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I didn't like Season 3 that much, it was to rushed and boring


I don't really like the Spike/CMC related episodes, they're rather boring in my opinion, but I have nothing against Spike or the CMC


Luna and Derpy are incredibly overrated


I hate Trixie with a passion


A Canterlot Wedding is overrated and stupid


I honestly really like Gilda


I honestly don't really like Fluttershy's weak personality 


May the Best Pet Win is a boring episode with a lame song


I support Alicorn Twilight, though it seems too early for it


I honestly don't like Equestria Girls


I hate that people call AJ a background pony


I actually want to see Sunset Shimmer again sometime


Babs Seed is a bad character


I'm not a huge fan of Pinkie Pie either...

  • Brohoof 3


                                                         "I warned you about those stairs, bro!"

                                                                                             My OC: Flamespark

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*thinks long and hard about actually saying this* ......





I thought Suri Polomare was kinda hot appealing and i loved her voice because she reminded me of a woman from Jersey i dated a few years back :blush:  




LOL! I bet Suri is from the pony equivalent of New Jersey.

I've known chicks like her all my life!

1.) It is disappointing that Discord is not Star Swirl.. I mean really disappointing.

2.) I love Fluttershy but she's my least favorite of the Mane Six.

3.) I think there should be a death on the show.

  • Brohoof 2


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-- "Twilight's Kingdom" isn't the best thing that ever happened to the show.

-- Like the "bad" episodes all you want, but at least still criticize them when they violate its spirit or skimp on ethical coherency.

-- "The Best Night Ever" was a humorless, loosely organized bore that's hard to appreciate without seeing the previous Gala episodes.

-- Lapses of continuity, except when it concerns moral or ethical issues, is not that big of a problem.

-- I couldn't care less about Twilght's parents or anypony else's parents, and wouldn't mind if they were never explored.




- Rainbow Dash is a wonderfully complex, flawed and thought out character and although her fandom is big, and albeit, at times unpleasant, she shouldn't be called overrated

May I copy this?

Edited by OptimisticNeighsayer
  • Brohoof 2

Hablo español--Je parle français--日本語を話す--我说中文--...and sarcasm (yeah right!)

I compose music.  Six Pony Rags

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  • 4 months later...

Here is a topic solely for not-so-common My Little Pony opinions.


Here are mine:

Apparently a sizable voice of the fandom disses the series premiere. I fully believe that it is great and that you should indeed watch it first when getting into the series, and that it does not "turn people off" to the series. It is no girlier than any other "taste the rainbow" episode or set of episodes. It is not so corny.


Derpy's second voice is vastly superior and is based on Tabitha performing the character as an actual female mare. It is more interesting and unexpected and nuanced. I don't even know which one I heard first. I didn't know much about Derpy when I saw the episode in the first half of 2012.


Look before You Sleep is a fantastically rewatchable episode.


All of your written fanfiction and O(riginal)C(haracter)s suck. All of the extensive fanmade animation projects suck except for the character of Fluffle Puff, which is a unique deconstruction of fancharacters.


My Little Pony: Equestria Girls sucks, but it has nothing to with offensive gender or high school teenage cliché stuff. A decent high school and teenage environment is ironically just about the one thing they got right.


I am neither a Trixie fanboy nor do I detest her. She is just a decent character, and both Boast Busters and Magic Duel are good episodes.


Party of One kinda sucks. As does It's About Time, unless some later material justifies the time travel situation. "Crazy pony" episodes in general just kind of suck, (especially Simple Ways, the worst episode ever by a wide mile, but I am hoping that Simple Ways being considered a least a bad episode is a popular opnion) Maybe there are some other episodes with some form of pony mental breakdown that are good.

