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How do you think you will die or....?


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I'll probably die of some horrible disease at a relatively young age, but I'd love to go out crashing a plane or a race car (not intentionally). If I die that way, I have no further worries.

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Well, looking at my family medical history up until 2 generations back, probably a stroke......


I would probably want to die of old age. You know, at like, 134 years old or something.

Edited by boiteporte
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Hmm I will probably die painfully and slowly since I am not very fit or healthy but I do not do anything dangerous. I would like it die for a purpose-a reason- so it feels meaningful. I guess I would not mind dying for some purpose, such as saving someone or thing, but that seems very unlikely.  :(   :lol:

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I like to think I'll live long enough for science to discover biological immortality in humans. Of course, all this does is stop the aging process, meaning that death is still inevitable, so I want to die in a grand explosion.

If I absolutely have to die of old age, I wanna be asleep when it happens. Last thing I want is to witness myself dying, but with my luck, that's probably what'll happen.

Edited by MilesTheLunar
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I want to die at an old age of eighty-something in my bed of being too old.


But I think I'll die form being stabbed, shot, a car crash, or cancer.

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I'll probably get killed from a accident involving something like an extreme sport,

Reason why, I like the extremes right now and when I get to the point where I feel like I'm getting older and weaker, I will want to start pushing the limits of what I can do, scale cliff faces and traverse hostile environments, just something that will kill me off before I  become useless and a sap on the world.

Edited by Hyper
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Honestly, I feel that something like this is impossible to predict, and nothing good comes from trying. I don't believe in destiny or anything, but I do think some things are just going to happen no matter what, which I can accept.


All that said, I hope to live a long, happy life. :)

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Well, I do believe I can rule out dying of old age, even though that's the way I really wish I could go out. I can say it will most likely be of disease or by 'choice', or I really should say both, otherwise I would never really choose to do such a thing.

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I will probably kill myself one day.


How i would want to die? Not at all. I want to live forever.


The prospect to see how mankind and technology will change and develop in the future is just too appealing, so if there would be the possibility to live forever, i would take it. But then i would probably kill myself in an depressive episode... *shrug*


The duality of my mind is strange.

I'm in the same position as you though I will be satisfied if I can manage to live until year 2110 (which I don't know how likely or unlikely that is); the development of technology and world politics interests me so I would like to be immortal. Though by the time humans die out on Earth (unless we have already traveled to other worlds by that time), I would have nothing to look forward to and be completely fine with dying.


Hopefully of all deaths I will die by old age.

Edited by Krovavaya Luna
  • Brohoof 1
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I don't really like discussing death, but why not?


I think I'll probably die from a heart attack or something, although I'm not overweight, I eat very unhealthy.


How would I want to die? Hmm...


Ever seen Spy Kids 3D? In that movie, your mind becomes part of a video game if you lose all your lives. I'll take that. ^^

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For my lifetime nutrition and wellness class we had to write up our own obituary.


I wrote about how I would die in a fatal pig accident. Like I would be studying the lovely wildlife in peace and suddenly be crushed by a pig who fell from the sky.


That is how I will die. It is my destiny.

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