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45 minutes ago, AlexanderThrond said:

Add it to the fucking pile! 


1 minute ago, Jeric said:

It was definitely a pile of something. 

"A pile of shit" is more like it.

One word to describe this episode: painful. They could've done anything — anything — to make this episode good, enjoyable, or both. Instead, it's a clichéd mess without a clue on how to properly parody fairytale tropes.

Everyone here is an out-of-character moron. This is the CMCs's worst characterization since The Show Stoppers. Big Mac is at his worst. How can all four astute, intelligent characters suddenly lose their wherewithal that fast? It's like the writer doesn't understand them. It's good to hear Big Mac actually talk, but that isn't enough.

Feather Bangs is a caricature. Him being a complete parody of a younger Justin Bieber is the joke (his response "song" to Big Mac reminds me of those one-dimensional pop songs from back in the day), and it's so dated. On top of that, he's a stereotype of young pop musicians.

This whole episode feels like a complete loss of opportunity. What could've been really funny falls flat on its face. It's the first bad episode of the season.

  • Brohoof 2

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


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I enjoyed the episode.  There were a lot of cringeworthy parts and I was physically cringing.  However I thought it was really cute too.

I hope that they do something with Sugar Belle and Big Mac.  In MLP there seems to be a recurring theme of having something like this happen but then it's completely dropped in later episodes, which is odd.  I'd like to see Big Mac invite Sugar Belle to Ponyville or just see her more often while Big Mac is around in general.

  • Brohoof 2


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2 hours ago, shy0wl said:

In MLP there seems to be a recurring theme of having something like this happen but then it's completely dropped in later episodes, which is odd.  I'd like to see Big Mac invite Sugar Belle to Ponyville or just see her more often while Big Mac is around in general.

Agreed. As I said earlier I would really really think a perfect opportunity would be for her to make an appearance in the upcoming Apple Family episode (Episode S07E13 I believe). Based on the synopsis just her presence would signify to the audience that this is the beginning of a serious relationship. 




After two viewings, I unfortunately have to make this episode join the Owl's Well that Ends Well as a 1 on the scale we use here. Again, bad episode was bad, but on the whole the rest of the season has been good to fantastic, so my great dissatisfaction with this episode will be a fading memory.  

Also, I do like the SugarMac coupling, and I look forward to scenes that have them together in the future. 



RIP Cheerimac ... my favorite non canon ship. 




  • Brohoof 4



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You know, I was wondering who voiced Feather Bangs. When I saw the credits........ well, I guess "HE'S" not only after pony-turned-humans after all :icwudt:

  • Brohoof 2


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I know a lotof people are hating on Feather Bangs for being Justin Beiber, but I think he had the better songs. They were catchier, and honestly, more thought out compared to Big Mac's. Mac had trouble finding the right words to the songs after the first one, while Feather didn't miss a beat in his songs. Big Mac didn't even get the color of Sugar's eyes right. She doesn't even have blue eyes. >_<

I also really liked Feather's simile's, which seemed more heartfelt, poetic sweet, and telling her how he really felt (how he would do anything for her, how his his heart starts beating, how he believes he could fly with her), which Big Mac didn't do.

  • Brohoof 1

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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Can't say I really loved this episode but it's not bad by any means. Lots of cliche writing that screams "been there, done that." Oh well. Big Mac is one of those secondary characters who manages to be entertaining most of the time, but... dang. I wasn't quite feeling it. Even with the rare, more extensive dialogue and a lighthearted song (that gets hijacked by the cringey Bieber pone Feather Bangs), it didn't really feel natural.

Was it at least cute? Sure! I'm on board with SugarMac, especially since the incident with Cheerilee way back when is being written off as an awkward mistake. Seeing Starlight's old village again (WITHOUT Starlight around, and outside of flashbacks) was fairly unexpected, but at least we can say it's a setting that hasn't been totally abandoned by the writers. Hopefully someplace like Griffonstone reappears soon, too.