Edited by GuillermoGage
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Twilight deserved to be an Alicorn


All OC's are worthwhile in their own way, if only because their creator put time and effort into them (excluding joke OC's made for the purpose of being outrageously bad, but hey they are serving their purpose)


I can't honestly think of many episodes I personally didn't enjoy


Fluttermac and Fluttercord are terrible ships, hell the latter would totally be more of a Pinkie Pie and the former has Cherilee, Fleetfoot, and one other mare from the comics


Zecora > Trixie


Actually, going back to the former, I'm not a fan of most big ships lol


Spike is friggin' awesome


Angel is HELL


Despite being a Luna fan, I do not see Celestia as a tyrant, and I actually really like her character and personality. Still feel Luna > Celestia though <3


S3 was bad not for the episodes, but for the amount of them (13 episodes!? Really!?)


EQG 1 & 2 Sucks not for the reason most people hate it, but because I felt the characters were poor cookie cutter models that were crude and stereotypes of the mane 6's. Once you get past THOSE characters, the remaining cast was actually really really good


Bronies are not the scourge of the internet, we can just be overzealous at times, like every fandom, just that we might do it a bit too much


All of the ponies are awesome, and even if I might like some more than others there is no reason to hate on any of the mane 6, the show would take a great hit if ANY of them left


While I approve of fans shipping characters, I feel if the show did it officially (excluding new characters like Cadence and Shining Armor or background characters like Bon Bon and [i think I am remembering this ship right] Lyra) it would result in DISASTER for the fandom


All of them becoming Alicorns doesn't mean the end of the universe. I like the idea


Despite being a clopper, everytime one of them BLINKS is not the go ahead to turn it into a sexualized look!!! It's blinking, what are they supposed to do, tape their eyes open???


I am not afraid for the shows ending, I just fear it going on too long and turning into something like Spongebob (yeah yeah its been beaten to death but you recognized what I meant most likely so the point still stands)


Lauren Faust, while amazing at having built the characters, having left was not a reason to freak out so badly. The circumstances around it, however, were a bit of a bleh moment


I might have more later, but I just woke up and wanted to get some out for now lol


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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Rainbow Rocks finale is the only rainbow-filled lasershow of MLP that got every detail right.

Sombra is the only potent villain of the show, not counting the Dazzlings.

G3 ≥ G4, or at least what has become of G4.

Edited by Zejgar
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-I like Snails


-Diamond Tiara has character potential


-Celestia is best princess, Luna is overrated


-I like Twilight better as an alicorn


-Trixie is not that great of a character

  • Brohoof 2



copyright-Pin Point-2014


"All my friends, are my best friends."- Pin Point


Thanks to DJSpacer for my avatar!


Now a RisingChaos shipper


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  • Smile HD is hilarious. I like dark humour, so seeing Pinkie beat up her friends is pretty amusing. I also like the intense music and animation.

Pony fancharacters have potential. It's just the sloppy writing and clichés that give them a bad reputation. Same applies to fancharacters in general, really. That isn't to say that all fancharacters are bad, though. I've seen some very good ones before, as well as the fact that I try to take good care with writing my own.

Angel isn't all that bad. He only time he was at his worst is in Putting Your Hoof Down. His other appearances are either him being merely impatient or supportive.

The Mysterious Mare Do Well is my guilty pleasure episode.

Edited by Mienshao
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Oh, this kind of thread  bring brought back? OK.


I don't give a crap for how Pinkie was portrayed in season 4. I still love her.


Mysterious Mare do Well is not the piece of crap episode that everyone says it is.


The show is not going downhill. The people who say that are just losing interest and/or trying to hard to justify it by nitpicking apart every episode after season 2.


Twilight deserved being an alicorn.


Equestria Girls is not even that bad. People just overreact whenever they hear it. Also, Rainbow Rocks is a massive improvement.


All of the mane six are great.


Daring Don't, and Equestria Games were great episodes that people tried way too hard to declare bad.


Baby Cakes is my least favorite Pinkie episode and my least favorite episode of the whole show. It's just how the babies torture Pinkie to the point of crying even when Pinkie didn't really deserve it.

