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Humans vs Equestria, who would win ?


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Even though we have nuclear bombs, ICBMs, tanks, jets capable of flying faster than the speed of sound, and guns. I think the ponies would win because they have the power of the Elements of Harmony.


If the elements were able to imprison Discord in stone and banish then later defeat Nightmare Moon. I'm sure that a bunch of two-legged mostly bald monkeys with machine guns wouldn't really pose much of a challenge to the Elements.


Also, no offense to OP but, this thread makes no sense to me. Humanity, as a species, is too busy in wars against its own members. Why would we drop every war and current state vs state scuffle to take on a race of ponies?

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RavenholmZombie - Brony since 2011

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This again? Humans are to Equestria the same way Humans are to Krypton. Apart from Earth placing a greater emphasis on science and technology, Earth has virtually no edge over Equestria.


If all of Equestria were mobilized and bloodlusted against humankind, the Mane 6 would be redundant. All Equestria needs to do is to release a horde of Parasprites and Twittermites and game over.


Disregarding that, ponies have been shown to withstand injuries bordering on ridiculousness, such as surviving forces of over a 100 times of gravitational acceleration, getting hit on the heat with anvils and entire nuclear winters. That's just the average citizen and maybe the Royal Guard. An average pegasus can create tornadoes and lightning storms. An earth pony can smash through walls with proper motivation and unicorns have a plethora of tricks that they can use. Humans would still have contend with Mane 6 themselves (not something I would recommend, given that seem to be far more powerful than your average pony). Twilight Sparkle defeated an Ursa Minor, Chrysalis (comics) and fought Tirek to a standstill. Rainbow Dash went toe to toe with Luna's Tantabus and can fly at Mach 10 upwards. Rarity was rammed head on with a Plundervine, fought most of the Changeling battle, can levitate her entire store supplies, routinely threatens to kick others' ass and also has the laser beam of war as shown in Do Princesses Dream Of Magic Sheep and the comics. Applejack simply kicks trees to make apples fall and has lassoed a bugbear to the ground. Fluttershy went through a tree without signs of pain and has matched Rainbow Dash in speed and stares ferocious beasts down. To describe what Pinkie Pie could do would require several pages. Spike is immune to lava and doesn't seem to feel pain apart from massages.


That's not all. I'd just laugh at the thought of anyone facing Chrysalis, Nightmare Moon, Discord, Tirek and Sombra at the same time. Nightmare Moon took 2 hits from Rainbow Power, something not even Tirek could do even when empowered by everyone. Cadance maintained an entire forcefield without sleep for days. Luna can hold apart the fabric of reality and haunt nightmares. And Celestia has fought her alternate counterpart to a standstill, raised 2 cosmic entities for a 1000 years every day and has defeated every single individual above. Discord needed the elements to beat and can warp reality.


Picture this:

This is every single pest or monster that has been proven to exist in Equestria. Try to survive an invasion force of that.


  1. Ahuizotl
  2. Arimaspi
  3. Bookworm
  4. Bugbear
  5. Carnivorous Flower
  6. Cave Troll
  7. Cerberus
  8. Changeling
  9. Chimera
  10. Chupacabra
  11. Cloud Gremlin
  12. Cockatrice
    - Mutant Cockatrice
  13. Cragadile
  14. Crystal Ghost
  15. Demon
  16. Diamond Dog
  17. Draconequus
  18. Dragon
  19. Fruit Bat
    - Vampire Fruit Bat
  20. Gargoyle
  21. Ghost
  22. Ghoul
  23. Giant Tarantula
  24. Greater Equestrian Mimicker
  25. Hydra
  26. Imp
  27. Jackalope
    - Vampiric Jackalope
  28. Kelpie
  29. Manticore
  30. Moon Creature (Nyx)
  31. Nightmare Forces
  32. Orthros
  33. Owlbear
  34. Parasprite
  35. Phoenix
  36. Quarry Eel
  37. Rock Lobster
  38. Sass Squash
  39. Sea Beast
  40. Sea Serpent
  41. Siren
  42. Smooze
  43. Sprite
    - Night
    - Water
    - Wood
  44. Tantabus
  45. Tatzlwurm
  46. Timberwolf
  47. Twittermite
  48. Tree Goblin
  49. Ursa
  50. Vampire
  51. Windigo
  52. Zombie

