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Do you believe in ghosts, demons, cryptids, aliens, etc.?


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After marathoning episodes of Paranormal Caught on Camera, I got to wondering if any of you all believe in that sort of thing. I do. I think that, to assume humans are all there is, is a bit close minded. There is plenty of video proof of such things. Yes, some is fake but some I feel like is authentic.

FYI, the word “paranormal” doesn’t only entail ghosts. It involves anything beyond the scope of human understanding. 

  • Brohoof 3
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The only such thing I am willing to believe is aliens. Anything outside of that is just ludicrous to my mind.

That said; when it comes to aliens, it has to come with a very big caveat. Keep in mind that our very first radio broadcasts have likely only made it as far out as somewhat past the Algol star system, and in the grand scheme of the Milky Way that is a VERY small segment. There could very well be an advanced civilization on the other side of the galaxy, but we would have no way of contacting them, and they likewise wouldn't even know of us. Hell, it's possible that there have been plenty of civilizations which were wiped out by the death of their respective sun. Any and all trace of this alien world wiped out; never to be discovered.

I think it's possible that alien life is out there, but it's gonna be difficult for us to find it...or even for them to find us.

And forget about anything beyond the observable universe.

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There are too many credible accounts of ghost or similar phenomena that can't be explained. And the government has had information on aliens for a long time. Anyone who doesn't believe or at least acknowledge the totally unexplainable facts has not bothered to do any research.

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I am careful with the word "belief" as it may end up creating a psychic phenomena. Like a tulpa. An intelligent projection of the observer.

But, during my recent out of the body experiences. I've been monitoring the atmosphere of planet earth, while listening to radio. Since you can tune into radial waves. When I saw what is commonly denominated as a TR-3B. Or more accurately, many of these black triangular spacecrafts. Patrolling argentinian territory outside of the visible spectrum. So, I followed the trail, and they led me into the US territory.

This vessels have... phase-shift. So, it may look like a cloaking device, according to people who witnessed them in the vicinity. Normal everyday civilians. When the technology is far more advanced. It is actually changing the molecular vibration of the object. To, quite literally, tune out of this reality, into another frequency. Where the craft becomes imperceptible to the human eye, because it is not physically there anymore. Especially, ever since the "gods" of humankind tangled with the human dna. Severely limiting the way you experience reality.

I hope one day your government comes clean about this technology, and the ones who gave it to them. Because this tech was not developed by human ingenuity. And the payment as well. Because, even if this "dark fleet" is manned by what looks like human personnel hooked into a neural server. The pale beings who gave this technology to them, do not look quite "human".

The family who witnessed the spacecraft with the naked eye, before it shifted, said to me it was the "gods". And told me to "follow the obelisks with the pyramid atop". "Argentina has one obelisk, as well as every other colony of theirs". "Back to the times of ancient egypt and the mythical atlantis".

It was difficult to believe them at first. But they actually filmed it, and it is the same black spacecraft, instantly disappearing out of sight in a flash of light. Also, last time I checked, humanity, at least the ones in this colony planet had not yet developed speed light travel. At least not officially.

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I pretty much believe in everything paranormal. Paranormal Caught On Camera isn’t always a great example of credible footage, and I can pick apart a lot of what they’ve shown on there. And their so-called ‘experts’ are laughable at best. But once in a while something slips through that is absolutely fascinating and beyond explanation, and that’s what keeps me coming back and considering the bigger picture. I’ve also heard first hand, or personally experienced enough weird stuff to recognize there are enough question marks out there to justify further exploration with an open mind. 

  • Brohoof 3
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Obviously there has to be other life out there besides us. The universe is massive beyond the point of true understanding and we are but a tiny, tiny pixel. Everything else like ghosts and spirits? Nope. I like the idea of them for horror but that's about it. There's simply nothing solidified that shows me that these things are real.

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I don't believe any of that. Only thing that I think is remotely possible that aliens exist elsewhere in the universe. If they lived in our solar system then we would have already met them by now. So for me that's means with a very high probability that they don't exist.

Edited by zerox
  • Brohoof 1
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I believe in ghosts and feel alien life is a high probability. Too many stories of both. Too many unexplained phenomenon for me to totally dismiss it. 

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I really only believe in aliens. With an extremely large, most likely infinite universe, it is 100% likely that there has to be some other form of life out there. Sure, we may never encounter them, but nevertheless they have to be out there.

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There’s probably life on other planets, yeah. Ghosts and/or demons, I don’t know. They might exist, or they might not. Cryptids I find fascinating, but I don’t think I believe in them. 