I suppose I should also mention that the CMC usually don't get as many consecutive episodes as they have lately. First a Sweetie Belle and Rarity tale, then a thematically similar Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash episode, and finally a CMC and Big Mac episode. Not that I have anything against the CMC, but the pacing going on here in S7 is a bit strange. Sorta like all the Rarity episodes we kept getting in S5 and S6. Just an observation.

Edited by Prospekt
  • Brohoof 2


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1 hour ago, Nightmare Muffin said:

I know a lotof people are hating on Feather Bangs for being Justin Beiber, but I think he had the better songs. They were catchier, and honestly, more thought out compared to Big Mac's. Mac had trouble finding the right words to the songs after the first one, while Feather didn't miss a beat in his songs. Big Mac didn't even get the color of Sugar's eyes right. She doesn't even have blue eyes. >_<

Two things

1. It's a good thing that someone's vocal ability doesn't usually determine affection and success in a relationship *cough* me singing for MCM *cough.

2. The eyes thing is not an issue. Unless you like to be told to get over yourself by your significant other and other people, I suggest you never use that as any kind of a litmus test for love. Ever. 

1 hour ago, Nightmare Muffin said:

I also really liked Feather's simile's, which seemed more heartfelt, poetic sweet, and telling her how he really felt (how he would do anything for her, how his his heart starts beating, how he believes he could fly with her), which Big Mac didn't do.

Son, that's a bad idea to have in your mind when it comes to emotional attachment and attraction. Get that out of your head now and you're gonna thank me later.

For one they both had weak ass game. I could whip up a tercet in less than a minute that would have more romantic impact than any verse they sung. Feather Bangs lyrics we're Romper Room level depth. Secondly, guess what? It doesn't matter. If a girl or guys sincerely likes you, any effort can be magical. That's the point behind that scene as horrible as it was.

There is always someone smarter, more fashionable, more intelligent, more accomplished, more wealthy, more healthy, and more musical. When you like someone, you like them for what they bring to the table, and the best or better at a trait isn't entitled to the person's affections. 

One thing they got right in this episode is that a huge draw for many people is an ability to listen and pay attention. In the end Big Mac did exactly that. Feather Bangs didn't. 


"Dear Feather Bang,

I am just not that into you.


Sugar Belle

PS next time you decide to woo a mare, it may be a better idea to leave the entourage that is proclaiming their love for you out of sight. Your moves were bad and you should feel bad."




  • Brohoof 3



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OK, so that was a romance focused episode in a show that is “about friendship, not romance”, according to the creators. Well then.

It seems the screenwriters aimed at a pairing that wasn’t popular in the fandom (I don’t know if Sugarmac was even a thing before this ep). The way they delivered it was not the best, but I wouldn’t call it the worst either. However, the Gaston Bieber pony was too cliché even for FiM. And the song contest… thankfully, I was past my second beer by that time. Otherwise, I’m not sure I’d be able to sit through those songs without muting the sound.

Anyway, I’m happy for Big Mac, and I hope that the topic of finding him a marefriend is finally closed – in the show at least, cause bronies will stick to their favorite ships no matter what.



Poor Cheerilee




  • Brohoof 1
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For a better CMC episode, unlike this one where it deals with romance that those fillies shouldn't even be involved in, Maud Pie could use some interactions with the Crusaders someday (like Starlight did previously). That'll certainly also trigger a Pinkie/CMC episode.

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Between the forced "first crush" romance (I can hear Lauren Faust's ghost crying just by writing that), how cliché it was, all the cringeworthy moments and references that were already outdated in 2012 with a story that was already outdated in the early 2000's (Shrek anyone?) I should hate this episode, and to be fair I do think it deserves the hate it's getting, but I won't lie, it was a lot of fun :P It's not something I'm going to be watching again anytime soon, in fact I'll give it the Fluttershy Leans In treatment of avoiding watching it again so that my first impression doesn't get damaged, but I did enjoy it more than I should have.


