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Stupid, stupid school projects

Akemi Homura

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Was there ever a project you had to do for school which counted for a good chunk of your mark, but you hated it with EVERY FIBRE OF YOUR BEING? And you HAD to do this, otherwise you might fail the course.


I just finished up a project just like this yesterday night... or rather, 2:30 AM in the morning. Got only 5 hours of sleep. It basically involved me wiring things to a breadboard, distinguishing the wires from LEDs, adding ground wires, and so forth. It was... I don't even want to think about it, but I felt like burning down my school and throwing molotovs at crowds of people. I hadn't felt that much rage or frustration in a long while.

  • Brohoof 1
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Many, many, many.


Every single one of the seven projects that my scumbag teachers assigned during finals week. I hated them all with a burning passion. -_-


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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You don't know the half of it. There are so many projects I've hated more than I hate... um... things that I really hate. One I hated even when I finally finished it was building a tiny little electric car for Physics. UUUUGHHH it was so annoying. It took me for freaking ever to finish it. http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png

  • Brohoof 2

It's ironic how I fall just to get back up again...

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Uh, nope. It's just me, Gabe Newell.

I love a good challenge, and my awesome powers of procrastination only add to the trials I must face when the due-date nears.


Sometimes, I wonder if my excessive procrastination is not a result of me being lazy, but in fact an addiction to the rush I feel when something is due in "what couldn't possibly be enough time to finish" and yet I still manage to do so.

  • Brohoof 1


This is something I do? This is something I do.

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Before this school year ended, we had to build a functional mousetrap powered car. Me and my friend didn't finish it, in fact apparently we had it set up but it didn't work, so one night she just threw it against the wall and it shattered.

  • Brohoof 1


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Anything that involves speaking as a project I loathe. I'm in a near panic attack every day and when I actually talk I usually have a panic attack in the middle of it and people see me having one .__.


-Insert some funny line or quote here-

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Like 100000 of them..

Once we had to build a tower with small sticks and when it was done me and a friend set fire on it hah xD


yay 3000th post :3


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All you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be.

Edited by Twiliscael



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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So many, just this past year.


Mainly iMovies. Does anyone else know how annoying iMovies are? Considering the fact that my super preppy HS loans everyone Macs, it basically means that the teachers can give us an iMovie project whenever they want. And then my English teacher (though he's a swell guy) decided to give us this project about Haiti. What about Haiti? Anything you want. That's all he said. Gave us a rubric based on stuff like creativity and I was just wondering when this would be over. Since he's also the department chair he can do anything he wants and say that he was testing curriculum out on us. Sometimes it works well, but other times he managed to come up with really random stuff that made me sad. Also, our English/Social Studies are run somewhat together in terms of curriculum and assignments, except when they both issue us projects at the same time, and those projects are ALWAYS HUGE.



My school makes no sense. -.-

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  • 4 years later...

We had to make a reinactment of a story in english class. I don't remember the story, but I do remember how cringey it was that nobody really did anything, and the acting was just horrendous. Clueless how he tought that'd be a good school project.

  • Brohoof 1


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My high school teacher gave us the assignment of writing and sending silly troll letters to local businesses. We were learning about writing satire, so I guess she thought it would be a fun way to practice. She wanted to see if any of us would get a response back. I remember one girl writing the local body fragrance store that her sister enjoyed eating their lotion and that she wanted coupons so she could purchase more. I do not believe she got a response back. I have no idea what my teacher was thinking. :P 

I thought it was the dumbest thing in the world to actually send those letters. Sharing them in class? Yes. Bothering business owners? No. 

Another assignment I thought was bothersome was when the entire physics class had to write an essay explaining why they think it unnecessary to do homework after only a couple of kids weren't doing their work. I think that assignment was fair for the kids who deserved it, but was very unhappy when I learned that it was an entire quiz grade for all of us. I labored over that paper for hours that evening. Then the next day, the teacher said that he didn't remember giving that assignment. We were all very confused and very annoyed. 

  • Brohoof 2

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On 6/18/2012 at 6:52 AM, ASAP Q said:

I just finished up a project just like this yesterday night... or rather, 2:30 AM in the morning. Got only 5 hours of sleep. It basically involved me wiring things to a breadboard, distinguishing the wires from LEDs, adding ground wires, and so forth.

Not gonna front...that sounds super duper interesting :adorkable: But I do have an interest and job history of electrical engineering so its something that would appeal to me, tho I CAN imagine the frustration of the dexterity of the assembly.

As for other projects that I hated, I cant recall any physically assembled project that made me upset. The projects I hate are almost always written assignments since it requires showing my work and proving my point only in writing and not any other way.

Okay well...I take that back. In college I had a film project class that required about 5 minutes of edited film into some kind of student film but had multiple requirements. I cant say it was the actual project that frustrated me but it was getting all my equipment and actors to come together. We had to borrow HD camera's from the teacher and school resources department but there were only so many that could be leant so you had to make sure you reserved the camera WHEN you needed it not before or after. I also had to make use of craigslist for unpaid actors for my film which required alot of constant communication and syncing of schedules. Here's something you need to know about unpaid actors. They have no intensive to show up on time or even at all for the scheduled time. Yeah people have things in life to do but the thing about filming ANYTHING with daylight in the frame is that it REQUIRES to be done at a certain time of day. Once that time passes the light isnt going to be the same and will not make continuity sense.

I dont recall it being a miserable experience but more of a frustrating one often requiring me to do it the Ed Wood way and just do everything myself.

  • Brohoof 1
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On 6/18/2012 at 9:52 AM, ASAP Q said:

Got only 5 hours of sleep. It basically involved me wiring things to a breadboard, distinguishing the wires from LEDs, adding ground wires, and so forth.


