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Everything posted by ponylaces

  1. Um, wow. Another Rarity centered episode? I mean.. alright then. The writers do know other characters exist, right? I love Rarity, but I find it a bit weird that Rarity is getting part of the spotlight once again, especially since it's with Pinkie and there has already been a Raripie episode this season. Sounds like a cool premise, don't get me wrong, but stuff like this is starting to bother me a lot.
  2. Wow, this episode could be about anything. Pretty interesting to think about. Can't wait!
  3. I might see my mom in 3 weeks. Probably won't happen, but one can dream c:

    1. Shadow Dash DJ Rod

      Shadow Dash DJ Rod

      best of luck to you! hope you do

    2. Attack of the Pwns

      Attack of the Pwns

      I'll be praying for ya. Hope it works out.

    3. ponylaces


      Thanks guys.

  4. Helping Twilight Win The Crown is like one of the most popular songs. Even I enjoy the song, and I don't even like EQG.
  5. I had this really nice waterproof watch a couple of years ago, but I didn't use it very often for some reason. I kinda regret it now.
  6. I think being kind all the time and bottling up negative emotions like anger can result into the types of outbursts Fluttershy has. We haven't seen it in a while from her, but hopefully the new Fluttershy episode can give some sort of an explanation perhaps.
  7. Scootaloo (what did you expect?) Sweetie Belle Apple Bloom Discord Starlight Glimmer Spike Big Mac Celestia Luna Shining Armor Cadence Zecora I hope some of them can have a minor role of some kind, if needed.
  8. I have about 2 hours to read 7 chapters and answer questions. Wish me luck :P

  9. Happy birthday! :D

    1. Attack of the Pwns

      Attack of the Pwns

      Thanks PonyLaces! Had some ice cream and went to the arcade and bought some odd-ball sodas, so yeah, it was a pretty happy one!

    2. ponylaces


      That sounds so fun c:

  10. It seems pretty legit, but I've never actually experienced it or anything. But I gotta say, it looks amazing.
  11. Number 1: The show going downhill is simply your opinion. Sorry that you don't think it's as good as it used to be, but that doesn't mean other people (including myself) don't love the show anymore and don't like the direction it's going. If you really hated episodes from season 5 and you somehow hate season 6 even though only about 5 episodes have aired so far, I recommend taking a break from the show. Number 2: Bringing old staff isn't going to automatically "save the show". I personally didn't really like Lauren Faust on FiM too much. The episodes she wrote were pretty weak tbh. The only amazing thing she did was create the characters, the world they live in, and other concepts of the show. What else is she supposed to do now? In my opinion, the show got better when she left. I like the newer seasons of MLP, but that's just me. I think all the writers are doing a good job with MLP right now and I doubt Hasbro can just rehire old writers with the snap of a finger. We still have good writers, so what's the problem here? TL;DR - The show doesn't need saving, imo.
  12. That CollegeHumor video was terrible. This was great video though and I agree with everything you said. I actually watched a couple more of your other videos and I really like your style, so you get a new subscriber.
  13. She probably already found out about Twilght being the new princess (also the ruler of her own land, so of course she would know) so it makes sense that she doesn't really comment on it. Aside from saying "princess" a lot, she didn't really make a big deal about it.
  14. https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZqPLipRthHo Damn you, Broadway. This has been stuck in my head all day long.
  15. I'm hoping 6.. maybe 7 at the most. The show is still going strong, so if season 7 actually happens, I could imagine it being not bad.
  16. Ooh, this looks fun! I think that one is from The Last Roundup.
  17. Oh god, I have so many. I tend to really appreciate certain frames of an episode, so much that I completely stop watching just to take a screenshot. A beautiful looking long shot of a sunset with Big Mac and Apple Bloom after the events of the Sisterhooves Social. I never realized how good the show is at sunsets. The lighting is soooo nice in this. I feel like season 4 was when the show started getting better at lighting. Have I ever said that Equestria looks awesome at night? Winsome Falls is a nice looking place overall, but dang this scene looks beautiful. The sky looks amazing, all the colors look so good and not to mention it's my favorite scene in the whole show. And basically any scene from Rarity Investigates. ;p
  18. I'm doing okay but I'm just kind of upset that the weekend is going by so fast. Just wish school would end already. I have so much homework to do tomorrow. D:
  19. I am so glad I'm not the only one who noticed this. I thought I was having suicidal thoughts or something lmao Really though, I'm not even sure if it was intentional or not. She insulted herself and knew she messed up badly, and watching her blow out of the cannon was kinda sad. It didn't seem like she cared about anything anymore because of how uninterested she sounded when opening up the show. She didn't know Starlight would help her, and she knew the consequences of doing the trick. I honestly don't blame her though. She had kind of a shitty past filled with mostly failure, so it's not that surprising when you think about it. Man this got dark.
  20. I'm pretty sure being magically forced to do something you don't normally do would make someone pretty uncomfortable.
  21. Am I the only person who thought the new episode was awesome?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Scootalove
    3. BlackWater627
    4. gamecubeguy214


      I don't think it was awesome, but I enjoyed it a lot.

  22. I really liked this episode. I feel like the characterization for Twilight, Starlight, and Trixie was spot on here. I'm glad to see Twilight learning more about teaching and also learning more about friendship in the process. Trixie wanting to 1up Twilight is understandable, but what surprised me is that Trixie felt bad afterwards and genuinely cared about Starlight. I seriously thought that Trixie was just using Starlight, but what happened in this episode developed Trixie very well and made her way more likable. Then there's Starlight, who can't even seem to make friends in the "friendliest town in Equestria". I'm starting to like Starlight a lot. Not only that, but she reminds me of Twilight in a lot of ways and still stands well on her own. I enjoyed the drama between the three of them and the lesson they learned together. The episode was funny and also kinda heartfelt at times too. Also, the Derpy and Vinyl thing was pretty amusing. I didn't expect them at all, and that's what made it so funny. It didn't feel too forced, so no problem there.
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