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How Do You Remain Drug Free?


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I'm currently attending a weekly public training course with my local police department. This week we covered procedures for OWIs, and that linked back into drug abuse in our community. It was eye opening to see how bad we've got it. Apparently, Wisconsin is #2 in the country in pharmaceutical robberies, whether it be thefts from pharmacies, or more commonly, pills being taken from family & friends. We're not only the drunkest sate, but we're a bunch of pill poppers too. 


Not only that, but my county is the second highest in the state in terms of heroin confiscations. And according to the cops, heroin use is pretty bad in my town. They say that it's bad everywhere. We just have the guts to say that our town has a problem. Not sure how I missed this, but a few years ago, a dude still high off weed tried to drive though our annual town parade. Apparently, effects of marijuana can last 24 hours. Makes me reconsider my stance on it being legalized. 


It's bad in the schools too from what I'm hearing.  The town I work in has it bad. I've probably served a few customers who were high on something. Hard to believe I've been oblivious to it all. 


And yet, this has only steeled my resolve to remain drug free. You know what today is? Today is national edge day. A celebrated holiday in the subculture of Straight Edge, an off shoot of the punk movement, starting in the 80's as a reaction to all the hedonism, excess and substance abuse rampant in the scene. Musicians and fans alike took a stand against it, and pledged to never do drugs, alcohol, smoke or partake in any other addictive substances. The day itself was first started in '99 and has spread across the country since. 


My adherence to this code of honor and ethics, my wanting to belong to that culture, as well as my pride and dignity, has kept me from becoming an addict. That and I don't believe people need substances to be happy. People are better than that. 


And while not everyone may be straight edge, I'd like to think more people than not are drug free. 


What keeps you guys drug free? What inspires you to just say no or just walk away? Or even better, if you wish to share, if you were using, what inspired you to stop? What gave you the strength to break the habit? 


On this day, I'd like to celebrate being clean & sober, and I hope to inspire others to do the same, and maybe you can join me. What is your anti-drug MLP Forums?


Oh and happy National Edge Day. 



  • Brohoof 6

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I don't do drugs, including pills. If a pill has any very serious side effect, from addiction to an increased risk of organ damage or cancer, I refuse to touch and even look at it. So I remain drug-free by not even considering taking 'em.

  • Brohoof 5

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Drugs mostly have pretty terrible side-affects most often coming in the form of addiction. I'm already addicted to plenty other things, so there's no room left. :^) The only drug remotely safe would be marijuana and it's completely over-rated.


The average marijuana experience: Smoke it, feel slightly funny for about 30 minutes, get really hungry, sleep. Don't do drugs kids ;D

Edited by Dark Rider
  • Brohoof 4


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There's a lot of crime in my town now due to drugs. I don't even feel safe in my own home anymore. A family friend was killed due to being hit by a drunk driver. It's due to things like this that I don't even consider drugs or drinking. Why help make my town worse than it already is.

  • Brohoof 3

* Freaky Just Got Fabulous *

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Both parents used drugs. My mother was potentially paralyzed from drug abuse, but she has since turned her life around.I believe it was after that, that I didn't want to go down the same path as them, or that I am wise enough to not do stupid things that would ruin my life.

  • Brohoof 3
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I know illegal drugs can screw me over so I avoid those for obvious reasons,


I don't even use regular medication if at all necessary, mostly due to be having real trouble swallowing tablets but also my sense that my body will come out much stronger if i just suffer though it and let my body naturally fight it off. People these days are too quick to jump to medications for minor aliments. Its because of that that people these days have weaker immune systems and some diseases become resistant to medication,

Edited by Malinter
  • Brohoof 1


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I promised my self one and only one vice, i chose alcohol, my grand farther died from lung cancer most likely brought on by smoking and I've seen how messed up my aunt is after becoming addicted speed.

"Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light."


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I choose not to do drugs cuz it's not good for your system , it leaves you sick , horrible addictions , breaks families apart . I'm talking like heroin, meth, cough syrup , pill popping, etc. not drugs prescribed to you , cuz mi e really help with my various mental problems. (I mean like prescibitoin drugs) I think it's fine I take these. I do take clonazapane which is a addictive one. But also remember that if someone struggles with a addiction, try to be there and be supportive. The sad truth I have learned is that you need to want the help before you can start recovering ...

  • Brohoof 1
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Drugs are bad. That honestly is the best answer I can give. :P I know how much of a negative impact it can have just from seeing some family members and other things so I know to stay far, far away. I am against most types of drugs in general, some medicines and maybe weed is not as bad, though I don't smoke it. I am extremely against cigarettes too, not sure how that stuff is legal. 

  • Brohoof 2



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For the longest time with drugs, it was a simple matter of not having to worry about it. Nobody at school talked about it other than our teachers telling us not to do them and I very much trusted them. Moving to college, it was a bit more common, but I guess a mix of knowing the negatives and self dignity keeps me away from them now. It's not necessarily a morality thing enforced by authority, it's more of a personal expectation I forced upon myself to never break.


I don't drink alcohol either for similar reasons. I don't see the benefit, it's expensive (especially here in Canada) and as long as I never try it, ill never want it. That's just the kind of person I am.

  • Brohoof 1
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Common sense keeps me drug free. I've seen the kind of stories in the news on what people do while under the influence of some serious drugs and I want no part of that. Hell, I'm more than a little worried anytime I take an aspirin for pain or headaches, I'm not taking something that appears to have no benefits besides maybe a brief period of pleasure, followed by an enormous list of side-effects.

  • Brohoof 2

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Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi.

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Most Hollywood films nowadays include the usage of drugs, cigars, and alcohol and sadly, this is what hinders others to only see the good sensations it brings and not the effects.

Do not be fooled by the acting and animators, The substance warps your mind and strain your body's metabolism: To be exact, Your subconscious goes blank and the drug hallucinates your mind.Thus, you are unaware of what you did at that party last night, only to regret it the next morning.

sig-4160431.tumblr_na5gwwHyqI1qlzevso5_rTrust me, Drugs ruin your social life waaay worse than anything you post on facebook can

Edited by Ryan_
  • Brohoof 2

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Huge thanks for Kyoshi for this wicked awesome signature! You rock, brother.

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I hate swallowing pills, I won't even take aspirin for headaches most of the time, I hate needles too, I'm honestly terrified of them. I would barely even use the pain medication doctor's gave me after surgery, I hate it that much. I despise the idea of any substance that can alter my mental state, that's practically some horror movie stuff in my mind.


 There's just never been a question. I don't want my way of thinking altered, I hate swallowing pills, or putting in needles, and smoking/snorting don't seem pleasant either. Even if I was interested in drugs/alcohol I'd be way too scared to do it in the first place. Seeing firsthand what alcohol does to family members is another good reason.

  • Brohoof 3

Twilight is best pony.


Why hello MLPForums! What have ya been up to?


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We must fight it individually in addiction country itself . Countries must prevent drug trading and production areas within and give serious punisments who sells and buys.Families role are most important.They have the most importanat role against drugs.Families always be sensitive about  to listen their children's feelings so children dont need to find peace at the other places and making bad friendsihps...

  • Brohoof 2


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