bark. They purr which is very cute. Plus, they act like your best friend and actually like spending time with you. And it is cool to see them jump up on furniture and stuff. Ninja cats. And I'm more of a cat person anyway.


Maybe I just haven't had enough good experiences with dogs.

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I admit i like cats better than dogs,but I don't hate dogs,they are also cute and fluffy just like cats are and they can play with you just like cats do,but yeah i don't hate dogsunsure.png

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Because my cat is awesome, I changed from prefering dogs to prefering cats.  I still think there are dogs that don't do the things you described.  None of the dogs I had bit people.  My first dog didn't bark much, but my second pisses me of sometimes...  I knew a dog once who was the perfect dog ever.  He pratically never barked, he took care of his owner when she got sick and he had infinite patience.  Also, if you like cats. there are some cat-like breeds like the basenji, some hounds and spitzs.  

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Are you kidding me? I love dogs! 


I'm not gonna lie though, the maintenance can be a little troublesome. And then there's the barking, usually not too much of a problem for me but I can see how that's annoying. And then there's the picking up them; I still have to pick up my dog's "presents" every now and then when everyone forgets to walk her. But despite all that, the licks, play, cuddles and all around affection makes it all worth it. 


That's pretty much the only reason I like dogs more than cats. Cats are so independent and distant that they seem more like living furniture with a set of claws and a stomach that needs to be fed. 


This is bit different, but I love it when you bring a friend over and they're afraid of dogs. As I'm unlocking the door, my dog starts to bark and run around, and I can see the nervousness appear on my guest's face. I love to mess with them with nonsense like "Don't worry, you'll be fine as long as you don't make any sudden moves" with my serious face on. Of course, my dog's a little shih tzu so she's pretty harmless. Sorry if you've had some kind of traumatic experience with dogs before, but I just can't help smiling (and I try my best to hold it back too) when I see the fear in their eyes.

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I have no clue what you're talking about, I love doggies! I have two dogs, used to have two cats, but they passed sadly... I love animals in general, but my favorite pet is dogs. They're always so loving and affectionate and help pick me up on a bad day. But then again, that might just be me.


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