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S04:E03 - Castle Mane-ia


S04:E03 - Castle Mane-ia  

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I felt exactly the same way, her shout of horror after the pillar fell went straight through my heart.



That look on her face of pure shock and concern. It was almost agonizing knowing you can't make her not cry.


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I liked it, especially questioning who the shadow figure was. First I thought it was Luna and then right before they revealed who it was I was thinking that it might be Pinkie Pie and I was right. Fun episode to watch, I also liked that they started a diary and that the shadow figure is real if the end wasn't something else that is.


It was a good episode, definitely looking forward to the next episode.

  • Brohoof 1
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Wow, this was an amazing episode! I didn't think they would have all the mane 6 go to the castle for different reasons- that was something fresh for the show I believe, I expected they would all explore together or something. Yeah, I know the whole concept of 'characters in a spooky place not knowing each other are there unintentionally scaring one another' has probably been done to death already, but the show's brilliance shined through here, with hilarious moments like Angel stepping on a switch that made Rarity and Fluttershy fall and he just didn't give a rabbit's foot, and legitimately creepy things like the Hall of Hooves and dat ending. Plus, for the first time in a while, Pinkie was actually funny again(seriously, the bell ringing, I can't even), at least to me because she was somewhat annoying at times in S3. All the characters had good moments here really, I think main props should go to Fluttershy here though- it was almost heartbreaking seeing how she thought Angel was crushed by a pillar, and her 'oh' when he came out with Twilight was pretty funny(and a relief for her, I'd imagine). Rainbow Dash and Applejack were great together as well, those 'tough' ponies probably scared each other by accident more than the others, just perfect. I found Rarity's quest for, uh, tapestry to be a little odd though, but it was at least nice to see her relatively unfazed about getting dirty, she's really grown a lot since the show started. I think Twilight and Spike were a little weaker than the rest here, since Twilight was all 'books books books' and Spike was all like 'scaredy baby dragon', and Twilight's lack of fear was expected if not a little dull. That freeze spell was cool though, super OP however she is an alicorn now so I'll let it slide. They don't seem to have given a clear indication of where/how she was living either, seemed she was just at Golden Oaks at the start for books but we'll see hopefully, her friends didn't seem too surprised to see her at the castle at least. The key quest was also mentioned here and there by her, but they didn't really make any progress on it which is okay, we've got a whole season for it. Also seems they'll be writing in a journal together or something as Twilight had to somewhat haphazardly mention towards the end that she was reading Celestia's in the castle(naughty naughty Twily) and that she wanted her own with her friends or something. Which is fine, but I dunno, a diary is a bit girlier than letters no? :P

All in all though, I adored this episode, it got so much across in so little time without being rushed- the pacing was perfect, the character interactions were absolutley golden, and new story elements were introduced like the journal and the possibility of a real shadow Pony very well I believe. One of my favorites of the whole series now! 10/10 :D

(Also, I'd rate the season premiere 9.5/10 for reference) ;)

Edited by SBB64
  • Brohoof 4


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What is a mare? A miserable little pile of friendship! But enough talk, HAVE AT THEE!


Now that we've got the obligatory Castlevania reference out of the way...


This was an enjoyable episode. It's been too long since we've had some kind of breather episode without huge stakes and some kind of earth changing conflict. When Twilight had her little "book-gasm" upon seeing the castle library, I nearly fell out of my chair with laughter. All the character's reactions to the events occurring felt 100% natural and props must be given to Josh Haber for managing to capture each characters in his very first episode. I especially liked Rarity's line near the end when Twilight flash freezes them all in place. I don't know why, but just the way she says 'She's with me." is so hilarious it transcends into adorable.


The castle in and of itself was creepily atmospheric with the crumbling structure, secret passages and traps and of course the pipe organ. A lot different than how it was presented in the second episode. Speaking of the traps, did anyone esle think Angel planned sending Rarity and Fluttershy plummeting through that trapdoor? Cheeky little rabbit... 


Now onto the main piece of the episode: the journal. Since letters to Celestia would seem weird now that Twilight is a princess herself, we now have a journal that the six of them can use to dictate what they learned. For those who have been craving Letters to the Princess after season 3 was downright barren of them, this might come as a welcome substitution. Though something I personally found a bit adorable, yet heartbreaking in hindsight was the entry Twilight read from the sister's journal. The entry (no doubt written by Princess Celestia) mentions how much fun Luna is having from playing with the various sliding doors and contraptions that are being installed in the castle. It's basically an insight into a more peaceful time, a time long before resentment filled Luna's heart and she became Nightmare Moon.


If I had anything to really nitpick here, it's was that the episode could be a touch predictable at times. When Dash and Applejack stopped in the hallway, my eyes were immediately drawn to the painting on the wall and the first thing I thought was "The eyes are going to move, aren't they?" Plus, who can honestly tell me that they didn't see Pinkie playing the organ coming from a mile away? Besides that, I can't really say anything bad about this one. It's the first real Slice-Of-Life tale the show has had in some time and it was a welcome addition.         

