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What do you do when when you can't sleep?

Pixie Doodle

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If it's one of those horrendous nights when I just can't fall asleep no matter what I do, I'll just try my hardest to keep my eyes shut, relax and imagine scenarios. If that doesn't work until it's about one in the morning, that's the perfect time for freaking out and maybe whacking my head against the pillow.

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Go downstairs and make a drink, quickly have a smoke, go back upstairs, get into bed again then smack open Reddit and YouTube until I feel exhausted.

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I try to figure out why I can't go to sleep.  So I try to see if I needed to go to the bathroom, or I have a glass of water or I try changing the position I'm sleeping in until I feel like I can go to sleep.  It takes me a long time to actually fall to sleep anyways so I normally do any of these every night(takes me around 2+ hours to fall asleep).

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I go on forums, youtube, deviantart, and browse stuff/ play games and read until I fall asleep.


Or I 'daydream' about stuff.

Edited by Queen Twii
  • Brohoof 1
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I suffer from insomnia quite a lot; sometimes I can't get to sleep, other times I sleep but wake up ridiculously early. I usually get up and go online when that happens.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'll write in my journal, and I also like to just lay there and mentally create mythical lands/think up alternate timelines/brainstorm art ideas until I've worn my brain out enough to sleep. ^^

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I usually calculate how little sleep I'm going to get in before I have to get up... I'm pretty sure everyone does this!

The sad thing is, it stresses me out and makes it more impossible to sleep.

  • Brohoof 1
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When I find myself being restless I play Pokemon I shiny hatch which shiny hatching will put you to sleep lol it has a sleep effect since its so boring which is why you have to occupy yourself while doing it, but its a great way to grow tired and sometimes it may just knock ya out and the next thing you know its morning and time to wake up.

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I keep trying to sleep. Never give up!:D

Just don't think about trying to sleep.

Or how you're manually breathing.

Or how itchy that one spot is.

Or what you're gonna do when you wake up.

Or how your thoughts keep bleeding into other thoughts and now you can't STOP THINKING. :blink:


I'm sorry lol :please:

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Welp I depends on my schedule, but when I can't sleep and ASMR won't help I just read as long as I have the power to. Sometimes I go to sleep at midnight and sometimes when it's 2am so one day I try to strain myself as much as possible by reading fan fics late at night so that next night I'll be very sleepy.

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Whenever I have trouble sleeping and can't go to sleep - which is a lot of the time for me  :adorkable: -, I usually go to my computer, put on nice relaxing background noises, and read articles on the internet until I fall asleep. :twi: Sometimes, I also go to this forums and talk to my friends who are online that late into the night, different timezones and all. :please: And occasionally, I watch random Youtube videos that I can find that seem interesting at the moment. :rarity: 

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Sometimes I go to the kitchen and eat ramen :P most of the time I turn on my phone and send a message to a couple of people in hope that someone will reply... Most of the time no one does :V Then I like to read hentai manga and well, do stuff you probably can guess what it is :P


Oh, and I sometimes turn on my pokemon game and play until I fall asleep x)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Most of the times, if I can't sleep I'd get out my phone, scroll through either MLP Forums or Instagram and wait till somepony finds out and yells me to sleep... :P

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I'm weird because I find it difficult to sleep unless I can hear a human voice, it means I often put Netflix or Youtube on when I'm trying to sleep. If I can't sleep with one of those two on, I normally put on an audiobook and just listen to it until I fall asleep, if that doesn't work I listen to a really boring audiobook and that normally does the trick.

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