  • Brohoof 7



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G3 is not all of that bad (especially not the toys!). And if you Bronies claim that it's bad because it's "too girly" than you have absolutely no right to turn around and say that you're defying gender norms by liking FiM, because apparently being 'girly' is still something that is bad in your mind.


Most fan ideas for characters are incredibly stupid and offbase from the reality of the show. For example, how would a princess who was banished to the moon for centuries be a gamer? And don't even get me started on the fan interpretations of Pinkie Pie and Celestia. Disgusting, absolutely disgusting.


I was never in the least bit bothered by Twilight Sparkle becoming an alicorn.

Edited by Envy
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Everything needs more woodwind!

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G3 is not all of that bad (especially not the toys!). And if you Bronies claim that it's bad because it's "too girly" than you have absolutely no right to turn around and say that you're defying gender norms by liking FiM, because apparently being 'girly' is still something that is bad in your mind.


Most fan ideas for characters are incredibly stupid and offbase from the reality of the show. For example, how would a princess who was banished to the moon for centuries be a gamer? And don't even get me started on the fan interpretations of Pinkie Pie and Celestia. Disgusting, absolutely disgusting.


I was never in the least bit bothered by Twilight Sparkle becoming an alicorn.

It isn't BEING girly, it's PANDERING to girls.


And yes, I don't mind Twilight as an alicorn.


I like unicorn Twi better but whatever.


I wish they had done the whole "Twilight being a princess now causes trouble" episodes a bit better *cough* Twilight Time *cough*

  • Brohoof 2


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  • Alicorn Twilight is better than Unicorn Twilight

Luna is not the best Princess

Celestia is not tyrant, she's actually really nice

I don't care for villains

Twilight's Kingdom isn't one of my favorite episodes

Power Ponies and Daring Don't are great episodes

I don't support Flashlight at least not in FiM

Cadance is wonderful and needs more episodes

  • Brohoof 3
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  • Celestia is best princess

  • I dont liked Sombra

I dont like derpy

I think Fluttershy is actually really fake

Twilight alicorn is better than unicorn

Suited for success is best season 1 episode

  • Brohoof 1

             :comeatus:  I'm a six-course meal and you're just burn toast  :comeatus:
  My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/rena-the-rag-doll-r7471      

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  • Alicorn Twilight is better than Unicorn Twilight
  • Luna is not the best Princess
  • Celestia is not tyrant, she's actually really nice
  • I don't care for villains
  • Twilight's Kingdom isn't one of my favorite episodes
  • Power Ponies and Daring Don't are great episodes
  • I don't support Flashlight at least not in FiM
  • Cadance is wonderful and needs more episodes


1. I like unitwi better, but alitwi is still ok

2. i think they're equal. (nvm cadance)

3. she does all the stuff so the mane 6 can learn. It's really obvious

4. It's my 4th favorite 2parter

5. Daring Don't was good, and Power Ponies is a sort of guilty pleasure.

6. No more of this ship

7. yes

  • Brohoof 1


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  • Putting Your Hoof Down and The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well receive too much hate for the wrong reasons.

Celestia > Twilight > Cadence > Luna

I prefer Derpy's censored voice over her original one.

I see no reason to hate cloppers.

Fluttershy is somewhat overrated.

Luna is heavily overrated.

The "Applejack is a background pony" joke needs to die.

There is no such thing as a bad OC, although you should be prepared for criticism.

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I don't like the cutie mark crusaders - although that's because they're not aimed to relate to children, not adults :3


Not to say I don't like the characters seperately, I just dislike the episodes dedicated to them.



I hope some people get the joke ^^

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Season 1 is just as "bad" as Season 3. I don't hate either of those seasons, but I feel Season 1 has the most bad/meh episodes of the 4 seasons.


Also, I dislike it when bronies hate on previous gens when most of the people who do haven't even watched them before. I'm not even a fan of the past gens, but this still gets on my nerves.


Luna is worst princess, Cadance is best princess (not counting Twilight Sparkle.)


