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How Did You Get Into MLP?


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Pardon me for sounding like a hipster here, but I enjoyed the show from the start. My first exposure to it was actually this thread, where I got to post with the Anon who held the prestigious title of Most Wrong Man on the Internet until he was surpassed by Nate Silver in late 2016. Watched the premier and thought it was really cute and comfy. Never really called myself a brony, mostly because people were proselytizing like MLP was the one true faith and it was super cringy, though I've always been a fan.

How did you all find your way onto Ms. Faust's Wild Ride?

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I made my first post here that explains how I got into MLP.




Long story short: Got exposed to MLP on the Internet in the worst way possible, was an Anti-Brony, went insane, got better, now I’m Non-Brony and lost a part of my sanity I’ll never recover.

Edited by ZethaPonderer
Adding about how I lost a part of my sanity I’ll never recover.
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I got into MLP by accident. I was channel surfing for anything that wasn't an infomercial and tuned in late to Lesson Zero. The characters were fun, well-written and interesting, the animation style was pleasing and it made me laugh. It was the first time in a while that I'd seen a decent new cartoon show so I came back and watched another episode and another and so on. Lesson Zero remains one of my top three MLP favorite episodes to this day. 

Before stumbling across the show on TV I had never heard of it before and I had no idea there was a following of any sort. I found out about all that later. 

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Because I got screwed over at one point in my life by some family members and I was very negative. I saw one episode of mlp and the colors with the positivity amazed me, I figured "maybe this is what the doctor ordered" and I just continued on with it.

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18 minutes ago, Sunset Rose said:


Mods are asleep, post ponies. 

So many bans, so little time,

Anywho @Twiggy, moving to Sugarcube Corner. :P

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1 minute ago, PathfinderCS said:

So many bans, so little time,

Anywho @Twiggy, moving to Sugarcube Corner. :P

Pathfinder never got into ponies. He's still only a Spyro fan, don't let him fool you.

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13 minutes ago, Sunset Rose said:

Pathfinder never got into ponies. He's still only a Spyro fan, don't let him fool you.

Oh, please, show me someone who isn’t a Spyro fan, and I’ll show you a liar.


How I got into the show is a stupid long story, so here’s the condensed version. Anyways, have you heard of the fan animations, Two Best Sisters Play? They’re based off YouTube gamer’s Two Best Friends Play, and I’ve been a fan of them since 2012. So, during one of their shorts, there was a joke where one of them switched the others desktop to a FiM background. I thought it was just a joke, but when I read the comments I saw a bunch of stuff about bronies. Having no idea what that was about I did a bit of research and ended up watching an episode, and now here we are. Ironically, I watched Two Best Friends Play before Two Best Sister’s Play was even a thing.

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42 minutes ago, Sunset Rose said:

Pathfinder never got into ponies. He's still only a Spyro fan, don't let him fool you.

Ponies suck, dragons rule, purple Spyro > purple Twilight, haha!

That said, I got into MLP thanks to the in rush of fanart on FurAffinity back in late 2010. After seeing art of the Mane 6 and Trixie (who, at that time, I assume was a main character due to the amount of fan art she was getting) as birds, my interest was finally piqued and I watched the first episode.

As they say; the rest is history.

Unless you're Sunset Rose; then Spyro rules all. <3

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51 minutes ago, Sunset Rose said:

Pathfinder never got into ponies. He's still only a Spyro fan, don't let him fool you.

"Only a Spyro fan"? Uh, no. He's also into the Deer Characters that appeared in the MLP IDW comics. Isn't that right, @PathfinderCS?

As for me, I first noticed G4 FiM via MAD parody on Cartoon Network in 2011. Then I saw the first 2 episodes in Summer 2012 via Netflix then in April 2013 binge watched the first 3 seasons.

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I got into MLP thanks of some MLP animations I watched on 2013, like Snowdrop or...


Smile HD :D

In that moment, I didn't know anything about the TV series, so I decided to watch the first season and I loved the animation and the characters. Nowadays I'm still very into MLP, although maybe not as much as before, but I still watch MLP episodes, and I will continue until the TV series ends. 

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9 minutes ago, SwitchGuy2018 said:

"Only a Spyro fan"? Uh, no. He's also into the Deer Characters that appeared in the MLP IDW comics. Isn't that right, @PathfinderCS?

As for me, I first noticed G4 FiM via MAD parody on Cartoon Network in 2011. Then I saw the first 2 episodes in Summer 2012 via Netflix then in April 2013 binge watched the first 3 seasons.

Sarcasm, SwitchGuy. :twi:


19 minutes ago, PathfinderCS said:

Ponies suck, dragons rule, purple Spyro > purple Twilight, haha!

That said, I got into MLP thanks to the in rush of fanart on FurAffinity back in late 2010. After seeing art of the Mane 6 and Trixie (who, at that time, I assume was a main character due to the amount of fan art she was getting) as birds, my interest was finally piqued and I watched the first episode.

As they say; the rest is history.

Unless you're Sunset Rose; then Spyro rules all. <3

I mean, isn't she though? With a moniker like 'Great and Powerful' she's clearly the main character.

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4 minutes ago, Sunset Rose said:


I mean, isn't she though? With a moniker like 'Great and Powerful' she's clearly the main character.

