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What are your thoughts on teens who are way too focused on their love lives?


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I can't help but notice the disparity between people like that and people like myself. They can't go more than a few weeks without a relationship. I haven't had a relationship in almost three years now. There's also people who haven't had one in several years.


It's ironically hilarious for reasons I can't understand. Relationships are nice but not everyone is in good shape to be in any sort of relationship, especially those who are so completely co-dependent that they become suicidal and self-destructive if they are alone for too long.


So you asked for my thoughts...those are my thoughts. :P

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Depends on what you're speaking about.

12-15 year-olds treating their relationship like The Lakehouse is quite silly, I suppose.

If any age demographic treats their relationships as they should based on the age, as well as the maturity level and time spent in the relationship, then it's not really that bad, I suppose.

Edited by Handmade


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People worry way too much about love. Eventually running themselves into the same repetitive ground over and over again only to have their heart stomped again and again.


I myself have had my heart broken, honestly most of my boyfriends have been flukes though. Basically almost all the guys I've dated I didn't really care for all that much. I might sound like a major mule for saying this but I only dated a lot of guys for the sake of being able to say I had a boyfriend.


I think people should stop trying so hard to find love. When you try too hard you fail to see what's in front of you. Being single isn't the worst thing on the world. I've been single for like 2 years and I'm completely fine. :maud:

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vv This literally made my day.

It's something that adults are too dumb to understand.


I personally feel that it''s kind of adorable. Think it this way, teens are going through puberty and everything is changing around them, and that terrifies them. So they feel if they can find someone they like, they can go through this frightening time together.  :wub: ~so cute

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I think people should stop trying so hard to find love. When you try too hard you fail to see what's in front of you. Being single isn't the worst thing on the world. I've been single for like 2 years and I'm completely fine. :maud:

Being single in youth is not a big deal. You're in the mix of academics, jobs, personal problems, and so much more.


But when you're in your 30's, or 40's, solitude sinks in so painfully. Do you not wish to have someone to hold at night? Do you not wish there was someone there to cry and celebrate with? Do you not wish you had someone who despite everything you've done wrong, will always find everything about you beautiful?


Love is one of the reasons for happiness. It's not overrated at all, it really is as spectacular as people put it out to be.


The point of life is to procreate, but humans have made it to even more than simply reproduction, it's a social structure that two people can share happily or in peril, depending on how they choose to.


The thought of dying alone is much of a reason why love is very important.


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I am one of those people that doesn't understand the concept of love / doesn't understand what it's like to be in love, but if you are in love with somebody and in a healthy and happy relationship, good for you. You go. So I may sound a bit ignorant, but...


...those kids who are completely obsessed with love? I don't get it. You are not even in your twenties yet. You are probably not going to find your soulmate. Life is not all about love. Go and have fun instead of having thirty boyfriends/girlfriends every two months or crushing over every cute person.


I just don't get it.

Edited by Shift
  • Brohoof 1

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Sounds like teens doing what teens do. They'll never learn how to be in a successful relationship if they don't try and fail. I'd say testing the waters is a good thing.


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You can't really blame them on the one hand, all those hormones raging and whatnot... I've noticed in the last few months I've really wanted a boyfriend but I try to contain it haha. They should probably prioritise though, remember that schoolwork is more important than a boyfriend/girlfriend. ;)

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I say, they need to learn their own true life meaning and talent before they rush into finding someone else who matches it. And, you have to appreciate yourself before you find a boyfriend or girlfriend, 'cause sometimes people do that.. To get appreciated. That's all I have to say!

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Teens often act on impulse and rush things over because they're too absorbed in their hormonal-adjusted mood swings. Can't really blame them for this, i suppose - it's how they are. 

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I actually have this problem, or lack there of. I want to know what it's like to be in love, have a girlfriend, and all of that stuff. However, because of who I am, I doubt any girl would like me for who I am, and instead will judge me for what I'm into, rather than who I am. :(

I keep telling myself that I'm going to stop worrying about it, and just be friends with the girls, but even then, I do tend to feel left out and I still worry about what they will think of me. This is the same guy who wears a Pinkie dog tag and Sonic hat every day to school. From that description, girls would avoid me like I'm a diseased vermin. I hate to sound so negative, but that's just how I feel about this, and as much as I keep telling myself that I'm going to stop worrying about it, I start worrying about it again. :(


i know how that feels...its not fun...im the kinda person who has female friends and they come to me to vent...one friend of mine has a kid, and is with the typical *squee*ass guy (calls her a fuck up and the like) and when she says she still wants to be with him because she loves him i basically do this...


