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Your darkest fears

Johny Farenheit

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1. Heights - I don't mind being in a plane, or in a tall building or something like that. I just tense up when I'm high up, and there's not much to stop me from falling, like being at the edge of a cliff or near a wide open window.


2. Being stuck out in open water - Kind of random but I really hate this. Not only am I not the strongest swimmer, I feel like I'm going to get attacked by a jellyfish or something. The worst part is not being able to see anything.


3. Group Gatherings - I literally freak out over these. It's even worse when I barely know anyone there. I just try to blend in and hope no one talks to me. :mellow:

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1. Clowns. They're just so f*cking creepy. I'll actually get a panic attack when I'm around them.


2. Disease. Its just so easy to think about how horrible a disease you could catch.


3. My classmate Carl. Don't ask

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1) needles, i am a paramedic that's right, i use syringes every day and i don't have problems.. but i can't just help my self when someone has to do one to me or to take my blood... i just... turn white.. i don't know why.. maybe because i saw to many shits.. anyway.. just on me

2)AIs take-overs/cyborgs.. that's why i made my oc one

3) losign my home/stuffs/cars in a natural disaster


extra: communists

Edited by Doc. Volt
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1.Heights/falling/death by falling

2.The middle of the ocean. It is so calm. Too calm.

3.Having to put up with haters/ being judged and called names for expressing my point of view


Every night is a new nightmare. I can't take it. My dreams always end in death.


Bonus fears (if I posted them all, I would have a blog)

-Getting decapitated

-Getting blinded/ Getting my eyes stabbed out

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1. Murder/Kidnappers/Psycos: I walk home from school, and whenever I walk alone I feel like someone will come up to me from behind, so I always keep a distance from people.especially with all the bullshit that goes on nowadays I can't stand being alone in a neighbornood or city I'm not familiar with.


2. The Future: considering where I'm at right now, I'm really scared about my future, because I my low school standards *usually hold a C or D * and it's really the tue reason why I do t want to get older.


3. People's views on me: it's now that I'm one of those teens who are always always anxious about themselves, but it because the fact that my reputation was petrified from 5th and 6th grade, it's a long story.


Simple fears:


-large bugs

-ruining my good headphones

-dropping my IPod

-Losing arm/leg/going blind

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1. Failure... I don't want to fail, to let others down. I know no one can succeed all of the time, but I must say, I do try.


2. Being shot. Not guns, guns don't kill, but those who pull the trigger do. I can't say why I'm so much more afraid of this that much else... I just am.


3. Bees. I'd rather not be stung, thanks. 

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Uncontrolled fire: I am fine with campfires, in fact I enjoy them, and I enjoy tossing random things into them to watch them burn. It's interesting to observe how different kinds of wood or metal or paper react to a campfire. However, the idea of being confronted with uncontrolled fire is terrifying to me, especially considering I have experienced it before


Drowning: About seven years ago I attempted suicide by drowning. I knew it would likely be painful, but I didn't think it would be as painful as it was, and I certainly didn't expect the sheer terror it evoked in me. I live in constant fear of drowning now, to the point where I have not stepped on a boat or a trans-oceanic flight since it happened. 


Moths and Butterflies: Don't laugh please. I don't like bees or wasps or flies, (in my personal space, I mean, intellectually I find entomology fascinating), but I can deal with them because of the one key difference between them and lepidoptera: They let you know they're coming. Buzzing noises alert you to the fact that there is a fly or a bee or a wasp or a hornet hovering behind your ear. Moths and butterflies are stealthy. They're bug-ninjas, and when one flies into my face at night while I'm reading a book on the porch, it freaks me out. 

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3.wide open spaces


Just being in a completely empty place, like the middle of the ocean or field with nothing that blocks the horizon. not even clouds. it's a form of claustrophobia.


2.the dark

Not the dark you're thinking of. the darkness of uncertainty that comes after death. as they say in the neverending story 2. the nothing.