On 6/18/2012 at 10:34 AM, letterone said:

One I hated even when I finally finished it was building a tiny little electric car for Physics.


On 6/18/2012 at 1:15 PM, Fizz. said:

Before this school year ended, we had to build a functional mousetrap powered car.


These projects actually sound like they would be a lot of fun.  My high school never had us building electric cars or wiring circuit boards, I was stuck with boring projects like the protective egg drop cage.

The worst project really weren't about what you were doing but who you had to work with anyway.  I had some projects were I was assigned to work with people I wanted to strangle in their sleep before the project was completed.  Because for some reason you just couldn't be permitted to work with people you actually like as you might actually come to enjoy your school work.


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I had a lot of projects that I couldn't stand. 

It is interesting to note that when I was in high school, I didn't learn how to pay taxes, how to pay bills, how to calculate a good tip, how to fill out a W-2...

But I am so glad I know the freaking Pythagorean theorem.


And that’s the bottom line, ‘cause Stone Cold said so!

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  • 3 years later...

Cardboard projects, you have to go out of your way:BornAgainBrony: to remove a folded panel off a store shelf.  You also have to :smolder:avoid customers walking or running sideways of you so they won't break it.  You need it to paste printed paragraphs and pictures :ithastolookpretty:so perfectly.  Writing big words on it with a marker and :baconmane:avoid staining your hands and arms.  

Edited by ZiggWheelsManning



Special thanks to Emerald Heart for the banner!  


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Yes there was a project my senior year that was infamous at my school.  Every senior had to do it.  

The project was done throughout the entire school year.  It involved having to do community service in the area you chose as well, and then we had to present our finished product to some random people whod grade us on how we did.   The presentation had to last like 15 minutes from what I remember, but no less than 10 to get a passing grade.  

I did mine on horse riding and taught a trail riding safety class for my community service since I had been taking riding lessons for awhile.

Hated every minute of having to do that project.  I heard they no longer do it.  Lucky suckers.

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I had to do a video on triangle proofs (most useless math thing ever) and I had no idea how to explain it so I had to do lots of tutoring just to get down the basics. I also had to film while my throat was hurting so that was double annoying. Good thing is I got an A on the project at least.



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Lol that crappy research paper that they expected I’d write good but instead wrote crap :mlp_icwudt:. It’s pointless and could’ve written it without any research lol. Completely lost. It’s also on my blog.

  • Brohoof 1


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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  • 2 years later...

I've loathed a few.

In 3rd grade, I was considered "gifted" and there was one assignment we had in this gifted class where we were expected to write college level poems, definitely didn't like doing that.

In 8th grade, I had to be grouped with some people for a group project where we had to make a video about what happened in whatever part of history we wanted to portray (well, American history anyways). For me, since I didn't have a phone or even a personal computer at the time, it was difficult to even contact my group members for anything. :yeahno: The first time I met with them, they canceled the recording session so I was at one of their homes waiting for my mom to come back around to pick me up (I had to borrow one of their phones to call her; again, I didn't have a phone or anything at this point while they all did). The second time, I didn't know they were doing it, so I missed on that recording session, so the third time they'd already recorded almost everything and had me do the scene transitions because they didn't have enough to meet one of the requirements for the group project, which was at least 2 minutes and no more than 5 minutes. I felt awful because I felt like I didn't do much for that.

In 9th grade, well there were a few things:
- In the MS Word/Powerpoint certification class, we had to make a powerpoint about ourselves and I didn't really know what to talk about. Luckily I never got to share my presentation.
- In biology, I had to make one of those cutouts of either a plant cell or an animal cell. I chose plant, I don't remember why. But, I kinda did it last minute and it came out kinda bad, somehow got a B on it. I threw it out afterwards and if I had the chance to go back in time and do it again, i'd make it at least 25% smaller. I'm not sure why I made it as big as I did, it didn't need to be that big.

- In this one computer class that I can't remember the name of (we were using Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and MS Powerpoint for animations?? we could've used flash but ok), there were so many that I spent a lot of time adding details to that my teacher told me that I need to stop focusing on details because "they don't matter at all in life" :scoots: so that led to me having to stay after school to finish these projects because I never sent them in on time.
- Didn't really like doing the essays, homework, etc. in English class overall.
- I didn't like this one project in Chemistry where we had to do something on a shirt, I don't remember exactly what that was but I was the only one who didn't do anything for it. However, I actually did enjoy the playing around with chemicals projects we were fortunate enough to apparently have the budget for :ButtercupLaugh: BUT I DIDN'T LIKE DOING THAT MATH, PLEASE DON'T ASK ME NEUTRON THIS ELECTRON THAT! I DON'T KNOW :blush:

- Had to make a website on Egyptian related stuff for world history class, I'm not sure why but I was so stuck on what to do with that.

And maybe the only other thing would be some random powerpoints I had to make in 10th grade(?) for another class that focused on the "science" part of Adobe Illustrator rather than the creative part. Like, we had to make scientific maps with squiggly lines and weather and all that. Like, we had to make the maps and stuff and then present it through powerpoint. Interestingly enough, the teacher used my powerpoints as an example of GOOD powerpoints. Apparently other students kept adding so much fluff and unnecessary images, etc. to their presentations that she used my powerpoints as an example of how to make one because it got on her nerves :kindness: she told me this. I like her, she was really chill. It was just those presentations that made me really nervous in both preparing and presenting.


It did prepare me eventually for the senior project I had to make to graduate though, where my 12th grade English teacher also complimented me on my powerpoint skills and said they were the best he's ever seen, as well as telling me that it was a very good thing that I didn't really look back at my presentation to read off of everything unless it was a graph/chart.

I could've gotten a perfect score on that senior project too, despite it being made kinda last minute, if only I wasn't late for those judges...! :blush:

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