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Ghosts, demons - absolutely not. They are as real as elves, trolls or Boogeyman, IMO.

Cryptids - there are plenty of undiscovered animals out there, but the famous cryptids like Bigfoot are just urban legends.

Aliens - I don't think they visit us, but it's very improbable that we are alone in the universe. 

  • Brohoof 4
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Nothing has meaning, but everything has reason. Just because we don't know the reason today doesn't mean we won't eventually.

There are a few reasons for why we come up with non-existent things such as ghosts or demons. The first is an attempt at reason itself. We make something up to explain something that is unknown to us. If we make it in a sense familiar, then we have less reason to be wary. The second is as a tool. If you don't want your children to mess about with free roaming horses or bodies of water because of the danger they pose, then heighten that danger with a story, like that of the Kelpie. Less specific, malevolent Ghosts and Demons will do the trick as well to reinforce good behavior. The third is split between the two. We may invent ghosts because we miss someone, and we may invent demons to take the blame for our own wrongdoings.

Cryptids vary. The planet hasn't been thoroughly explored, but there are few places where any large animals could still hide, and what we seek may not be what we expected. The Chupacabra turned out to be coyotes disfigured by extreme cases of mange. Unicorns are clearly poor descriptions of the Rhinoceros but also the result of either surgery or a mutation on goats. We have examples of living fossils or similar species as a result of convergent evolution. The Madagascan Dwarf Hippo was thought to have died out at least 1,000 years ago, but the team from Discovery's, Extinct of Alive, found the skull to one that dated to only 200 years. DNA testing has come a long way, to where it can be applied to aquatic environments. This was used to prove that the only creature that could be currently mistaken for the Loch Ness Monster would be a large eel, and the most famous photograph of it was most likely a circus elephant that had gone for a swim. Bigfoot is too large for it's environment, and closely resembles the Grizzly Bear. If they were real, we would have captured one by now.

I'm on board with the mathematical odds of there being other life out there somewhere, but it's never visited us. Most UFO sightings can be attributed to test flights of military aircraft, and the "coverups" are us wanting to hide our technological edge from our adversaries.

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Alien life certainly exist somewhere in the universe, the sheer mathematical improbability of this one planet alone carrying life makes it hard to argue against.  The chances of that life being as technologically advanced (or more) then here is going to diminish somewhat the higher up the tech tree you go.  I'm not what the odds are of a civilisation advanced enough to have developed faster-than-light travel is, and whether or not any alien civilisation has visited Earth is very much up for debate.

Paranormal creatures, ghosts, demons etc. I couldn't dismiss the possibility of entirely, however, I remain very sceptical and I've never heard any account of such things that inclines me towards believing in them.  The human mind is a very strange thing which has a multitude of ways of tricking you into thinking that you have perceived something that wasn't actually there.

As for cryptids, some are undoubtedly sheer fantasy, some are the result of tall tales which grow with each telling, and the rest?  Well, no creature was known to exist until it was known to exist, and new species are discovered all the time.

Maybe one day I'll find out that fairies are real, and my world will be forever changed.

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I believe in ghosts, and yet I don't believe in demons; I believe in aliens, and yet I don't believe in UFOs; I don't believe in any cryptids... except santa clause :rarityhat:

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I'm pretty certain that aliens exist, as for the others, they exist in their own way.  Whether it be in legends or what have you.  I don't know if this counts as a ghost or not but I noticed a large shadow pass my bedroom yesterday.  It looked like someone walked past my window even though I'm on the second floor.  I looked out my window and there weren't any large birds outside, idk what I saw but it looked like a person from the shadow's shape.  It was weird, idk what I saw.  Another example I can think of is when my grandma died, a lot of people on my reserve felt it, like there was a shockwave that went through my reservation, some things even broke like a seashell I found on the beach a few years before she died, it flew off a table and broke when my mom was having tea with one of her friends who wanted to do something with the shell.  She still has the broken shell on her and is still dumbfounded that it broke.  That sort of thing with the spiritual shockwave tends to happen when someone with a strong spirit dies on the reserve, mostly elders but some younger people too.  At this point, I can't not believe in ghosts.  Sometimes you can see shadows chilling out in the grave sites too but that's pretty rare to see and some people swear they've seen a ghost of a man walk along the roads every so often, mostly around this one stretch of road where the rivers meet.

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13 hours ago, Bastian said:

I believe in aliens alone, the universe is too big for us to be alone out here.

The rest, not quite.

Yeah, I also think that

It can't be a coincidence that we have an infinite universe and we were are the only life to exist

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