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What Has Been The Most Painful Experience Of Your Life?


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Most painful?

Doing the Corpse Party Anime Death Challenge. Or CPADC for short.

It's a challenge/dare where you have to watch all of the deaths in the Corpse Party anime, all at once with no breaks to vomit or catch your breath. I vomited at least twice. Most painful to watch, and the vomit didn't come out so well.


Lol. I watched a Corpse Party Anime death compilation and had no reactions. I'm just so used to gore that I don't even care. :P


I mean, on Mayu's death, I was all like: "Gee. I wonder how THAT would feel in real life...?"

Edited by Redeye

gonna take you out

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Lol. I watched a Corpse Party Anime death compilation and had no reactions. I'm just so used to gore that I don't even care. :P


I mean, on Mayu's death, I was all like: "Gee. I wonder how THAT would feel in real life...?"

Exactly! Or like they said in book of shadows, they mentioned that Mayu died as soon as she hit the wall, which means she most likely didn't feel the pain due to she died so quickly.


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I have several


1)Chipped my front tooth in half down to the nerve and have been wearing dentures since I was 7. The pain was so bad I couldn't eat or sleep for days. 


2)Twisted both ankles but not at the same time


3)Skinned and bruised my knees at the same time, could not walk much or wear pants.


4)Cramps so bad, I couldn't stand, talk or barely move because it felt like getting stabbed.


5)getting stabbed physically

Edited by vivishy

Not really sure any more.

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Emotional scars have done more damage than physical ones....


Losing my mom and losing my boyfriend are tied because both experiences tore at my heart....only the first still left me with a little hope and the second one demolished it :(


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Oh man, there are several.


When I was a little girl, I was riding my pink Barbie scooter on my street. All of a sudden, I started rolling down the street pretty fast ( it's a hill). I tumbled forward and scraped my nose against the concrete pavement. Several layers of skin peeled off and I looked horrible for weeks. Because of that accident, I get sunburns really easily on my nose.


Before my junior year of highschool, I was rushed to the ER because I had pains in my lower abdomine. Turns out I had appendicitis and I needed surgery right away. I remember crying hysterically when my mom was driving me to the hospital; it hurt so bad. After the surgery I had to stay in bed for about a week. Thankfully it was the summer so I didn't have to miss school, but sadly a part of my summer was wasted.


During December of my junior year I had to get all four of my wisdom teeth out. For over a week, my mouth was killing me. It looked as if I was in a fist fight; I had yellow and green bruises all over my face. The surgery was done a week before Christmas, so when I went to church, I had a puffy face with yellow bruises (The healing process was pretty much done). It was embarrassing.

Do you mean physical or emotional?

I'm pretty sure you can do physically and emotionally.

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I second the ingrown toenail removal anesthetic injections.  I barfed when I got that the first time (I've had to have the surgery multiple times).


Emotionally: Whenever my depression flares up, when a rabbit I loved died, and when my cat died.

Edited by CandyStrike
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When I was ~10 someone accidentally smashed my head on a window, my nose almost broke and there was blood everywhere. x(

(My nose is perfectly fine now, fortunately)

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Exactly! Or like they said in book of shadows, they mentioned that Mayu died as soon as she hit the wall, which means she most likely didn't feel the pain due to she died so quickly.


In the game, didn't they mention that people who die in the school feel the full pain of their death even as a ghost for eternity? So would that mean that she ACTUALLY felt that?

gonna take you out

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Oh these are physical? Mkay


I suppose my top 3 would be...


1. When I was 10yrs I had a severe ear infection known as chronic "Swimmers Ear" which is inflammation of the ear canal. Since I have small ear canals, the infection spread quickly and it was so painful I passed out. I had to see an expert where they had to shove antibiotics with a swab down my ear. My parents had to hold me down for this procedure...was the most painful thing I ever experienced. It caused high fever and made my delierious


2. Coming down with Strep Throat at the age of 16yrs old...while vacationing (for the last time...) at my family's lake house. Strep throat is a bacteria infection that typically grows naturally on our skin, but sometimes it can grow too much and infect our bodies, such as our throat. In my case it infected the throat, causing puss and swelling limp nodes. My vacation was lack of there of...ruined...While I spent my time laying on the couch on antibiotics, IN PAIN, watching TV with a fever of 103F...everyone else was having fun on boat rides or playing in the lake *sulks*


3. Getting my Wisdom Teeth removed... dare I say more?

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


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The worst pain I ever felt was I broke my left arm while learning how to skate my dad did see me break it and he thought I just "Bumped it." I wasn't takes to the hospital until two days later. I had to endure a broken arm for two days and it really, really hurt.

I like Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash :3 
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Hm...Either getting my wisdom teeth pulled or my motorcycle accident. Despite being an avid mountain biker and occasionally hitting a tree or two, I've never broken or fractured a bone.

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


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  • 4 weeks later...

I have 2:

I once twisted my ankle so bad, that I couldn't walk for a while.

I also recently cut my finger on a glass cup and it had to be wrapped up for more than a week!


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The pain in my heart when Twilight Sparkle wasn't picked as the fan favorite on Hasbro's website.


I've never broken a bone, but I have blown a vein in my hand before. So much ouch.  :blush:

  • Brohoof 1


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I believe this thread exists and I have shared it (my pain) before (Tropical Rain's thread) but I can answer again. I got Appendicitis and it was extremely painful.

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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The most pain I've felt was when I stepped on a nail. Thankfully it wasn't too deep, but it still really felt painful.


Other times include cutting my thumb with a kitchen knife while cooking dinner, getting my eye burned from hot steam and falling off a bunk bed that it has injured my neck for a few years.

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having a full size pencil go up my foot and being to stubborn to seek medical attention and ripped it out myself and just put a big super thick pad band-aid over it. I was changing my pants in a room that was pitch black and i was in 4th grade and i was the kid who had spare pencils to borrow in my pocket so when my old pant's were on the floor i was looking for the new ones i could not see as steeped on a pencil hard enough it went about halfway up but i did not realize till i stepped on my foot again and it went the other half. Mean you this was brand new and only sharpened once and it went all the way to the eraser wear i was able to grab onto for removal. This was right on the heel.

Add me on skype: jfatula01

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