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mega thread Everypony's Religion And Why?


What is your religion?  

66 users have voted

  1. 1. What is your religion?

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    • Unitarian/ Universalist
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    • Electic Pagan (added at request)
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    • Other (quote the OP and I'll try to add it ASAP)

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Agnostic deist here.


Why? I dunno. I was never sure that god exists. I thinking is like this: I'm 51% that something exists maybe a god or something and 49% that nothing exists. in the end I dunno.

Edited by zerox
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I'm an agnostic atheist. I can't be certain if there is or isn't a god or gods, but I don't believe there is one because nothing in the universe currently necessitates the existence of such deities. Even if there turns out to be a god or gods, I still wouldn't follow any particular religion simply because there are so many contradictory views about the allegedly same God that it's pretty much impossible to figure out which one is right.

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I have recently converted to Christianity due to the fact that I can no longer think about neo-paganism without cringing. Also because I've seen some very compelling arguments that even the most ludicrous seeming claims from the Bible may have at least a basis in truth, like when they found Noah's Ark. It's not really grasping at straws either. A lot of smart people went out there and did science and believe that it's the Ark.



So, yeah. I do the Jesus words now.

  • Brohoof 1
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I am interested in mythology and religion, but no one can truthfully call me a devout anything.  


If anyone asks me if I believe in God (or any god or gods, spirits, or things like reincarnation), I just say that it's a possibility.  If anyone asks me if I don't believe God (or any god or gods, spirits, or things like reincarnation) exists, I just say that it's a possibility.  If anyone asks me which side of the fence I'm on, I just say "Yes".

Edited by Light of Night


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I have recently converted to Christianity due to the fact that I can no longer think about neo-paganism without cringing. Also because I've seen some very compelling arguments that even the most ludicrous seeming claims from the Bible may have at least a basis in truth, like when they found Noah's Ark. It's not really grasping at straws either. A lot of smart people went out there and did science and believe that it's the Ark.



So, yeah. I do the Jesus words now.


Um, you know that's psuedoscientific bogus, right? The Ark has been "found" multiple times, and as much as I respect Christianity I find that all these claims are usually just made up or unfounded. If you can say some parts of the Old Testament may be based off some historical event but warped, then that have some basis, sure, but I never take most of the Bible seriously. Then again, I'm not a Christian. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Um, you know that's psuedoscientific bogus, right? The Ark has been "found" multiple times, and as much as I respect Christianity I find that all these claims are usually just made up or unfounded. If you can say some parts of the Old Testament may be based off some historical event but warped, then that have some basis, sure, but I never take most of the Bible seriously. Then again, I'm not a Christian.
You could be right, but the thing that I find convincing about this one is that it's in the right location, matches up to the biblical dimensions almost perfectly, and the evidence that it is a man-made structure is pretty damn convincing. But, I could be wrong and my bullshit detector in on the fritz. (It's usually really good, I swear.)


What about this specific one seems like pseudoscience?

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You could be right, but the thing that I find convincing about this one is that it's in the right location, matches up to the biblical dimensions almost perfectly, and the evidence that it is a man-made structure is pretty damn convincing. But, I could be wrong and my bullshit detector in on the fritz. (It's usually really good, I swear.)


What about this specific one seems like pseudoscience?


I watched a good part of the video and it just feels like whenever people say they've found this "religious structure" or whatnot it tends to be a lot of bull. Don't get me wrong, I practice another religion entirely, but most of the time I'm very skeptical about these kind of news. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I watched a good part of the video and it just feels like whenever people say they've found this "religious structure" or whatnot it tends to be a lot of bull. Don't get me wrong, I practice another religion entirely, but most of the time I'm very skeptical about these kind of news.
You're correct in that regard. If I were to rephrase it, I believe that there is a chance less than zero that it could be the Ark and act as some form of proof, but then again it could be the world's first tourist trap.
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You're correct in that regard. If I were to rephrase it, I believe that there is a chance less than zero that it could be the Ark and act as some form of proof, but then again it could be the world's first tourist trap.

Ok even if there were an arc https://sensuouscurmudgeon.wordpress.com/2012/11/13/top-ten-reasons-noahs-flood-is-mythology/ 

And also you forget the epic of gilgamesh. 

Also its been debunked http://www.nbcnews.com/science/noahs-ark-found-not-so-fast-6C10404024

Even if that ended up still being the remnants of an ancient massive boat, you still have to consider that it doesn't even prove christianity, think epic of gilgamesh which is older than noah's ark tale, and even if it were noah's ark and the epic of gilgamesh agreed and it wasn't plagiarism, that doesn't even prove a god was behind it or real, especially not the christian one, does the ark have any crosses in it(despite religious symbols were forbidden in one part of the bible and condoned in others lol)? 

Not to mention an acre of biblical contradictions http://infidels.org/library/modern/donald_morgan/contradictions.html http://infidels.org/library/modern/jim_meritt/bible-contradictions.html 

The bible was flat earth https://www.lhup.edu/~dsimanek/febible.htm 

Then you also have to consider ALL cultures used to be nomadic before farming and sedentary lifestyle, and I researched theology from each continent and all religions of humanized deities were post-sedentary. Genesis used to be an oral tradition scholars also say, so it was subject to chinese whispers/the telephone game. We can see the garden of eden also clearly happens before cain and abel's farming, and garden of eden speaks of eating of all the things of the land basically, thats obviously a reference to nomadicism and the stories that were more memorable were recalled over the facts.

Then if you read the art of war it explains the 'deity's' inconsistencies, like preaching genocide old testament then new testament peace. It was a tactical decision, and thats why they had a change of heart, and if their god were real, he said he was jealous and liked showing off his power, what greater opportunity than against an even larger nation? But no, suddenly he wants martyrs? It doesn't add up. Then the bible is also wrong historically, and even if you proved the ark did exist you didn't prove anything else did so assuming beyond that point is unfounded.


