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general What First Impression Do You Prefer?


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When you meet someone for the first time, do you prefer someone who is more weird, funny, and different, or the type that is logical, serious, and into deep conversation or a mix of both?

Edited by Starry Sky
  • Brohoof 2
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A subtle kind. Weird or anything hyperactive at first can make me pull back from them.

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1 hour ago, StarrySkyDash said:

When you meet someone for the first time, do you prefer the type that is weird, funny, and different, or the type that is logical, serious, and into deep conversation or a mixed together type?

When I meet them I like to know them weird and funny; the serious stuff comes later ;) 

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I'm usually very quiet around people that I just met - more than I am usually. I would just like to be able to get along with them, so there isn't too much overarching awkwardness.

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I've always been open minded towards everyone I meet.

However, in terms of preference, I usually prefer for there to be some sort of merriment, laughter or general pleasantness within the first few minutes. It's a sure sign that whoever it is I'm talking to actually wants to mutually interact.

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To be fair, IRL I don't really enjoy meeting new people, meaning I don't have a preference. It is one of those "hopefully things go well" moments. However, the sooner silliness starts appearing, I am all up for being silly or joking around. So maybe that? :mlp_huh:

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weird funny first impressions are not for me, however overly serious approach is not that good either. Id say optimal would be semi casual not tense relaxed atmosphere in a controlled situation and environment. being too free or casual usually leads into boundary issues and too serious in turn creates too strong boundaries for the first contact

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I like people who are a little quirky, but can also hold a decent conversation. Though I won't push for some kind of deep discussion right away. We need to build rapport or else it'll just come off as awkward to me. :please: I just don't want to be too tense and serious; I like people whom I can just chill out with and get to know in a relaxed setting. Most people I consider friends in real life are people like this.

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I mean, often times I pretend to be this chill, relaxed, a little awkward but well-meaning guy who's just here to have a fun time. It's like a mask that I wear that hides all the self-loathing and regret that I don't want anyone to see.

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I'm not sure what I like personality-wise. I mainly just hope that people I meet will seem to want to meet me as well. If they have no interest in meeting me, then I'll probably lose interest in getting to know them. It would be awkward anyway.

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I like a balanced mixture. It’s fun to meet someone with a personality that has some style, but sometimes an overabundance all at once can be overwhelming. And someone who can be logical, serious or introspective from time to time shows a depth of character I can appreciate. Being ‘on’ all the time can be exhausting, but someone who’s always serious can be boring. It can’t be all one and not the other; all humor or all seriousness would get tedious on their own. So yeah, balance them out and I’m good with that.  

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  • 2 years later...

I would prefer if they are just themselves, this way we are quicker at finding out if we click or not. Most of the time I made the experience that new people are happy, motivated and excited in the beginning, but quickly change after a few days and become the exact opposite. :coco:

But I'm not good at making a good impression either. As a quiet (not shy) person, it is VERY hard for me to make friends. But this is the real me. I don't want to become a fake person only to impress or entertain others, only to get "liked". So it is what it is. :coco:

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