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How Do You Remain Drug Free?


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My sister is very deep in the world of drugs, and seeing her the way she is makes me stay as far away from them as possible. I miss her..

I'm truly sorry man.. i suggest you take her to rehabilitation ASAP

Edited by Ryan_
  • Brohoof 1

*I am the master of my fate*


Huge thanks for Kyoshi for this wicked awesome signature! You rock, brother.

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Throughout my life, drug and alcohol use by others I've known have played a very negative role in their and my development. I've seen people laying on their deathbeds due in part to drug and alcohol use. I've known people who are permanently injured due to drunk driving. I've heard of people who have resorted to sad resorts to get money to fuel their drug addiction.


I've just never seen a reason to use them as all it leads to is negativity and loss. The cost is greater than any potential gain. I've been psychologically scarred by even the scent of alcohol or sight of drugs. They make me uncomfortable in general.


Now some of the "lighter" drugs, such as marijuana, have been proven to have medical and potentially psychological benefits. For anything with potential benefit, one must study the negatives as well. These light drugs may be helpful for some, but are abused by others leading to a negative effect on their lives. I don't smoke weed, but I have seen it help other people. I've also seen cause a negative effect on some others. Make that decision accordingly. Note: I do support the legalization of marijuana. It's time to reap the benefits from the plant rather than throw people in prison for using it. I'm just saying, some people do use it to the point of addiction, which can be true for anything really, not just weed.


Your brain is an incredible creation whether you realize it or not. As humans, one of our biggest issues are vices. The reality is, rarely do you actually "need" that vice, and for a lot of people, that vice is drugs and alcohol. That's why I feel like being straight edge is the safest and most reasonable path to try and follow, and after seeing the positives, it's how I've chosen to live. But as must be said, you own the keys to the ignition of your life. Take everything into consideration. Do what's best for you, mentally and physically. Live stronger.

Edited by Rivendare
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I'm currently attending a weekly public training course with my local police department. This week we covered procedures for OWIs, and that linked back into drug abuse in our community. It was eye opening to see how bad we've got it. Apparently, Wisconsin is #2 in the country in pharmaceutical robberies, whether it be thefts from pharmacies, or more commonly, pills being taken from family & friends. We're not only the drunkest sate, but we're a bunch of pill poppers too.


Not only that, but my county is the second highest in the state in terms of heroin confiscations. And according to the cops, heroin use is pretty bad in my town. They say that it's bad everywhere. We just have the guts to say that our town has a problem. Not sure how I missed this, but a few years ago, a dude still high off weed tried to drive though our annual town parade. Apparently, effects of marijuana can last 24 hours. Makes me reconsider my stance on it being legalized.


It's bad in the schools too from what I'm hearing. The town I work in has it bad. I've probably served a few customers who were high on something. Hard to believe I've been oblivious to it all.


And yet, this has only steeled my resolve to remain drug free. You know what today is? Today is national edge day. A celebrated holiday in the subculture of Straight Edge, an off shoot of the punk movement, starting in the 80's as a reaction to all the hedonism, excess and substance abuse rampant in the scene. Musicians and fans alike took a stand against it, and pledged to never do drugs, alcohol, smoke or partake in any other addictive substances. The day itself was first started in '99 and has spread across the country since.


My adherence to this code of honor and ethics, my wanting to belong to that culture, as well as my pride and dignity, has kept me from becoming an addict. That and I don't believe people need substances to be happy. People are better than that.


And while not everyone may be straight edge, I'd like to think more people than not are drug free.


What keeps you guys drug free? What inspires you to just say no or just walk away? Or even better, if you wish to share, if you were using, what inspired you to stop? What gave you the strength to break the habit?


On this day, I'd like to celebrate being clean & sober, and I hope to inspire others to do the same, and maybe you can join me. What is your anti-drug MLP Forums?


Oh and happy National Edge Day.


Where about do you live? Here in Manitowoc and Two Rivers we have a huge heroin epidemic. I find needles and shit when I walk by Lincoln High.

