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do you have an addiction?


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This one might seem obvious, actually completely and totally obvious to anyone that knows me: Moon rocks. I am completely, utterly addicted, to moon rocks.


LOOK AT IT. Moooooooooooooon rooooooooooooooo-

In all seriousness, I would consider gaming a sort of 'addiction' of mine, as well as Youtube videos. Gaming is one of those things I can look forward to each day, having fun or getting immersed into other worlds and not to mention looking forward to new titles coming out. While some emtoional and mental issues are really impacting this type of enjoyment for me personally, back when I was in middle school or high school for example, looking forward to going home and playing a favorite game of mine always helped me get through the day.

Youtube videos are another thing I love, simply because they are an endless variety of things to experience and I love watching videos relating to what I enjoy, like gaming. They help me remind me of my passions or if nothing else, they can help me feel a bit less lonely in the middle of the night.

  • Brohoof 3
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Alcohol and caffeine. They could be much more damaging on my life than they are, but they're addictions nonetheless.

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59 minutes ago, Kyoshi said:

This one might seem obvious, actually completely and totally obvious to anyone that knows me: Moon rocks. I am completely, utterly addicted, to moon rocks.


LOOK AT IT. Moooooooooooooon rooooooooooooooo-

In all seriousness, I would consider gaming a sort of 'addiction' of mine, as well as Youtube videos. Gaming is one of those things I can look forward to each day, having fun or getting immersed into other worlds and not to mention looking forward to new titles coming out. While some emtoional and mental issues are really impacting this type of enjoyment for me personally, back when I was in middle school or high school for example, looking forward to going home and playing a favorite game of mine always helped me get through the day.

Youtube videos are another thing I love, simply because they are an endless variety of things to experience and I love watching videos relating to what I enjoy, like gaming. They help me remind me of my passions or if nothing else, they can help me feel a bit less lonely in the middle of the night.

Lol, first I thought you were serious at the start there and was like "well, I guess I don't know you then" .-. 

  • Brohoof 2
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Yugioh cards. I have like maybe around 800? 900? I just started collecting again after like years of hibernation. I loved the cards in like 3rd grade. Stopped collecting until I hit my second year in uni.

  • Brohoof 1
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I have a bad music addiction and caffeine addiction- and it's really bad because my favorite caffeinated beverages tend to be the worst for your teeth and it's caused some damage.

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I have a bad addiction to chocolate, I admit it. Chocolate milk, chocolate cake, chocolate bars, chocolate dipped strawberries... I could go on.

Oh, and the internet. I kinda lose my mind after 10-20 minutes if I don't have a wifi connection or anything to occupy my time otherwise.

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Like most people I have an internet addiction, though it only ever bugs me if people around me are using the internet and I cannot. Though if no one around me has internet then I'm completely fine. Like the time I went camping I was enjoying my time away from the city, and the internet was only ever on my mind when I was trying to sleep, because that's usually what I do before going to bed.

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chocolate, snacks and milkshakes - very bad really. The chocolate addiction is a major thing i keep trying to beat. but when your partner is also a choc fan and doesnt bother to quit as well, its very difficult. 

I guess im also addicted to singing and music too. I cant not sing when i know a song playing! 

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