Funny thing is that I was somewhat disappoint and confused she was a one-episode character. I was waiting for her big reveal and for that smug-sense of self-satisfaction to really win me over. Alas, I was able to get into MLP without her "Great and Powerful-ness" gracing my viewing screen. Alas we have to wait until season 6 for that to become a reality!

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I'm not quite sure why I got into MLP, but I do know what got me into it.

A while back in 2014, I was really into Creepypastas (not much anymore, though), and I watched a certain YouTube channel for them, that being SomeOrdinaryGamers. I viewed the standard stuff; Sonic.EXE, Godzilla NES, MARIO, Suicide Mouse, etc.. It wasn't until a little while later that I found something odd... Luna Game. I'm not sure what compelled me to watch it, especially considering the subject matter, but hey! It was another SomeOrdinaryGamers video, so why not watch it? So I did...

Not long afterward, I was finding myself browsing around Deviantart, looking at MLP artwork. Why? I couldn't tell you at the time, but for some reason, I did. Not long after this, my interest in MLP sank quite a lot. Little did I know, it wouldn't stay this way forever...

Fast forward to February of this year, and my interest in MLP came back full force. I was viewing artwork on Deviantart again, I was starting to listen to brony music here or there, I was even deciding to buy merchandise... you get the idea. Not long afterward, on March 9th, I decided to create an account here... and well, here we are! :squee:

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i found others on different websites using ponies as their profile pictures (I think it was vinyl?) and it got me interested about the show, but didn't get me into it.. until a group of girls, who became my friends was talking about mlp in class, and after which I sat down and watched an episode, and loved mlp. that was around the end or the middle of season 3

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Dude was like: "watch ponies", I was like: "dafuq?". *Repeats*. Watch first episode and think: "it was ok". *Keeps insisting*. I'm like: "ok, jeez, I'll watch for realz". *Watch Canterlot Wedding*: get's hooked. *watch Magical Mystery Cure*: PONIES 4 LIFE

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A friend introduced me to the MLP game in 2013, I enjoy it, My mum got me Amazon Prime so I put the name of my favorite game into the search (The MLP Game) and it popped up, watched it and I've been hooked since!


my first exposure to MLP:FiM is when I made a service that people in my primary school could watch gifs with a little dialogue, and it shown a bit of MLP.

but my first exposure EVER to MLP in general was my little sister's Twilight Twinkle doll (Yes, I played with it!) and that was when I was 5 or 6, maybe 7 I think!

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Someone who at the time was my best friend got me into it during a period of suicidal thoughts, the show saved my hairy butt then but he ironically used it to tell me years later how much of a pile of useless human trash I am as his excuse for ditching me after I tried reconnecting with him. Friends are fun.

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Bit of a funny story actually.

My very first exposure to FIM was actually through some fan-made Elder Scrolls video someone made near the end of 2011, I think it was called "Elder Scrolls VI: Equestria" or something. Of course, since Skyrim had just been released and the gullible eleven-year-old-me was in full hype-mode at thinking Bethesda have announced a new Elder Scrolls game, just weeks after Skyrim was released.

I was disappointed to see that it was just some compilation of clips from the show just synced to the audio of the Skyrim trailer, this was my very first encounter with the show itself.

I didn't really bother with the show until 2013 when I guy I knew said that there was a huge fanbase dedicated to that very same pony-show I accidentally discovered years prior. Needless to say, I mocked bronies at every opportunity for quite a while. The entire idea seemed completely absurd to me, and as such I didn't bother watching the show for myself until one day when I was ill and had nothing better to do. So I found the pilot episodes on YouTube (before copyright happened) and gave them a watch. I didn't fall in love with it, I just thought it was cute and enjoyable enough. After watching some more episodes, I grew to appreciate it more and more and started to see the appeal. Before I knew it, I was hooked.

I took a break from the show/fandom in 2014, and I only just started to re-watch the show near the end of 2017. Of course, I had plenty to catch up on. :smug:

And that's pretty much it! 

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I discovered MLP back in 2012 when me and my friend were watching this really stupid video, and MLP happened to show up in the video. If I remember correctly it was a Fus Ro Dah montage, and Flutterborn happened to be in the video. My friend said this MLP was alright and not as bad as the old ones, I just shrugged, I didn't really care too much. A few months pass and I stumbled across this video, and thought it was the funniest thing ever, (looking back at it after this many years, its not that funny). After watching similar ones like this I decided to look up the original, next thing I know I'm already 7 episodes in season 1.

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I got into it rather late. I new that it was a big thing back in 2011-12, but I didn't take it seriously thinking MLP was some kind of media virus or a trolling thing.

Then in 2015 I realized that it didn't go anywhere and some of the people I know and like are into it. Considering the atmosphere around me at that time (everything was filled with negativity, hatred and pessimism) I needed something bright and positive, so I decided to give MLP a try. And here I am now.

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I took a look at the show to see just what the hype was all about. Didn't expect to like it at all. Well, by the time my first episode (Castle Mane-ia) was finished, I couldn't help but admit to myself that I had actually really enjoyed it. Started from the beginning of Season 1 soon after, and it wasn't long before I was considering myself a brony. Didn't actually join the online community (apart from EQD and YoutTube comments under various aliases) until 2 years later when I made my account here, but rest assured I've been hooked for years now. :lol: There's a lot of sentimental value for me in those first 4 seasons. I was in a really dark place emotionally and I credit MLP FiM with helping me climb out of that. I remember the first time I watched Hurricane Fluttershy... it was the first time a cartoon had ever brought me to tears.

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