Creator of MLP Ruined Vines and Recorder Sh*t

Equestria's Biggest Hip-Hop Nerd

Everyday is Leg Day!

Follow me on Twitter: @EarlBrony

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I have prescription medication, which I don't think really counts, lol.  I'd be in a bad state without it.  

But other than that, I stay away from illegal drugs for many reasons.  Firstly, I know how they affect us not just on an emotional/psychological level, but also on a physiological level, having taken college bio-chem.  

Secondly, I'm not a party-er.  I don't go to "parties" really.  Being an introvert, I don't like them for many reasons.  

As for alcohol, well... I just turned 21 and though I've enjoyed a few nights, they have been at a safe level.  I limit myself before I start drinking - once I've hit my limit I don't keep drinking.  Also, I don't intend it to be a regular thing at all.

Also, I don't ever drink if I'm on my medication.  If I think I may be drinking say on a weekend day, I won't take the medication because I won't mix the two.


I'm far from perfect.  I admire everyone who can abstain from it all. 

~ Miles

Edited by Miles
  • Brohoof 2



~ Rise And Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions ~

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I used to drink a shit ton in high school. This summer, I quit and began to workout hardcore. I gained so much muscle and lost so much weight that it keeps me away from drugs. I'm so much healthier and I feel way better now that I quit.

  • Brohoof 2

Creator of MLP Ruined Vines and Recorder Sh*t

Equestria's Biggest Hip-Hop Nerd

Everyday is Leg Day!

Follow me on Twitter: @EarlBrony

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Not wanting to wind up thousands in debt to the Mob

Not wanting to have the memory of a goldfish

Not wanting to have lung cancer

Not wanting to be even more paranoid

Not wanting to feel my skin crawl and peel

Because I don't want to do drugs


Is that enough reasons

  • Brohoof 2

To each their own

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It's just not good for you. I've seen people lose themselves to them far too many times for me to even consider doing them. I don't need some kind of substance to feel good, I've got school, family, friends, and my own personal interests to take care of that.

  • Brohoof 2


"The place where you made your stand never mattered. Only that you were there...and still on your feet." - Stephen King


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In my mind, it makes no sense put something in my body that may make me feel good, but could also easily kill me. So no cocaine, meth, heroin, etc. for me.


Although, technically alcohol is considered a drug that I would willingly have on occasion. I do not drink to get drunk though. Being drunk was one of the worst experiences of my life, and the hangover was even worse.

  • Brohoof 1



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What keeps me drug free?

Well being not very social helped. Also seeing my brother messed up and mom saying its bad etc treating it like a plague when I was growing up, although when I got older she smoked some marijuana herself. And I'm interested in health and drugs aren't exactly good for that. I'm thinking marijuana should be legalized just because it can undergo regulation, less people will use it according to stats from countries its legalized in and it can be taxed. 


I don't do drugs. But again, not social, if pressured enough with close enough people I might. Probably hallucinogens or vaping or vaping marijuana would be what I would try if I were a person who is very comfortable with myself. Nothing hard. Hard stuff is just stupid to do. But alot of people try to argue living for your health should be secondary to living for your happiness. Thing is though drugs are only temporary highs, exercise is a longer lasting high usually, longer term I mean. Like drugs your high will peak then drop, and then your norm will feel low, with exercise your norm will be higher. Well and drugs hurting your health makes you feel shitty anyways. Being healthy you will feel good long term.


Like how weight lifting can reduce drug or smoking or eating frequency http://health.usnews.com/health-news/diet-fitness/diet/articles/2011/08/10/pumping-iron-helps-smokers-quit-without-weight-gain-studyits just one article of many about the same study. 

Videogaming can work too http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3197125/Tetris-reduces-craving-smoke.html


Not to mention studies say boredom is the number one reported factor that causes addiction to last. Videogames help massively to fight boredom. The problem is losing interest then, so its about trying to be competitive, or its about getting engaged with interesting gameplay or story elements. But competitive games can add stress instead of removing it, not sure how much that'd matter though since boredom is the bigger factor, but being off-put could cause boredom from lack of interest.