1.not vomiting

you know when you're sick, puked your guts out till there is absolutely nothing left inside your digestive system but your body keeps trying to empty itself into the toilet bowl/bucket. these are called dry heaves. your body literally feels like it's tearing itself apart. your chest heaves, you can't breathe, and you have no control over it. The closest thing that can come to comparison of this is the feeling when the chestburster in alien does its thing.

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1. Being Alone - not in a short-term way, but eventually ending up one of those people who lives alone and has no one who checks on them or who gives a damn about what happens to them.


2. Being a disappointment - I worry that I am never going to be good enough to impress my parents... or anyone else. That I will just be mediocre and a disappointment.


3. Having an accident that leaves me paralyzed, but leaves my mind unharmed... so, being trapped in a useless body and having to depend on other people.  Not being able to communicate that I wish to die rather than live incapacitated.

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1)Insects abd spiders - Most I can handle, but things like roaches and wasps freak me out


2)Losing my mind as I get older - I would hate to go senile as I age, got to keep that brain active as possible


3)Sharks - I actually like sharks, but every time I swim in the ocean I get so freaked out that something can come from below me.

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Top three? That's hard...


Probably bugs in general. I especially hate spiders, bees, wasps, cockroaches, crickets...


Deep water. It's impossible, while I'm in deep water, not to think about sharks, deep sea creatures, and drowning.


Clowns. How can anypony think clowns are funny?!?!?


Or maybe being buried alive. Or zombies, though I know they don't exist.


I do not mind heights, though. I used to be terrified of them, but now it's just beautiful.

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1. Fear of losing my sight. As a photographer it's one of the most important things in my life. And I have really bad sight, so I live in fear since I was a child.


2. Losing my friends or family. I care so much about people, who are close to me, I'm not sure how I'd live without them. 

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1. Spiders: I am deafly arachnophobic. The tiniest of spiders creep me out. Goes with many insects too.

2. Elevators/dams: Idk which one I hate more but I hate riding in elevators, and I can't stand walking across a dam. Maybe dam a little more.

3. Balloons: Yeah I'm globophobic. You can laugh. Whatever. Not deflated ones. But once they are inflated, I back away. I just can't stand the thought of them popping in my face.

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Not in the right order but I still fear:

  • Dying painfully
  • Having a chronic mental disorder
  • Never being able to change

And I know it's nothing compared to others, so yeah sorry.

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1.) DEEP WATER. I suck at swimming. I can only doggy paddle, but the farthest I go in a swimming pool is about 4 feet. Nope. Thought of falling in deep water irks me.


2.) Fire or anything hot. No, not the summer, lol. I fear fire. I am NO pyro. I cannot play with fire. Nope. Even around bonfires, I still sit somewhat farther away. I can barely use the oven. I can cook on stove tops, but whenever I use the oven, I usually make my mom take stuff out. Boy, how am I going to live on my own?


3.) Stalkers, murderers, and rapists. I am afraid that I will see someone looking in my window at me and disappearing. I also do fear of being murdered in a HORRIBLE way like getting shot, stabbed, or whatnot. And...I would not love to be raped...WHO WOULDNT? Im just afraid that if I go into public by myself, someone could just snatch me and i'll disappear. *Gulps*

Edited by ~Sugar Sprinkles~
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  1. needles. Cause that stuff hurts, man. I hate them and they scare me. I ahd a surgery when I was younger where I needed several IV's and I just don't like them at all. never again

Faceless things. Like people in big animals costumes, slender man and masks that cover a persons whole face. I don't know who is underneath that mask I don't know if they are good people or creeps. And Slenderman just scares the crap out of me because he's faceless and scary and ah. I don't care if he's real or not. But yeah mascot costumes, nope, not going near you byebye.

being alone. Like having no one. no friends no family. Nothing. I don't really need to explain that really. 

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1. Nothing happens once you die

2. Looking into the corner of a dark room and the fear that you might see something

3. Losing a sense 






there is another big one so 4. The Rake (A creepypasta monster) watching me while I sleep. 

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