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Have you ever dreamt about MLP?


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Hello, I was wondering if any of you lot have dreamt about the show? I have, and I'll share mine.

  1. I once dreamt that I was watching an episode in which Zecora was pregnant and the father was some other zebra but we never got to meet him. And I was wondering what Zecora would be like as a mother.
  2. I had another dream in which Mum and I were watching an episode that began with Zecora sleeping under a tree and sleep-talking about three characters named Olivia, Baby Olivia, and Jake and I thought that was odd as her sleep-talking didn't rhyme.
  3. This dream was not exactly about MLP, but it was mentioned and a little boy in the dream said "Remember that episode where Zecora really needed a wee and then Pinkie Pie wanted to play a prank on Zecora?" and I was like "There's no such episode" (P.S. If there was, what would that episode be like?)
  4. In another dream I had, Zecora was angry and not speaking. :/
  5. And in another dream I had, I found out that Princess Luna and an unnamed prince were actually the parents of Applejack, Big Mac and Apple Bloom, and I was, like, talking to the ponies and I said "Hey, Apple Bloom, if your parents are a unicorn and an Alicorn, why are you all Earth ponies?" and she just said "Genetics are weird". Also, Luna in the dream was all serious and kept saying "c'est la vie" like it was her catchphrase or something.

So, have you dreamt about the show and if you have, what was the dream like?

P.S. I don't know why I seem to dream about Zecora all the time.

  • Brohoof 1
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I once had a dream where luna was doing kungfu on ninjas of sugar highatopia while singing i'll do anything for love.


The next one was of pinkie becoming a vampire and drinking the blood of celestia then it ended in a jumpscare from pinkie.


The dream I had 3 weeks ago involved the mane six and me on drugs... yeah


I remember this dream dashie had an insane smile she began to kill herself while mumbling something in Japanese that was the last time I watch vocaloid horror and mlp back to back uhh. 


there was one bout fluttershy beating the crap outta lubu and calling him a bitch.


I dreamt I saw applejack throwing apples at Mr. Rodgers

Edited by Nightshroud
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I once dreamt that Sunset and I were a couple and had been dating for a couple of years. We were invited to a mansion on a cliff that overlooked the ocean--she drove because I had no license. Anyway, things were going well until the power went out and strange creatures attacked, forcing everyone to evacuate, though we had to survive until then. I never did finish that dream so perhaps one day I might get that chance.


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I once had a dream where I woke up in a bed in the Princesses' castle in Canterlot, I looked down to see that I had become my OC (I saw his blue hooves), I then heard what sounded like a faint snoring coming from the other side of the bed. I slowly looked over and saw Rainbow Dash sleeping, she looked very comfortable, and her mane was a mess.


These dreams kept coming back for almost a month, and then they just stopped and never came back. The reason I remember them so well is because I jotted them down in my dream journal.


The next dream was of me meeting with Princess Celestia, I can't remember what we discussed, but I remember signing a piece of paper with the flag of Equestria and an unrecognizable flag printed on it. I woke up from this dream when the photographers who were there in the room with us started snapping photos.


After this, I had a dream where I was sitting in what looked like the Ponyville schoolhouse, I was sitting in the back while Cheerilee was teaching. I remember seeing the CMC sitting there. I looked around to see larger ponies in suits with those little earpieces on. It reminded of me of the Secret Service. They were sitting next to me on both sides, they were also blocking the door into the classroom. I woke up from this dream when a bell rang.


Then, and I consider this to be the last dream, I was at what looked like a military base, there was a line of ponies in uniform who were saluting me, they had that unrecognizable flag on their uniforms. They lined a red carpet that led to what looked like a large jet plane. It looked like Air Force One, but with different flags and symbols on it, it also had a different colour scheme. I was boarding the plane when I saw Rainbow Dash sitting next to my seat, she looked at me and smiled before tapping my seat with her hoof, signalling me to come and get strapped into my seat before takeoff.


I haven't had any MLP-related dreams since this last dream.


RavenholmZombie - Brony since 2011

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Well before I believe I did have a dream about it before, apparently Rainbow Dash was crying for some reason so I went and hugged her xD that was a nice dream.

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I remember I had a dream where my mother was working at a Walmart (even though she doesn't actually), and the Angry Video Game Nerd was in line, and said "I didn't know your mother worked at Walmart". Then Sans from Undertale came in, made my mother and the AVGN disappear, and told me if I wanted to find them, I had to go through this portal. It took me to Ponyville, where I saw Apple Bloom talking to Babs Seed, then I woke up.

  • Brohoof 2
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I started going through all the episodes and EG films from first to last in late 2015 and soon I was a massive fan. As a result of this MLP started invading my dreams after a few weeks. I can't remember any of them though.

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Three times. Most noteable was the one with Rainbow Dash at this like Mall housing type thing.. i have cartoon characters in my dreams pretty frequently, but the atmosphere collides and so much is cartoony, and so much is realistic.. but this one had AJ Pinkie and Rainbow Dash in it. And it was longer than momentary.. i dont remember all of my dreams, but i do make notes about important ones or lucid dreams. This. I was told to follow and we went inside a living duplrx that was literally infused with a mall and a hospital, i dont remember everytging she said, but i remember following and this huge caged in section of the store..

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I've dreamt of flying over Equestria amongst the clouds on a cool night with Princess Luna, all the while having a good conversation about life. 


Too many times I've dreamt of snuggling with Celestia or even kissing her.

  • Brohoof 2

“All Muslims are like a foundation, each strengthening the other; in such a way they do support each other.” (Abu Musa, Bukhari & Muslim)

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I once had a dream where luna was doing kungfu on ninjas of sugar highatopia while singing i'll do anything for love.