Edited by Lil Pip
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I've honestly never had an interest in drugs whatsoever. I'm pretty good at finding something more interesting/useful to do.


(aka this)

I also have an aunt and grandmother who smoke- luckily not too heavily though. I absolutely HATE being in a smoker's car- even if they aren't smoking at the moment. :scoots:

I also was in wood shop for 4 years in high school (Usually not allowed but I loved designing/building stuff and the teacher was awesome- easygoing- but didn't let his class be a blow off.) There were a few kids who smoked weed on a pretty regular basis- I never had any problems with them or anything, but they would be just plain annoying/ acting dumb some days which just reinforced my disinterest. Just like cigarette smoke, I think weed smells crappy too.

Luckily I haven't dealt with anyone who uses any harder drugs like heroin, meth, cocaine, etc. That stuff WILL destroy you.

As for alcohol, I don't have a problem if people use it under control-AND stay off the road. Seeing people falling down drunk is very unappealing to me. :unamused: I don't think it's funny- it's stupid.

The only thing I will do on occasion is have a few drinks socially- but in moderation. I also never drink by myself.

I'll have a few drinks on holidays or at a campfire up north or camping with friends/family and won't have more than 3 drinks within an hour or two. Anything more than that and I go from feeling buzzed to cloudy (when I can feel a difference in walking around) which I don't like. I find feeling like that annoying, and actually less fun than just being buzzed. I've never been stumbling around drunk and have no interest in getting to that point. Hangovers don't sound like a good time either.


I did get sick once- but not from drinking too much. I tried some different kinds of drinks that didn't mix well- I'm NOT doing that again. I just stick to one type of drink per occasion.


It's sad how much damage drugs can do to a person and the people who care about them.

Edited by Cirrus.
  • Brohoof 2



Rainbow Rocks... at least how it could've looked... in a stranger, more interesting dimension :lol:

For those who are wondering, Twilight is chewing bubble gum.

Original Artwork: http://inkypsycho.deviantart.com/art/Do-Ya-Thing-by-Gorillaz-Ponified-487082864

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I feel sort of guilty for saying this but it's never even really been a struggle for me to remain straight edge. No drugs nor alcohol of any kind holds appeal to me. Not to say I'm without vice, I do have something of a caffeine addiction with soda, but really someone would have to physically force me to take either and good luck to them in trying to do that.


Which brings me to another possible method that's kept me from even being tempted, my spirituality. Being in the presence of God at Church, my deep meditations, and practice of Kung Fu, have all given me "something." Whatever it is that illicit substances provide, I have no desire for it because I have "something."

  • Brohoof 2
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I just keep away from them, they have nothing to do with my life and cannot benefit me in any way. I've heard all I need to know about them. The only time I would use drugs if I were attempting suicide, if I wanted to die. (Which hopefully never happens but could) I have a father who was a drug abuser and I've seen how it can affect people. Besides I'm dealing with depression at the moment, and I want to get better. I want to be healthy and happy. Drugs can't do that.

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The only reason that I'm not doing drugs or medical drugs (other than my parents enforcing me not to) is this: 


"There are so many drugs out there. They advertise this prescription stuff, and I swear, nine times out of ten, the side-effects are fifty times worse than what the thing cures. It's like, "Try new Fluorofluor. For itchy, watery eyes, it's Fluorofluor. Side effects may include: nausea, vomiting, water weight gain, lower back pain, receding hairline, eczema, seporiasoriasis, itching, chafing clothing, liver spots, blood clots, ringworm, excessive body odor, uneven tire wear, pyorrhea, gonorrhea, diarrhea, halitosis, scoliosis, loss of bladder control, hammertoe, the shanks, low sperm count, warped floors, cluttered drawers, hunchback, heart attack, low resale value on your home... feline leukemia, athlete's foot, head lice, clubfoot, MS, MD, VD, fleas, anxiety, sleeplessness, drowsiness, poor gas mileage, tooth decay, parvo, warts, unibrow, lazy eye, fruit flies, chest pains, clogged drains, hemorrhoids, dry heaving and sexual dysfunction." I'm watching it, going, "You know what? I'll just have itchy, watery eyes..."



