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What's your pet peeve?

Tom The Diamond

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I got another pet peeve.


Classic Rock/Most 80's music. It's always gotten on my nerves, especially the classic rock songs with that endless guitar solo. :okiedokieloki:



(Some 80's music is actually good, though. I like Dead or Alive. R.I.P. Pete Burns :( )

This is recent :-o ! Did not know that :C .


Hrmm.... Another pet peeve is erm.... people with fake glory :wacko:.


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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My roommate grinds my gears into a powder.


I'm usually pretty tolerant of noise but he takes it to a whole new level. It's the noise that really messes with me because it keeps me from getting stuff done... but he also throws tantrums, tries to blame me or inanimate objects for petty things, thinks his cat is bad for not wanting to be cuddled all the time (I seriously worry for that cat sometimes), refuses to clean up after himself, and wants my attention all the time.


It's alright if a child is acting like a child, but a grown adult the same age as me (26) acting like a little kid who is totally out of control, and doing so all the time, now THAT really, really grinds my gears.

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  • 5 months later...

I really hate it when people have the music in the car loud enough that I have to speak over it to be heard :okiedokieloki: .

  • Brohoof 3


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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I have several pet peeves, here's a list of my top three worst:


1. I can become extremely OCD about my diecast car collection, if anyone touches any of my cars I get extremely irritated and always check for fingerprints and scratches on them lol. Same with any other collectable objects I own. 

2. Smacking and loud chewing sounds people make when they eat really do it

3. And it really irritates me when someone spells Jimmie Johnon's name wrong... it's 'Jimmie' with an 'ie' not 'Jimmy' ok? xD

Edited by Lucky Bolt
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When Nintendo fanboys make excuses for their precious company's shortcomings in the modern era :P 

When Ps4 fanboys tell me games movies like The Last of Us are masterpieces -.-

When Xboner fanboys say "Japanese games don't matter! They are worthless weaboo trash!"in order to excuse their feeble lineup of such games. @_@

When Pc Elitists feel the need to trash the console gamers on Youtube comment sections bragging of the superiority of their platform when instead of wasting their time inducing cringe wars on the internet, they should be playing their awesome games at max settings, 144fps, 4k instead >.> 

When non-gamers say video games are the cause of all emotional turmoil in the youths of today. u_u

Edited by K.Rool Addict
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Let's see...

I can't stand bias, especially in the media. It is the job of the media to give an unbiased account of a story. But instead, we get far left media outlets sweeping anything that goes against their viewpoints under the rug, and you get yellow journalism. I'll give you a great example: about two weeks ago a Pakistani man was shot and killed by israeli special forces for attempting to stab infidels. 

Of course, the media "forgot" to mention that the man was attempting to stab people and was killed in self defense. All they said was "Pakistani man shot and killed by Israeli forces." And everyone believed them and sympathized with the dead man. Liberalism is a mental disorder.


And that’s the bottom line, ‘cause Stone Cold said so!

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I really really can't stand when people do the same grammar error over and over...

Especially when the rest of their sentence is written correctly, ooooh that's just the worst...

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People holding up lines at grocery store cashiers because of stuff like wanting to pay with 3 separate forms of payment, coupons arguing with the cashier and then manager at teh checkstand over the price of an item and generally being as slow as possible. I almost always have less than 15 items and only pay with debit so its an almost instantaneous transaction requiring only about 30 seconds max so its not a thing. Its much of the same for others in the express lane but then you get that one guy. That ONE GUY who is always right in front of you wanting to put the kibosh on efficiency and go "I wanna use these 20 coupons" "Oh im sorry some of these coupons are expired and others cannot be combined" "What? But it says here..." and it just goes from there where It has literally taken 15 minutes between the last item scanned and receipt given.

Faulty credit cards, multiple forms of payment, deciding which items you do not want or require an exchange on and just other tomfoolery that they have NO concern on holding up the line with. And its ALWAYS within 3 guys ahead of me. Never behind me or the guy just finishing up as I get there. Its something I see so often I sometimes find it more reliable to be behind the people with a hundred items than the express lane because its may very well be shorter.

