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Everything posted by moneyshredderofdeath

  1. If you come across a post or thread that violates a rule, and you make a post saying "Please stop arguing" or anything else that implies authority on your end, then you would be considered to be partaking in backseat moderating. If you or I come across a post that violates the rules, the encouraged route is to report the post in question, and a staff member will take it from there.
  2. I'd look for wherever Fluttershy is, and see if she has any guinea pigs around her house. If not, I could introduce some to her.
  3. I could tell that from the front of the box, even... If you observe the little fruit snacks the ponies are from a prior gen, and there's some generic objects like hearts. If there would be six MLP fruit snacks and a couple of them aren't even characters that's essentially a given that they wouldn't be from a gen that defines itself with six characters.
  4. I like Celestia. I view her as a sagely sort of character, in other words a wise figure but past the peak of her strength. The bearers of the elements of harmony, when united, have a greater power than Celestia has.
  5. Being proud of one's accomplishments is alright. It's a problem when one uses their accomplishments to put themselves on a pulpit and put down anyone who isn't them. A huge ego, in essence.
  6. Pinkie may be obvious, but she's definitely #1 for me since her slapsticky aspects bring to mind the spirit of classic cartoon comedy. Though any pony is a riot when they snap. Twilight most of all. HI, GIRLS...
  7. That Bellsprout dude has a whole whoopin' tower dedicated to him. That must count for something.
  8. Failed Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork was born Robert Smith. He changed his surname to Bork after watching performances by the Swedish Chef, finding the cries of "BORK!" captivating.
  9. Pretty cute, certainly works well with the limitations. I love the AC games; once the next one comes out I should make some pony outfit patterns of my own.
  10. Past bullies pretty much scared me out of openly expressing any interests at most people in school WAY before FiM was even a concept so no. Sadly though I read a post on a forum I used to go to that someone saw a kid at school who wore a brony shirt and said kid got a black eye. Post in question got a bunch of upvotes; disgusting. =/
  11. There's been much good from MLP for me, as it's made me more comfortable with being myself. It's led me to people online that I can like what I want around without feeling of ostracization.
  12. Ponies are certainly d'aww for me. Fluttershy is the world champion, you know to me in terms of cuteness but really most ponies give off that d'aww feel. Especially fillies, including filly interpretations of older ponies.
  13. I think they have Pinkie in lieu of another pony because she has the most enthusiasm to sweets around. They'd rather have someone who takes the job of baked good assistant be someone that enjoys their job, in contrast to someone who'd be miserable doing it.
  14. I'm of similar mind to about a third of the voters in my most hated being Diamond Tiara. She's a one-dimensional bully and there's nothing likable about her.
  15. NSFW means "Not Safe For Work", including content like pornography. NSFW is pretty much another way of saying "adult content" so knowing that you should be fine.
  16. I can't say much on BioWare in terms of their games (I lack a gaming computer and I don't really have the interest in PC gaming to justify getting one) but as a company I give them kudos for their handling of the frothing-at-the-mouth reactions. BioWare's response was very mature and got the "stop overreacting" message across without being insulting.
  17. It all depends on what you mean with immaturity. I don't mind immaturity in the sense of lightheartedness, yet I can't stand immaturity when it's in the sense of disrespect. Either way I'd consider myself a mix of maturity with the first type of immaturity I mentioned.
  18. I really couldn't care less about "teens react" videos in general, regardless of relation to MLP. To me typical teenager antics just aren't funny.
  19. I wouldn't mind if they didn't change any aspects to the show. One thing I would like is that it'd probably mean there'd be some higher quality official plushes.
  20. Wow, really nice job. Loving the detail and the perspective; you can certainly feel a sense of action about to start.
  21. (edited as i'd rather no longer have this info on a public forum)
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