Absolutely zero chance the biblical deity is real, and whoever I tell this and doesn't accept it as an answer generally either doesn't understand it, abuses apologetics (which can be used in similar fashion against almost any contradictions you can think of for anything) or has too much to lose from losing their faith (think family, friends, a sense of community and purpose, elitism(gods chosen few), confidence, and ez forgiveness.) 


And this I don't have direct proof for but from my observations christians tend to have a more angst-like negative world view, probably related to the satan is ruling earth spiel. I'm more of an optimist than that, and what interests me is fiction, and future science technology and novelty. Also if we look at how bad our wars are these days compared to the past, or medical malpractice and education etc the first world is generally doing a whole lot better, so the only thing really helping feed this negative world view is the sensationalist news.


Were we on the same side after all? Devil's advocacy?

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I'm a Nazarene, which is basically a Methodist that doesn't drink. We don't think that drinking is necessarily a sin, but we want to create a helpful environment for those overcoming alcoholism, so we generally abstain. We're seen as a pretty liberal church in terms off hat we believe- we stress that you "come as you are" and the only thing that will get you outcast from the group is a "holier than thou" attitude. We recognize that sin happens to everybody, and therefore we don't seek to shame you for it, but to help you create a genuine relationship with God himself.


My personal belief is that there is no longer a hell, that it was abolished upon Jesus's resurrection. I think everyone, believers and nonbelievers alike, are already saved and will be able to see the truth after their life is done. This leads to less of a chance of me shoving my religion down others' throats, as while I encourage people to convert, I don't feel like I need to do it with the fervent urgency that has caused so many people to run away from religion entirely in the last 40 or so years.


Just my two cents.



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I am an atheist since years now. I was christened catholic, but I lost my belief. My interest in natural science became bigger and bigger and my belief into God disappeared and so, I resigned from the church. Nowadays, I am an atheist and also a sceptic.



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I'm an agnostic deist. Why? Because I know that I don't know if god really exists but I do tend to think that there is a higher probability that something exists than not

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 3 weeks later...

I believe in nothing anymore. Stupid shit keeps happening. There are no miracles. And the fact there are so many stupid people. There is no god.

I believe in nothing anymore. Stupid shit keeps happening. There are no miracles. And the fact there are so many stupid people. There is no god.

+My life's it's own cartoon show.+

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  • 8 months later...

Well I'm a Muslim from the Shia sect of Islam and belong in the Zaydi branch. So the religion I adhere to is Islam, and I treat my Jewish and Christian people with respect as they are my brother/sister in faith while those who differ from the Abrahamic Religions e.g. pagan, atheist, polytheist, pantheist, I treat them as my brother/sister in equal as long as they seek and promote peace just as much as the Abrahamists. :)

  • Brohoof 1
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Atheist. Have never understood the point of worshipping a Sky Daddy that doesn't give a fuck about you, let alone help you despite your devotion.

On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is completely religious and 10 is completely non-religious, I am a 9.8. It is logical to wanting good proof of existence, but it is illogical to dismiss the chances of there being a god out there somewhere completely, despite those chances being miniscule at best.

Edited by Yakamaru

“Discovery is dangerous . . . but so is life. A man unwilling to take risk is doomed never to learn, never to grow, never to live.” - House Harkonnen

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Christianity (Anglicanism), because it just makes sense to me more than anything else. I don't care about what religion other people follow, though. All I really care about is whether they can respect other people and accept their faiths stead of insulting them.


Some honest reviews and constructive criticism regarding my OC would be much appreciated. Thank you so much! :pinkie: https://mlpforums.com/roleplay-characters/bright-spark-r10033/

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  • 7 months later...

This is always interesting, what is you're religion? Say what it is, talk about it as you please, maybe meet somepony who shares your beliefs, all dat shiz!

So let's get to it!


I'm Wiccan

Blessed Ostara btw! :P

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience


We are spiritual beings having a human experience | signature by @Kyoshi

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I don't personally follow any religious teachings, but I am a deist, if that counts at all. :)

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36 minutes ago, Recherche said:

I don't personally follow any religious teachings, but I am a deist, if that counts at all. :)


We are not human beings having a spiritual experience


We are spiritual beings having a human experience | signature by @Kyoshi

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2 hours ago, CrystalBloodMoon said:


Long story short, it's the belief that there is a higher power of some kind directly related to the universe as a whole, but said being does not directly intervene in what happens (at least nothing we can tell, anyways). I;E, the, "God," of deism has very little in common with those of Abrahamic religions, due to the fact that it does not perform miracles, answer prayers, or what-have-you. Deism does not have a religious text like those of the Abrahamic religions either, largely due to the fact that Deism is a lot more of a belief than a religion.

That's the best I can explain it, anyways. Hopefully that helps! :icwudt:

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14 minutes ago, Recherche said:

Long story short, it's the belief that there is a higher power of some kind directly related to the universe as a whole, but said being does not directly intervene in what happens (at least nothing we can tell, anyways). I;E, the, "God," of deism has very little in common with those of Abrahamic religions, due to the fact that it does not perform miracles, answer prayers, or what-have-you. Deism does not have a religious text like those of the Abrahamic religions either, largely due to the fact that Deism is a lot more of a belief than a religion.

That's the best I can explain it, anyways. Hopefully that helps! :icwudt:

google definition for Deism: belief in the existence of a supreme being, specifically of a creator who does not intervene in the universe. Or in other words, They believe if a God exists, it's NOT through supernatural means that He interferes with us. Is that a nice similar explanation?

  • Brohoof 1


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


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