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Anyone else dislike dogs?

Le Kvlt Dawn

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I have no clue what you're talking about, I love doggies! I have two dogs, used to have two cats, but they passed sadly... I love animals in general, but my favorite pet is dogs. They're always so loving and affectionate and help pick me up on a bad day. But then again, that might just be me.

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There's a difference between training a cat to shake hands, and a dog that can herd or hunt on instinct. Dogs are actually capable of practical uses, even in the modern world. 

Iunno.  Seems to me that being able to scare away alligators and bears could be pretty practical.

And as you mentioned, catching and scaring away mice; also pretty practical in the modern world.  For that alone, I'm just about ready to beg my landlord to change the conditions of my current lease to allow pets.

We had mice in the same house that I lived with a dog and it did absolutely nothing to discourage them.


Plus I just like having a fuzzy and very relaxed little buddy by my side.

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Normally, I'm only into kind dogs and not fierce and intimidating ones. I myself own a dog but always tends to be a total nuisance whenever he encounters people or other dogs and cats passing by, which pretty much annoys me a lot. Other than that I'm pretty neutral to dogs; I don't like them, I don't hate them either.

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For the most part, I dislike dogs. They're needy and clingy and I like my space. If they're large dogs, they slobber and lick you in the most disgusting ways. If they're small, their yippy barking drives me up the wall. Walks every day, gross smell, smothering... No thanks.


Although not all dogs are like this. There are some who don't jump at you when you walk in the door and for the most part do their own thing. There are dogs who act like cats, and those are my favorite sorts of dogs.

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Dogs are great... when they're someone else's. Also, when they're nice. My family used to have a Golden Retriever who was good I guess, but our new Cavalier King Charles is kinda very annoying. I'm not planning on ever getting a dog when I move out.

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Okay, the thing is, dogs actually do things.

Pretty much. And I have no idea why people are trying to compare these "things" to what cats do. I mean my friend's hunting dog is athletic as fuck. Impressive stuff. Really excitable temperament though. It's to be expected.


The neighbor that I dislike owns a dog. Very docile, but pretty friendly, always quietly runs towards me at the fence. I never, ever, see them walk it, or play with it, or anything. Like for fucks sake, if you don't want to spend time with a dog, you shouldn't keep a dog. And I guess that would apply to all pets, but especially for active ones, like, you know, dogs. I mean, it's like people don't even want to go outside anymore; beyond their back porch, that is. Like come on just get a cat or something if you don't want to walk it.


Those chatty tiny-ass dogs can piss off though.

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I Dislike dogs, a lot actually, I just don't like them, they aren't my style of Pet at all, I'm one of those "Kickback" Guys, who doesn't do much and isn't very active we'll say, And well I don't like loud Noises at all, can't stand them, I also Just don't like how they wont calm down at times, I'm more of a Cat person, I have one by the name of Gucci, I love him to bits, He's Loveable, Cuddles, and Isn't too much of a hassle, I'm happy with something that is Loveable, Dogs just seem annoying to me at times,

this is only an Opinion so don't take this personally or anything,


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As an extreme dog lover, I feel like I have to defend this noble species.


To all those saying dogs are "ugly," I pose the following question to you:


























Additionally, I have some things I'd like to put into perspective.


They're annoying.

Annoying can be a lot of different things, so I'll bring up things that I've seen that I think people would find to be annoying.


They require too much care.


Yes. They are a pet. You need to care for them. If you want a pet you don't need to care for, you shouldn't have a pet in the first place. You think taking dogs for walks and having to time their feeding is annoying. I think having to shoo a cat off the table and pick up hairballs is annoying. That doesn't make either a bad pet, nor do I think it's a good reason to dislike an animal. Probably a good reason not to pick it as a pet, but it's a poor reason to justify your dislike, in my opinion.


People seem to have this opinion that you can't live your life with a dog because you need to be taking care of it 24/7. This is not the case. It's true that if you're working 14-hour days 6 days a week, you probably shouldn't own a dog. However, you can have a 9-5 job with time for hobbies on the weekends and still reasonably keep a dog as a pet. There are certain breeds better suited for certain lifestyles, but generally speaking, you should be able to find a dog that fits yours. Lap dog breeds, especially, tend to sleep a lot. Do you need to be around for the 12 hours a day that your dog sleeps? No. However, yes, you do have to be responsible for it. I don't know of any kind of pet you don't need to be responsible for. Again, this doesn't make dogs bad pets or bad animals. Different strokes. I'd say if you're using this reason to justify not liking dogs, you're simply looking for reasons to dislike dogs.



