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Well too many it may surprise you that I'm actually black. 


If you want I have a highlight film for football and currently working on a wrestling one as well.


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  • 2 months later...

Here's a couple new ones:


I can continue to listen to music or conversations and understand them while I am sleeping, and I sometimes respond to conversations without my body's "consent" - it just sorta slips out.


Whenever a bad memory I regret comes up, I try and "shunt" it away with a super-noticable cringe.


I have scars on my body that will never go away - one on the back of my head, and several in a stripe under my left rib - because of childlike accidents. That is, hitting my head on those playground zipline thingies, and falling off a bicycle.


I can raise my right eyebrow without moving the other one.


I am fluent in Hebrew, but I hate learning it so much.


When I don't know a word in a foreign language, I will subconsciously replace it with a word from another foreign language.


I can type 1.3 words a second, or about 80 a minute. The average person my age can type about 30 wpm.


I am obsessed with typography, and can type in QWERTY, Colemak, and Steno (court reporting).


I don't observe any "negative" Jewish traditions - that is, I don't keep Kosher, do work on Saturdays, eat bread during Passover, etc. It's part of my compromise for preserving my Jewish culture and heritage, without believing in God.


I am so socially anxious that when I am eating and someone I am not totally familiar with wants to talk with me, I will wipe the corners of my mouth repeatedly trying to wipe off nonexistent food bits.


I make up fairly simple, but knowledge-requiring, riddles that people who want to know certain pieces of generally-open information (actual first name, gender, etc.) have to solve.


When I was little, I was afraid of asking for things directly, so I'd spell things out in the air with my fingers or use periodic symbols. I'm still not sure why I did this.


Randomly, for anywhere from one word to a full sentence, I will adopt a quite heavy Québecois accent. It's not out-of-the-blue, as my parents are both from Montréal and have accents themselves, but it always shocks my friends when I say "Hah-nah Mon-tah-nah" as opposed to the (overly-exaggerated to show difference) "Hya-neh Mon-tye-na" of their Torontonian accents, which I do pick up on.

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I can see auras


I can play the piano blindfolded


I'm ambidextrous 


I can hit a super high b-flat on an alto saxophone (Same as a super high C on a B-flat trumpet)


Those are the only things I can think of for now. 

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There are very few things I tell anybody.

I might be Bipolar, my moods swing between happy, angry, or depressed very quickly.

If I'm ever very bored, I'll leave the internet, go to my room, and start talking to myself while organizing something.

I'm very obsessive with organizing things, such as my collectibles or my books.

I act as if I have ADD/ADHD, but as a baby, I wasn't diagnosed with any sort of attention disorder. I'm just naturally a hyper kid.

My friends and family don't know this, but I'm actually a big hypocrite myself. In a lot of things. I feel bad about it but I can't change my ways so easily. 

I don't feel regretful for anything I've done in the past, no matter how traumatic it might have been for anybody else.

I don't know what happiness really is.

I fake my smiles a lot.

Only my crush has seen a real smile from me.

As my smiles are faked, so are my laughs most of the time.

My crush is the only one not related to me who has ever heard me giggle for real.


That enough little known facts for you all? Congratulations, now you know some of my secrets! :P

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- I smile way more than I like to. 

- I always drink my coffee black even though I hate the way it tastes.

- I don't put dressing on my salad.

- I bring plenty of change with me in my bag just so I can give some away to whoever asks to borrow some.

- My sense of smell is pretty terrible.

- I chew on pen caps and stuff, but I can't stand chewing gum.

- The first song I ever learned to play by ear was from Tetris (

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- I have less cones and more rods than the average person making my eyesight not very sharp but giving me amazing nightvision.


- I'm a crybaby when it comes to sad stories/songs/shows.


- I love to sing but have no idea if I'm any good whatsoever.


- Been playing neopets since I was 8 and still get on once a week.


- I love writing up characters and giving them extremely complex personalities and backstories but never do anything with them.


- I have 3 notebooks filled of these characters.


- I'm dying to contribute something to the brony community


- I somehow end up being the one everyone brings there problems to


- When I was in preschool I stole a clear lime-green lego and still have it next to my bed.(only thing i've ever stolen)


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Alright, lets do this!


- I am a soccer/football player.

- I don't eat mushrooms.

- I bottle up my negative emotions, that bottle tends to overflow every now and then.

- I saved my friends life while bushwalking.

- I love writing

- I am a skiier

- I don't have facebook

- I love my internet friends as much as my real life friends.

- I have never had a fight with my life long friend.

- I don't like stew.

- I have been to Thailand.

- I am a good speller.

- I have two fishtanks.

- I love sewing.