Edited by PoisonClaw
  • Brohoof 4

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This was a really interesting world-building episode. Like all MLP episodes, it was a bit blunt and to the point, but it was certainly worth it.


I'm really looking forwards to learning about this new Pony of Shadows (god, I hate that name). I love the idea of some of NMM's dark magic sticking around, though...


And Twilight was, as always, an adorable mini-Celestia.


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

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This episode was... spoopy.


I suppose it was okay. I can't say no to worldbuilding and I'm curious to see more of what was written in Celestia's journal.

Edited by Kenny
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 I especially liked Rarity's line near the end when Twilight flash freezes them all in place. I don't know why, but just the way she says 'She's with me." is so hilarious it transcends into adorable.


I'd forgotten to mention that! For some reason, that line was my favorite in the whole episode. This episode had a lot of great moments, actually, like Twilight's big wing-and-smile spread upon discovering the books, and of course, Pinkie's bell ringing. But that was a great line, and great delivery.


Tabitha St. Germain owns my soul. X_X

  • Brohoof 1
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I liked this episode. Although the big Scooby Doo styled shocker at the end (PINKIE PIE IS *fake* PONY OF SHADOWS!) wasn't really much of a surprise. What did make me pretty excited was the pair of bright yellow eyes at the end. Could it be future villian? I also enjoyed how the ponies split up into twos. (excluding Twilight and Pinkie Pie) I think my favorite segments were when RD and AJ were trying to see who was the most daring pony. I give the episode 9/10 sandviches.

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This was a pretty fun episode ^^

It didn't carry the same excitement as the premiere but fun no less.

I do have to wonder about something though... If Canterlot castle were to become weathered and ruined like Everfree castle, would it too be as creepy? What would the castle have been like to live in back in its heyday?


As for the shady pony at the end, it's weird that the glowing yellow eyes came from the shadow itself. Because when have we seen a cloaked pony with glowing yellow eyes before? Oh right, Zecora!



Oh and just another pic I found that's kinda funny



  • Brohoof 6
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Just saw it this morning. Great episode. Not fantastic like the season opener, but great none-the-less. It continued the storyline introduced in the opener with the lockbox and Twilight trying to learn more about it, but it also had a unique story with the castle. Then each of the groups being there for their own reasons and going through their own hijinx was great. It was definitely a great episode.

  • Brohoof 1
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Very good episode.  :lol:  I loved the ending with Pinkie. 


"I always let my imagination run away from me. Then it comes back with cake!" Classic quote.


Twilight didn't mention any dark truths that may have been hidden in the Princesses' diary...there's a good premise for a fic. And technically Rainbow Dash won the contest for bravest pony, since Applejack was the first to exit the castle.


New villain at the end, maybe?  B)

  • Brohoof 1

"Human beings fascinate me

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Haber, please keep this level of quality up. With M.A. Larson missing and several new writers on the show, Haber was my biggest worry, since he only had two episodes of Kaijudo behind him. The other new guys actually have several on different shows.


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It was fun and I'm glad to see a "normal" episode after all the high stakes season finales and spin off movies and premiers, but I was kind of disappointed when there wasn't more information divulged from the diary. It was weirdly neat to hear words that Celestia wrote candidly in her own personal and much younger voice instead of the regal tones and high language she often uses. It sounded like she wrote it when she and Luna were still fillies. I would have liked to hear more. Then again, if there had been too much diary reading I probably would have grumbled about how it was another Twilight heavy episode, so I guess I shouldn't complain. I hope they come back to the diary in future episodes.

  • Brohoof 1
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Haha, that was rather silly. Beekeeping, booby traps, and lots of throwbacks to S1. Pinkie on the organ I saw comin' a mile away, but other than that, pretty solid episode.


But oh man the pillar falling on "Angel" made me laugh and cry at the same time. This new writer is such a freakin' monster, teasing Fluttershy like that. XD

  • Brohoof 1


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Plus, who can honestly tell me that they didn't see Pinkie playing the organ coming from a mile away?      

I didn't.  :wacko:  I was so distracted by what the other ponies were doing that I didn't stop to think where Pinkie was.


I think Tabitha's Rarity voice is getting even more refined and adorable. And I also liked Fluttershy's frequent whisper-screaming.

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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To be honest I didn't really like this episode when the ending came. I really really do not like Pinkie Pie sometimes and I was hoping that the pony of shadows was one of the princesses playing a trick or at least a new character or even Granny Smith and Big Mac! But it was Pinkie Pie...I really just went 'ugh!' and rolled my eyes into infinity. 