The next one was of pinkie becoming a vampire and drinking the blood of celestia then it ended in a jumpscare from pinkie.


The dream I had 3 weeks ago involved the mane six and me on drugs... yeah


I remember this dream dashie had an insane smile she began to kill herself while mumbling something in Japanese that was the last time I watch vocaloid horror and mlp back to back uhh. 


there was one bout fluttershy beating the crap outta lubu and calling him a bitch.


I dreamt I saw applejack throwing apples at Mr. Rodgers

Those sound like some OOC pony dreams!

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I once had a dream where we were doing a science lesson while in a bouncy castle and the scientist was talking about how flattery worked but at one point he said "Fluttershy" instead of "flattery".

  • Brohoof 2
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Well sorta... I don't remember much about the dream other than I was a child again, back in my home town, at my elementary school. It wasn't a dream 100% about MLP, but I remember at one point the Mane Six did show up in my dream. I apparently had a crush on Twilight, and the others were encouraging me to ask her out....


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Yes I had. I was dreaming about the next season and my ideas about it.


Edited by Hierok

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

!Feel Free To Talk And Walk Where Ever You Like On This Forum!

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I'm trying to lucid dream specifically to be in pon3 w0rld. Haven't succeeded yet, tried multiple ways people attempted it. Well it's fine, maybe one day.

  • Brohoof 1
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I remember posting this once before on an older thread but I'd be happy to retell it just because it was one of the coolest dreams I've ever had.


I vividly remember dreaming about being on a hike in the Rocky Mountains (I'm a Colorado native, deal with it B)) and getting separated from the group of people I was with. So here I am freaking out and getting myself lost off the trail and suddenly it's getting dark. I hear a growling noise in the trees and suddenly a mountain lion pounces on me. I don't feel any pain because all of a sudden I see a bright flash of light and the lion falls over dead. Behold, PRINCESS LUNA appears and I crouch down in fear. She tells me something along the lines of "Don't be afraid, I am here to protect you." I get up and ask her why she's on Earth and she says she is my "guardian alicorn" who is sworn to protect me. Then she leads me back to the group (I can't remember if I flew with her or what) and I wake up.


Yes, I dreamt of Luna, shows I'm a bit of an obsessed fan. ;) Kinda wish it was real because having an alicorn as a guardian angel of sorts would be the coolest. :ooh:


Signature by Kyoshi

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I'm trying to lucid dream specifically to be in pon3 w0rld. Haven't succeeded yet, tried multiple ways people attempted it. Well it's fine, maybe one day.

Lucid dreaming about that sounds cool!

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Lucid dreaming about that sounds cool!

Funny you should mention lucid dreaming because one of only two pony dreams I've had was lucid. It wasn't much of a dream; no storyline to speak of, but I was meeting Rainbow Dash in person in some strange, undefined color-swirled world. Despite the abstract surroundings, everything was so real and lucid I had to reach out and touch her. I touched her on the face and she was really soft and squishy. It was amazing!  :wau: Sadly, the dream ended there. 

The other pony dream I had was about Celestia's other sister, a mauve-colored princess named Columbiana.  :sunbutt:

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I've actually had several dreams like this in the last few months and in all of them I was my OC except for a few that were at the beginning of the big storyline that the dreams where telling me. In a shortened description I discovered universal energy (equestrian magic) that was the core component of everything and then I started creating the ponies as super advanced robots. I started with Princess Luna and Celestia and then I moved on the main 6 then after that I created a manufacturing line and before I know it there where billions of ponies that where reshaping human society into an identity peaceful and social society and even things like money where completely removed. The people who were naturally bad and wanted to commit crime where simply reshaped to fit in and keep everything stable. I then created equestria to send half of the ponies there to the earth wasn't too over populated with ponies. Even what's going on in the show today is actually real but taking place around 4000 years into the future. I'm actually wondering if all of this is true or not but I do have real intentions of actually doing what I did in my dreams. :)


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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I don't have many dreams about mlp I do have this one I had not that long ago about this table game I play called heroclixs where you collect figures to use in a game like chess but with more to it and dice in heroclixs there's packs you buy with characters from alot of things video games comics and even shows in the the dream I just got back from buying mlp heroclixs

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I have dreamed a few times about Mlp, but i can only remember the last dream a little bit.


I was in school and i had to write a test and i felt bad as always in school.

Until i realized that it was a dream and that i dont have to do anything, so i jumped out the window and in mid-air i got the idea to transform myself into Twilight Sparkle.


I flew trough the air, just being happy and landed on a tree. I looked around and found some sort of water park, with various kinds of fish and sea creatures, so i flew done and took a look at them.


Then my dream turned into a clase closed episode and detektiv conan was trying to solve a murder case.

I dont remember what he or the other people from the anime said, but it was a murder in a cellar.


I also dont really remember what happened after that.

Yeah okay, the dream didnt really have something to do with the Show directly, but Twilight was in it, that counts, right?

Sorry for bad english or wrong words.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I once dreamt that my mother (who actually doesn't know that much about the show) was telling me all these fake "facts" like she said unicorn magic came from unicorns sensing the emotions of other ponies and these emotions charge up their horns like electricity or something. (I know that's not true because if Sweetie Belle could read emotions then she'd know that Babs Seed was sad and if Rarity could read emotions then she'd know Twilight was telling the truth about Cadence being an impostor.)

Also, I dreamt that my mother said she "had to write to the princess". Was that an MLP reference?
Also I once dreamt that someone said "I'm so hungry I could eat a pegasus!" and Fluttershy was like "No, please don't".

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