Earth is literally screwed

Edited by ShadowPhoenix
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When Humans have the ability to leave earth and conquer new planets systems, and travel at FTL speeds, It would be reasonable to assume that Equestria would crumble very quickly. This is assuming that Equestria is on some planet on the far end of the galaxy. Keep in mind that by this time, Nuclear weapons would be entirely obsolete in favor of the more devastating Anti-matter weapons, and Gunpowder weapons would be ancient relics compared to Directed Energy Weapons. Sure, Equestria has the Elements of Harmony, but what good does that do when your enemy has the ability to turn the surface of your planet into molten slag without even being seen. 


Does the Onion grace my presence?

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  • 2 years later...

WTF is this question, humans win even if the equestrians have magic. 


I am going to seperate this into 3 sub catogeries. Ground, Air, and Navy 


On the ground human will totally dominate. Humans have assault rifles, LMGs, HMGs, grenade laucnhers, tanks, MLRS, and other mobile support units will totally shred the ponies or whatever they have else i store. Earth ponies have great strenght and might flip our tanks and vehicles but a suicide charge onto human machine gun nests will shred them. Tanks will be impenetrable to magic blasts. ( Twilight's magic blasts onto changelings only managed to knock the air out of them. ) MLRS will vaporize ponie infantry, and other nasty weapons will totally liquidate the ponies out of evidence. 


In the air pitting the wonderbolts and rainbow dash against the entire human air force is suicide. Over 30,000 military aircrafts against a bunch of pegasuses will be a suicide charge. Pegasus might have the advantage in agility and turning rate, but even the most agile combat aircrafts cannot dodge several thousand incoming air to air missiles. 


As for RD, people who think that she can go to a top speed of mach 10 are imbeciles. There is no living creature that can survive flying at ten times of speed of sound. RD will literally be on fire if she can achieve that type of speed. Pegasuses have weather manipulation but a lighting bolt won't penetrate a mordern tank's composite armor which is designed to withstand high temparture weapons. 


Humans will shred Unicorns and earth ponies virtually anywhere. Shinign armor's force field got cracked open by brute force which means that a air strike will totally shred them. 


As for ponies durability question I don't think they are that durable. In season 5 on a alternate timeline, rainbow dash lost a wing in battle which kinda proves that ponies are not invincible. And ponies such as rarity, got a wound from a sewing machine which meant that they can indeed take damage from simple things. 


Tirek is currently in Tartarus and so he cannot stop the humans. Discord is a fucking reality warping idiot and underestimates opponents and is way too overconfident of his abilities. Once we find a way to counter his dumb magic Discord is out of the picture. The princesses will be sorta a challenge because of moving the moon and moving the sun crap. Moving the sun and moon are literally the only thing celestia and luna can do and celestia got knocked down by a recently buffed chrysalis which means that she is pretty weak. No, celesta and luna are not weak but we will shred them with superior firpower and men. 


If magic is indeed total hax, equestria is turned into a ravaged, radioactive wasteland after 15,000 nukes are dropped on it. 


Humans have exhausted thier entire nuclear aresenals but the resulrs are worth it. 

humans win 


( elements of harmony is not included because it's rip off )

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We have tanks and other armored vehicles, guns, RPG's, landmines, napalm, bombs, long-range artillery, anti-aircraft weaponry, aircraft and other crap. Oh, and nukes. LOTS of nukes. And more shit, like grenades, melee weapons, armor, +++. Ponies have a bit of magic. Pegasi are useless though. A shot in the head and they are dead. The only thing they can do is fly. Earth ponies are even more useless. Only good for cannon fodder. It's like throwing in units without any weapons. It's suicide. Shot in the head for them too. Magic isn't infinite either. Try stopping a bullet traveling at the speed of sound. Now multiply that with a couple hundred. Every second. Or stopping the kinetic energy of a large bomb.

This is WAR, not some random snuggle struggle.

Humans win. Humans have a fuckload of experience when it comes to war and killing. Ponies know how to make friends. I will vote on physics I actually know and understand over made up physics.