But before that the screaming and hysteria was hilarious. And the part where Apple Jack and RD were screaming was extremely surprising, because somebody had a very high pitched opera scream right there! xD

  • Brohoof 2
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Well, I think this episode had good pacing and overall, I enjoyed it.



Um, I knew it was going to be Pinkie Pie at the end....I gave it 90% chance. The rest was given to Luna which I had hoped was behind it. I thought it would have made a lot of sense and I think they had it be Pinkie Pie so she would not be left out even though all six does not have to be in every episode to its finish. Same with Discord for those mentioning him. If it was Luna then perhaps she could have told them a little more about the castle in person.


I think there was a lot of interesting development concerning Applejack and Rainbow Dash being scared. Since they had to use suits around bees, they haven't developed a sense of true strength around fearful scenarios. The idea of them being fearless might be a smokescreen. Also, note Rainbow Dash's face when she thinks Applejack had to hang on to her. Some definite development there. I am not sure if there was a definite push to parallel the idea of scary scenarios bringing ponies together but the rivalry between the two of them was meant to be important if I am correct.


Another concept is brought up, the idea of diaries. I think this is done because each of them has to be given special time, especially concerning that box and the key. Diaries are about one's own focused thoughts. I am interested to know exactly how this will be done.

Edited by Nightmare Diamond

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I loved it, I thought it was a really good and fun episode and I liked how the little stories of the two characters all going to the castle for different reasons not aware of the others being there all intertwined together in the end.


And Pinkie at the end wasn’t unexpected but it was still funny.

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Season 4 episode 3 I felt that, while not the “best” episode or the “funniest” episode, it still ranks up in the “one of the better” episodes.
So as I watched it I decided to write down my own commentary on it.
1 Twilight really loves her books… really
2. Bees…. Why did it have to be bees *shudders*
3. Bees.. On the OUTSIDE of protective suits… still braver then I would have been
4. Pinky Pies math does add up… there are exactly 11 doodles on each side of the page.
5. Rarity working on her scavenger perks… you know… for art
6. Star spiders… Equestria’s version of Daddy Long legs.
7. All that dirt… and Rarity is the only one getting dirty.
8. Big empty castle and no one recognizes other ponies voices echoing through out.
9. AJ and Rainbow Dash are not scared… *gulp* in the least.
10. Rarity abundant concern for Fluttershy’s hurt wing.
11. Hmmmmm!!!... Did anyone else catch the fact that the picture of the old pony on the wall with the moving eye was the same picture from season 2 on the MMMtrain!... the one that Rarity bumped into.
12. Twilight… Angle shows up but doesn’t question about Fluttershy?... ah well… more books.
13. RD and AJ find King Sombras stairwell… what is with these spiral stairways
14. Disembodied pony legs… you know… for art.
15. Sir Fluttershy the obvious.
16. Yes Rarity, stick your hoof into the long dark hole in the wall. Ya I can see that meme going frickin wild.
17. So much Apple/Dash fodder.
18. Rarity really cares about what happens to Angle… ya, me too.
19. Luna afraid of the Hall of Hooves! Well that explains things… Don’t worry Luna… Its just art.
20. WHY! Do they need a Hall of Hooves? Does anyone else other than me find this a bit macabre?
21. The Pony Knight armor is freakin AWESOME!! *squee*
22. So is Dragon Gargoyle *double squee*
23. Rarity argues with lifeless castle… and seems to be losing… that’s my girl.
24. I can see the headlines now…Twilight gets all the mares.
25. Pinky Pie is best Phantom of the Opera.
26. Pinky and the Bell: first thought, didn’t surprise me, and laughed my head off. Second thought: someone needs to put this to the carol of the bells song. Afterthought, Pinky and the bell… Pinky-Bell… Pinkybell from FoE shout out? Doubtful but my mind made the connection.
27. Reading Celestia’s diary…ahh…hmmmmm… moving on. Actually this was a good thing to replace the letters with.
28. Shadow Ponies… Vut A Twist!

Overall, I was impressed and this will be one of the episodes I will be able to watch over and over again. I think this is going to turn out to be the best season to date imho.

Edited by Argumedies
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I watched it the other day, because Livin' Like Larry, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. A vast improvement from the humdrum opening episode. I would even go so far as to say it's one of my favorites. 


Very enjoyable.

  • Brohoof 1


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A fun, dopey episode that gave me some chuckles.  I've seen enough Scooby-Doo to appreciate the similarities.  You know when the words disembodied pony legs doesn't seem too dark that you've got some good-natured goofiness going on.  Twilight was cute and Rainbow and Applejack were fun together.  The diary's an interesting way to reformat the letters.  Season 4 episodes seem to have a different kind of pacing so far.  The pacing in this episode wasn't bad per se, but it's taking some getting used to.  I'm ready for an episode with a more singular character focus.


Overall, this one's a 7 for me.

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