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What sort of things have people made fun of you for?


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Easy one


-The fact that I don't stare at my classmates breasts and butts. Most people are perverted as hell

-My Sexuality or more correctly, my lack of a sexuality

-My looks

-My back (It's kind of deformed, so I hunch forward slightly more than most people)

-My anti-social behavior

-My social awkwardness

-Minor speech impediment. I keep stuttering and mixing words up, which often leads to awkward situations

-My extreme stupidity

-Lack of motivation

-I'm weak

-Being unbelievably clumsy

-My music taste

-Being an elite bastard

-For not having any social contacts with girls in general

-For having absolutely no interest in relationships whatso-fucking-ever

-For not really caring about my appearance in general (I don't wear the latest clothes or whatever the fuck but instead stick to plain, cheap clothes)

-I'm extremely thin

-I barely eat anything

-For having a lack of interest in pretty much everything

-For attempting to distance myself from other people. I've received comments such as "shut-in" and "no-lifer"

-I'm really dam annoying

-I'm pretty much useless

-I can be very rude


I don't get picked for liking anime because I haven't told anyone yet. I could imagine that being another point on that list if I ever were to tell anyone

Edited by Erio Touwa
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Let's see

-Being unathletic

-When I wore braces

-Liking Classical music over more modern forms of music

-Not watching "Friends" (when it was still airing new episodes)

-Liking Pokemon

-Not flirting with every woman who walked by

-Being thin

-For not liking "Halo" and/or "Call of Duty"

-Not liking sports

-For being shy and quiet

-(Most ridiculously) for sitting by myself in a public place


That's just a few.  I could put many more but the list would be too long.  I just ignore it when it happens anymore.  I'm to old to care at this point.

  • Brohoof 2

In space, no one can hear you squee!

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Like you the main thing I got picked on for (and only thing I think) was for being a Christian, and having Christian values.


Unlike you though, everything got better after high school, I started to not care what people thought and people seemed to not care as much and respect me for having those values more then anything else.


I used to get bullied a bit just for being "new" (I had 3 diff primary schools and sometimes people where not that nice to me).


That wasn't what I meant, though. =P I only have "conservative" values on the time for sex, and even so I only hold myself to them and don't judge others.


Where do you live that you actually get picked on for being Christian? That just doesn't happen where I live... But I do have to note that it's weird in that I haven't been picked on for being an atheist either. Although not very many know.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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Well then I guess I can just as well say things here.

- Not having a mobile phone. I don't need one to survive unlike everyone else in this world. Hell, my parents forced one onto me and I still don't know how to message people.

- Having a medical problem (it's like the opposite of rheumatism) because of that it tends to get akward when I have to talk about hobbies when forcibly introducing myself in a group.

- When I have to do that I just say I like gaming and anime (I leave mlp out on purpose because I don't like explaining the internet to people who only know youtube, google, facebook and twitter)

- I don't like to be around a lot of people my age mostly because all they do is drinking themselves into a coma every weekend.

- Being underweight. Can't do anything about it, I just can't get fat.

- Being bad at anything that involves physical work.

  • Brohoof 2


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I used to play with sticks all the time. My family would always tease me about it. But who could blame me! Sticks are, like, the best natural creation ever. You could use them to play fetch and tug-o'-war with the dog. They could be your trusty rifle on the battlefield, or your glorious blade in a fated duel; a dagger to silence your enemies or a wand for working witchcraft. An item whose potential is only as limited as the mind of the one who wields it.


Other than that I've been made fun of because of:

- The music that I listen to (specifically the JP stuff)

- Watching cartoons and watching anime

- not being a social butterfly

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- I always had a more mature aspect on life than my classmates and friends.


-Listened to different type of music.


-Over analyzing subjects and things.


-Being shy (that was the major one)

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Thank you for the signature Jenny Wakeman.



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In elementary school around 4th through probably 6th I was made fun of the way I dressed because by the 4th, I started wearing more boy's clothes (basically being a tomboy from then on) and got called names because of it. (I unfortuntely got made fun of it again in high school by a couple of freshmen) I was also kinda of picked on for being shy and for crying sometimes. I do sometimes hear some person making fun of a pony shirt I'm wearing likely because I get mistaked alot for a guy.


Adding to this:

-being too guliable

-for being superious

-for believing in certain things

Edited by HowlDash23
  • Brohoof 2

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I think my weight was the thing I got bullied for the most. Both directly and indirectly (got bullied for being quiet, self conscious, etc).


Since high school I've lost over 70 pounds and put on a lot of muscle.


Can't wait to see the looks on those asshole's faces at the reunion.

  • Brohoof 4


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Man, threads like these remind me how horrifying middle/high school was for me. The former was where more of the outright picking on and shit happened, whereas in the latter, more subtle, yet still rather irksome/hurtful things happened.