(just add are you crazy at the end)

  • Brohoof 1


"What are you trying to accomplish, putting yourselves in danger like that? Trying to see "justice" done? Is that really justice, though? Aren't you just doing this because you want a little spice in your boring lives? What's the difference between that and a criminal who gets his kicks by murdering people?You see what I'm getting at? There's still a lot of time left. Give it some thought."

If you can read this and have a problem with me...take it up with my lawyer

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That was me in high school (the obsessing part).


While I'm not a teenager anymore, both me and my girlfriend :squee: had a string desire to be with someone, and well, we happen to really love each other now :wub:.


If you're single, you'll be lucky to be with someone like in the example specified :). (Or unlucky depending on your personality lawl)


... :squee::wub:


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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Not reading this thread ... lalalalalalala I can't hear you. Says the old man with two teenage kids.






It's normal.






I'm going to bed now.



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Omigosh.  That particular breed of teenager irritates the crap out of me.  Especially when I was in high school with them.  I mean, they start a new "relationship" every two weeks and then they're shocked when it goes sour.  And I'm just forever alone in the corner going like, "Well what did you think was going to happen?"

  • Brohoof 2
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  • 1 year later...

Love and sex among teens is way too prevalent. School is a cesspool of bad influences and irresponsible actions and this category is one of them. Too many teens think of it as just gratifying an immediate desire or doing what the rest of their friends are doing and not wanting to be the only one left out. Too seldom do real emotions and care for who they 'love' come into play. It's a popularity contest. I say if you truly love someone, fine. But go with it because you are in love and not because you are being influenced by peer pressure. I don't care about age if both people are responsible and intelligent about how they feel toward the other. I'm all for love, just let it be real and recognize it if it isn't. 

Edited by Dreambiscuit
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It is a combination of their brains being jack up on hormones (puberty is such a vindictive bitch), not being quite sure how to deal with it yet and still learning about the difference between love, lust and infatuation. In my case I was more on the lust side of things, I would have screwed anything that moved if given the chance during my teen years if given the opportunity. Sure I wanted love too, but it wasn't until around 18 or 19 that I started to calm down a bit.

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As one myself, I think it's not really TOO important, I mean there's still my studies and other stuff that I have to worry about, but something keeps me wanting to be in a relationship. I don't know what it is, but something in my head is intensifying the urge to have a gf. :adorkable:

  • Brohoof 2



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I'm a young teenager, and I do happen to have a pretty damn big crush on someone at my school and a user on these forums, but love isn't what I'm only focused on. I have PAC-MAN and the stuff that's in the pantry or the refrigerator, but love is just another thing.

Pennutoh has a gun

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It depends on that particular teen's maturity, I would think. Way too often, being that I'm in high school, I see teens entering new relationships every day, acting like they can't live without the other and decorating everything with a flat surface with the date they got together. Then, big surprise, it doesn't work out and they hate each other mere days later. If two teens enter a relationship, and they treat that relationship with maturity and respect, not going into it just because it's 'cool' or 'expected', that relationship has a good chance to survive and grow. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen often. 

  • Brohoof 2

"When you're rife with devastation, there's a simple explanation: you're a toymaker's creation trapped inside a crystal ball."



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People take relationships way too seriously in school in my eyes. Or at least people are too optimistic when it comes to relationships. Stop acting as though you're going to be high school sweethearts and get married in the future. Most people when they leave school choose to go single around their early-twenties because it's inconvenient to have someone tie you down at that age; people want to fuck around (literally) and just live a single life during their best years. It's rare to find yourself surviving a relationship from adolescence and getting married once you become 18. It can happen, but people just need to be more pessimistic about romance and not have their hopes up so high.

  • Brohoof 2
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I wish I had been more focused on it, instead of going through the "I'll never want to be with anyone" phase I went through... Because here at 27, my love life is officially a barren desert. *tumbleweed drifts by* Perhaps if I had dated more as a teen, I would know how to do it now...

Everything needs more woodwind!

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Most teenagers lose the light of what is more important than focusing on a trivial relationship, it's solely up to them but if you ask me, I don't believe you need to be focused on love that much to the point of where you need it.

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