Sonic Rainboom is one of the worst episodes ever made.


Fluttershy is the worst of the Mane 6 (don't dislike her though).


Gilda is the best antagonist in the show next to Trixie and The Dazzlings.


The only "meh" episode of Season 4 was Rainbow Falls, and I feel there were no actually bad episodes in Season 4.


Angel is best pet.


Besides for the poor moral, Feeling Pinkie Keen was one of the best Season 1 episodes.


The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well and Owls' Well that Ends Well aren't that bad.

Edited by Bill and Ben
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I feel it's more unpopular to dislike Look Before You Sleep than to like it. I mean, I see tons more people that like the episode rather than people who dislike it, but that's just me.


MLP:FiM's animation is good, but not amazing. Same goes for it's music.


The Best Night Ever had it's boring moments.


Sleepless in Ponyville is "meh" at best.


I'm not looking forward to the 100th episode being about BG ponies. I feel there's a huge chance it'll be bad, yet bronies will ignore the bad moments and gush over it because of it's fanservi- er, use of background ponies.


The show has IMPROVED since it's first season.

Edited by Bill and Ben
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@GuillermoGage, I merged your topic with another preexisting one that addresses the same thing.

So, I guess this action counts as accepting opinions related to past gens, and... well I just might include IDW comic discussion in here (with spoiler tags, of course, not everybody has gottten around to reading the comics, they are not as widespread as the core FiM show). That was part of what I was intending to discuss. Now that I think about it, I did see this thread maybe as recently as a week ago, even tho it may have been lurking an older thread.

I thought the "Peanut Butter Crackers" joke in Equestria Girls wasn't funny at all. In fact, it just made me hate Trixie even more,

Dayum, that is a scandalous one, to me, that is one of the few good things in MLPEG. Edited by GuillermoGage
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I feel it's more unpopular to dislike Look Before You Sleep than to like it. I mean, I see tons more people that like the episode rather than people who dislike it, but that's just me.


MLP:FiM's animation is good, but not amazing. Same goes for it's music.


The Best Night Ever had it's boring moments.


Sleepless in Ponyville is "meh" at best.


I'm not looking forward to the 100th episode being about BG ponies. I feel there's a huge chance it'll be bad, yet bronies will ignore the bad moments and gush over it because of it's fanservi- er, use of background ponies.


The show has IMPROVED since it's first season.


I agree with everything, especially the last two points. I don't care about BG characters at all and I think that the fanservice will be the end of this fandom. Also, MLP really improved since season 1. I might not agree with all the decisions the writers made, but overall the show is getting better and episodes more interesting. 

  • Brohoof 1

Fan of Applejack? Join us! We have the best cider from Sweet Apple Acres! :D



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Now that I think about it, I did see this thread maybe as recently as a week ago, even tho it may have been lurking an older thread.

Dayum, that is a scandalous one, to me, that is one of the few good things in MLPEG.

Woah, that is an old post I made.. June 6...


Ironically, I used to hate Trixie, but now she's my second favorite.


(Though I still dislike that joke :P)

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-King Sombra was a good villain


-Mysterious Mare-Do-Well is not as bad as people say


-Feeling Pinkie Keen is a good episode despite it's half-assed moral


-Cadance is underrated


-Over The Barrel was good, despite it being kinda weird



copyright-Pin Point-2014


"All my friends, are my best friends."- Pin Point


Thanks to DJSpacer for my avatar!


Now a RisingChaos shipper


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  • I don't see what's so great about Luna.

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo are the most adorable ponies of their respective groups.

I think the CMC are more enjoyable than the Mane 6.

Rainbow Dash's jerkiness is what makes her the most enjoyable character.

A Canterlot Wedding was great until the terrible climax.

This is about a fanwork so I don't know if it belongs here, but I'll say it anyway for now (I can delete it if need be): Snowdrop was the most vomit inducing horrible thing I've seen, and I've seen A Serbian Film .

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