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general Do you have a social life


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Well, my manager ended up costing me my job for being one to me too.. Along with a fair few employees just getting on my nerves. Office jobs kind of suck because they attract so many of these sorts of personalities.. But yeah, loosing that job has really destroyed my already low confidence.. Kinda sucks

problem is when HIS bosses are around he is all nice and humble but once there gone he is a jerk, and by jerk I mean a non PG-13 word I can't say LOL Lucky for me he is the bottom rung of management and all the managers above him seem to like me and are really nice. but after having him on my back all day and looking over my shoulder all day I'm done with people for the day.

I'm not a people person who likes to hang out anyway, I don't want to go clubbing and get drunk or go with the guys to the strip clubs to get drunk and herpes LOL I don't hang out or socialize past what I am required to do at work. I just want to make my money and go home.

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problem is when HIS bosses are around he is all nice and humble but once there gone he is a jerk, and by jerk I mean a non PG-13 word I can't say LOL Lucky for me he is the bottom rung of management and all the managers above him seem to like me and are really nice. but after having him on my back all day and looking over my shoulder all day I'm done with people for the day.

I'm not a people person who likes to hang out anyway, I don't want to go clubbing and get drunk or go with the guys to the strip clubs to get drunk and herpes LOL I don't hang out or socialize past what I am required to do at work. I just want to make my money and go home.

I think the main problem that I have at the moment is that my parents have always tried to push me into socialising more with people that I don't know or would rather just not see.. They never seem to understand that I never have been and never will be comfortable socialising. Doesn't matter what they do, its probably not going to change..

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Of course I have a social life. Don't really understand how I got one, but there's always friends wanting to talk to me. Being part of most of the bands at my school probably is pretty helpful towards that status. :P

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Although most of my time is split between university, studying and spending time with my boyfriend, I still meet up with friends a few times a month and know most people at the gym by name, which is nice because I can strike up a conversation whenever I'm resting. I used to have no social life at all but that changed once I entered university thankfully.

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Nope! But I've been like that for a long time. I have my best friend, some close internet friends on IRC I've known almost as long, and that's pretty much it. I don't mind though, I like having time just for me.


Its not as though I dislike people, hell, I very frequently socialize with my colleagues. Like if I'm working with someone, studying with someone, playing golf with someone, I'll probably strike up a conversation... But I won't actively seek an activity to socialize. I have my own purposes for doing what I'm doing.

Edited by Celtore
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Lol, nope. I have like no friends offline and don't even bother maintaining relationships with people anyway. I'm lonely but I hate people. Guess complaining is the easiest and only option...

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Sort of. I'm huge in the car scene around here, and I'm at a car meet every weekend, often two or three per week in the summer. But outside that hobby, no, I pretty much just go to school, work, and home. Not that I'm not friendly, but I generally annoy people who don't share my interests, and vice versa.

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I dont go proclaiming to everyone that im a brony, but my social life (if you can call it that way) is pretty much me talking to guys at the office or hanging out with my friends from school or girlfriend.

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Well depends on what you consider social life if just socializing then sure but if parties, offline stuff then not really. It has nothing to with the show though more just I don't know that I prefer doing my own thing.

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Yes, I have and I am happy that I have it. Meeting my friends is for me a really important thing and I need the social contact with others. I can't sit all the time at home in front of my computer. I need to go out. When I had a little bit more money, I would more go out and meet others, but I don't have it at the moment. 

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I definitely break that stereotype.  :lol: 

I'm a student, so I've got a lot of friends I study with.

Every weekend I go out drinking or other social activity.

I live in a collective (don't know if that's the correct English term) with 100 other people! Here there is something happening basically every day.

It's got a shared kitchen, so I'm essentially always social while cooking, which I like  B)


Ironically I'm a bit introverted, so I often get too much and like to withdraw to my room. Problem is that they like to drag me out again  :diamondtiara:

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Yup. Got the inner and outer circle of friends, got classmates, got teammates. Heck, there are kids that I don't even know that know my name! And people that matter know I dig MLP. They were surprised at first but nobody makes a big deal out of it.

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ive made my social life out of bronies and I love it.

Before that it was as a furry, but drama and lack of anything happening has just kinda drifted me to the sidelines and before that it was 5 of us from school. I still talk to my school friends, but we're all over the place now and hardly hang out anymore v.v 


I am a very social person now. I started off being Fluttershy, I was super shy, but the evolution of the internet has really helped me come out of my social shell and into the spotlight. I love being surrounded by friends and being center of attention ^^; 

I just want to note that I have never been socially awkward, I a pretty normal 25 year old and am very happy with meeting and making friends through the net. There have been very few people I've met in the offline world that I've stuck with as friends. 

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Yes, i'm typically always spending weekends with friends bringing their instruments with them so we can jam for hours. If we're not fiddling with music than we're usually outdoors climbing up cliffs and jumping in rivers. If i get hired for a gig i like to socialize with the other musicians a lot when we're not making noise.

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As several other members posted already, my social life too is lacking. Most days are just like, get up, go to work, go home, do some stuff on my PC, sleep, repeat. It gets's pretty depressing after a while, but I also lack the motivation to do something else. I'm open for any suggestions trough^^

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