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How is your patience?


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i'm practically the most patient person in the world. i can wait for somebody to get off the phone for as long as 2 hours. lol

Edited by Odyssey
  • Brohoof 1
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I don't have much tolerance for nonsense and people being fools or being inconsiderate (such as whistling in the office, talking loudly in the library or being late to an appointment.)


I'm really patient in other areas though. When it comes to showing or teaching someone how to do something, I'm probably one of the most patient fellows out there. I don't judge mistakes or unfamiliarity to something, you can take as long as you please to follow directions, mess things up by mistake and ask as many questions as you want.


Similarly, I'm also really patient when it comes to time. I'm perfectly willing to wait several months for my online purchases to arrive as long as the shipping is cheap enough. I'm not patient when it comes to people being punctual though because that's more of a matter of respect rather than impatience about their lateness.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm generally extremely patient, unless I'm not. Then I'm extremely impatient. It's always one extreme or the other. I'm patient with other people as a rule, but if I want something done or I'm waiting for something I'm excited about, I'm certifiably insane.  :blink:

  • Brohoof 1
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I was born with a short fuse (ADD) and it only got shorter as time went on. There are days in which I have to just go out and do something completely stupid just to get the energy out.


When it comes to people, I get frustrated very easily. If they make me lose my patience and piss me off, it takes a lot of willpower just to not beat them into the dirt.

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Occasionally I am quite patient, but that's only if I am in a good mood. When I am stressed out, only then will I become irritated and impatient.

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Waiting is one of the worst things that can possibly happen to me. I rushed through my Sage test to play Google PAC-MAN, only to find out that I had to do an essay. They always come up with something to work on, don't they..

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  • 3 years later...

Depends on the situation though if people keep stepping on my toes, i'll explode of course
I do have a ton of patience when it comes to drawing or trying to fix stuff (Like when something is broken)

  • Brohoof 2
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