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Everything posted by Stellafera

  1. The Return Of Harmony is a great one. I showed someone the scene where Pinkie Pie got discorded and they said they felt bad for her. On the other hand, the idea of "the elements of harmony" might turn someone away. Lesson Zero has been another one that got a positive response, and until the very end, it's not cutesy at all. The beginning is a little slow though.
  2. Decent overall Welcome again (or the first time, who knows) to Stellafera Reviews Littlest Pet Shop, where one of the less well beloved shows on the Hub gets its chance to shine in the spotlight! Today we review Bad Hair Day, which is only a so-so episode. Let's brush that aside though, as we are just on the fringe of the review, and haven't gotten to the good part (not being one to really start off with a bang). Maybe this one isn't as good as a pony tail, but it does have some highlights worth seeing. Alright, I'll stop these terhairble puns now. Just a warning though, this review contains plenty of spoilers and teasers for the episode. daasds Unlike most cartoon characters, Blythe actually wears a different outfit each episode! For some odd reason, most of the rest of the characters don't. Logic. Apparently the usual groomer of Zoe called in sick, so Blythe offers to help, saying that if she does a great job on other people she must do a great job on pets. In other words, the inverse of The Stare Master. A pretentious art critic with a poodle walks in, and is stunned by the artwork splattered on the glass of the daycare room. Not realizing that the "Minka" it was painted by is a monkey, he leaves, inspired to pretentiously criticize more art and never be seen again. But his remarks have an impact on Minka, who proceeds to have a fantasy about being a world famous artist. One of the more interesting quirks of the show is its love for scenes with alternate art styles or settings in order to tell the story, and these sequences are always fun to watch. Hipster glasses and berets everywhere! dsdasdaasdadddsda asdasdasdsdaasdadadlI would totally watch the "Russell, Sunil, And Vinnie Show" Another trait of this show is the plot structure, which is first seen here. Typically, the plot of each episode is split into two halves: A "Blythe" plot (like the dog grooming one) and a "Pet" plot (like Minka's art one). They often cover similar themes, and at the end of the episode they converge. This helps to make LPS distinctive and is a way to balance the large cast. Sometimes, it works, and sometimes, it doesn't, but it's an interesting concept. Russell offers to be Minka's agent and help her become a big famous art star in exchange for 10% of the profits. The other pets like this idea and try to find symbolism in her paint splatterings so that they can sell her image to the world. Minka climbs up a tree to get away from their chatter and questioning, as she didn't intend any symbolism and was just doing something that made her happy. Meanwhile, Blythe is hypocritically blabbering on about overly talkative hairdressers while not paying attention to Zoe, and predictable results ensue. To make matters worse, Zoe's owners were going to bring her to a dog show this afternoon. This afternoon this afternoon? Yes. dsdasdaasdadddsda asdasdasdsdaasdadadladdMy reaction to Blythe's storyline for this episode Back to the good half! We are treated to another alternate art style sequence, where Pepper details their plans for marketing Minka. This entire scene is absolutely hilarious and would be a great thing to show anyone who is unconvinced of the quality of this cartoon. This plan is even further removed from the artist herself, and Minka has to ask them to repeat the entire thing because she was too occupied with destroying the piece of paper in front of her. I've been there, except that usually I don't resort to using the paper as a source of fiber. That's just silly. Confetti is the much more sensible use for decimated slips of paper. I thought everyone knew that. So, in order to do all of this stuff and become rich and famous and everything, Minka actually has to, you know, paint a masterpiece. Overwhelmed by the pressure of creating a great painting... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJ0vdin3MgY This happens. And she stays like this for nearly the entire rest of the episode. One witty comment on youtube states and I have nothing else to say on this subject. Let's get back to Blythe and Zoe. What should they be called? The hairduo? The fumbling fashionistas? Rainbow Dash and Princess Celestia? This is fallow territory, my friends. Blythe tries to hide from Zoe the fact that she looks like something half ate her and spit her out, but Zoe eventually finds a mirror and is horrified. New objective: hide it from everyone else. Minka continues to be broken. Blythe uses increasingly more ridiculous methods to try and disguise Zoe's bad haircut, including making a hologram of Zoe's entire body that follows her movements. dsdasdaasdadddsda' asdasdasdsdaasdadadladddddsCongratulations Zoe, you're the new Zoe. Oh, and her owners are going to come pick her up in about 10 minutes. Back with BSOD Minka, the other pets and especially Russell are starting to realize that maybe they should have considered what Minka was feeling in all of this and not just becoming bilionares and stuff. Russell states the moral of the story and apologizes to Minka, telling her that she can just focus on doing art for art's sake again. No money or anything to worry about. Minka returns to normal... but her spider monkey sense is tingling! Blythe is just about to have to reveal to Zoe's owners