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Do you dislike your first name?

Le Kvlt Dawn

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My first name is Nicolò, and i love it :)


the only problems is that you, english speaking buddies, never said it right in your life XD oh well, and my surname is kinda cool, but people can get jokes really easy over it

Edited by Doc. Volt


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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You don't understand how much I love that I get to rant about it.

My name is Ashton.

Commonly asked questions:

"Like Ashton kutcher?" No, I am a girl. Why would I be named after a dude.

"I will call you ashy!" NO. NO NO. NO NO NO. NO NO NO NO.

"Ashton is ready for his appointment tomorrow." I am a female.

"Wait what? Ashley?" No. Ashlyn? No. Ashanti? No. Amanda? No. Radish? FOR CELESTIA'S SAKE MAN!

Sometimes I hate it.

"600 years of time and space, and I've never been slapped by someone's mother." -the Doctor

"and then Satan said, put the alphabet in math."

"GRAWRRRRRRRR!" -Chewbacca

Location: Takin' Out the Trash- At Night!

Sincerely, Technicolor Pony.

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Well, not really. I'd prefer a lot of female names over my name, (Isn't bigenderism just so wonderful? It kind of is though... This is because it makes me even more fabulous, I guess. :P)

Honestly, though, I would much prefer a more feminine name.


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My name is Dylan. I would like a lot more if it weren't for the fact that so many other people had the same name. I once had a class in high school with two other kids who had that name. Spelled the same too.


 I have the exact same problem with my last name as well. My best friend had the same last name as me, and everyone thought we were brothers. I also knew five other kids with the same last name. It makes me feel really average.

Twilight is best pony.


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I don't use my first name, but I don't mind it terribly.  Just I would be like the 4th one in my family with that exact same name.

I'm the uber-conservative one.
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20% Chance I'm on my Wii U while posting this.


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Why yes, yes I do. Thank you for asking! ^^


My first name is Robert, but I go by Rob.


I...really don't like my name.


Like many, I was named after my grandfather, whom I never knew.


But, it just seems so traditional to name your child after your father, you know?


Hell, I may even legally change my name sometime soon.


If, you know, I find out how.


Like this is me, but with my kids, I'm going to name them something amazing.


Actually, sounds like a cool idea for a topic name. ^^


But anyways, that's my story! Don't like mine either. ^^"


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My first name is "Pedro" and I hate it. it's not even my name it's my grandfather. my grandfather was not a good man, and cheated on his wife, beat his wife etc, and the wife after that, and the wife after that. hearing his life was a disappointment that made me resent his name.


PS: I'm changing my name and my parents are cool with it.

- Envy Noson was here -

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My name is Tyler, and I kind of take issue with it because it implies I'm some sort of tile placer. It doesn't really have much essence to it and it's pretty common. Plus people call me Taylor all the time  :okiedokielokie:

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I can't stand my name xD (Calvin) it just annoys me. It's unique, but TOO unique. everytime someone asks me my name i have to repeat it three to five times because they think i'm saying Callum or Connor. So i Just get everyone to call me Tai. I'll probably change it to Tai legally sometime... If i ever get round to it .-.

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I swear my parents couldn't have gotten anymore uncreative lol. I'm Jessica and my sister is Brittany. Every year in school I was "Jessica *first initial of last name*" "Jessica 2" etc. It was reaaaallly annoying. So yes, I'd say I dislike my first name, so much that at one point I thought of getting a name change.

Which is why I'm naming my son Nikolai. He will NEVER have that problem bwahaha.  :yay:

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I was named after my drunken, imprisoned father: "Gregory." 

Ever since I was you, I've had a passionate hate for this name...especially the nicknames that go with it like Greggy....Oh I despise it. Shame it won't change. I wish I had enough money to change it. And my name in general is just...so plain: Gregory Allen Dalton. I literally have 3 first names in my full name. Bleh...Oh well, not like it will change.

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My full name is Samantha. I PREFER Sam or Sammyy though. 


I just always hated my name. Its too long, sounds unattractive (No offense to those who are also named Samantha), and it bores me. I'd rather have my name Bella, Rose, Britain (Yes, I have a friend named Britain, and its so adorable), or Arianna. I kind of want a rare name. There was also quite a bit of people named Samantha.


I just don't like my name :/

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Mine's Taryn, I quite like it. It's not very common, which is why i like it so much.

Sadly, sometimes people spell it with a double R or or even spell it Taren. 

2 kawaii to live, 2 sugoi to die. 

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I wouldn't say I hate my name like fully, but I don't exactly like it either, it honestly kind of sounds like an old person name and more often then not it makes me feel way older then I am.

Thanks Mom and Dad for raising an old person, now if you don't mind I have to go and kick some kids off my damn lawn



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the thing I can dislike about my first name is two things.

1.It is hard giving a nicknames to
2.its my first name but not the name everyone calls me (which i want to)

my first name is Kurt I got that after my grand father and my second name (the one everyone calls me) is Casper, not my favorite of names because i was kinda bullied for it when i was growing up.


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I quite like my first name. Sophie is a well-known name, yet nobody I know shares my name which is nice. One thing that irks me about though, is that people always ask if it is short for Sophia

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I've gone by my initials since I was born, so it may seem strange, but that feels more like my name than my actual name.

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"No matter how many times others tell you you're great, all the praise in the world means nothing if you don't feel it inside.......Sometimes to feel good about yourself, you gotta let go of the past. That way, when the time comes to let your greatness fly, you'll be able to light up the whole sky." -Cathy Weseluck as Spike 

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My name is Delaney, but I'd much rather just be called Laney in public. Although, I use Delaney on the internet, for fun.


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Because I despise my legal name with a fiery passion of a thousand suns, I'd rather not post it publicly. It got made fun of so much back in my school days and people, to this day, can never pronounce it right on the first try and I always have to correct them when they do.


For about 8 years or so, I've gone by the handle "Drake" online and I'd much prefer to change it to my real name someday.

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