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Luna's Husbando

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Everything posted by Luna's Husbando

  1. One character that I feel kinda bad for is Guts from Berserk. Just in case some people don't want certain parts of the story spoiled for them, I'm going to put this in spoilers. Also, every character from Gantz, since they often die/get injured in horrible ways.
  2. Great job with my sig! I really appreciate it, and I hope you enjoyed making it for me. Weird that I never got notified about it...
  3. Oh, the possibilities. I guess telekinesis, shapshifting, magic and changing my environment would be top priorities. Seeing Luna and being with her for a while would be at the top as well, of course, and engaging in some messed up sexual experiences with some fictional characters. I wish I could do something like this, but I'm too lazy to put in the effort.
  4. If I became an alicorn, I would usher in a new age and become the god of the new world. I would bring justice to the world and become a symbol of tyrrany.
  5. My dream date would be with . We would just play video games and watch some television together; nothing too special. I'd go over to her quarters and we'd make ourselves comfotable.
  6. I don't normally feel comfortable posting pics of myself on the internet like this but I'll do it just for you guys. Be easy on me pls. :3
  7. Tap water is best water. Bottled water just tastes gross and full of chemials to me, especially when it's not chilled. Drinking bottled water is also a lot more costly than drinking tap.
  8. As someone who more likely than not has ADD, having to sift through threads with hundreds or even thousands of replies seems really painstalking and off-putting to me. I'll still try to read through at least some of the posts before posting though, just to make sure I'm not repeating something that's already been said. Threads with a lot of replies are usually some of the more interesting threads anyway.
  9. As everyone else has stated, Big Mac isn't shy, he's just introverted and doesn't have much to say. He's the archetypal "strong and silent" character who keeps his thoughts to himself and goes about his life humbly and modestly. People who think he's "shy" seem to be confusing "introverted" with "shy", which seems to have been the case with Applebloom.
  10. Celestia and Luna have been on the show from the very beginning and are integral characters in the series, and have both been in and played active roles in multiple episodes. Cadence, on the other end, entered the scene very suddenly and without any pretext and has had very little involvement in the series. Also, compared to Celesia and Luna, her personality is a bit bland and she doesn't do much to stick out.
  11. "Autism" and "asperger's", as they're currently being used on places like 4chan, aren't anything more than terms used to describe people who are socially awkward or unaware. They're not actually persecuting people that are legitimately autistic, they're just using the term to describe somebody that has traits loosely associated with the disorders. The best and most reasonable thing you can do when someone throws those terms around is to just not take it with a grain of salt; it's not aimed at you and as long as you don't act out in public or on videos and you show that you have decent judgement when it comes to how you behave, it doesn't even apply to you.
  12. I was gonna say this one too. Although I'm probably not as knowledgeable as many in the subject of strange films this one was pretty weird. Gummo was up there too, if anyone here has seen that.
  13. So....Twilight is now a teenager in high school instead of a twenty-something year-old college graduate? Sounds like a desperate attempt to pull in the Disney fanbase. AND she's the only character from the series that's going to be in the film? Don't they realize they're just devaluing all the other characters by doing that? I never had any faith in this thing to begin with and that's not changing with this update. Let's just hope this flops and the creators learn not to make such material in the series' name again.
  14. On one end, it might end up doing very well since there are many loyal fans that wouldn't hesitate to go see the movie in theaters. On the other end, seeing as how DeLancie's documentary ultimately failed due to pirating, making a MLP movie sounds like it would be a big risk since it could very well suffer the same fate.
  15. My hair was blond for a while but eventually turned into a shade of medium brown too...strange how that kind of thing happens.
  16. These soccer-moms will always find something to knit-pick about so it shouldn't come as a surprise at this point that one of these backwards nutcases will take a show like MLP and find it to be sexual, no matter how ridiculous the notion is. Keep in mind that this is the same kind of person that thought Derpy was offensive and wanted her taken off the show. You can't take anything these people say with a grain of salt.
  17. I would sell my body to science, letting the equestrian race learn all about us humans, and use the money I would get from scientist ponies studying/experimenting on me to live a comfortable life doing whatever I want. Maybe if I ended up being a unicorn I could make some use of my magic and maybe go into experimenting with it. Alternatively, I would apply for a job doing some kind of work for Princess Luna, maybe just keeping her quarters tidy or helping to do other things for her, although I'm probably not fit to become a full-on Lunar Guard.
  18. I chose to go with Luna's Husbando because Luna is my waifu and I want to be with her. I have been madly in love with her for about sixteen months now and figured I'd go with this name to express my feelings for her.
  19. I'm gonna have to go with Chipotle here. Their burritos the make are amazing and are loaded with different stuff. If you haven't been there you should give it a shot, especially you plebs going with McDonald's/BK/Wendy's/Taco Bell.
  20. There is already a popular fanfic, Anthropology to be exact, with a similar premise to this. I don't want to give too much away but it has to do with Lyra finding out about how humans previously existed in Equestria. Here's a link for you http://www.fimfiction.net/story/4656/anthropology
  21. All the countries you mentioned on your mother's side are Central European, not Eastern European (except maybe Croatia). Just saiyan.
  22. You have a sauce on that? Even if this was meant to be the end of the show, it still seems like turning Twilight into an alicorn is unjustified and uncalled for. She never asked for this (insert Adam Jensen face here) and there was no news of Twilight's transformation until literally right before it happened. That fact alone shows that it probably wasn't intended until much later on and it definitely wasn't what the writers wanted.
  23. I doubt anything good will come of this and see it nothing more than a marketing ploy. As long as it doesn't affect MLP:FiM itself, though, I'd be content just ignoring it completely and pretending it doesn't exist.
  24. I'm personally against this whole Twilicorn thing for reasons that have already been said countless times, but that being said, there's still some hope that this doesn't change things too much. Seeing as how Twilight is now blatantly overpowered, the writers can balance this if they throw challenges at her that are larger in scale and requires the full use of her abilities and analytical skills. The other characters will stay the same so, fortunately, much of the show will probably remain unaffected. Still, this was a bad decision and, I think, hurt the show, and all for the sake of making a little extra cash.
  25. My favorite of the mane 6 is Twilight Sparkle, mainly because she seems to be the most three-dimensional and developed of the main characters. She has a cute and likable personality, is confident, but completely withing reason, and is a good leader despite her introversion. She has her flaws, but those make her an even more interesting character and helps to balance her out with the other ponies. My favorite secondary character is, obviously, Luna. She has an adorable personality and character design, is socially awkward in a really cute way, can easily be shaped into whatever you want in headcanon, and, personally, I can relate to her in certain ways. My favorite background character is the background pony herself, Lyra Heartstrings. Again, she can easily shaped to fit a headcanon and I've come to admire the personality that the fandom has conceived for her.
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