her mistake, and walks up with a dog behind her back and a long preemptive apology. Looks like she's gonna have to own up to her actions and admit her mistakes. Yikes. No wonder why Minka was feeling so agitated! dsdasdaasdadddsda asdasdasdsdaasdadadladsForget Sweetie Bot, Minka here is the real deal. After identifying the source of her "art emergency", Minka rushes behind Blythe's back and fixes up Zoe with some artsy fartsy skills and counterfeit. Blythe reveals Zoe to her owners, expecting the worst... and sees an adorable little hairstyle on her instead! No accountability for your actions today! So the episode ends with everybody happy, except for Zoe's owners, who find out about the painted on fur at the dog show and lose the medal. Apparently she will actually have to face punishment at a future time, but not in the episode! Somebody write a fanfic, stat. So, this episode. It was actually quite a bit better than I remember from the first time I saw it, but it doesn't have any truly stunning moments. Minka's story, which reminded me a lot of Suited For Success (which is a very good thing), I'd definitely rate higher than Blythe's, which was pretty boring outside of the hologram. It's decent all around. Next episode is going to be awesome! Next review will be some Mitch Larson action and the reason why everybody loves that darned mongoose Sunil so much. Until next time!
  3. Stellafera

    music About Rap.

    I like rap, although it's not a genre that inspires great emotion in me or really speaks to me. That's fine, I have my instrumental music for that. I guess I'm a fan of "nerdcore" and stuff like that. I first found out that rap doesn't have to be somebody talking fast with no musicality about it from Epic Rap Battles Of History. Now I understand that beat and rhythm is crucial to rap, more than most other genres of music, and that rap can be very clever with rhyming and flow. It's helped me appreciate other varieties of vocal music more. TL;DR: Rap is not Crap
  4. Heheh, nope! I'm a pretty bubbly and optimistic sort of gal, and I love listening to sad instrumental pieces. Well, what I really love are emotional pieces, and oftentimes one of the stronger emotions is that sense of sadness and wistfulness. My favorite music generates an almost visceral reaction. It's closer to being opposite to my personality than anything, considering that I usually reside in my head and are cerebral in nature.
  5. Winter Wrap Up, because Twilight is so d'aww and very relatable. I'm just like her; good at the ideas and organization, not so much at the doing. Dragonshy was eh. I prefer stuff that's character focused rather than plot focused, and Dragonshy was a plot focused episode and has clips that get way overused. Very forgettable, and another Season 1 episode that further convinced me before Fluttershy's fantastic episodes in Season 2 that she was a boring character. I remember more from the FIW version.
  6. Rarity: "These are my special Concord contact lenses!" Applebloom: "They changed everything but her eyes!"
  7. There have been a lot of moments where Spike almost kisses or awkwardly hugs Applejack, haven't there? I see it more as a running gag than shipping though, because he's clearly in love with Rarity.
  8. WHY DOES EVERYONE HAVE TO HATE THE STUFF I LIKE? Then again, I suppose that comes with the territory as the forum's official Merriwether Williams Appreciator. Apple Family Reuinion was written by Cindy Morrow though... (I guess the fact that Apple Family Reunion was my favorite Applejack episode is probably going a bit against the grain then?)
  9. Pyro. if you are decent with airblast, it's one of the more self sufficient classes. Can deal with enemies to the face, spies, can push away ubered heavy-medic combos, can deflect soldier rockets, and the shotgun ain't half bad. I love other medics though. I'm a mediocre medic, so I truly appreciate the great ones and always apologize if I lead them into any sort of danger.
  10. Humanity doesn't suck, and the future is bright. Politicians are human beings, not cardboard cutouts of evvillll. Symbolism is what you make of it. Fashion is NOT a shallow pursuit, and is just as valid of an art as painting or music. Not all new stuff sucks and not all old stuff is better. The newest generation is no worse than any of the others. Season 1 was overall a rather lame season of MLP, with a few fantastic episodes. Celestia is best princess. Mainstream does not equal bad. Animation is better than live action Idealism is not stupid Neither is optimism ADD is real and is not fun to have, does not boost your creativity, and overall makes you just really pissed at yourself because you can't concentrate on things that are fun and that you want to concentrate on Reading about actual battles is war is boring. Diplomacy is way more fun. Loony tunes is only mildly amusing
  11. Other than web browsers and other boring things, at the moment, Sony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 12. I've been working (not constantly) for weeks on my 2nd pony video, and it's almost done. All I have to do now is add some effects, unless I notice anything else I need to fix. After that is Audacity, because I'm a bit of a perfectionist and I want the sound in my videos to be exactly right and on time. Stuff like sounds coming from the proper directions in the video, voices being muffled if something is obstructing them... I also use Photoshop Elements 7 a lot, being a big fan of design and photography. I would love to learn vector drawing in Inkscape! I've done simplistic art for designs, but nothing of note. Once I get good at drawing, I'd love to try my hand at animation.
