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I currently reside in northern Illinois about 60 minutes from the city of Chicago. The village I live in is named Manhattan and it is was incorporated in 1886. It's really just a whole lot of nothing.




  • Brohoof 1
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British here and very Southern. 

I was born and live in Taunton, Somerset. 

Though I have moved around the country a bit. You can find me in Cornwall and Cumbria in the Summer. 

I've lived in Plymouth (Devon), Outside Basingstoke (Hampshire) and Camberly (Surrey) 

  • Brohoof 1
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I live in the UK, in a county where the largest road has two lanes either side, that didn't hit the industrial revolution until the 60's (I'm not even joking), where our more well known exports are cider from our excessive amount of breweries and an entire breed of cattle, where the main "city" has a train station that was only meant to be temporary until a better one was built (it was built ~150 years ago), and is in the top 5 least densely populated counties.

Our golden age was about 1000 years ago when we fought off a Danish invasion that one time, unlike much of England.

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I live in Sweden. Been living in the same town all my life, I moved down to southern Sweden to study and then I moved right back up again. Well, up... it's still more to the south than north but there are not that many people who live in nothern sweden :P

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On 8.8.2017 at 10:47 PM, The Cerberus said:

I live in 

Same here, Finland the funland - that picture is an excellent way to indicate where you live. :D

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Born in Jacksonville, Florida but I've (unfortunately) had to call northern Colorado my home for the last 22 years. Southern boy at heart, always will be. My heart yearns for the southern plains of Oklahoma and Texas and hopefully next year they will be my home!

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