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Have you peaked in life?

Early Sunsets

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Simple question. Do you think you've already hit the highest point in your life, or is there still more to come?

For me, I think my life has been going downhill ever since I graduated high school. Sure, BronyCon was by far my highest in terms of general happiness, but I think my senior year of high school is and always will be my glory days. Even if my future goes the way I want it to, it's just going to get dull and repetitive.

Anyway, I'm not going to drag this out into a sob story since I'll talk and talk and never shut up, so I'll end that there. Have you peaked yet, or do you still hope there's more waiting for you in your life?

  • Brohoof 1
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As many great memories of past years I already got, I still believe the best and happiest days of my life are still yet to come...just give it about two more years. :wub:

Edited by Lucky Bolt
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The time when I was praised just for sleeping and eating has already passed like 25 years ago, and it doesn't get any better than that.

Jokes aside, I can't really tell. Probably, I'll be able to when I get old, if I live that long, of course. 

  • Brohoof 2
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That's a difficult question actually. Hm... I mean there could always appear something unexpected in the future. I also think that life has different kinds of highs. The more we want, the more we have to pay the price for it.

As for me, I'm happy to live a pretty “normal” life, without much action and such. I still can imagine to experience some really awesome things in the future. You mentioned the BronyCon. I can imagine I would feel as happy as you, if I had the chance to go to such an event. So my answer is “no”. :)

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I was as smart as I was ever going to be at 21. But my wisdom is higher now. Also, I made more money in 2019 than ever, and obviously money is extrememly important.

So now I'm just enjoying life: cartoons, video games, comics, books, whatever I want. I'd say I peaked but I'm better off than most people I know.

  • Brohoof 1
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I sure hope not. The greatest time of my life has been the past 2-3 years and life before middle school, so I sure hope there are better things to come.

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I'm both the life of the party and the go to guy for serious talk irl, so I'm popular or at the very least pretty comfortable with whatever circle I find myself in unless it's a cult or something.

I'm pretty sure I have more in me, I just need to build things back up, but if I have peaked then it would've been my sophomore year of high school. I wasn't on top of the world in terms of status, but man did I feel like it. Knew lots of people, even more knew me, didn't matter where I was, I owned the ground my feet were on. But that summer I moved away from the friends who send me laughing to the ground hysterically on a daily basis, gone were the hundreds of friendly smiles I'd known for up to a decade. I found myself somewhere new, unfamiliar, with a different system for socializing that had been firmly established. By no means was this a bad place, but I was like a drop of oil in a raging river, dragged along this way and that but never mixing in. I made no real friends my junior year, and the two I made during my senior had a falling out and while I stuck with one for a while after I graduated, we don't talk at all now. I still feel kind of stuck, like life was put on hold. Only recently has it really felt like it's coming back into play, it helps to have someone to help you.

The King may not be presently sitting on his throne, but by god he's not dead B)


And with any luck he's bringing back a queen.

For the record I'm just calling myself that, never went to homecoming or any dances, lol.

Edited by SharpWit
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Oh definitely not. I think my life is just going to get better and better. It’s certainly not grandiose by most people’s metrics, but it’s been a slow, steady climb upwards since high school.

I’m gonna keep trying to improve myself as a person as much as I can.

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I would not say that I've peaked. As a matter of fact, I think that I just hit rock bottom. I suppose after this year, there's nowhere to go but up.

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No, and I fear that it will never happen. Life just seems so cruel that I could never imagine my life reaching a peak. My life has been dull ever since I was a teenager, and it still is up to this very day. I really hate life.

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Yes, I think I have peaked in life. I think I hit my overall high point when I was around 24. I was mentally and creatively strongest around age 13, but I still had enough going on in my early 20s to give that my high score. There are still a few big things I could accomplish, but I’ve been on a slight downhill slide for a couple of years now (minus a few really high peaks). It’s definitely time to bump up my game a bit.

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Hopefully not. :sealed: While I don't think I'll ever reach the sheer simplicity and happiness of my childhood, I hope to improve on how my adulthood has been so far. While I might not believe in all my dreams becoming reality like I used to, I hope to make at least some progress in the near future. :fluttershy:

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I would have to say no, I have not. I still have a lot I want to achieve in the coming years, so it's not peaked by a long shot.

I want my forklift license to be updated to include T2 reach forklifts, for one. In a couple of months' time that will have been achieved.

Get a driver's license and a car, which will be coming over the course of 2020.

Get a house with my current earnings, which should be doable inside.. 2025-ish at the rate of which I am saving up money towards that high-end goal and I don't have a retardedly large loan to pay off. I hate being in debt, and I am not interested in taking up a loan unless I absolutely have to.

I have some more things that will raise the peak, but I will stop there so as not to clog up the thread. :P

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I don’t really want to ever “peak” because then it implies going downhill afterwards. I’d rather just have a steady happiness; I have a lot to look forward to in the future which looks like it’ll be better than my current situation, but there are positives of where I’m at now too :BrightMacContent:

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