  12. It felt like something straight out of Season 1 with better visuals. That's how I'd describe the episode. Like Season 1. I think that most of my problems with it just arise out of the fact that I expected a different sort of story, having only heard before watching that "Applejack saves Spike's life in this episode". I had in mind an episode written by Mitch Larson and closely following his usual style. Merriwether proves again that she is great at writing Applejack and not so great at writing Spike episodes. I liked it more than Dragon Quest, but I'm pretty sure that it's mostly because of Applejack. She was great. Awesomely heroic when she saves Spike, and not awesomely arrogant ever since. She usually doesn't get a chance to be the side focus of an episode. It was nice to see the rest of the Mane 6. Finally we get some decent Rarity in this season! Seriously, where has she been? Twilight was funny, and I liked how she only payed attention when somepony moved one of her things out of line. I love Rainbow Dash being a self insert fic writer, it's just so totally something she would do. On another note, her actually showing concern for her safety with the rock tower is a good touch. Fluttersarcasm is fun. So, I loved the Mane 6. Only one problem: Spike. The downfall of this episode was the "Dragon Code". Since the story is written by Dave Polsky, it may have been his idea, which I would not discount, as he likes to introduce new ideas that cause much contention amongst the fandom. Here, it fell flat. It was gimmicky, and implied that Spike would just change his loyalties at the drop of a hat because of some sort of rule. The growing with greed thing (Secret of My Excess) was a new idea about dragons that worked. It didn't damage previous things about the character, it was important to the episode/could not be removed from it (whereas removing the dragon code would have meant just changing some lines around), and was taken seriously. Also in that episode, Spike became a menace. He sort of did in this episode too. But the problem is that there, when he was dehumanized, it was because he literally became a monster. Here, it dehumanizes him, but he's supposed to just be Spike. He was like a pet cat that keeps rubbing against your computer screen demanding to be petted and stepping all over your keyboard. Do you want to pet that cat? No, you don't. It's now a nuisance, not an animal companion. Interesting Fact Of The Day: Every single time Spike goes outside of Twilight or Rarity's house without Twilight Sparkle, he almost dies or gets into some other extremely dangerous situation. This happens every single Spike episode.
  13. Hmm, good point. I guess the difference between the "positive" examples and the "negative" ones are that the former are done for selfless reasons and the latter for selfish reasons. The reason why MMDW caused such controversy was that the show portrayed Rainbow Dash's friends as being completely selfless, but the audience thought that some of their actions were selfish. From this perspective, it's easy to see why Twilight's friends ignored her when she first accused Cadence of being evil. Look at that smug attitude about her "discovery". She was right, but she did a poor job of convincing people of it. Gotcha. It did seem oddly specific.
  14. Putting Your Hoof Down delivers on both, especially the former. It wasn't portrayed positively though. Speaking of that... Calling either of the princesses out is an idea that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I don't like this blame game in general. The show usually depicts the path of understanding and forgiveness being the better one (with some exceptions). As Fluttershy says: She does, in the Return Of Harmony, although not as a sign of her increased confidence. It's part of the reason why I love the two parter so much, and why it is my favorite "Twilight" episode. The entire thing until the end can be seen as a deconstruction of Twilight Sparkle. What happens to her when what she treasures most, the bonds of her friendships, shatter into pieces? What I noticed is that she eventually covered the ground of every single discorded version of her friends. At first, she tries to ignore that there's something wrong (Honesty, although this was pretty benign). Over time, she becomes angry and morose (Laughter), yells stuff like "This is MY book, and I'm gonna read it!" (Generosity), and just rude and rough in general (Kindness). She only turns grey when she finally abandons her loyalty to her friends. What brings her back from the brink? Renewed hope for her friends. She is going to fight for their friendship, and forgive their actions. When she does this, it ultimately leads to Discord's defeat. If she still allowed herself to hate them, he never would have fallen. On the other hand, sometimes calling someone else out has been deserved. Lightning Dust, for instance. Gilda. Iron Will. And that is what we are going for in this thread. But personally, I prefer an apology from the other side. Guilt is its own punishment, after all.
