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What's the scariest thing you have done?


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Scariest thing you have done? 

Mine would have to be: 

- flying solo for the first time :wacko:

- a tiger shark saying hello whilst I was snorkelling :wau: 

- rolling a car 7 times doing a dirt drag Race :scots: (came out without a scratch, the car was another story) 


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Does things you didn't want to happen count?
- I almost drowned, 3 times

Otherwise nothing really, I have had a really boring life. 

-Edit- may I add that 2 of those times were in swimming-school and third was in swimming-tutor-thing.

Edited by The Cerberus
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Pretty much the main one is...


Witnessing a man with a mental condition go out of control at the train station and violently attack my friend and throw him onto the tracks. Luckily all of the trains on the line had been stopped in response to the incident and my friend did get a broken arm but he recovered really well and he was traveling on the train again only a week after the attack. :)   

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When I was around 6 years of age, I fell from quite a height. Basically, there were some ducks next to a harbour in some rocks. So, clever young me decided to go next to the ducks. I started climbing down from the harbour to the nearby rocks and fell down with the back of my head. But me and my brain are fine now. 

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To impress my friends, I did a tarzan rope swing off a huge frickin cliff into a river. I should have died prolly, looking back. It was one of those places that people called 'devil's cliff' so OF COURSE I had to go and do that. That was damn scary.

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Most of the scary moments I've had have been whilst out riding - examples include being buzzed by a military jet (specifically a Sea Harrier, which under other circumstances I might have appreciated rather more) that my horse took fairly well and having a helicopter hover right overhead (which they objected to rather more.)

The worst one though was when I was riding a new horse I wasn't very familiar with who was spooked by two fields of cows charging around and bolted. That wasn't too bad, until I discovered that he wasn't inclined to stop - at all*. So there we were galloping up a fairly long and straight (and thankfully clear of traffic) road with me patiently waiting for him to calm down a bit so that I could regain control. Then the junction where we'd make a turn for home came up, and he didn't slow down. Turning through 90 degrees in under the length of a horse at full gallop was terrifying - we screeched round the corner on two legs, and if a car had been coming the other way then I doubt anyone would have survived the collision.

The horse did lose a little speed on the corner, and the road we were on had thick hedges rather than ditches, so I pulled hard on the reins and managed to crash into a hedge and bring him to a stop that way. B***er then started eating the hedge like nothing had happened. 

Honourable mentions to donating blood and kissing my first girlfriend. 


*as I learnt later, it was important not to let him get his head up or there'd be no stopping him.

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Scariest moments for me,

  • Getting shot at for the first time
  • Getting mortared for the first time
  • Experiencing my first IED
  • Being stuck in an Afghan prison

And probably a few other things but I covered the most obvious ones for me....

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Taking rounds in my direction on a shooting range because of someone else's failure to do their job is probably top of the list. The second is having to fend off a home invasion by a guy tweaked up on some sort of drugs like meth or coke. Thankfully I didn't have to use my shotgun he had enough sense to run. 

So for willingly done things Id have to say leaping off a destroyer at sea and jungle survival training with the Philipines army ( highly condensed day and a half course just for fun)

Edited by Jedishy
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This happened a few nights back. I was picking some friends up for a meeting at 11 PM, and it was raining like crazy. I come up to an intersection and the light was green, I look away for a second and all the sudden the light was red and cars were coming. I slammed on the breaks, but I was hydroplaning into the intersection. I quickly made a sharp turn to the right once I hit the intersection narrowly avoiding an accident. Nearly gave my friends a heart attack, and I'm just glad the police were patrolling elsewhere that night.


I'm pretty sure I've done scarier things, but nothing comes to mind.

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I'm terrified of roller coasters and log flumes they feel too fast and out of my control. I went to Parc Asterix in France with my school while on a week trip to Paris and they managed to convince me to get on a massive log flume. They let me sit right in the middle of the boat to make it a little better for me. I remember we were approaching a drop and some kid was shouting "oh no, here we go!" and I was really scared. Turns out the drop was very small and not that bad so I perked up a bit, what I didn't realise was that was only a mini drop, the real one was still to come. The second drop was up ahead but this time you could tell it was high by the fact that I couldn't see anything beyond it and could hear the water rushing down it, the kid started shouting again and I closed my eyes, then we dropped. It was the most awful feeling and felt like it lasted forever even though it was only a few seconds. Plus side is that because I was right in the middle I was the only person in the boat to not have a single drop of water on me. 

I've only been on one log flume since, the Pirates of the Caribbean ride in Disney Land Paris. It was almost as bad but not quite, I remember in the photo that the ride takes you can see my family having fun but in the middle my seat is completely empty because I'd ducked down and was hiding on the floor of the boat.

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I have gone on walks before when it was raining and I thought I heard thunder (could have been cars in one instance) and thus I started running really fast to get inside my house afterward.

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I almost bought Brink once... That was pretty scary.

Almost got hit by lightning, twice. The first time wasn't so bad, the bolt struck a tree about 100 feet away. But the second time, the bolt struck the ground about 20 feet away. I did get a little aftershock from that one, though nothing major.

Almost getting an arm ripped off by an alligator. That was more fun than scary, though. (Yes, the alligator was real, and yes, I was a life and death situation, but I swear I felt like I was having fun during that).

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Scariest moment for me would probably be when my younger sister was in London during one of the recent terrorist attacks. I knew she would have been out and about in that part of the city during the attack, and we didn't hear from the people she was staying with saying they were all fine until morning.

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May sound pathetic, but I hate heights and I finally gave in and went on a carnival ride called the Zipper. It legitimately felt like my life was ending, I had a death grip on the person who went with me, and I could hardly scream because I was so terrified. I still feel anxiety when I think about it, lmao.

