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How bad is your temper?

Akemi Homura

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I can go from being happy to complete bit**** in 5 seconds flat when some one gets me mad and then I can become your worst night mare. I've put a girl in the hospital for telling me because I'm lesbian to kill myself so I beat the sh*t out of her so ya my temper is very bad



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honestly, I won't hurt much but my temper only comes to the point where I shout profanities...


And that's pretty much about it



I used to be really violent as a kid though, it never really felt all that good in the first place :(

  • Brohoof 1


Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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Not too bad of a temper.But if i tell someone to stop doing something and they keep doing it,i would get kinda mad.I try not to show it when im mad.


Sig made by meh ((Find me on Deviantart if you wanna talk to me))

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My temper is mild... i dont tend to get mad easily.... but the second somenone pushes me over that thresh hold.... I am their  face, and they would be wishing you didnt p**s me off so much.

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I've always been really rather mellow, so I really don't ever have a bad temper. Maybe if  I get super, super overstressed though, I either whine a lot or completely shut down. But I rarely ever get seriously angry, definitely never in a physical way. Mostly because I find a lot of the bad things that happen to me bemusing or hilarious in a "hahaha, I can't believe I got so utterly screwed like that!" way :'D

Edited by Powderpuff
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My temper, according to those who know me and know me well, is, to put it mildly, severe. When somebody gets me angry, at first I try to keep the anger bottled inside me, since I know that if it comes out, someone's going to get insulted badly. usually they'd continue doing the crap that they were doing that got me angry before. Then eventually I can't help it, and lose it completely. I just don't know what's going on, and before I know it, the person is backing up, wishing that they'd never done whatever they'd done to get me angry. And then after that I'd feel ashamed, and go somewhere away from the person. And then they'd start feeling that I'm going to come back and get them in the night, so they come to me and apologize  But I never accept it :P. And then after that I get really sensitive and break down crying. Yeah, pretty much, that's what happens when I rage. 

"Mama told me not to waste my life, she said spread your wings my little butterfly. Don't let what people say keep you up at night, and they can't detain you, 'cause wings were made to fly" ~Little Mix, Wings
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Oh i get mad very easily. Especially if someone wakes me up like really early and not the kind of wake up like when your parents wake you up from school, no. I'm talking about the wake ups when your friends decide to jump on you while you're sleeping or try to mess with you while you're sleeping. THAT makes me so angry. But I'm usually a pretty nice guy :) just don't mess with my sleep. :ph34r:


Credit to Kyoshi for my sig!!

Check out my remix of Pinkie's Smile, Smile, Smile!

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My temper, according to those who know me and know me well, is, to put it mildly, severe. When somebody gets me angry, at first I try to keep the anger bottled inside me, since I know that if it comes out, someone's going to get insulted badly. usually they'd continue doing the crap that they were doing that got me angry before. Then eventually I can't help it, and lose it completely. I just don't know what's going on, and before I know it, the person is backing up, wishing that they'd never done whatever they'd done to get me angry. And then after that I'd feel ashamed, and go somewhere away from the person. And then they'd start feeling that I'm going to come back and get them in the night, so they come to me and apologize But I never accept it : then after that I get really sensitive and break down crying. Yeah, pretty much, that's what happens when I rage.

Same here. Clearly it doesn't do the mortal human heart good to refuse an apology. However that is only if the apologiser feels genuinely sorry for what he/she did. Personally I don't love and tolerate liars. But anyway, I would especially break down if I did something totally insensitive. Honestly, during those times I can't believe myself, because Im such a nice guy, so I would end up crying after a rage. On the bright side, it's a great way of washing out the evils that temporarily poisoned your soul. Unfortunately I don't feel it. The only thing I feel is a deep pain, and harrowing regret that I have for my actions.

Edited by Fyrestorm


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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I'm usually very mellow, and when I do get frustrated, I can control myself well and I try to calm down quickly.


I have lost my temper a few times. I can get very loud, but never physical.

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I'm always angry and malicious. When my temper rises than no one is safe. i have gauged my temper on 4 different levels.

level 1: I just curse alot and make threats like Joe Pesci


level 2: Heavy cursing followed by chest beating and slamming fist on table


level 3: threats followed by wrecking everything in site


level 4: Imagine a tank rolling through a carpark and blowing things up while squishing cars. the aftermath is compared to the aftermath of my rampage.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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I don't have a bad temper, it takes a lot to get me mad.  On the other hoof, I can get some road rage.  There's just so many bad drivers where I go to college, and I always seem to have the worst luck when it comes to stoplights and traffic.


Signature credit to Gone Airbourne
Xbox Live - Sir Trollestia

Steam - Sir_Trollestia

Wii U - SirTrollestia

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I will stab and mutilate any motherfucker that messes with me. Did I mention that I really like kittens? I LOVE kittens, they're so fluffy.