They're noisy.


This is not true of all breeds nor all dogs. Have you ever heard of the Basenji? It can't bark. So, boom, theory destroyed. Moreover, though, this does depend on the breed. Some breeds are rather noisy. Others aren't. I've had dogs that bark a lot and others that didn't. Partially this was due to breed. However, it was also partially due to training. We train our dogs to bark less, so they do. Other people don't care and just let the dog bark its fool head off for anything, so as a result, you end up with a yappy dog. I had one dog who suffered extreme anxiety. She would bark outside to relieve stress. However, if she'd have a less traumatic past, she wouldn't have had so much anxiety, therefore she would have been less stressed and probably wouldn't have barked so much. (I'll give you that this is speculation, but stress is associated with barking.) So you can't call every dog noisy. Many are not.



They smell.


So do you, but you don't see anyone complaining about you. Seriously, as humans, we smell, too. In fact, I think you'd be hard pressed to find an animal that doesn't stink. (Cats are not innocent in this debate, either!) Naturally, all animals produce scent. Often, it just smells bad. The reason we don't generally tend to find each other putrid is that we bathe regularly, brush our teeth daily and put on deodorant. Try not doing all that for, like, a week. I guarantee you that you'll smell a lot worse than my dog.


The problem, here, is improper grooming. Some dogs need a lot, some need very little. Very short haired breeds probably won't need to bathe too often. Long haired breeds will probably need a lot. Same with brushing. Probably the worst offense is the breath, though. The problem is that most owners don't brush their dog's teeth as much as needed. You eat every day, right? And you brush your teeth every day, right? So, if dogs eat every day, how often should their teeth be brushed? Every. Day. Every other day, minimum. Most trainers make it more of a once-a-week (at best) sort of thing. So, yes, dogs tend to have bad breath. As is kind of a theme throughout these complaints, this is one of many failings of the owner. The dog can't brush its own teeth.



They drool.


I've never had a dog that drooled. (Unless they were sick, or something.) I realize that 4 dogs is not representative of all dogs, but then, neither are broad generalizations. There are certain breeds that tend to be more drooly and certain breeds that don't. This is not a universal canine trait. Just because any dog you've met has drooled doesn't mean that all dogs drool. In fact, I'd feel confident saying that the majority do not.



They're clingy.


Oh. Wow. You have an animal that loves you and wants to please you and show you its affection. Boo hoo. Your life sucks. Okay, I'm being facetious, but seriously, this is one of the things I love most about dogs. They show affection and appreciation to their master. They love you forever and they make sure you know it. While I'm not quite sure why, I do realize that that may not be everyone's cup of tea, though. At the same time, there are plenty of aloof breeds as well. My first dog (actually my mom's) was a Shih-Tzu. She was extremely aloof. Really a lot more like a cat than a dog. I believe a lot of Asian breeds of dogs (particularly Shiba Inus and Chows) are quite aloof. So, no, not all dogs are "clingy." Yet another stereotype.



They're badly behaved.


This is not the dog's fault. It's the owner's. You can't get a dog without expecting to train it. This is why you end up with dogs that are mean, yappy, rude and almost every other complaint I've read in this topic. If you don't teach a dog to do or not to do something, it's not gonna know. That would be like having a kid and expecting that you're never gonna have to teach them how to do anything, and as a result, you end up with a 5-year-kid who can't speak, can't eat with silverware and still in nappies, and then you're like "Huh? I don't get why he's like this. I didn't do anything." Same with dogs. You don't teach, they don't learn. If you follow through with training, you can have a dog who's behaved very well. If you're sporadic or don't care to train your dog, however, of course it's never gonna learn anything. Why would you expect anything else? Granted, certain breeds are easier to train than others, but almost any dog is trainable with enough determination. Any misbehavior is generally a failing on the part of the owner. Either they chose not to train, weren't firm enough with training or didn't research the breed ahead of time to get one that fits the amount of training they were willing to do with the dog. In the rare instance that misbehavior is not the owner's fault, this is often the result of trauma, illness or disability, none of which are the dog's fault. So are there misbehaved dogs? Of course. Plenty, in fact. I don't feel it's fair, however, to blame the dog for not understanding how to fit in with a human pack when it's really the humans who didn't take the time to assimilate it into the pack to begin with. It's not the dog's fault, and so, I don't feel this is such a good reason for not liking dogs in general.



Sorry for a behemoth post, but I love almost all animals, especially dogs. So it's saddening to see so much hate toward them. Hopefully some of what I said can give you a more accurate representation of dogs, their behavior and why they are how they are. I don't expect my post to turn anyone into a dog lover. Y'know, if you don't like them, you don't like them. But if you understand them a little better from reading, I'll be happy.

