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What rustles your jimmies?

Boxxi The Brony

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There is only one thing in the world that really makes me freak out. Defective packaging. It is awful, the spawn of Satan. By defective packaging I mean when you grab say, a roll of crackers, and when you go to tear open the roll it splits all the way down the side its not supposed to and the crackers go everywhere. It is the worst thing in the world and I CAN NOT STAND IT when it happens to me.

  • Brohoof 2


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When people go out to eat without you and they don't bring you anything back. UGH. I JUST. NEED. FOOD.

People who make it out like it's a bad thing to be comfortable with yourself, like they want you to feel bad about yourself.

Double standards.

When people get mad over things that don't affect them at all. (i.e. what a person is wearing, what they like etc)

Jealous/hateful/spiteful people (usually girls)

Clingy people (desperation)

PUSHING your beliefs on someone

When you clearly say you don't like someone but they dont take the hint.


more later

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Idk, random stuff makes me mad, sometimes nothing at all, simply me being frustrated and it just bursting out at someone random.


I don't like when people continuly disrupt the progress in marching band and concert band and band in general by talking. Since i love band and I don't like people disrespecting others in it or slowing progress down and wasting my time.


Other things are just, random. I really can't name them, maybe people who act like the boss of everyone? Idk?


Oh and people who are really mean to other people. Especially ones i truly care for.


Oh and i don't really like when people starting arguing and yelling fiercely. I really don't like yelling in general.

Edited by Zygen


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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I guess "driving" fits the bill pretty well. Now, I'm not perfect on the road, but I consider myself a pretty safe driver. I don't speed often unless there really is something wrong (like the time I rescued a drowning baby raccoon, but that's another story.)


The one thing that ticks me off the most is driver incompetence. Most of the time, its roundabouts I see people screw up. Other times, it's ignoring a left turn light and going anyway. Honestly, I should be mad at this, driving is actually quite risky... Especially considering some of the people you see doing dumb things.


Oh, and pedestrians, you aren't safe from my rage either. I have dealt with them in the past jaywalking across a very busy street (one of the worst in Canada I believe) with a light maybe 30 steps away or jumping the walk signal and crossing on an advance left turn... Its incredibly frustrating!


... Okay, I'm going to stop...


Other things: intolerance, cruelty, the media industry, mustard, Bell and Rogers.

Edited by Celtore
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What makes me mad is 3 very simple things, 1 being ignored by people, to no end does that piss me off. 2 people that but into your convetsation or talk over you when you're talking to someone. 3 people telling me to caln down when I'm not angry, prepare for a wall to be punched then


^^ avatar and sig by me

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Voted best Scootaloo fan

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Inconsiderate smokers. 


Look, it's fine if you do it at home or at a designated smoker-friendly locationIt's not fine when you light up around me without first asking if I'm interested in breathing that crap. Which I'm not.

Edited by Rudy Redlin
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Politics. It's just infuriating how it turns problems into little games, political bids to up their own positions or some other similar nonsense while the general public suffers. Just look at the game of chicken going on in the white house, threatening to let the US default and cause another economic crisis, taking the nation hostage to try and push their "compromise"; it's ridiculous.


When people try to make an example out of you, especially when you did nothing wrong. Just a couple of days ago, my professor was calling out the names that signed the attendance sheet, checking to see if everyone who signed it stuck around until the end of the class. Anyway, he never called my name, so I said he didn't call my name and he snapped at me. I was confused; I knew I signed that sheet, so I checked it and, sure enough, my name was there, right at the tip top of the list. So of course I snapped back a bit and, in my victory, I was just short of saying "Yeah, I'd that apology right about now". Still that moment bugged me all day

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The list of things that make me angry are about the list of things that make me sad and trust me I get sad a lot.


1. People who make fun of my weight and then tell me to"lighten up its just a joke."


2. People who text while they're driving.


3. People who see a car coming and than purposely walk slower( I don't want to be offensive/racist but around here at least it's mostly young black people that do this)


4. Dog owners who never let their dog in, leaving him to bark and disturb all the neighbors.


5. People who smoke right in front of you.


6. People who wear WAY too much cologne or perfume.


7. People who drive with their music too loud.


8. Ignorant people


9. Rude people.


10. People who never say "Thanks" or even give me a little smile when I hold the door open for them, or tell them to have a nice day.


11. People who use the word "gay" in the wrong context.


Examples: " My Internet is acting really gay right now"


"That movie/ Tv show/ music is so gay"


Etc.etc.etc. this really pisses me off.


12. "Rick rollers" on YouTube


13. Media, and how most of them make us Bronies look really bad.


14. People who force their beliefs or likes down your throat.


15. People who ask the same question over and over.


16. Cocky people.


17. Some Bronies who can't seem to "love and tolerate" people.


18. Skateboarders who text while their riding.


19. People who bump, jostle, shove you in a busy sidewalk , ( let's use NYC as an example), and then don't have enough courtesy to say sorry)


20. Drunk baseball fans

  • Brohoof 4

Facebook: Josh B.

