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MLP banned from Polish school for promoting occultism & satanism... WTF?! o_O


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Here's what I found today (translation mine):




Hello Kitty and My Little Pony banned from school for promoting occultism

At one of schools in Poznań, Poland, wearing schoolbags & pencil-cases with some cartoon characters has been forbidden because of supposedly promoting occult practices -- reports MM Poznań.

"Regarding the grim scenery and occult practices carried on by the cartoons such as "Monster Hight" [sic!], "Hello Kitty" and the "My Little Pony" series, I appeal to the educators to schedule in their class register in bold red ink to prepare a talk with students on the above-mentioned subject (satanism, occultism, vampirism, magic).

At the same time I inform, that at the area of KSW school complex, kids should be absolutely forbidden to bring any gadgets related to the above-mentioned cartoons (schoolbags, pencil-cases, notebook covers, shoe bags etc.)."

Although "Monster High" really can bring some dark associations to mind, since its characters are related to werewolves, vampires, Frankenstein's monsters etc., then suspecting white & pink kitties from "Hello Kitty" or colorful ponies from "My Little Pony" of praising Satan -- the most famous cartoons from the childhood of many little girls -- could be very surprising.

- I read about the dark face of these cartoons in the "Exorcist" newspaper. In fact, one of the parents  also brought my attention to that article, since many children were coming to our school with gadgets from these cartoons, especially the children from the first grades of primary school – explains Monika Więckowska, the principal of that school interviewed by MM Poznań. – We will talk more about this case at the meeting with parents, but I've already made a statement to warn parents not to buy any more such gadgets to their kids.

The principal assures that the ban will not enter into force overnight, because parents need to have time to buy new shoolbags and pencil cases.

- Of course it's not obligatory. I can understand that not every parent can afford to buy a new equipment to their kid just like that, so we won't punish our pupils in any way if they continue to bring such gadgets to our school – assures the Principal.

But what if some parent will not agree with the opinion that "Hello Kitty" or "My Little Pony" have anything to do with occultism and will insist that his child has the right to bring such merchandise to school?

- When applying to our school, parents sign an agreement to obey the rules of the school's authorities – says Monika Więckowska. – To this day there were no problems with it, and I don't think there would be any problems regarding this particular case too.

There's a priest, rev. Sławomir Kostrzewa, which deals with tracking occultism and satanism in cartoons and toys. In one of his online presentations we can read, for example, that the characters of "Hello Kitty" has been created by Ikaha Shimizu as a thanksgiving to Satan for the supposed help in healing his 14-years-old daughter from cancer. In "My Little Pony", in turn, there's a motif of transforming into a unicorn – a symbol of the New Age movement and the Antichrist. As especially harmful he also mentions book about Harry Potter and the "Twilight" saga.

The MM Poznań has checked if at the other Catholic schools in Poznań "My Little Pony" and "Hello Kitty" are also banned.

- We've been receiving informations about destructive influence of those cartoons too, but we've solved it in a different way – explains Anna Piątek, vice-principal of Public Salesian Primary School – We invited rev. Kostrze­wa to our school, who showed his presentations on the meeting with parents. Parents has been informed about the dangers, but the decision of whether they want to allow their kids to have such gadgets or not, is all up to them. Our school doesn't enforce any prohibitions in this case.

There's no such prohibition also in the Public Primary School of the Order of Piarists, but the school authorities refused any comments in this case.

Author: Jarosława Szmarowska


Original source [in Polish]: http://wiadomosci.onet.pl/poznan/hello-kitty-i-kucyki-pony-zakazane-w-szkole-promuja-okultyzm/dbxj4




I just have no words for the level of stupidity and devious manipulation techniques they use to ban these cartoons and their message from kids in a way they parents will be convinced that this is their own idea ;-/ Looks like they want they kids so much to be mindless zombies washed out of any empathy and positive emotions. I wonder why don't they have anything against the brutal cartoons full of evil and stupidity.


Edit: I sent this link to Twilight Sparkle. Take a look at what she replied ;)

Edited by SasQ
  • Brohoof 23
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If you look into anything close enough you can find so called "Occult" symbols.


This is utter stupidity at it's finest, I have not seen one thing in here that even slightly points to Occult or Satanic practices.

  • Brohoof 28


Thanks to the lovely Pink Mist for the magnificent signature!

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I have no words for what Poland is doing, since it isn't exactly accomplishing anything. They should focus on more important things like their school system, their government, or anything that their country needs help with. The show doesn't exactly show or have any examples of occultism or satanism at all unless you make theories that aren't correct.

  • Brohoof 6
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If you look into anything close enough you can find so called "Occult" symbols.


This is utter stupidity at it's finest, I have not seen one thing in here that even slightly points to Occult or Satanic practices.