Being about 5 feet behind a plane propeller spinning at full blast. I could feel the heat coming off of the engine and everything.

On 8/14/2017 at 10:30 AM, Once In A Blue Moon said:

Most of the scary moments I've had have been whilst out riding - examples include being buzzed by a military jet (specifically a Sea Harrier, which under other circumstances I might have appreciated rather more) that my horse took fairly well and having a helicopter hover right overhead (which they objected to rather more.)

The worst one though was when I was riding a new horse I wasn't very familiar with who was spooked by two fields of cows charging around and bolted. That wasn't too bad, until I discovered that he wasn't inclined to stop - at all*. So there we were galloping up a fairly long and straight (and thankfully clear of traffic) road with me patiently waiting for him to calm down a bit so that I could regain control. Then the junction where we'd make a turn for home came up, and he didn't slow down. Turning through 90 degrees in under the length of a horse at full gallop was terrifying - we screeched round the corner on two legs, and if a car had been coming the other way then I doubt anyone would have survived the collision.

The horse did lose a little speed on the corner, and the road we were on had thick hedges rather than ditches, so I pulled hard on the reins and managed to crash into a hedge and bring him to a stop that way. B***er then started eating the hedge like nothing had happened. 

Honourable mentions to donating blood and kissing my first girlfriend. 


*as I learnt later, it was important not to let him get his head up or there'd be no stopping him.

Please tell me that you've seen the video of Shamrock the horse bolting before? Immediately what came to mind upon reading this.

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4 hours ago, Meeps said:

Please tell me that you've seen the video of Shamrock the horse bolting before? Immediately what came to mind upon reading this.

I have now, and that gives a pretty good impression of it. Thankfully my horse wasn't an ex-racehorse (I'm quite an experienced rider, but I'd still never ride one of those - give me a plodding carthorse any day*) so it wasn't as fast and as they were only ~14h it wouldn't have been as far to fall (although it would have been onto tarmac, so broken limbs would have been a given.)


*even when they bolt it's like sitting on a runaway sofa. The only times I ever fell off our ~16h shire-cross was when he faceplanted into the road because he couldn't be bothered to pick his feet up - and even then I sometimes just ended up on his neck instead.)

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This was a long time ago during my college days. I got caught shoplifting in my local school supply store, they said that they can let me go if I pay for the item that I stole, well, I decided to pay for it than getting into more trouble. Don't know why I did that, maybe because of daring myself or something. God, I was stupid back then... :dry:

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The scriest thing I have ever don is not having my teeth filled and pulled and drilled, not fling for the first time, not dealing with the bullying at school and the fights, not college, hell not even talking to people or new environments  (I am autistic.) Not even my grand parents cancer scare few years back. These all things I have a right to be scared by but nothing has scared me more than coming out as transgender because unlike all of the above it destroies my world and the people I know worlds and we all have to cope and rebuild a new world in a future that is not certain till the end journey of transitioning.

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  • 2 weeks later...

From least scary to scariest:

  • Being in an actual lockdown situation.
  • Witnessing a domestic situation.
  • Nearly abandoned at a gas station as a child. (Accidentally)
  • Nearly drowning.
  • Nearly getting hit by a car.
  • While learning to drive, accidentally pulling into the wrong side of the road into oncoming traffic. (Unrelated to previous statement)
On 8/20/2017 at 1:22 PM, Meeps said:

May sound pathetic, but I hate heights and I finally gave in and went on a carnival ride called the Zipper. It legitimately felt like my life was ending, I had a death grip on the person who went with me, and I could hardly scream because I was so terrified. I still feel anxiety when I think about it, lmao.

Something similar actually happened to me, except the carnival ride was called the "Ring of Fire." It's a big loop with an inner track where you build up speed and eventually hit the top, where the operator pauses the ride and you remain there for a couple of seconds suspended completely upside down with practically nothing to keep you safe. I swear I was about to fall out, and I would have too, had it not been for my death grip on the bars in front of me. I actually had a hard time letting go of said bars when the ride finally ended.

Edit: Found a pic:




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7 hours ago, TigerGeekGuy said:

From least scary to scariest:

  • Being in an actual lockdown situation.
  • Witnessing a domestic situation.
  • Nearly abandoned at a gas station as a child. (Accidentally)
  • Nearly drowning.
  • Nearly getting hit by a car.
  • While learning to drive, accidentally pulling into the wrong side of the road into oncoming traffic. (Unrelated to previous statement)

Something similar actually happened to me, except the carnival ride was called the "Ring of Fire." It's a big loop with an inner track where you build up speed and eventually hit the top, where the operator pauses the ride and you remain there for a couple of seconds suspended completely upside down with practically nothing to keep you safe. I swear I was about to fall out, and I would have too, had it not been for my death grip on the bars in front of me. I actually had a hard time letting go of said bars when the ride finally ended.

Edit: Found a pic:

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Nope, nope, NOPE! Reading your experience gave me similar anxiety lol, it's amazing how those things are built to feel like your life is over, but it's actually <rather> safe.

I read a story not too long agtee I went on the Zipper where a carnival ride in another city wasn't maintained properly and it broke, flinging a few people far to their deaths and injuring others. There's a video of it somewhere. I can't imagine what it must've been like for families watching their loved ones below... man.

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Scariest thing I've done? Well I nearly drowned in the ocean. I was about 9 years old and I remember being stupid and trying to swim much too far out, there was really rough surf and I didn't even know how to swim. The water was going up to my chin and I remember I stepped into a super large deep dip and I slipped underwater. I was struggling with waves crashing over me for about a minute until somehow I stepped back up on a higher spot on the bottom. I got out of the water and learned a good lesson that day lol

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