The big one:


    - I was a weird little kid. And everyone knew it, and made fun of me for it in middle school, except for the people I made friends with. One time I was sent to an adjacent room with kids of a lower grade than myself for misbehaving in class, and they outright said "You're that weird kid, right?" Other times, I was just completely insane. Another teacher actually called my mom about my weird antics.


 - Made fun of for being terrible at anything that required physical effort (I'm looking at you, gym class)


Stuff from high school:


 - Was short until senior year. Did not go well in gym class in 9th grade (I was 5' 2''), when I literally got leap frogged by some idiots that were bigger than me.


 - Knew nothing about pop culture (still don't). This was pointed out on a regular basis by a snob of a girl that I was forced to sit near during lunch in 10th grade. Nowadays it's just my former roommate threatening to throw me out a window while we both laugh our asses off.


 - Wore a World of Warcraft shirt to school on my birthday. Same snob girl saw the "Blizzard" tag from behind. Asked if it was a WoW shirt, I instantly said yes without turning around, she laughs. I say nothing. Add "being a nerd" to the list.


 - Recall the insanity I mentioned earlier. That didn't abate until 11th grade. Actually got assigned Honors U.S. history in 9th grade because of my "immaturity." Mom would have none of it. No one really got that I could turn it on and off.


I wholeheartedly blame 6-12th grade experiences for my social awkwardness and withdrawal, and unwillingness to make friends. College, while rocky at first because I still clung to the belief that people actually care about stupid shit like the above, and therefore made no friends (the first half of my first semester was the most miserable 2.5 months of my life), is SO MUCH BETTER. Nobody cares about what you look like, what your interests are, or anything superficial/stupid like that. Everyone's weird, and that's fuckin' awesome.

  • Brohoof 2


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Let's see about it here. Keep in mind that I'm a 15 year old girl, so that's a bit important:

  • For liking MLP, Sonic, and Pokemon.
  • My looks, which drove my self-esteem into hell.
  • For making mistakes every now and then; a bit of clumsiness.
  • For being quiet...
Maybe some other things as well.


I really hope you don't let that crap get to you.


  • There's nothing wrong with liking MLP, Sonic, or Pokemon. I still don't understand the logic behind why someone feels the need to make fun of people who like things they don't (despite the fact that I've done that before myself... my experiences with loving MLP have begun to show me how wrong that is). You should like what you want to like, and if anyone has a problem with that, then that's just too bad. They'll have to just deal with it.
  • If someone puts you down for your looks, they're most likely doing that to make themselves feel better. You shouldn't let your self-esteem be driven into hell by anything, let alone people making fun of you to try to make themselves feel better. I'm sure you look great, no matter what anyone else thinks, and you should think no differently about yourself. From time to time when I look in the mirror, I tell myself I look awesome. I don't do that to be arrogant, I do that to bolster my self-confidence, because for years I'd think I was inadequate compared to others. By complimenting myself, I'm starting to learn that I really don't care what other people think of me, if it's bad. It only matters what I think of myself.
  • Everybody makes mistakes... why would anyone make fun of you for that? Making mistakes is a part of being human. And, you know what? I love being human. I love not being perfect. Being an imperfect human means I make mistakes, but I can learn so much from those mistakes. Every mistake is actually a great learning opportunity, if you are willing to see past the negative. As for clumsiness, I doubt you're clumsy at all. It seems to me that it's one of those self-inflicted things. If you tell yourself you're clumsy, you'll probably act clumsily. That's why it's essential to tell yourself positive things. Seriously, one of the main things that helped me to get out of my depression was to start telling myself that I loved myself, even when I didn't believe it. Eventually, I did, and realized that my depression had been clouding the truth all along. The same principle applies here.
  • Someone would make fun of you for being quiet? Ridiculous. There's nothing wrong with being quiet. There are different kinds of personalities, and I don't understand why some people can't handle the idea that not everybody is like them. I'm quiet, too, and I'm totally cool with that. I love myself for who I am, and you should love yourself for who you are. I personally think quiet people are awesome. I like social interaction with friends and all but I'm the kind of person who needs some space, and some quiet, on a regular basis, so it's nice to be around people that don't talk constantly.



As for myself, I have not been bullied or made fun of a whole lot. There were a few bad incidents in the past, way back in elementary school, of kids making fun of me for being fat, or for being crazy. That's the past, though, and almost nothing bad has happened to me recently. Back in 9th grade there was a kid who made fun of me in a really subtle and indirect manner, which was downright infuriating. I saw him in the halls from time to time in 10th grade, but he never gave me any trouble then. 


I'm blessed to be in a city, and a school system where I simply did not experience a whole lot of negativity from fellow students. Of course some bad things happened, but they were mostly few and far between.