Magic. Polish church considers magic evil no matter if it's good magic or bad one. It's nothing new in my country (Poland) that something ridiculous is accused of satanism. But nobody normal will take it seriously and I'm pretty sure parents will try to do something about it. Still now I'm ashamed of my nationality, I'm sorry for my country :P

  • Brohoof 6


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That's...really stupid. C'mon, we're in the 21st centry here. If you look into anything, let's say Barny we can find stuff wrong with it. It's probably the magic and the spells that are putting them off from MLP, and the talking animals from Hello Kitty. This is just stupid.



This fantastic signature is made my by awesome friend Rainbow Skywalker! :D

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People will look for any excuse to hate something nowadays, huh? It gets to the point where they have to come up with the dumbest reasons like this for instance. Shame on you, Poland. -_-



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Here we go. Religion spoiling that fuckin fun and saving the day from evil once again.

I've got some friends in Poland. None near Pozna?, but I'm sure they've heard of it. I might bring it up with them later. I know magic there is considered evil, but cmon...

Getting tired of people ruining the fun for others because of a book written over a thousand years ago.

I wonder if any of these priest/reverend people realise that MLP is about friendship and kindness. .-.

They should watch the show themselves.

Edited by Windhover
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I just don't get some people. It's just so funny how people can come with such outlandish conclusions that prevent someone from exploring something new. MLP teaches sooo many lessons and the magic is really...in the ponies. That's just your typical over-the-top religious person for you.

  • Brohoof 3
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That is pretty ridiculous. They do not worship Satan just because the Monster High dolls are werewolves and such. And seriously, MLP is a cute show. And Hello Kitty?! That show has been around for ages just like MLP. Like what? Now these kids can't show their love for these cute cartoon characters in school. How sick. 


I just don't get it. O.o?

  • Brohoof 1


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If that's the case isn't Harry Potter banned in Poland too? There's lot's of magic in that, which has a much darker magic, such as torture spell. 


Only magic from others like; King Sombra, Xenolestia (evil version of Celestia from The Conversion Bureau fan fictions) and Nightmare Moon are truly evil. 

Edited by Rush
  • Brohoof 1

Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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If that's the case isn't Harry Potter banned in Poland too? There's lot's of magic in that, which has a much darker magic, such a torture spell. 

You bet it is. It's not banned in Poland (MLP isn't banned in Poland as well, only in that school) but catholics are complaining about HP on regular basis here.

  • Brohoof 1


As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.

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Are you serious? Are they really banning something as innocent and harmless as MLP? Their religious conservatism must be so thick, they can't even see past their own noses! I really feel sorry for the people who advocated this course of action. Thankfully, it's only one school in Poland, not the entire country. Still, this is ridiculous!

Edited by AdmiralZeratul


(Avatar and signature image courtesy of Rainblow Hash)

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Let me preface what I'm about to say by stating that I'm in no way anti-religion - I'm a believer in God and I generally tolerate other people's spiritual beliefs (or lack thereof). But in cases like these, I have to call stupidity on people's beliefs. It's bad enough that Christian extremists blame things like the existence of homosexuals on Satan, but that's slightly more (but not really) understandable since there are biblical passages to back that particular prejudice up. But MLP? Hello Kitty? Harry Potter? Really. Religious extremism so deep that people refuse to even countenance cartoons and literature that portrays the FICTIONAL existence of magic? I wonder what else this school would ban...D&D? Definitely. Handheld video games featuring spellcasters? Absolutely.


I'm sorry, but this is a mode of thinking that crosses the line from irrationality into outright stupidity. Even my devout Mormon friends read HP and play Final Fantasy, and they don't believe in magic - that doesn't mean they can't enjoy the idea of it. Anyone who actually believes that God will SMITE YOU simply for enjoying some form of media containing what they view as "occult" elements...well, they're not credible human beings in my book, and they hold just about as much intellectual relevance to me as members of the Flat Earth Society.

  • Brohoof 9
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Let's look at this unfortunate case from both sides.


On the one hand, I honestly have no doubt that the parents or even the school/city authorities do indeed have the best intentions for their children.  The region is obviously one of the more traditional Catholic regions of the country, so it's not like these people want their kids to be deprived or brainwashed or zombies or anything; it seems to me that they do truly have the best intentions for their kids and are simply grossly misinformed in this instance.  After all, the road to hell is often paved with good intentions, as the saying goes.


Now, in this instance, as I said before, despite their good intentions, the adult parties responsible for this are simply displaying a gross amount of ignorance and looking way too much into these shows for messages and themes that simply aren't there!  It's just plain stupid and if they actually did their research, they'd see that MLP (and probably Hello Kitty, though I can't attest with 100% certainty seeing as I've never watched it) really promote great virtues and behavior for children and adults alike.  Overall, it's just plain sad that a school and parents who are trying to look out for their kids are making such a big fuss over nothing at all, but again, I'm not gonna go out and out and say that these people are the scum of the earth.  They're just people trying to do good for kids, but in actuality they're making a very silly mistake and causing some trouble and inconvenience for kids and their parents.