Edited by Neighvana666
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I don't lose my temper much. But let me tell you. When people mess with my friends, I'll be insiting to punch that little sucker in the face.

Also I get made when people make fun of my brother.

*Insert amazing signature here*

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I have little to no temper. It takes an absolute avalanche of abuse to get me riled up, even when I'm in a crappy mood (which is also rare). If people try to purposely rile me up, I normally just act dismissive.


If people pick on my friends, or me, I act level-headed and just tell them to piss off. No anger in my words or anything. I put on a look of disbelief that says "This guy is a complete tool", and the good thing is that it often makes 'em stop.


There is one thing, however, thing that will make me instantly angry, against everything - animal cruelty. If I ever see someone mistreating animals, or watch a video about animals being treated like dirt, I get infuriated, VERY quickly - I'm not entirely sure why I'm not a vegetarian...

Edited by Flipturn
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I once threatened my asshole drug addict neighbor with a chainsaw since he was having a house party.... on a Tuesday at 3am when I had to be up for work in 2 hours AND I had all ready called the police TWICE and asked him nicely. But as it turns out banging on someone door with a running chainsaw is actually quite effective at getting people to stfu. So yea I have a bad temper but I do try to keep it under control.

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i am usually pretty calm but if you go out of your way to annoy me or make me mad i have been known to go off on people that do that or i end up saving up all my anger and end up totally snapping at the next person to annoy me.This has been known to happen a few times and usually doesn't end well...for the other person. I then go back to being the happy fun loving person i usually am ^^ 


other things that have been known to get me angry are when people are hurting my friends,  abusing animals, or when someone judges me without getting to even know me first (stereotyping) i mean if you dont know me atleast be nice dont look down on me like i am some horrible person


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  • 4 months later...

For me, personally, it's pretty easy to make me angry.


  • My friend saying that the sun and moon are planets made me angry enough to get in a screaming match with her.
  • Messy rooms can make me angry on the inside
  • People who are overconfident make me angry (Aside from RD...because...well..it's RD.)

Pretty much anything will make me flip my lid from time to time.


How about you all?




  • Brohoof 2


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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I don't get mad, I just get even. ;) Seriously, though, I like to think I have a pretty long fuse... being a teacher kind of necessitates it. Even if something does make me mad, I rarely flip out about it. My anger burns cold rather than hot, but I can hold a grudge like nobody's business. I'm more passive aggressive than anything.


That said, grammar mistakes make me face palm, but not enough to go take it out of anyone's hide.

Edited by Full Spectrum
  • Brohoof 2

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


Signature by Midnightive

Check out my blog! https://mlpforums.com/blog/1083-sunny-side-den/

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Well.... um, lets seeeee, Oh yeah, so this one time my friend liked Howard Duck, SO I THREW HIM' ON THE GROUND!!!!

-Hopefully you've heard that song. :-P

I wish more people would call me ,"sir"....without adding, "You're making a scene".

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I'm kind of like you WheatleyCore except for the messy room part, I mostly only get mad at random messy areas other than rooms like sheds or something.


The thing that really puts me off is when someone disgraces the name of science by spitting out random "facts" about things they have no idea about. 


Don't even get me started on people who talk about a subject they have no idea about but act like they know what they are talking about. I get really angry when someone states something not true and keeps making everyone believe it.


Just about the only things that truly make me mad, and lately I've been able to channel my anger into something more productive.

  • Brohoof 2


Thanks to the lovely Pink Mist for the magnificent signature!

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It's actually very difficult to get me angry. Actually, I dare say it's impossible. I have never screamed at anybody either. It's very easy for me to keep such a calm composure, no matter what happens. I don't think my fuse will ever get to the point where I explode on someone. I guess I just don't have it in me. ^_^

  • Brohoof 1



IF is best girl.

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Everything can make me angry since I have huge build-up anger of years of problems inside me that is too dangerous to be let out.


I'm easy to be angered. For example:


People who are totally butthurt, and over-optimistic yes-men. Can't deal with people who are too much of both. I think people who are that way are simply blinded or have no standards, that are actually standards, and not just signs of a lack of that bit of individuality that is the maximum a human can have, while we are actually very collective beings.


And classic music. I love classic music, don't get me wrong. But it simply makes me rage...


And politicians. Im angry everyday as soon as I open the newspaper...

  • Brohoof 2

"If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences."

- W. I. Thomas & D. S. Thomas



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Well it depends on what it is, its kinda like certain things will light my fuse and make me burst.


It also depends how my day went, and if you happen to be catching me when I'm chock full of anger i'm trying not to release, or not. 


If you catch me on a day i've  been keeping anger in, chances are you say one little thing slightly wrong, i'll lash out at you.


So honestly I can have a pretty bad temper. Not as much online, but irl yeah.

  • Brohoof 2


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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