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Which pony would cause the biggest uproar if she got a boyfriend in the show?

cider float

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Outside of the Mane 6, Celestia or Luna would defenitly be shocking and plot-changing.


Within the Mane 6, I think that Twilight would cause the most uproar, because not only is she the main character of the entire series, but if she were to start dating anypony, it would be Flash Sentry, who is one of the worst characters in MLP history.


Also, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie might cause a significant uproar, depending on who they are paired with. Of course if Rarity, Rainbow Dash, or Applejack were to get a boyfriend, it would also be a shock, but I think that eventually the fans would get used to it.


Hopefully, though, nopony gets a boyfriend anytime soon.

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I guess it would be Twilight Sparkle. She's the most major character in the series. Besides, we've already seen how fans reacted to her crushing on Flash Sentry. That little crush caused an uproar already. If she actually began dating him, a lot of fans would definitely be ticked.

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Probably Fluttershy. 


I could imagine there'd be a great disturbance in the Fandom. As if millions of shippers cried out and then were suddenly silenced. 

Edited by Dinos4Ever
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Fluttershy. Straight up Fluttershy: Our beloved sweet large eyed, adorable innocent pegasus.  :kindness: 


Remember the S5 Episode "Make New Friends but keep Discord"? 

If Discord threw a tantrum and banished Treehugger just for "going" to the gala with Fluttershy, by Celestia's mane, he would raise hell if Fluttershy...well..you know..




Also, the Fluttercord community would be thrown into disarray; Not that it's a bad thing..nevermind..

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Truely I don't think, that the mane 6 can cost the most uproar at all.

I think the most uproar will rise in the fandom if the Cutie Mark crusaders get boyfriends.

Simply because it's show, how they slowly grow up.

and that'S both interesting and disturbing for us.

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luckily I dont do shipping so I dont care that much about shipping but I do think people would be the most angry about rainbow gettin a boyfriend, especially if he is as bland as twillights crush.

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If Rainbow Dash gets one. She is considered as one of the beloved ponies in the fandom.


Did you know that in Japan pop stars (and especially girl celebrities) are prohibited from dating or having a relationship because their employers don't want their fans to get upset about it?

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Rarity, because of Spike, Rainbow Dash because of being a lesbian icon and all that, Fluttershy because of rabid Fluttercorders and Twilight because, well...

Honestly, it would be easier to ask which pony would cause the least uproar! Out of the mane six, Pinkie Pie seems to have been mentioned the least, although, personally it would mess with my headcannon that she is asexual if she got a boyfriend.


Outside of the mane six, Lyra and/or Bon Bon wouldn't go down well, what with them being "best friends"

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Twilight Sparkle for two reasons:


(1) We already saw it happen with Flash Sentry (which, to be fair, was about as bad as that could possibly have been conceptualized and executed since it still makes no sense whatsoever).


(2) She has repeatedly been shown to have the biggest fanbase of any of the main characters, including Rainbow Dash, so obviously she would cause the biggest uproar if that were to happen.

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Well Twilight already caused the big uproar so let's see who else.


Rainbow Dash would due to how the fandom perceives her. I can already see the comments. "OMG, SHE'S NOT A LESBIAN LIKE I PICTURED! CHARACTER IS RUINED 5EVER!!!"


People wouldn't be too pissed if Rarity did since she's had love interests on the show already.


Pinkie would probably leave people confused at first and then they would get used to it.


Fluttershy I can imagine people being pissed just on the alone factor of having their waifu stolen and I can see the other half liking her getting development.


Applejack I can't see anyone feeling either way.

  • Brohoof 1
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Fluttershy or Luna for sure.The fans who love them are like hyper pprotective.I could see some riots breaking out if either of them ever got a boyfriend and I would be apart of both riots I assure you. *whistles while sharpening various melee weapons in preparation.*

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Fluttershy or Luna for sure.The fans who love them are like hyper pprotective.I could see some riots breaking out if either of them ever got a boyfriend and I would be apart of both riots I assure you. *whistles while sharpening various melee weapons in preparation.*


Eh, I personally wouldn't care too much if Fluttershy got a boyfriend. I mean sure, it'd be a change to the status quo, but out of all the six, she's probably the one who needs one the most. Also she's my least favorite, so I'm not uber protective...


But you stay away from my Dashie! She belongs to-!


Woah there... almost revealed my favorite ship! You sneaky b*stards... XD

  • Brohoof 1
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Well I don't know who'd cause the most but I think Pinkie would cause the least, there's few shippers of Pinkie with well anything for some reason, so the only people to anger would be Pinkie Waifu types.


like Rarity? You piss off the Rarity Waifu army AND the legions of Sparity and Rarijack shippers (and all those other Rarity ships that are much smaller though RariDash is getting biggger)

Rainbow Dash? You piss off her Waifu Army and the legions of people who ship her with EVERYONE.


etc etc.

Pinkie has no major ships so it's just the Waifu army to piss off.

Edited by M'gann M'orzz
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Every single one of them. Seriously, with all the shipping going on in the fandom, even with the background ponies, each and every canon relationship would cause an uproar.


I think Rainbow or Twilight would cause the most outcry, but that's only because those two are the ones I personally ship the most.

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I think the worst case scenario already happened in EqG. You have a gary stu blue-haired dude who drives a sports care becoming the love interest of adorkable Twilight.

Someone is thinking "opposites attract" on that one.

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