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Naturally, the big prejudices such as sexism, racism, homophobia, etc. really get on my nerve. Probably because I have (relatively light, I must specify) personal experience with them for what I am (aside from racism, but I still feel very strongly about that).


On that note:


"Love the sinner, hate the sin"


Sexist jokes


Self-proclaimed Nice Guys


Then there are other things like...


People being insensitive.


Entertainment elitists (all across the board: music, anime, TV shows, video games. Anybody who hates on whole genres of music or "mainstream music", and the like. Also especially console wars and PC gamers' elitism). I just have to wonder, why is it so darn hard to understand that others have different tastes than you and that there's nothing wrong with that?


When people are overtly nosy over my habits, like my pickiness for food.


Not being able to sleep


My general bad luck, like at work always having to go to the bathroom right during that small period of time where the janitor is cleaning them out. >.>


Everybody else at work getting week long or more vacations, while I get nothing because I worked part time over the school year (which, let me say, left me with not a single day off during the Spring semester).


I'm sure I could come up with a billion more, but I'll stop there. xD

Edited by Envy

Everything needs more woodwind!

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Ponies that hate on homosexuals like me! and think all we do is try and turn guys gay.... its getting really old.. and its like why would I want some pony so mean as you, gay??





I dislike how so men think oh women should only be in the kitchen.... its like wow some pony needs a hoof up his ass..



I dislike all those mean jokes at Princess Celestia....

Edited by xPrincess Celestiax
  • Brohoof 1


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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It is INCREADIBLY hard to upset me. Especially if someone is trying to upset me. You know why? Im a low tempered person. But if I allow myself to get upset... well... You wouldent want to know. So I have like SUPER self control if you want to say it like that. But things can tick me off. Like a mod changing my topic and moving it together with another thinking they have the same purpose when they actually dont and they dont even ask. *le sigh*

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I hate labels that people put on others, specially when said labels are hurtful and unjustified. Really makes we want to stomp them into mush.

Edited by Nail Malinter


My OC's:  MalinterRahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one

First fic i've written since forever here

Skype: Malinter@Outlook.com

"Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier." most legendary quote ever.

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What makes me mad is when your out in public and you are walking


Your out in public? What does that mean? Sorry, I speak English. Bad grammar makes me mad. You wanted to know, so don't take it personally.

  • Brohoof 1

This is my new signature.

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When my brother makes sleeping noises in his sleep.

Drives me mad - I simply lose control, and sometimes punch him in his sleep.

I can't help it. :(

It just angers me so much!


And when people don't capitalize things properly.


Signature by .

My personal website: Mitchfizz05.net.

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I guess intolerance upsets me as well as general ignorance. Peoples' incompetence also gets at me like when my university can't seem to fix a simple door so our cards can't open it.


Immigrants who think they're above the law of the land, and don't even try to learn English. (In the US)



And this. When people think that Americans should know English by default for some reason or should in other terms act as they desire. Hey, you think everyone should learn English? Why don't you move to England? But I don't think even they have such an attitude that their language is superior to others. dry.png

  • Brohoof 1

:wub: Silver Letter!!! :kirin:
Silver Letter's MLP collection
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LGBT-phobia is something that gets me so riled up.


I've recently gone public with my transition between genders due to people consistently asking about if rumours were true. The amount of fucking bigots that I've met is astounding. I've had so many close friends denounce me because of this and I can't begin to understand what goes through someone's mind to make them just pure hate me for acknowledging (after three years of careful deliberation) that my current gender is incorrect.


I really just cannot fathom the amount of anger and disgust I feel when I see people be LGBT-phobic and especially when that person turns around and says something like "it's a mental disorder" or "it's a choice" when it's evidently not. Also, those assholes that say "God says it's wrong" disgust me even more, NO RIGHTEOUS GOD WOULD PREACH HATE TO ANYONE.


Endrant <3


UPDATE: http://youtu.be/K1JMjwJG2UM




Edited by Ella.Smith
  • Brohoof 2

let's love for me


and lets love loud



and let's love now



cause soon enough we'll die


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Despite my idealistic personality, I can get mad at quite a bit. In fact, I'd say that contributes to it quite a bit.


For starters:


Now, this does not apply to people who just hate something. That's one thing, and I'm perfectly okay with people hating things (even if I may push a little). Do NOT shove that hatred onto other people. You have your opinion, they have theirs. People enjoy things for a reason and no one has any right to talk down to them for that unless they like modern-day Spongebob episodes.


"True fans"

These are the people who think that with all of their knowledge of whatever fandom they are in they are the gods of the fandom itself, and those who don't follow their excessive obsessiveness are inferior to them in the ways of the fandom. I admit, I am extremely obsessive over all of my fandoms, but everyone within a fandom is a "true fan".


CoD haters.

Now, hear me out here. I understand why people hate Call of Duty, and I respect their right to do so. It's infamous reputation isn't entirely undeserved.

