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Seaweed-Headed Dragon

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Mine essentially doesn't exist unless I'm interested in whatever is going on. I'm really really bad at letting my mind wander, and I can lose entire hours when I'm not paying attention.

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I am generally aware of my surroundings. If I find something interesting, I will make more effort to pay attention to it. The only time my attention span starts waning is when I am getting bored and uninterested.

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I don't have the greatest attention span when I'm on a computer working on something. I tell myself that I'll work on animating poneh stuff, then when I'm trying to think about how something is going to move or something else for too long, I tend to start going on websites while I think.


The sites don't help with the progress :P

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I don't think I actually haven attention span.

I'll be doing one thing, then just drop it completely to do something else and a lot of the time forget the thing I was doing first.

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As long as it's something I find interesting, I can pay attention for hours. I've finished whole books in one sitting, and I once played Isaac for 8 hours in a row. I originally marothoned season 1 all the way to episode 18.


 If it's boring, then I have the attention span of a goldfish.

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I don't have all of that great of an attention span. Over the years I've become much better at paying attention during classes, though. It used to be that I would spend most of my classes daydreaming, but now I'm able to pay attention.


But I still do a lot of daydreaming otherwise. And my lack of attention span can become rather annoying. Like I'll sit down to watch an episode of something, but then I find my mind drifting off, and I have to pause it and do something else. =/

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However during school, I fall asleep when the teacher starts to lecture, like within 5 minutes of the talk

Are you kidding!? My teachers and their fits were the highlight of my day in school, I loved how angry they get and call out on how incompetent we all are. Makes me sort of miss school a little...

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Well, I have ADD.  :lol:


I don't really consider that relevant because I take medication and therefore do not identify it as my "real" attention span. I tend to zone out sometimes (who needs headphones to block out other people's voices when you manage to do that on an audioless article), but I'm all right. I'm an attentive student, get my work done on time, etc. 


Those rare days where I've forgotten to take my pills in the morning, though? Those are not fun...

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Mine depends on the situation. When I'm reading, (or writing) my attention is riveted to the point that I don't even know what's going on around me. When I was little, my dad used to joke that a bomb would go off, and I'd still sit there reading. If it's something I HAVE to do, rather than something I want to do, I sometimes have real trouble keeping focused on the task at hand. 

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Usually if I'm sitting down listening to something, my mind tends to wander off to other things and I feel the need to move around.  I have a hard time paying attention to things unless it's something I'm really interested in. :P

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"Want to get something in my room, goes upstairs, and forget what I was going to pick up"

My attention span is absolutely horrible, I usually stand up in front of my locker at school for five minutes before I start picking things. And Always forget things.


However, when I play a racing game, I can stay focused for hours. Kinda the only time my attention span last.

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  • 4 years later...

I can keep focused when I've had a good sleep and a good meal. I need energy and an interest in what I'm doing. Without any of these basics I might as well forget the whole thing and clock out early.  


Edited by Dreambiscuit
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