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Everything posted by ASocialyAwkwardPony

  1. Huzzah! Progress! And while I don't know if FiM had anything to do with it, I do think there is a good possibility it might have helped at the very least
  2. I am gonna be really unoriginal here and say GlAdoS from Portal. She is just bloody hilarious and really makes the games to what they are.
  3. I just finished watching Wreck-It Ralph, and considering the current state of most Disney media I was pleasantly surprised. In fact this is probably my new favorite Pixar film, and I love how they manage to include so many video game references and parodies in a way that made it come off as a loving tribute rather than just studio hacks trying to cash in on "the kids liek video games right?" like it usually is. I strongly recommend it.
  4. Personally I don't get them either, but to each their own I guess. I would assume it would be hidden under their fur. Also a personal thing, but when people post saucy art or bikini stuff or whatever with the navel included I can't help but find it a bit... creepy, as they seem to be looking younger than they really are.
  5. Demon form. That was the sole reason I found Equestria Girls to be more than just mediocre, I mean who would have seen that twist coming? It made the whole thing go from "meh" to "DAT TWIST, it made the whole thing" material for me. Also her design as a Demon is even better than her pony and human form, and those are really well designed as well, which says a lot. I do wonder if anypony have made any Demon Sunset X Chrysalis ships yet... they would have made for a cute couple
  6. Yeah the Bat Pony comment was ironic and was made to underline that Equestria is a very fantastical place with creatures beyond our imagination, so I really really don't see the issue with people making up their own bizarre creatures. Okay I understand it's annoying if they make it a "super duper invincible alimulticorn who dates all mane 6 and is teh best at everything" and then try to join a RP with that, but as long as they don't do that, so what if their OC don't appeal to your personal taste? It's their own self image, not yours. Would you say to cage up Lady Gaga just because she once dressed up in a dress that looks like Kermit The Frog? Should we cage up Marilyn Manson for taking the shape as a featureless pale alien woman during the Mechanical Animals days? Let people have their own style and stop being such a elitist about how people want to represent themselves. What is this, the fashion industry? Also I am proud of my half-dragon half-pony OC even if that is technically not canon. Deal with it.
  7. She is so awesome I wish she was canon. She is adorable as well, at least in the comics (more silly than adorable in the animations IMO)
  8. Yeah I really don't like this new one. So many missing pieces, they didn't even include the fabulous untamed mane I always use for my OC, and no cutie mark import just makes it pretty disappointing. Yes, how dare people be creative in a trippy and/or experimental way, and how DARE people not stay completely canon with their non-canon characters! Next we will be allowing BAT PONIES into our canon, the nonsense that is! (this reply contains irony)
  9. Is there really any point with life?

    1. Ruddboy Olaf
    2. Thuja


      One could say that the point in life is finding a point in life.