  • Brohoof 2



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I'm 19 so I'm hardly picked on by people anymore, but the reasons I've gotten bullcrap in the past include


  • Reading in front of others (Yeah I know. How could I READ BOOKS?!)
  • Being overweight (which has been taken care of now, I'm about normal weight for my height)
  • Helping other people who have been picked on
  • Being a generally decent human being
  • Wearing colourful clothes (I admit, I brought this on myself and I should dress to fit in better)
  • Talking about geeky things
  • Talking about art
  • Not being into football
  • Not liking sports
  • Getting upset easily (which I have under control now. I rarely show emotion in front of others.)
  • Not being able to handle my drink (I drank alot and threw up when I was 16, and got really made fun of for it at school for weeks. Stupid mistake)
  • Drawing cartoons
  • Watching cartoons
  • Talking about cartoons
  • Pretty much the fact I'm a 19 year old who likes cartoons


Also on one occasion, some people from my class found out I was autistic so they told me autistic people deserved to be deleted from the gene pool for being "retarded" and that I was a "waste of space" and "shouldn't have been born"

Which was seriously screwed up and REALLY REALLY got to me.

Edited by TheOldskooler
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On 2013-07-19 at 9:48 AM, Envy said:

tl;dr version: People care way too much about stuff that doesn't matter, and seem to have an inclination to pry way too much into my business. -_-

Why would people make fun of woodwinds?

Edited by uuunph
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Let's see...

  • being openly pansexual (not that I care what they think anymore; I've actually been kicked out of a church because everyone knows at this point)
  • liking mature novels (by mature, I mean books that are past the Year Six level. I was reading John Irving by the time I was six/seven or so, and I got tortured for that, which is a bit stupid.)
  • being "fat" (as a swimmer I have high muscle mass, which makes me look a little bit "chunkier" because of my broad shoulders. I was a bulimic once.)
  • liking "hipster s*it" (namely, bands that aren't popular, or films that aren't romantic or comedy)
  • liking video games (don't get this one, really)
  • "band nerd"

Those are the major ones. XD

Edited by PinkieDaShy
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Do you want an itemised list?


As a child:

Being Fat

needing braces

having few friends


As a young teen:

Having braces

having long hair

being a metal head

not having a girlfriend

*having* a girlfriend ¬_¬

Breaking up with said girlfriend

not being very good at the instrument i've only just picked up -_-


Late Teen:

Political Views

Watching MLP

  • Brohoof 3


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Er, ponies is the obvious one. I've also been made fun of for... good gracious, I can't really think of anything.


Most of my friends, I suppose, are just as weird, creepy, and nerdy as I am. That's depressing. :umad:

  • Brohoof 3


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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I have been fortunate that I’ve avoided any real negative insults against me for such petty things as others have described. I hold sadness in my heart for what some have experienced though and I do wish that an enlightened peace would someday wash over the minds of those that are consumed with evil thoughts.

  • Brohoof 2

:wub: Silver Letter!!! :kirin:
Silver Letter's MLP collection
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Okay, here we go..


  • My Looks
  • Being scared to easily
  • Drawing ponies all the time in class
  • My crush ._.
  • My stubbornness
  • My bitchiness

Thankfully, its usually my friendly classmates that make fun of me for jokes. I used to get teased about a whole lotta things last year, and those weren't too friendly.. Such a cruel world we live in.

  • Brohoof 1

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  • 2 weeks later...

Um, hmm... what can I remember:


- I've been laughed at and pointed at for getting shaky at a presentation in front of my class a few times.


- I get laughed at and looked down upon because I love cats 'too much'.


- I've also been laughed because my cats occasionally became 'upgraded to ponies'.


- And this certain douchebag who's a douchebag to everyone flipped me off while I walked a mile and a half to school because he thought it was funny and fitting for me to miss my only ride there because at the time none of my family members could drive legally. 


- Sometimes people get unnecessarily cocky and negative when I occasionally get called on and not know the answer by dozing off in a lecture. It's not like they listen either.


- I'm pretty short for my age, only being about 5'1 in high school compared to 5'6 and '7 girls out there.


- When I was in elementary school, I used to crawl on all fours a lot, and apparently no one who's been here long enough moved on from that and even tell the new kids how I used to play as a cat in 2nd grade.


Honestly, I feel that people in my class should relate a little bit to everything I just said. I mean, when have they not 'played' RP games, and became big fans of dogs, or something? Why do they have to frequently be so insecure?

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I was made fun of all through schooling for my Tourettes. It's gone away mostly now, but it was still really bad when I was in grade school, and I was teased too pieces for it. It was mostly gone by big school and I joined the football team to help build up confidence, but in high school I was made fun of more for being smart than anything else. Bought strangled the team's cornerback one time after be shot a spitball in my eye.

  • Brohoof 1


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When I was in school


  • My appearance (they would often call me a boy)
  • My height
  • My attitude change (after I got fed up and slapped a wrestler after he made fun of a video project I made)
  • My weirdness

I never was made fun of watching cartoons though.  Nowadays, I'm made fun of because of MLP when I buy groceries at this one store.  They all glare at me like I'm an evil being and then snicker when they think I'm not looking.

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