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I found this episode to be very enjoyable, in my opinion. It's cool that we get to visit Starlight's old home with different characters. It's nice seeing how Big Mac has his first crush, but I also liked how they brought up Cherilee. I liked the call back to "Hearts and Hooves Day." It's nice seeing how the CMC have come a long way from many seasons back. Feather Bangs reminded me of Justin Bieber, but in pony form. Feather was an interesting character and a good rival for Big Mac. Even though Big Mac and the CMC used the fairy tale book for idea, I thought it was a good idea to try. They're are some cringe moments, but most of them overall were pretty funny. I thought the song was pretty good and was pretty funny as well. Especially when Big Mac and Feather took turns on their songs for Sugar Belle. I liked how Big Mac told the Crusaders how he admires and what he thinks about Sugar Belle. It was nice of Big Mac to make a new shelf for Sugar Belle and I liked the lesson as well. While Big Mac and Sugar Belle came out of nowhere, I like and approve of the new couple. I also thought it was kind of the Crusaders to help Feather out with his three admirers. Instead of just brushing him off to the side and forgetting about him. All in all, I really liked this episode. I also hope to see more of Big Mac and Sugar Belle throughout this season. :) 

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So did the writers have like a meeting where they went like "you know, how can we do an episode were we remind everyone that Justin Beiber really really sucks" or something? 

  • Brohoof 1


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14 hours ago, VG_Addict said:

Anyone else think this season has been too slice of life?

Nah, slice of life is good. Shifting away from adventure episodes is fine by me. This season's problem is that it's just crap. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I bet Feather Bangs will be an overly hated character :dash: , by either being similar to Justin Bieber, or just because he's being voiced by Flashy :lol: 

  • Brohoof 1


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Literally the entire episode I was just screaming "NOOOOO!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" at the screen. God this episode made me cringe. :sunny:



12 minutes ago, Steve Piranha said:

I bet Feather Bangs will be an overly hated character :dash: , by either being similar to Justin Bieber, or just because he's being voiced by Flashy :lol: 

I guess that would explain why I wanted to chop him up with an axe throughout the entire episode.

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33 minutes ago, Steve Piranha said:

I bet Feather Bangs will be an overly hated character :dash: , by either being similar to Justin Bieber, or just because he's being voiced by Flashy :lol: 

Maybe. I found him one of the episode's few bright spots, actually, even though he's a super dated pop culture reference. 

  • Brohoof 2
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It's nice to see Big Macintosh play a major role in another episode. And it was nice to see the show to mention Sugar Belle again since she did 

play a significant part in the "Cutie Map" episodes. I always like seeing characters return from previous seasons. 

Probably the most akward thing about this episode was the song number which was a tad drawn out in my opinion, but other than that it was okay. 

  • Brohoof 1
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guys, so....um....did anyone notice that Sweetie Belle kinda grooving on Feather Bangs for a while? In the middle of his first song, she's sitting there with a big grin on her face, until Feather's fangirls come in and sit in front of her, then she's all frowny.

1 hour ago, AlexanderThrond said:

Maybe. I found him one of the episode's few bright spots, actually, even though he's a super dated pop culture reference. 

I would love to see him become a pony popstar and collab with Sapphire Shores, the pony of pop, and wind up in Ponyville, and the CMC are all like "omg Sapphire Sho-ooooohwtf?" D:<

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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3 hours ago, Nightmare Muffin said:

guys, so....um....did anyone notice that Sweetie Belle kinda grooving on Feather Bangs for a while? In the middle of his first song, she's sitting there with a big grin on her face, until Feather's fangirls come in and sit in front of her, then she's all frowny.

Well, if you consider the factor of him parodying justin bieber and sterotypical boybands, sweetie belle would be right around the target age to sell music and merchandise to, plus he wasn't a completely terrible singer either.

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Ya know that feeling when your favorite pony gets their own episode, but it turns out to be so bad it's almost literally physically painful to sit through? Yeah. That's this episode. Ugh, thank bucking Celestia that Big Mac is back to normal in his short appearance in Honest Apple. Never let Becky touch Big Mac again.

  • Brohoof 1

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