“Discovery is dangerous . . . but so is life. A man unwilling to take risk is doomed never to learn, never to grow, never to live.” - House Harkonnen

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On 9/13/2017 at 8:34 PM, Yakamaru said:

Humans win. Humans have a fuckload of experience when it comes to war and killing. Ponies know how to make friends. I will vote on physics I actually know and understand over made up physics.

I have to hand it to ya, human are much more cruel and they best known to fight dirty. But i will put my best bet on the unicorns for having a better chance since they can just proof all the weapons outta of the human hands. 



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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1 minute ago, TBD said:

I have to hand it to ya, human are much more cruel and they best known to fight dirty. But i will put my best bet on the unicorns for having a better chance since they can just proof all the weapons outta of the human hands. 

Kinda hard when you can fire several hundred meters away with a sniper rifle. Tanks can fire several kilometers. Long-range artillery like 50km at best. If push comes to shove, nuke everything, and let radioactive fallout deal with the problem.

"We have magic. We are fine". Relying solely on magic will make you lose engagements when those wielding magic gets exhausted and you have no more magic users. Relying on only one thing in a war will make you lose if or when it fails. Always have backup plans. And backup plans when those backup plans fail.

“Discovery is dangerous . . . but so is life. A man unwilling to take risk is doomed never to learn, never to grow, never to live.” - House Harkonnen

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1 minute ago, Yakamaru said:

Kinda hard when you can fire several hundred meters away with a sniper rifle. Tanks can fire several kilometers. Long-range artillery like 50km at best. If push comes to shove, nuke everything, and let radioactive fallout deal with the problem.

"We have magic. We are fine". Relying solely on magic will make you lose engagements when those wielding magic gets exhausted and you have no more magic users. Relying on only one thing in a war will make you lose if or when it fails. Always have backup plans. And backup plans when those backup plans fail.

That's true, but i wonder if Celestia can manage that due to her years of magic experiences. 



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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4 minutes ago, TBD said:

That's true, but i wonder if Celestia can manage that due to her years of magic experiences. 

And what kind of magic would she use that would be awe inspiring? To my knowledge at least, ponies have very little knowledge let alone experience with warfare in general.

We have weapons of war. They are designed to kill your enemy fast and efficiently. Quite frankly, I don't even know if the ponies have ANY weapons of war let alone magic designed to kill.

Edited by Yakamaru
  • Brohoof 2

“Discovery is dangerous . . . but so is life. A man unwilling to take risk is doomed never to learn, never to grow, never to live.” - House Harkonnen

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13 minutes ago, Yakamaru said:

And what kind of magic would she use that would be awe inspiring? To my knowledge at least, ponies have very little knowledge let alone experience with warfare in general.

We have weapons of war. They are designed to kill your enemy fast and efficiently. Quite frankly, I don't even know if the ponies have ANY weapons of war let alone magic designed to kill.

ohh yeeeh..good point, I guess its just depended who already crossed the line (the human) and who doesn't. And I dont think the ponies would survive  a cut-throat battle which the humans are more tone to.  Let alone a deadly gas weapons, once they release that, they wouldn't know what hit them. and they wouldnt know the cure since our science is different from theirs. 

Edited by TBD



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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6 minutes ago, TBD said:

ohh yeeeh..good point, I guess its just depended who already crossed the line (the human) and who doesn't. And I dont think the ponies would survive  a cut-throat battle which the humans are more tone to.  Let alone a deadly gas weapons, once they release that, they wouldn't know what hit them. and they wouldnt know the cure since our science is different from theirs. 

We have a decent amount of non-lethal ways to disable adversaries.

“Discovery is dangerous . . . but so is life. A man unwilling to take risk is doomed never to learn, never to grow, never to live.” - House Harkonnen

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On 9/15/2017 at 5:19 PM, Yakamaru said:

We have a decent amount of non-lethal ways to disable adversaries.

 non-Lethal? Ah i see you would give them a head start before bringing out the big gun. xp



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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7 hours ago, TBD said:

 non-Lethal? Ah i see you would give them a head start before bringing out the big gun. xp

We can use tear gas, shoot them in for instance the hooves, in the wings, etc. We can use high-energy flash bangs. Although we are pretty adept at warfare, we also have plenty of non-lethal means to disable someone without lasting damage.

We can design new weapons, too. To focus on disabling without hurting. Can design cannons that fire goo shells, for instance.