Edited by Clover Heart
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I don't see the problem with dogs, more the people who decided to get them. If a dog is noisy or not well behaved in general, it means the owner does not really know the responsibility he or she has taken upon getting a dog. Of course I don't like dogs behaving bad, and keep myself at a safe distance were I feel safe. But it is not the dog that gets a mean look from me, rather the owner.

I'm not here to try to teach anyone to not be afraid of dogs who is acting up, for me its better to be carefull and not show them you're scared. Also, everyone got their own taste about everything, but go out ranting about someones look is kind of wrong. One will just end up getting someone offended when it comes to their own judgement.
Just wanted to share my opinion. c:

Edited by Cookie Fudge
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Finally someone else who dislikes dogs!

I find them to be way too hyper and energetic and will never leave me alone at all what so ever.

They are loud and can be pretty annoying as well.

Not to mention that they are really dirty and messy.

I am a cat person and believe that they are better due to being cleaner, more independent, quieter and all and all less of a hassle than dogs are.

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i don't hate dogs but i don't like how easy they give in to the fact that you own them and that they just straight up do what you say. Yes i know that's a wired thing not to like them over but its true dogs are perfectly fine with being your bitch for the rest of there lives and it pisses me off.

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Dogs are awesome, it's cats I don't really like too much, mainly for the fact that I am a bit allergic to cats and my Mom is completely allergic to cats. Plus in edition dogs are fun to play with and are great friends. Although my current dog hates playing in any sort of way and just wants to sleep, lazy dogs are the best. C:

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  • 4 years later...

I despise dogs every time i see them barking on me i feel like kicking it until it dies or learns its lesson i dont know why i feel like this maybe i have some stigma against them but my guess is because of the unexpected noise. 

My brother used to yell at me when i was a kid and he was very agressive so i guess it comes from there

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I've had a variety of experiences with dogs, honestly. :please: I won't lie; a lot of it came from my family missing our first dog too much; she was just such a good pet. This put us through a phase of adopting dogs... and none of them quite worked out.

  • The first was a puppy, and just too much to handle.
  • The second tried to attack our cats...
  • And the third (our current one) is an old poodle in bad health.

I can't speak for every single dog out there... but I think I've had enough of them for the time being. :grin: They can make good pets... but the truly special ones only come around once in a lifetime.

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I'm not a huge fan of dogs honestly but I try not to be too negative. I'm quite sensitive to loud noises and that's exactly what the dog in our household likes to make and I don't appreciate it one bit. Even if it bothers me though, I try to understand and have grown not to mind it as much. The smell is pretty bad too, though maybe our dog is just constantly filthy - the smell sticks to my hands so I often pet her with my foot.

Although I say I'm not a fan of dogs, I still don't exactly dislike them either. The term "dogs" is quite broad so it's difficult to talk about all of them like they're some kind of a bunch of the same thing. The ones I dislike though are the ones that walk around outside without a leash and come running to you when you walk past. It's hard to determine whether the dog wants to play with you or give you nasty bite marks.

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I'd definitely consider myself more of a cat person than a dog person. I had a dog once and was very attached to him; he was a good dog with a good soul and I was devastated when he passed away. 

But, aside from my own pet, dogs aren't really my favorite species out there. They're loud, messy, high maintenance and have some pretty nasty habits. I don't hold that against them because that's just nature. They do sometimes make me nervous when they start barking or when they jump at me, even if they don't mean any harm, so I tend to keep my distance. I love animals as a rule, and dogs (especially when I get to know them) are no exception. I've encountered many dogs that I absolutely adore, so while I think they could benefit from a bit of etiquette, they do have some very good qualities as well.  

Edited by Dreambiscuit
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Eh, dogs suck. But I'm not prejudiced strictly against dogs. I'm afraid of animals altogether so I pretty much feel the same way about all of them, not just dogs.

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  • 6 months later...

No way, I love dogs. Although I do have a preference for big dogs and I understand why people might not like them.

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I could never hate this face. (This was my sweet, cuddly dog who died two years ago, Zephyr.)


What other animal is as loyal, affectionate and loves unconditionally? I also love dogs because it's easier to have a dog friend than a human friend.

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I don't like them. Ever since I was small, almost every encounter I've had with dogs has been negative- they've chased me, bit me, barked at me... I don't hate them anymore, but I'll always be for cats.



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I like dogs! They can make wonderful pets. I do not believe that there are bad dogs; just bad owners. 

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