But these haters can be some of the lowest scumbags out there: Even worse than the supposed nine-year olds who swear and rage all the time. They despise Call of Duty, and everything associated with it. If you like any game past World at War, if that, you're a terrible person and deserve social ridicule. You're not a true gamer. CoD is the worst game ever made. Wrong. All of that was wrong.

CoD isn't extremely innovative lately, and the multiplayer has assholes. Guys. It's just a franchise. Shut the hell up.



There is no such thing as an inferior race or sex. If you say there is, even as a joke, you are an asshole. And deserve the ridicule you offer them.



I believe I've mentioned before that I despise the use of gender roles in modern society due to their narrow-minded forcing of how all people of a gender should act. These are the people who enforce that. All men should like explosions and beer and blood and gore and sex and darker, stronger themes. Girls should wear nail polish, gossip, shop, and... good lord, stay in the kitchen. That phrase will burn me until I die. Men can cook just as nicely as women. Women can enjoy dark gore just as much as men.

If you think there is truly such a thing as "girly" or "manly", don't even try to befriend me. Don't. Even. Try.


And then of course, there are those who criticize me for being asexual and never shut the hell up about how amazing sex is and how stupid I am for missing out.


Oh, and for any assholes who think rape victims have EVER deserved to be raped, I genuinely hope you suffer.

  • Brohoof 6

Awesome signature made by Tromino.

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/pitch-light-r4599


Want to join a romantic crossover RP to celebrate the Month of Love?: http://mlpforums.com/topic/86811-the-multiversal-matchmaking-corner-romance/

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 I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It's a depression. Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel's worth, banks are going bust, shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter. Punks are running wild in the street and there's nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there's no end to it. We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat, and we sit watching our TV's while some local newscaster tells us that today we had fifteen homicides and sixty-three violent crimes, as if that's the way it's supposed to be. We know things are bad - worse than bad. They're crazy. It's like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don't go out anymore. We sit in the house, and slowly the world we are living in is getting smaller, and all we say is, "Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials and I won't say anything. Just leave us alone!"
Well, I'm not gonna leave you alone. I want you to get mad! I don't want you to protest. I don't want you to riot - I don't want you to write to your congressman because I wouldn't know what to tell you to write. I don't know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street. All I know is that first you've got to get mad! You've got to say, "I'm a HUMAN BEING, Goddamn it! My life has VALUE!" 



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-When people talk over me, like in an argument they ask me a question, then I try to answer and they just yell over my voice.


-People on their phone 25/8, maybe it's just because I don't have a phone but it seems very rude, i'm trying to talk to them and they're too busy texting not listening to a word I say.



-Hypocrites, ugh haaaattteee that.

Edited by Miss Mechanical
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When people are in a another room or walking down the hallway and they expect me the hear what they're saying. -__-


When people don't knock first.


When someone calls for me and no one answers it, but if I don't answer the phone for them, I get yelled at.


When people (mainly my family) tell me I'm gonna go to hell and I need Jesus. WELL THEN.


When girls complain about never having a boyfriend, then when they do get one, all the girl does is bitch and complain.


When people in their 30s act like teenagers.


When people on facebook think it's cool to talk about partying, drinking, and smoking all the time.


When people OBVIOUSLY play favorites.




People who say they hate a person when they've never talked to them.


Girls who think EVERYTHING is sexist.



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Their are 2 things that make me mad.

1. ignorant people. I always find myself trying to explain of defend something or someone when people don't understand something they tend to hate it. That really grinds a nerve.

2. when people steal from me. I almost kicked my brother out of my house one time because he stole $40 from me.

Its hard to make me go off, and i don't get mad to often. It really depends on who i am dealing with most of the time.

  • Brohoof 1


"You WILL be heavily judged on how you treat others."

"Opinion is about perspective, peoples who opinions matter to me the most are those who have the ability to understand different perspectives while maintaining their own opinion."

"Projecting your insecurities on other people doesn't solve them, so don't."

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List of things that gets me mad.....

  • Mainstream.
  • Perverts.
  • Most celebrities.
  • Stubborness.
  • People.
  • Haters.
  • Racists.
  • Cruel people.
  • Suffering towards those I care.
  • Online gamers, specifically little kids....
  • Immature people.
  • Judgemental people.
  • Homophobic people.

Basically, I hate humans for the most part, except bronies, they're pretty cool for the most part. 

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What makes me mad? Oh, just a few things...

  • Hypocritical people
  • Ignorant people
  • Stubborn people who refuse to admit they're wrong
  • People who demand I respect their religion/culture/whatever, but turn around and disrespect mine.
  • Immigrants who think they're above the law of the land, and don't even try to learn English. (In the US)


America doesn't have an official language. you can't force those certain immigrants(Chinese and Mexicans) to speak English because america has no official language, btw they wouldn't even function without knowing English so don't worry. They're nothing but a bunch of behind the counter workers and laborers to serve us.


95% of americans know english

Edited by King George
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