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I'm sure this sounds pretty apparent, but I have an absolutely enormous problem with people mistreating animals. I don't just mean cats and dogs- but insects and reptiles and smaller pets as well. It's become an especially big problem lately that I despise with all of my being. Just because an animal is small and doesn't process thought in the same way we do, does NOT mean they don't experience fear and stress and pain. Likewise, I've got a huge thing against owners who, through ignorance or neglect, just don't provide their pet with what they actually need. Goldfish don't go in fish bowls. They need a minimum of 20 gallons for only one fancy, or 40 for a single-tailed goldfish, but people keep putting them in non-filtered, terrible little 5 gallon bowls. Or when people put rabbits in tiny guinea pig cages...wooh does that get me riled up. 

That being said though, if anybody would appreciate some help for really any animal (I'll let you know if I don't know about the particular species) feel free to hit me up! c: I'm a really avid animal advocate and a veterinary student. That doesn't make me a professional, so keep that in mind, but I love to help!

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I have many pet peeves, i guess it's just depend on my mood of the day.

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♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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On 5/29/2017 at 4:04 PM, Tealeaf said:

I'm sure this sounds pretty apparent, but I have an absolutely enormous problem with people mistreating animals. I don't just mean cats and dogs- but insects and reptiles and smaller pets as well. It's become an especially big problem lately that I despise with all of my being. Just because an animal is small and doesn't process thought in the same way we do, does NOT mean they don't experience fear and stress and pain. Likewise, I've got a huge thing against owners who, through ignorance or neglect, just don't provide their pet with what they actually need. Goldfish don't go in fish bowls. They need a minimum of 20 gallons for only one fancy, or 40 for a single-tailed goldfish, but people keep putting them in non-filtered, terrible little 5 gallon bowls. Or when people put rabbits in tiny guinea pig cages...wooh does that get me riled up. 

That being said though, if anybody would appreciate some help for really any animal (I'll let you know if I don't know about the particular species) feel free to hit me up! c: I'm a really avid animal advocate and a veterinary student. That doesn't make me a professional, so keep that in mind, but I love to help!

This, yes. I am mostly interested in foxes and snakes/reptiles, and I hate any mistreatment. Pets too of course. It is upsetting to see some snakes/reptiles in poor conditions by people who don't care to take care of them, treating them as objects. Many of these animals don't even ask for much, just proper heat and environment.

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People that turn on the windshield wipers when it isn't raining anywhere near enough to warrant using them.

The squeezee sound just adds to my annoyance :3

Edited by Meeps
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  • 2 weeks later...

What really grinds my gears is when animated shows like

spongebob,fairly odd parents, etc, changes there animation style when they do a movie I use to love spongbob but then the new movie came out and I was like "why you do dis the animation was great now it's all 3D" Why can't they just sick with the original style animation. Idk just me who thinks this?

Edited by DatBronyGuy
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You know what really grinds my gears?

People with handicapped parking placards that can't park.  I mean really, the parking space is big to begin with and you still can't color in the lines?

People who don't use their turn signal or who forget to turn it off.  It is not that difficult to use.

Finally, people who say melk instead of milk.  Please spell milk.  It's m-i-l-k... there is no e!

  • Brohoof 1

And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit.-- The Tick


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What really grinds my gear?

Overthinking and being harshly critical to myself. Always getting lost on the little details and never forming the big picture. At least I try not to be critical towards others and be nice in the most sincerest way possible?

Cannot stand both arrogant and hypocritical people. Even worse when I acquire these attributes because I'm tempted to kill myself.

Boredom. Just pure unadulterated boredom.

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5 hours ago, Pinkie_Pi said:

Finally, people who say melk instead of milk.  Please spell milk.  It's m-i-l-k... there is no e!

What drives me nuts is people who pronounce 'sandwich' as 'samwich'. There is no 'M' in Sandwich and people sound like three-year-olds who don't yet know how to pronounce their words when they say it like that! Even commercials, which are supposed to have actors with decent diction, can't get it right. 

On a separate note, I hate the keyboard on my computer. It has flat keys with little space between them and I get typos in every stinking word! I must spend the equivalent of three days a year just correcting all the typos this keyboard causes, DIE KEYBOARD DIE!!! :angry:

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People who litter when there's clearly waste receptacles in the area. I've never caught someone in the act but if I did... Respect the environment!

4 hours ago, cuteycindyhoney said:

People who misuse the word "Literally".


Ugh, I can't even!



Edited by Roughshod
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The truth is always rough.
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It gets on my nerves when a meeting runs overtime, especially if someone brings up a new topic right as we are wrapping things up. 

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