  15. On the subject of Kingdom Hearts, to celebrate my favorite, most under-appreciated game in the series... Each game has its instrument. For Birth By Sleep, it was the violin. For Chain Of Memories, it was the organ. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCZqMyoOWQA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0KdW0KqRB8
  16. Interpretation one, who do I feel most like? Twilight. It was sort of frightening being able to identify with Lesson Zero. Interpretation two, who would I most like to be? Applejack, she's such a level head, a hard worker, good with other ponies... Interpretation three, who would I most like to hang out with? Twilight or Rarity. Twilight and I would simply have a blast, until, until one of us started worrying, that is... Rarity and I would bond over our mutual appreciation of fine aesthetics. She'd be horrified about how I get in the dirt to get the best photography angles though. Interpretation four, who do I think is interesting? Applejack and Rainbow Dash. This is where I choose my favorites from. *Interpretation five, who do I think is cute? Twilight (so adorkable) and Rainbow Dash (ends up being adorkable because she tries so hard not to be cute).
  17. Don't forget the Pinkie Pie Clones/Pinkie Pie. They are fun-loving, just like Pinkie Pie... but are also shallow, inconsiderate, and only concerned with having fun. They are a worthy foil to Pinkie Pie.
  18. Go watch on You- I'm somewhat confused as to why you don't want to watch it on Youtube. Are you not able to or something? Or do you just not like the site?
  19. I haven't seen any superhero movies, a lot of the classics (Citizen Kane and the like), no animes, nearly every single live action show... There's a lot I haven't seen.
  20. It burns my retinas, it assaults my rods and cones, and yet... it is strangely mesmerizing.
  21. Hmm, it's interesting how many people only became interested in Rainbow Dash as a character by Season 3. I'm not gonna lie, the episode that made me start thinking of Rainbow Dash as a multifaceted, likable character was none other than... THE MYSTERIOUS MARE DO WELL! (No, I will never stop promoting this episode, by the way) I think I'm broken. I only started liking Applejack with Hearth's Warming Eve, the first time I enjoyed Fluttershy was The Stare Master, and I thought that Owl's Well That Ends Well was a good Spike episode.
  22. I remember that. I saw it on Equestria Daily, and went, "Hmm, doesn't look too interesting. I wonder what other fanfics got released today." Nostradamus, I am not.
  23. What the... Sleepless In Ponyville is losing? That is only acceptable if it is going against Hurricane Fluttershy. And, pardon me, but Magic Duel is no Hurricane Fluttershy. And losing by so much, too... It can't be rabid Trixie Fans, because Boast Busters lost to Winter Wrap Up. What exactly is it that people see in Magic Duel? I would like to know, as maybe I could appreciate the episode more if I did.
  24. I like the concept! I have thought of doing something similar myself before. Criticism time: The swelling, emotional music doesn't necessarily fit some of the video later on, and not all of the clips seem to truly represent each episode. Suited For Success is really more about Rarity's overworkedness and stress than her happiness over the outfits. Lesson Zero is an episode about Twilight; thus, a clip with Twilight, probably in her "worrying" state more than her "absolute bonkers" stage would work better than a Fluttershy one. Hearts and Hooves day had awkward timing with the clock; it's not an episode about clocks! And no Cherilee or Big Mac makes the subject of the episode somewhat confused. Putting Your Hoof Down would be better suited with the group hug between Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy's regret over her actions as the music builds up, instead of angry Fluttershy. MMMystery on the Friendship Express was an odd choice. Detective Pinkie would have made more sense, I think. Take it or leave it though, since my criticism here is very much subjective. On the other hoof, some of your choices were brilliant. Episodes 15-26 had great choices (especially Over A Barrel and Owl's Well That Ends Well). Cutie Pox had great timing. Episodes 35-42 also had Grade A video clips and gave a great feel for each episode (especially Baby Cakes; I wouldn't have thought of it but it perfectly encapsulates the episode). Good job on A Friend In Deed. My absolute favorite part of the video was from 46-49. A very creative pick for It's About Time. Fantastic timing and perspective on Dragon Quest, which was the best one and fit the music beautifully. A suitably uplifting moment for Hurricane Fluttershy. Ponyville Confidential just worked. The last two were just good choices. 'Nuf said.
  25. I liked how craftily her character was developed and she was a good character in a writing sense. She is, however, a jerk. So, good character, bad pony.
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