  • Brohoof 1

“Discovery is dangerous . . . but so is life. A man unwilling to take risk is doomed never to learn, never to grow, never to live.” - House Harkonnen

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I feel like the fact Equestria is home to both magic and Changelings can answer this question fairly easily!

Edit: Not to mention, creatures like Discord...

Edited by Meeps
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I feel like they would have weak immune systems so simply weaponising some diseases while also using nukes and other weapons I'm pretty sure they'll be dead one way or another from a nuke or two landing on their most important cities


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Depending on why we are fighting. If we are to just eradicate them, it can be done by a flick of a switch. A nuke equal to the Tsar Bomba (50 megatons) would wipe them out pretty good, seeing that the main cities are not too far away from the capital. Just to be sure we could throw in Tsars original intended size and up it to 100 megatons which would not leave a single pony molecule left for record. :D

In case we want their land actually usable and not a wasteland desert, I don't think the law of war and most humanitarian rights would apply to ponies at that point so simply bombing them with some old fashioned mustard gas or something even more toxic like VX would at least tip it to our favor. It would severely cripple them and their moral. Only after that we can roll in the marines and bodybag the stragglers.

Ponies could use something, let us say Elements of Harmony, but how do those really work? I have not really caught up with the show but I think those are solely for banishing evil. If we invaded them for corporate greed, then they would probably work but let's say...we are in a crisis, humanity is starving and we find a way to Equestria. We need too much to spare any for the locals so would it only be survival? Maybe then we should be just using non lethal force but eh...

The main thing though is using our brains, to plan ahead. Are the Elements a danger? Where are they and how do we capture them before they are mobilized? How much power the Alicorns have really? Should we just fake a peace negotiation with all of them present and open fire the second they all line up nicely? We would have to find out all of these silly things they can use, parasprites, limitations of magic and whatnot, and when we know the enemy from cover to cover like the Bible, strike with full force, no warning shots, no mercy, no remorse.

Edited by Corvino

They say you can't outrun destiny. I say that they just didn't have a fast enough car.

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14 hours ago, Yakamaru said:

We can use tear gas, shoot them in for instance the hooves, in the wings, etc. We can use high-energy flash bangs. Although we are pretty adept at warfare, we also have plenty of non-lethal means to disable someone without lasting damage.

We can design new weapons, too. To focus on disabling without hurting. Can design cannons that fire goo shells, for instance.

 Plus we could just break off the horns of the unicorns, they will be utterly useless.   so yeh I think human would win due to a very advance weapon, moreover there are still some being made ("undercover weapons") that we do not know off. 



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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If humans threw down against the ponies there would be no winner because the ponies would quickly show us the magic of friendship and we would suddenly drop our weapons and apologize for being so evil as to attack such sweet, beautiful equines. We wouldn't even think or reconsider our original intentions, we'd just skip off, hand-in-hoof, with our new pony friends to learn about love and tolerance together. The end. :proud:

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 1/13/2015 at 6:33 PM, Marine_Vet_Brony said:


Friendship can't survive Nuclear Explosions and the Nuclear Apocalypse.


If it was the full might of the Earth Military Forces including WMDs then Earth wins.


To be honest, humanity would have zero knowledge of the Equestrian Realm's geodesy, meaning not only do the WMDs need to be manually transported and launched via a TEL, their trajectory would take a total dump during midcourse of the flight phase because navigational systems are relying on an entirely different geodetic datum. I know not all missiles use GLONASS as a guidance system, but something tells me it's not a good idea to program a hydrogen bomb to act like those ancient V2 rockets and send it in some random direction neither. So the only way for WMDs to be effective is to probably manually place and hide them somewhere, feel free to correct me on the matter.

I take no side, that's just my two cents. I honestly have no idea why I posted here with that, I don't know even know WHAT I AM DOING WITH MY LIFE!

Also, ponies vs humans was always that silly debate that never ended since it started years ago lol

Edited by Windseeker
Adjusting some minor detail
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Ponies fight for friendship and humans fight for hate and the sake of destroying everything, so I don't see a reason why humans wouldn't be able to destroy the force of friendship too.

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Ponies would wipe the floor with humans. No contest.

  • Brohoof 2


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