- I am love cats




Well, now you know a bit more about me :P

Edited by Snowdream
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-  I can type up to 110 WPM but my average typing speed is 60 WPM

- I can type without looking at the keyboard nor the screen, and with perfect spelling too.

- I am allergic to cats, dogs, pet dander, grass and the cold (Cold gives me hives)

- I have aspergers (I almost act normal, just a bit antisocial like Twilight Sparkle)

- I piloted a Cessna 172 from Boeing Field at the age of 11 in Seattle.

- I've been in a Combat Information Control Center on an Arleigh Burke class destroyer in San Diego.

- I've never broken a bone, at all.

- I've never had cavities.

- I act smart and dumb on the Internet, but smart IRL.

- I'm not scared of Scary Maze Game.

- I prefer music from the 1980s, 1990s, and 1970s over most of today's music

- I traveled around the country

- Been to Hawaii eight times and counting...

- I act like a dick sometimes.

- I have interest in roads, making me a roadgeek.

- I have known basic orbital mechanics, enabling me to play Orbiter, and managing to know trajectory burns and etc.

- I've been to Disneyland too many times

- I've never really liked Metal very much.

- I prefer originals than covers.

- I'm best at spelling.

- While straight, I have no attraction at all.


And that's little and big things no one knows about.

Hey, who said I can't have an opinion?

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Umm... Okay:


- I do not drink any kind of energy drinks or soda because i don't like their piquancy.


- Red Alert 3 is the only thing in my list that is better than MLP-FiM to me


- I don't have any favorite band and/or artist, but i lessen a lot game music.


- I don't know almost anything about steam even though, i have wanted it very hard


- I have only once won over 20€ from something


- I don't either believe or want to believe what Brony is


- I haven't still yet managed to made any permanent friendships


- Currently: i have wasted money MLP-FiM things more than the games.

Edited by Thunderlight

Spring has arrived to Finland and you know what that means?


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljOpfo1sras ITS SOON HOLIDAY!



 Other track :)
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I actually find it sort of... well "awkward" and "annoying" both aren't the right words... but as a whole I have a complex opinion of standing at a height of 6'5".


I think bass guitar is not very interesting.

I'm sorry what was that second part? The sound of somebody asking me to go and murder their family in their sleep? Okay then :D.





Lets see first thing most people don't know is I snowboard and I play bass


Secondly I most likely have an undiagnosed case of savant autism


Thirdly I will murder your family if you insult bass guitar


Fourth my favorite tf2 hat is the vintage ghastlierest gibus



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I have this urge to poke or pinch the centers of my palms. I've been doing it since I was a little kid. It's really strange, and for awhile I thought it meant that I was the second coming. I am Jewish, and my dad does love carpentry. I'm not saying I'm the messiah, but I'm just saying...

Original Fiction: http://mlpforums.com/topic/69008-hawkmoths-fiction/


לְעֵת תָּכִין מַטְבֵּחַ מִצָּר הַמְנַבֵּחַ.
אָז אֶגְמוֹר בְּשִׁיר מִזְמוֹר חֲנֻכַּת הַמִּזְבֵּחַ.

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alright well lets see here, a little thing no one knows about me...


Ive been playing the piano for 8 years now and i started learning how to play the organ 2 years ago, and ive played for a wedding.


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I care quite a bit.


The Beatles are my childhood, I even wanted to do halloween as a Beatle once.

I used to be into Bionicle and still maintain a presence on a Bionicle website.


I travel a lot, mostly to Chicago. the first time I went, I forced everyone to listen to a 70's radio station until the band "Chicago" came on, so we would be listening to Chicago in Chicago. The song that came on was also one of my favorites.


I'm of Polish decent and want to learn the language. I also want to go to Poland. I've considered moving to Poland, and am still thinking about it. I probably am going to move to Chicago though.


My favorite car is a MGB.



Would you like a jelly baby?

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heres a bigger one: i have socialpjobia so i am

very antisocial, especially since im a brony. Basically i always have been with my mom most times so i guess thats a part of it too.


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Lets see...


I've never broken a bone. (Possible pinky toe but didn't go to doctor)


I've saved every code I've ran.


I can't really stand most music made past the 80's.


I bought a brand new $25,000 car, and I don't drive it. (16,000 miles in over 2 years)


I twirl my hair when I'm bored.


I almost didn't graduate high school and I've dropped out of 2 colleges.


I have my CCW and I'm always armed.


I found a Buddly Holly album worth a few grand in a $1 bin at a garage sale.


That's all I can think of for now.

Edited by FMStorm

Sig by the one and only Doc Volt! Gone but not forgotten! Guess who's back!!! Luna damn it!
Your PMs are not safe! Trust no one!

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I'm a violinist.