    3. Soundgarden


      No, but why is having a point so necessary? Just live your life like you want to

  10. Jigsaw from Saw, the Daleks from Doctor Who and The Boss (your custom player character) from Saints Row are all pretty likeable for being psychopathic mass murderers.
  11. For me, I would say Swarm of The Century. I found that episode really annoying and it's probably my least favorite still, and that was the first episode I was recommended to watch. I would also say to not show a first time viewer Magic Mystery Cure for obvious reasons.
  12. Fluttershy: I am pretty shy IRL Pinkie Pie: I have a lot of humor even if I don't always show it like she does Twilight Sparkle: I am a nerd who prefer to stay at home Rainbow Dash: I got mostly tomboyish interests, though more in video games and horror movies than sports myself Applejack: I absolutely hate lying and find it hard to do so Rarity: I hate getting dirty
  13. Here are my theories on the points you brought up in the OP: 1.: I think this one is addressed in the show, can't remember the full details but I think I remember it involving the Elements of Harmony specifically being made to make sure there had to be friendship magic used to get these great powers in case something happened to Celestia as well. Also 1000 years to give time for someone destined to wear the Elements of Harmony to appear, and it indeed took exactly 1000 years for that to happen. There is a lot of mythology involved in the show, so you should always try and look at these things like you would with old Greek and Norse legends and expect somethings that could be considered logical plot holes in a regular modern tale. 2.: This is a bit of a question indeed, though there is possible "moons" have a different meaning in Equestria than in our world since everything is controlled by ponies rather than nature itself. Maybe what they actually mean is every 100 nights even? It would be a lot of work yes, but it would also make sense in a time frame perspective 3.: Nopony would remember her powers pre-Nightmare Moon because that was a 1000 years ago. I don't really see the problem, she is a goddess so obviously she is going to have a lot of mystical powers that we don't see regularly
  14. I named it "appreciation thread" for the sake of convenience and to make it clear this would be about positivity and support. No need to go overboard with conspiracy theories. Actually I have seen a lot of homophobia on this forum, more than I have ever seen on any other forum I have ever been to.
  15. This is not about "feeling special", this is about combating homophobia and intolerance with love and tolerance, you know, what this whole fandom is supposed to be built up on.
  16. Sometimes if I got some spare changes after visiting a store to get snacks for a movie or such I tend to give it to beggars. I might start to buy a sandwich for them if I see them sitting outside the store when I go in. I am pretty sure no Norwegians with actual money would be sitting and begging with our climate.
  17. Because most people are heterosexual and there is a surprising amount of homophobia and transphobia in this community of people watching candy colored horses make dresses and attend galas. This is basically a thread to try and combat the homophobia with positivity and a place for LGBTQ, pan, asexual, no gender or whatever else you identify as to feel safe and welcome. I am not saying heterosexuals can't appreciate their sexuality, this thread is made to try and create equality after all, but I am saying us who aren't heterosexual and/or born with the right gender are in a minority that is not always treated with equal respect to that of "normal people".
  18. Super Mario World style platformer, using the gameplay of Yoshi as a template but allowing you to choose between the mane 6 for each level and each of them having their own special ability (RD having power similar to the feather cape, Twi shooting magic bolts like fireflower, Pinkie jumping higher, etc.), possibly being able to change what pony you play as mid-level with the help of powerups. Enemies would of course be modeled after creatures and monsters they meet in the show, and there would be really epic boss fights versus the main villains.
  19. From our own Pony.fm site I found one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard: https://pony.fm/tracks/879-coda-of-eternal-eventide It's hard to explain, it's just an amazingly beautiful, sad, soothing and all in all amazing song.
  20. Personally I consider Pansexuality to fall under LGBT even if not represented by a letter, considering it's kind of similar to Bisexuality and I know of a good deal of Pansexuals who just prefer to say they are Bi for the sake of convenience, so I hope you don't feel left out of this thread or the LGBT community.
  21. For original scores, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (I don't care if it's a cliche choice) and Silent Hill are probably my favorites. For licensed music soundtracks, all the Tony Hawk games between Pro Skater 2 and Project 8, as well as Rock Band 2 and Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock.
  22. Trancecore and Orchestral Metal are my favorites at the moment. Basically I am a huge fan of odd Metal X other genre crossover genre blending. I also like Hardcore Punk a lot.
  23. The original was a awesome rock song, the remix is a generic (IMO) techno song, so I really prefer the original. Also dem drums on the original, yummy Hear hear, Fluttershy's Training Montage, the Gilda and Dragon Quest Metal songs and the EqG Soccer Duel theme are some of my favorite tunes off of the show.
  24. @EquestrianScholar, while it is kind of you to be nice about it, could you please not post links to sites that are against LGBT people pretty please? Also what is right and what is wrong differs from person to person
  25. I started off liking Rainbow Dash the most because of her cool design, but when I started to get well known with the full cast and their personalities, I quickly found out Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were my favorites due to finding them very relateable as well as always having great episodes.
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