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The easiest way to stay drug free is to never start them at all.


I'm the kind of guy that will get carried away and end up eating like 5 cookies when I see them in front of me. I know that if I start taking drugs, I probably won't be able to stop myself. That's partially why I don't drink alcohol either. I know that, with the way that I tend to be, it would be real easy for to fall down a rabbit hole that I don't want to go down, so I don't do it at all save for maybe a sip or two during special occasions. It hampers my socializing at parties and whatever, but it's just not worth it. Most of my friends don't try to pressure me into it. 


That, and the fear of winding up dead in a ditch somewhere.

Edited by Banul
  • Brohoof 1


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Other than caffeine, medicine, etc. I never had interest to use drugs. I prefer to use my money on other things. I never felt like being drug-free was difficult.

I've been on dihydrogen monoxide for more than 21 years now. It's slowly killing me.

This is the exception, however. From what I understand Dihydrogen Monoxide has 100% mortality rate and that it's actually impossible to avoid it; in fact it's so bad that it's in water that we drink. I'm shocked that there hasn't been a major call for us to either conduct research to hopefully gain immunity from the effects of this or to execute better effort (or rather any effort at all) to remove as much of this as possible.


I never asked to take DM but that choice has essentially been forced upon me; it upsets me that this greatly affected my life and there's nothing I can really do about it. No effort to fight against it nor are there any support groups specifically for those under the influence of DM (or at least not that I'm aware of). I suppose I'll at least be comforted in the fact that this is at least slow killing, but I would rather not be slowly killed in any way if I could choose.

  • Brohoof 3

Pony Art Thread

Brony since ~25 July of 2011.

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My nephew and neice are who help keep me clean. 


Gave up alcohol compelely 3 1/2 years ago.  Gave up smoking cigarettes 1 1/2 months ago.  They're young, so they have no idea they're actually the reason I quit my vices (they didn't even know I had them!!), but I do have them to thank for saving my life.


I remember when I was in high school there were the "straight edge" kids.... kinda wish I had been friends with them.  That may have changed the course my life went for a while...


What's the old saying, "drug free is the way to be" :pinkie:

  • Brohoof 1
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Where about do you live? Here in Manitowoc and Two Rivers we have a huge heroin epidemic. I find needles and shit when I walk by Lincoln High.

Village of Eagle. It's also pretty bad in neighboring Mukwanago too. Wouldn't be surprised if it was an issue in Palmyra as well. 

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I used to be drug free, but then I was like, "buck this"  I was legal age to drink so I drank and I didn't really like it.  And then my anti-depressants stopped working so I smoked weed(it is legal where I live) and it really got me through a dark time.




That and I don't believe people need substances to be happy.

That's bull.  Some people, like me, have chemical imbalances in the brain that make it impossible to feel happy very much if ever.  Yes, I take the legal prescription drugs but I ended up in a desperate situation where they stopped working and I had to use alternate methods to cope.  You can say all the scary things about what cannabis will do to my health but you don't understand was that I was freaking sick and wanting to die and it took that away.  And I much rather risk some health problem down the line then risk killing myself tomorrow.  Because while I've never heard of someone dying from cannabis, I sure as hell have heard of lots of people dying from depression (ie suicide). 


I just feel like you're all sitting around in here judging people you don't even know. Do you honestly think me immoral for taking a plant (that is known to have medicinal uses) in order to find relief from my mental illness that if untreated can easily lead to my death.  I do it in privacy, it's legal where I live, I'm over 21, I don't even drive ever, and I never hurt anyone (it actually makes me nicer). So why do you call me a loser in a jpg?

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