Due to a bit of nerve damage, my right hand isn't as agile as my left.


I was supposed to have Spina Bifida. Luckily, the test was wrong.


I have a scar on my left thumb from when I accidentally stabbed myself with a pencil in 4th grade.


Adam West once hit on my mom (not about me, but cool nonetheless).


The health of my osteo-organs has never been compromised.


Diabetes, Alzheimer's, Appendicitis, and several cancers run in my family.


My voice has been described as "a combination of Morgan Freeman and Jesus Christ."


Ironically, I don't like needles in the slightest.


I call myself Catholic, although my actual beliefs are a bit closer to Deism.


I've performed a minor surgery on myself.


I've been stung by the same bee twice.


I play TF2 with an Xbox controller. (I don't care if it's "not correct", it's the way I was raised to do it. Keyboard and Mouse setups are incredibly alien to me, controllers are second-nature.)


My favorite book is Contact.


I don't trust cities. Minneapolis and Vegas are exceptions.

Edited by Yosef von Uzenvard


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About 10 years ago I did a phone interview with the US Treasurer at the time, Rosario Marin.


I can multiply 2 or 3 digit numbers in my head without a calculator. 


I was 5'8" in 7th grade.  Only grew about 2-3 inches in the 20+ years since. 


I am a very, *very* distant relative of former South Korean president Kim Young Sam.


... I think that's all I got.

Edited by hawkflame


Sig by Thunderstorm

Check out my Rarity fansite!

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I've never been stung by a bee

I've never broken a bone

I have no allergies

I love MLP (something my friends don't know XD)

I'm actually not gay (another thing some of my friends don't know XD)

I love Maths, but I always say it's my least favourite subject

I write fimfiction

I've been a huge fan of pokemon since the age of six

I don't know what being ninja'd means

I have to straighten my bangs every day because they curl up if I don't

I've played the flute for four years and counting

I know Giggle at the Ghostly off by heart on the flute

I've never seen a horror movie because I'm a wimp

I've read Cupcakes, The Rainbow Factory, the Experiments of Twilight Sparkle and various other gore-filled fimfictions and enjoyed them

Despite my shy nature, I have a healthy ego

I have a guitar, and I never play it

I hate people hearing my singing, even though it's not that bad

My family is very poor. Very poor.

I have several decks of pokemon cards, which I haven't even looked at in years...

Even though I'm smart now, I used to copy everybody else's work in class

I listen to a huge variety of music, pretty much every genre

Months before I joined the herd, I used to hum 'Love is in Bloom' for weeks after hearing it in an advertisement


My favourite character is actually a tie between Luna and Scootaloo.

Edited by Sweet Dreams
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I used to be allergic to most band-aids.

I used to be blond.

I never play one of my favorite songs so it's more awesome when it comes up on my playlist.

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My passion burns strongly for sports, but I have an even deeper passion for uniforms and jerseys; specifically hockey jerseys, and even more specifically ones worn in the mid-late 90's.









They're a whole different kind of fashion for me, y'know?

  • Brohoof 2


My journey in the fandom started on April 5, 2012. I joined here on April 24, 2012. Where that journey is headed now, who knows...

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This is really embarrassing, but I like a lot of musicals. *laughs*

My favourite director of all time is Joss Whedon.

I'm not a big superhero fan.

I'm a vegetarian (a surprising number don't know this...)


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I dislike texting and would much rather talk to someone on the phone because it is more personal that way.


My favorite colors are green, green/black, & silver/black. Not pink :P


I love fishing too.


I am a very easy going person almost nothing gets to me.



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I'm making an updated version because I feel like it...I may have missed a couple things but there is a possibility this will be exactly like my last post...myeh.


I am really super duper introverted at first...but once I get to know whoever it is I am meeting my inner crazy comes out and...does its thang ?


I am really really awkward around anyone who I have met on the internet or anyone I haven't seen in a long time (If you're going to bronycon...I may be there so just a warning...i'm REALLY BUCKING AWKWARD (In the sense where all I say is "I'm good" "Oh really ?" and "Uh huh"))


I have asthma (Which sucks) And I am allergic to almost all shellfish


I love swimming


I love flying (Its also my dream to be able to fly (Without planes and stuff))


I do circus stuff (But I think everyone knows that)


I spend way to much time on the computer


I play allot of instruments but I don't take any lessons...I just play by ear.


I LOVE the walking dead (Books and show...but I lean more towards the books)


I have taken a couple Areal silk/areal hoop lessons and I LOVE THEM SO MUUUUCH (I think this would fall into the circus thing)


I like drinking Soda water...just plain soda water


I don't think bird should be the word


My favorite dessert would be cheesecake or pie...or something


Aaaaand...I think that's it for myaw.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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