  • Brohoof 4


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Guest DJ Hydrolicious

I don't even... What the fuck is this shit. I mean come on cartoons like this promoting satanism. Its like another thread I read that said this guys mother thinks MLP is satanic. For fucks sake what the hell is wrong with people.

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They're not wrong. My Little Pony has caused me to convert to satanism. I've already sacrificed twelve ponies to Satan. It reminds me of when I smothered that baby to summon the great pumpkin.


Read: sarcasm.


These people are somewhat lacking in the intelligence department.

  • Brohoof 5
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>Implying Eastern European countries don't have screwed-up policies already

I speak on the behalf of my fellow Slavs when I say that we're known for being a little nutty sometimes.


On 10/13/2013 at 6:59 PM, little gamie said:

I'm fresh in school

Hey, you. You should fill out my Johari Window if you're bored.

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I kinda see where they got the satanism part. They must've spotted the Swastika in the maze in Season 2 Ep. 1. (pictured below)


Other than that, they are freakin' retards!

Edited by UberAntics
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Even my devout Mormon friends read HP and play Final Fantasy, and they don't believe in magic - that doesn't mean they can't enjoy the idea of it. 

As a devout Mormon, I resemble that remark :P


In all seriousness, this is just another example of people being sheep, blindly believing what they're told by an authority figure simply because it's an authority figure saying it, and not stopping to think about why they're saying what they're saying. 

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People seem to think here that it was all of Poland, but it's only one school (and a private Catholic school from what it has said).


As for Catholic Schools, I go to one and the headmistress (who happens to be a nun) would probably laugh at that. There is a small minority among us Christians that feed themselves their own bullshit and say it's the word of the lord.

Edited by Norman
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Guest DJ Hydrolicious

I kinda see where they got the satanism part. They must've spotted the Swastika in the maze in Season 2 Ep. 1. (pictured below)


Other than that, they are freakin' retards!

I hope the creators didn't do that intentionally. But eh still. What the hell is wrong with some people these days. I mean come on.

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If you look into anything close enough you can find so called "Occult" symbols.

This is utter stupidity at it's finest, I have not seen one thing in here that even slightly points to Occult or Satanic practices.

Well, although I couldn't find any Satanic symbolism in MLP:FiM, there actually are many references to occult knowledge, which I described thoroughly in my post about symbolism in MLP:FiM. But before panicking, one needs to understand what does this word "occult" mean: it just means "hidden from sight", from Latin "occultus". That is, the knowledge that has been hidden from some reason. This doesn't have to do anything with praising the devil or other weird things. There is a lot of true scientific knowledge which is hidden because it's not what the mainstream agrees upon. There's also knowledge which can be harmful for those who don't know how to handle with it with enough care. Putting it to the same bag with Satanism etc. is pure manipulation and misguiding.


I have no words for what Poland is doing


It's not Poland, as a country, which is doing it. It's not even Catholic Church as a whole (at least not that I know of). It's just some representatives of it, and in some schools which are governed by Catholic authorities. Please don't generalize too far, since this is quite unpony ;-) I know many Catholics which are good people, some of them very generous etc. But there are also extremists in every organization.


They should focus on more important things like their school system, their government, or anything that their country needs help with.

Couldn't agree more.


Magic. Polish church considers magic evil no matter if it's good magic or bad one.

Yeeeah... Same old tune... But they don't have anything against Jesus performing magic, like copy-pasting fish, or transmuting water into wine, or raising the dead, or walking on water... oh right, these were "miracles", not "magic". Magic is about dealing with demons, right? Oh, but what would we do with Jesus talking to the Devil at the desert, or expelling demons from ill people? Hmm, well, just don't mention that in the same context, they'd never notice whatsoever...


They should start investigating their own rituals, liturgic calendar and prayers, since there's so much occult symbology derived from ancient religions that would blow their minds. But who cares... If it's "our" occult practices, it's OK, as usual...


BTW pozdrówka od polskiego kucyka ;-) Znasz jakieś polskie fora kucykowe na podobnym poziomie jak to? Bo jakoś nic poważnego nie mogłem znaleźć do tej pory...


But nobody normal will take it seriously and I'm pretty sure parents will try to do something about it.

Unless they're brainwashed as well. I've seen comments approving this practice already.

Notice the usual scenario such organizations work: The smarter ones won't force anything upon you. They will invite some "experts" which will terrify the parents first, and make them demand these changes from their authorities by themselves. As if they were their own idea. Perfect inception, my friend.


Kinda makes me feel ashamed to be part Polish, that part of my ancestry is doing this...

Don't be ashamed by the actions you don't perform yourself. Be proud of saying "This is madness!" ;-J


They should watch the show themselves.

I bet none of them did, and none of them needs to act stupid. They already know what's there, without watching. They believe everything their authorities say (at least this type of people).


Thankfully, it's only one school in Poland, not the entire country.

Glad you're paying attention to the details. Good. There's only one "s" in "school" in the title.


In the next post I'll post you my commentary to this article I posted under this article. I think you'll all like it ;-)

Edited by SasQ
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